Clinton News-Record, 1964-02-27, Page 2Plush Carpet Enhances Steps and Landing
One of the first improvements to be noticed at the recently renovated Hotel Clin-
ton is the plush carpet used on the stairway to the second floor, the landing and
spacious meeting and reading area. Dave Beattie, of Beattie Furniture, is shown
here looking over the carpet which was received through his firm from Harding
Carpet Ltd. Beattie Furniture is the exclusive dealer in Clinton for the well-
known makers of quality carpets. Besides being able to provide luxuriant carpets
for hotels, Beattie's have a complete stock of household needs..
Frank Cook, who started
cooking in his uncle's small
bar in a- "shack-type" build-
ing where Lee's and New-
combe's 'stores now stand, is
the proud and successful
owner of the modern Hotel
Clinton: He has been in the
cooking and hotel business
for 18 years,
Mr. Cook is the youngest
son of L. 3. "Dan" Cook and
'the late Mrs, Cook, long
time natives of Clinton. Mr.
Cook, Sr. resides at the
In his early teens Frank
worked with his uncle Glen
in the above-mentioned stand
and later in Glennie's Res-
taurant, in the former George
McLennan grocery store,
where Harold Swan's grocery
is now located. Frank was a
partner with Glen for one
year in the laSt location.
Frank had spent two years_
in the Royal Canadian
Navy, in Canada and over-
seas prior to 19,46
In 1947, Glen and Frank
-purchased the present hotel
from Mrs. Maxviell McKen-
zie, and operated it as a
partnership until Glen died
in October 1957. Then Frank
and his wife, the former Eno.
McEwan, daughter of the.
late Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc-
Poke, glintpn tIewst-Rpcord-r1,Tiprs., Feb, 21, 1964 ADYFRTTSFMENT
inton Modernizes Second Floor ote
Many people can benefit fortable accommodation,
When local industry expands Guests quickly notice , the
or remodels if the "shop at change as they mount The
home" practice is employed, etar to the spacious second
floor. The stairway is cover-
This can be' attested to by ed with a plush carpet sup-
the recent remodelling of plied by Beattie Furniture.
Clinton Motor Hotel, as local Featuring dark tones of
tradesmen and suppliers were blue and maroon and several
entrusted with the work other minor"" tones, the same
type of carpet has been laid
which resulted in transform-, on the landing and comfort-
ing the local business into one able sitting area on the .sec-
of the most modern to be and floor,
found in Western Ontn'io. A chesterfield, several
chairs and a coffee table
The results clearly show make an attractive area for
that local businesses trove the reading and chatting, and the
ability, material and equip- plush carpet also ensures that
.guests won't be awakened by meat to do a top-notch job.late arrivals as it completely
on the second cushions every step.
25-room Motor Beattie Furniture is the ex-
completely re- elusive dealer for Harding
Carpet Ltd. 'and it was this
top to bottom company from which the wool
corn- axminster carpet was recefv-
mai Firms Suppler Materials.
nd .Fully - Renovate Rooms
.o Provide Modgm Setting
and were supplied and instal-
led by Groves & Son TV and
Although only one main TV
aerial was installed, guests
can receive all three channels
----VVingharri, London and Kit,
chener—as well as two or
three American stations,
Frank Cook stated he was
pleasantly surprised at the
reception through the one
aerial, although a booster was
added to make the re.:eption
.even better.
All the sets are wh i te and
either sit on window shelves
or have their own stands
' which can also be moved
easily around the room —
even to a vantage point from
the newly decorated bath-
The bathroom fixtures
were installed by Fink Plumb-
ing and Heating, Nrw fix-
tures were put into some of
the rooms, while other were
The local' plumbing firm,
also had' to. take all the fix-'
tures out of the rooms and
those that were modern
enough were put back when
the , contractors had finished
their work.
Fran Cook e
Now r,erg
S ac ar,
be! usiness
Checks Plumbing Installation
Bill Pink of Fink Plumbing and Heating Co. Ltd., is
shown here checking over some of the modern plumb,
ing his firm installed in the Hotel Clinton. This is one
of 'the complete baths to be found in the rooms, and
there is both bathtub and shower available, While not
all, the bathroom equipment is new, those that were
still suitable for the modern decor Hof the rooms had
to be taken out while the other renovations were
being undertaken. The local firm handled all this work.
Television In Every Room
One, of the major additions to Hotel Clinton was the
installation of portable 19" Admiral TV sets in each
of the la rooms. The Admiral sets were supplied IV
Groves and Son TV and Appliances, One aerial serves
all sets and guests •are able to get all three district
channels as well as several stations.from places such
as Detroit, Hamilton, Buffalo and Bay City. Some of
the TVs have attractive stands which can be moved
easily for comfortable viewing.
Inspect New Drapes Hung In Modern Rooms
One of the local firms to handle a major share of the work at Hotel Clinton was
D. A. Kay & Son, who did all the interior decorating which ineltded re-papering
and painting all 15 rooms and installing attractive drapes in each. Mr: Kay and
his son, Don, are shown here inspecting Dne of the drapery samples used: Other
rooms tenure clrapa-i with more extended patterns, depending on the balance re-
quired with the wallpaper and the other decor of the room. While the local firm
has only been handling drapes for about o ie year, they proved --they were quite
proficient in picking out patterns and textures to fit the needs required. They
either sell the material separately, or will custom-Make drapes.
Example of One( Hotel Clinton Room
This picture requires few words to describe the attractive setting one finds in the
15 rooitns on the second floor, tach room has a private telephone, desk and port-
able Admiral TV. The attractive wallpaper and drapery in this room was supplied
by 17. A. lay Sr Son, who did all the interior decorating,
It is made expressly for
hotels and is known as "Tim-
es Square". Beattie's also
.carry a complete range of
carpets for 'the home as well,
The carpet on the stair-
ways is "nosed" with white
vinyl to not only protect the
carpet but to outline the edge
of the steps so they are more
easily noticed.
The white ribbing sets it
off nicely.
Everything- Done.
The detor in the 15 rooms
is different in each and the
general contractor on the job
was Don Colquhoun.
He and his local workmen
re-styled the windows com-
pletely to make,, them more
modern and the radiators
were built in' to completely
hide 'them from view.
The window ledges irt*nre
of the rooms were extended
to provide "table" room and
in some oases act as shelves
for the new portable TV sets
The materials were sup-
plied by Ball-Macaulay Limit-
ed and to make the rooms
more attractive, valance box-
es were built on the windows.
Colquhoun and his work-
men also built some night
tables and installed new floor-
ing in some of the wash-
rooms, as well as extra shelv-
es in many of the attractive
The decorating work was
handled by D. A. Kay arid
Son, who re-papered all the
walls and hung new drapes in
each of the 15 rooms, again
making each room different.
Pastel shades were used in
the Pittsburg 'Paints and the
wallpaper' was chosen to
blend in with these colours.
Sunworthy Wallpapers were
One of the rooms was done
in an imitation wood panel-
ling and 'one recent visitor to
the Motor Hotel actually
thought it was wood.
New Drapes
D. A. Kay & Son, who have
been selling drapes for only
about one year, proved they
were. quite proficient in pick-
ing materials and colours to
set oft the rooms nicely.
The drapes are "Pride of
Paris" and are Made of such
textures as viscos and ace-
tates. Both floweitd and'
plain patterns Were chosen by
Prank Cook from the "hund-
reds" of samples on display
at the local decorating firm.
D, A, Kay &' Son not only
can Supply drapery mater-
ials, btit they also custom
make drapes.
The decorating in all the
bathreenis 'as Well as the
other monis was handled by
the local firm, who are pre-
sently engaged in re,decorat-
ing two other Clinton busi-
Install TV
To keep abreaSt with the
modern trends, Clinton Motor
Hotel has installed 19" port-
able TV sets in each room.
They are Admiral teleVisions
Ewan, tpok over the busi-
The hotel was operated,
with rooms and dining room
only until December 1960,
when the "Cloud 9" cocktail
lounge was opened, and the
dining room also became a
licensed room.
The Cooks lived at the
hotel until a few years ago
when they purchased the late
3. E. Hovey residence at 'the
corner of Townsend and. Wil-
liam streets. This lovely old
residence has also been com-
pletely remodelled and mod-
ernized. They have a son,
Stephen, and daughter, Deb-
bie, at home. An older
daughter, Mrs. Don (Sharon)
Diehl, resides in Seaforth.
The hotel now employs 11
persons full-time and four
part-Mime. Mr, Cook himself
manages the room rentals
and supervises the kitchen
and dining room, The lic-
ensed dining room Seats 54
persons, and eari aecortrno,
date up to 70 for banquets.
Neatly all the, employees
at the hotel are local persons.
Mrs, William Watkins is
the chief cook and the full-
time, efficient waitresses are
Mrs. Dennis Bisback and. Mrs.
James Turner.
Mrs. Harold Glazier has
been in charge of the smorg-
asbord dinners on Wednes-
days and Sundays, She also
bakes pies for the dining
Mrs, Joseph .Steep and
Mrs. Florence Bozak are the
rooms housekeepers,
In December 1960, when
the hotel became licensed,
this opened the way for more
business and more employees.
Don Keller has, been the ef-
ficient {manager of the "Cloud
9" room since it opened.
Three local men, Ray Finch,
Howard Grealis and Doug
Jones are all full-time em-
ployees there,
Mr. and Mtg. Cook are
both very active in local af-
fairs. Frank was president
of the Kinsmen 'Club in 1963,
which meets the first and
third Tuesdays in the hotel
dining room. He is a member
of Clinton Public Hospital
Board., - Clinton Legion,' 'ClitiA
ton Lodge AF and AM, and
T3luew,ater Shrine Club. Mrs.
Cook 'is a member of Clinton
Eastern Star and the Kin,
The 15 rooms
floor of the
Hotel were
modelled from
to provide modern and
Contents of this page and the four-col, ddv, on
Page Three is o paid Advertisement by Hotel
Clinton and the finis listed below who par-
ticipated in the mOdernization of the second
floor of the hotel,
COLOU -11 .0UN
200' Otifile10 Si+06f Gliritol -
Phone. 4824506
66 ling Sitee+ w Clihfon
Phone 482.9514
TV .k011.11ANCg$
18 Albert. Street Clinton
Phone 482-9521
FINK ttdHeatirig
33 Huron Street - Clinton
Phone 482.9542
I0 Hutott
Phone .4824414
84 Wellington Sf, Clinfon
Phone 482..7682