HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-20, Page 6PIONEER SEED CORN Varieties of Seed Corn suitable for this area are almost sold out. Make sure that you place your order right away with your Pioneer Dealer, KEITH' LOVELL KIPPEN Phone Hensall 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCEFIELD • Phone Hensall 34631 ltfb REAL ESTATE MODERN 3.1t4i13>i4 RED wood house, spacious kitchen and Hying ,area, built-in oven and stove, dining area, four- Piece bath, full basement. Rea- sonable down payment.Emil price $11,500. 1511ohe 48-7626. .8tfb SALESMEN'WANTED 44A-1 QIL COMPANY heeds. man over 40 as traveling repre- sentative, Write W. L, Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Corp., 534 No. Main St., Ft. worth 1, Texas, CUSTOM WORK Decide 0,n. :Hog. Yards This. Friday Producer .Reports At f of A Meeting. Classified Ads cent, Taylor stated that the rem- on for this was .0.:14' to tile loss ratio, which he ,described As, a "big bug-bear", In;444- 41',Y the loss ratio was well. over 70 percent, meaning. that of ..everY dollar taken in, over 70 .cents Was paid out in claims, The 'Brucefield man explain, r14utihreadt. .g.3'P ee4ntitIls"gefesvtesrY4IdoOle- lar, indicating the reason Why the- premiums had to be raised. "It: Makes it tough," he oat. gllQ?PIP peopleies4 i n the same boast, If get MOO accidents the rate has to go -4P," He also announced the LOrl- den zone annual meeting would beheld in Windsor on March 21,.and that CIA would Lbe sPPn$Oring a bus for' any Per- sons in Huron who wished to attend, This, plus the dinner, would be free. - He asked that r of A men- hers let him know at the next meeting if they were interested in the tinting. Poultry 1Vteeting Bob Broadfoot, Brucefield, Huron-Perth director of the On- tario Poultry Producers, an- nounced that public meetings would 'be held in the near fut- ure by the Farm Products Mar- keting Board to discuss the pros and cons of initiating an egg marketing plan „on a two- year trial basis before holding a He also stated that a meet- ing of Huron producers would be held in Clinton on Febru- ary 28, at which time ideas and objections would be presented in an effort to present a brief to the FPMB at one of the public hearings, He urged that all producers 'attend and advertisements will be carried in the Huron papers announcing the meeting. 1,,,ECTRIc MOTOR Sales and Service DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ART LEVETT & SONS 139 581E 37". -- CLINTON Phone 482-6640 3tfb (Continued From Page One) Dasliwoocl, rather than, cause an _expensive election, fie stated that the annual meeting would he held in Tor- onto on Mani). 18 and 19, at which time there would be 4 replacement named .for Eater- Son Crocker, who has retired as the area zone director. Xasara..aoe Up Tr), P. report from the Co-op, grative Insurance Association, president Harvey Taylor; Bruce- field, reported that rates for. CIA policy holders .11,04, been creased by fotir percent on January 1 of this year, gowever, he stated that most other competing firms had been forqo, to hike theirs by 15 per, Page 6---Clinton News-Reaard---Tburs., Feb. 20, 1964 ARTICLES FOR SALE ACcOMMODATION FOR RENT .ACCOMMODATION ....„ RENT FOR _ iWO GROUND-FLOOR apart,. ments, ,one furnished, heated, with 'private bath and fire, PlaCe, L, G. Winter ,Real Est, ate, Phone 482-6692, 200 High Street, a 510) EMPLOYMENT WANTED FILTER .41114EN Sales and Service 808,PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb SPRAYED APPLES .--- Cook- ing and eating apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF homes, Phone 482-3214, Fred 11/1cclymont and Sons, Varna. 46p,tfb THREE,-ROOM, UNFURNISH- ed apartment, Phone 482-7677. 5 lib SIX ROOM HOUSE, $60 per Month, Phone 175, Seaforth, Ont, 7tfb . , COMPETENT TYPIST desires typing to do in own home. Ref" erencea available. Reports, manuscripts, etc. done at ream sonable rate. Plame 482-7070. 8g WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO R,1\i'z' OR BUY: modern portable typewrlter, suitable for high school student. Phone Mrs. Grant Rath, 482- 7040. .813 SALES AND SERVICE MAN to represent Singer Company of Canada, Experience not neees, sary but helpful. Salary, core- mission and bonus, 'hospitaliza- tion, Pension Plan, ear supplied. Advancernent for the man who wants to better himself. Apply in 'penspn to Singer Company of Canada, Goderich. 8b UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY—, High Commission earnings with a growing 60 year old company selling world famous Goodyear maintenance products. Rod Tor- ino earned over $20,000 (not typical, but indicative of poten- tial) last year. Don Kirby had 150 repeat customers on one exclusive product his second year. Age no barrier, Diversi- fied year round line. No in- vestment required. We take care of all financing—shipping —and collections. Start on part time basis if you like. Write Consolidated Paint & Varnish (Canada) Ltd., East Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 6-7-8b Modern 1 Bedroom ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen. Privileges optional. Phone 482- 9608. 6tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE 1111111.1111116TAMII.ONIS.11..w,,, APARTMENT Notice To Creditors In the Estate of LORNE. WILSON ARMSTRONG, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of TInron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named, who died on the 7th day of December, A.D., 1963, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of February, A.D, 1964, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims Of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd (lay of February, A.D. 1964. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 6-7,8b BIRTHS SELF-CONTAINED furnished apartment Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 482-9928, 7ttb FURNISHED TRAILER for rent, 10x40', 2 bedrooms, Phone 482-3323, 51.plp-tfb Unfurnished Kitchen Living Room * Dining Room * Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 WANTED—GRADE 0 or High. School girls for Marching Royals Drum Copps, experience prefer- red but not necessary. Phone 482-7028, George Wench, Sb SILK—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, February 12, 1964, to LAC and Mrs. Ronald Silk, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. SHEPHERD—In 'Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, February 14, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. john Shepherd, RR 1 Londesboro, a daughter. ERUINSMA—In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, Febru- .ary 15, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bruinsina, RR 4 Gode- rich, a son. McGEE—In 'Clinton Public Hos- pital on Sunday, February 16, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. George McGee, Clinton, a daughter. WARD — In Stratford General Hospital, on Monday, Febru- ary 17, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ward, Stratford (nee Marilyn Shaddick), a daugh- ter, sister for Kevin, SINGER SEWING Sales and Service Will VVIiidden 320 Victoria St., Clinton Phone 482-9103 50tfb ALL REPLIES to Box 76, Clin, ton News-Record, for part-time typist, advertised in this column last week -acknowledged with thanks, The position has been 8b FEMALE HELP WANTED for factory work. Apply in person, Highland Shoes, Seaforth. 7-8b LARGE AND SMALL trailers, fully furnished, Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton, 37tfb DRAPERY. PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian Winds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb 7tfb 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT — New furnace. Available now Phone 482-6675. 3tf1 ACCOMMODATION WANTED 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE on outskirts of town. Immediate possession. Phone 482-9512, 8b GENTLEMAN requires warm bed-sitting room. Write to Box 86, Clinton News-Record. 8p We Specialize In . • . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET CLINTON Phone 482-7052 24tfb HELP WANTED MALE MEN: WRITE IMMEDIATELY for full information how to establish profitable Rawleigh business. Yoli will be surprised at big results others secured. No selling experience necessary to start Buy on credit. Golden opportunity to build up solid business, Write Rawleigh, Dept. B-169-143, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal, 8b 4-BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 bath- rooms, oil heating,' immediate possession. Phone 482-9644. 7tfb NIIIII•111114111..11NIMMIll.100111.111111 ARTICLES. FOR SALE BACHELOR APARTMENT — furnished, downstairs, heated. Commercial . Apts., Ceriel Van Demme, 482-6685. 7tfb SMALL APARTMENT, heated, newly decorated. $55 per mon- th. Phone 482-6663 or 482-9568 evenings. 2tfb FORMAL DRESS, size 7 to 9, aqua lace, worn once. Phone Bayfield 60r3, 8b ATTENTION FARMERS! DEATHS CRAIG — In Westminster Hos- pital, London, on Monday, February 1'7, 1964, Ernest James Craig, of Goderich. Survived by his wife, the for- mer Edith Scrimgeour; dau- ghters, Mrs. Robert (Jean) Chisholm, Goderich; Mrs, Bartlett ('Margaret) Bradley, Toronto; sisters, Mrs. Robert Charm-ley, Auburn; Mrs. Kel- land McVittie, Blyth; broth- er, William, Auburn. Funeral will be held on Thursday from the Stiles funeral home, Code- rich, at 2.00 p.m., with -burial in Colborne Township ceme- tery. OIL SPACE HEATERS, in good condition. Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 482-9928. 43tfb 1963 GENERAL Mobile Home. 48'x10'. Very reasonable. Phone 482-7095. 3tfb HELP WANTED 7-ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, ,garage, close to school, rent reasonable. Available April 1. Write Box 85, Clinton News- Record, 8b Applications for EATON'S RECORD BREAK- ING WINTER SALE: 17 cu. ft, freezer, $219.95; 21 eu. ft. freez- er, $244.95; 13'6" cu. ft.' Viking refrigerator-freezer, $269.95; Vi- king washer, square tub, $119.95; Viking dryer, $138.88; Viking deluxe range, $194.95. No trade-in necessary to pur- chase at these low sale prices, Terms available with "No Down .Payment". Buy New! EAT- ON'S. 7-8p BASS VIOLIN, European make, very good condition, good st- rings. Phone 482-9835 after 6:00 p.m. 8b ASSESSOR FOR SALE FOR SALE CARDS OF THANKS MR. and MRS. CREE COOK and family wish to thank all their kind friends for flowers and cards, on the occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary. I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for flow- erS, Oarda and visits, while was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to sec- ond floor nurses and Dr. Brady. —MRS. MARY LAYTON,' 8b 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 .Kraig Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb STRAW FOR SALE — 2,675 bales of straw at 20c bale, in Brucefield area. Wallace Ross, Phone 135J Seaforth, Ont. 8-9b TIMOTHY A N D ALFALFA Baled Hay, 4. L, Shanahan, RR I. Clinton. 8eow For Police Village of BAYFIELD will be received by the undersigned until February 25, 1964. Duties to commence immediately. Mel Graham, Clerk, Tpwnship of Stanley, BRUCEFIELD, Ont. TRAILER — ELCONA 1963 model with "T" room exten- sion, 52'x10'. Phone 482-7606. 7-8-9p 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, heated by oil furnace, suitable for couple, available March 1. Phone 482-7855 or 482-9479. _ 6b--8tfb WOODS OAT ROLLER, only, for sale, as good as new, $75, John Boon, RR 2, Bayfield, phone 482-9902. 8-9b 100 ACRE FARM in Tucker- smith Twp., well drained, all 'Workable, good buildings. Write to Box. 70, Clinton News- Record. 7-8p 30-Inch ADMIRAL ELECTRIC Stove, fully automatic, 3 years old, excellent condition. Phone 482-7740. 8p IN MEMORIAM STEEP—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. David Steep who passed away February 18, 1962: "A. Mother who gave us the best years of her life, Who cherished our secrets, our sorrows and strifes, Who taught us to love and taught us to pray, Dear Mother in Heaven, God 'bless you to-day." —Lovingly remembered by daughter Sadie, Susan and Sharon. 8p LARGE TONAGE feed carrots. Contact Klondyke Gardens.. Co- op, phone 238-2321, Grand Bend. 8-9-10b 3 BEDROOM HOUSE on North Main Street, Seaforth. Dining room, living room and modern kitchen. Gas furnace. Tele- phone 849R11, Seaforth. 8p VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only, "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb SALES AND SERVICE, Vik- ing Sbarators, Milkers. Black- smith and Welding Shop, Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone 482-9131. 6-22p 7-8b Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb 1,500 BALES OF GOOD Mixed Hay, Apply, 84 Albert •Street, Clinton, upstairs apartment at Herman's Men's Wear. Sp LOST and FOUND FURNISHED AND HEATED 2 bedroom apartment; also one bedroom apartment; both pri- vate bath, newly decorated, laundry facilities. Available now. Phone 482-3329. 6p-tfb :REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE —2 hauling trailers, 9x12 tent, 1956 Dodge. Phone 482-7626. 7tfb The family of the late Lam- bertus Middegaal wish to ex- tend their sincere thanks for the many expressions of sym- pathy and acts -of kindness shown during their recent be- reavement by 'their relatives, friends and neighbors. Special thanks to Fr. S. E. McGuire, Dr. R. W. Street, pallbearers, the Blyth CWL, and also the masker funeral home, Blyth. — The Family of the late Lamber- tus Middegaal. 9b MASSEY FERGUSON 72 S.P. combine, 1963 model. Pickup, scourkleen and straw spreader. New condition, guaranteed. W, Larder, phone 482-7252 Clinton. 7-8b LOST — BRIEF CASE, brown leather, 2 straps and buckles, contains personal receipts and Pamphlets. Reward. Finder please contact Hubert Cooper Spraying Service, RJR, 1 Exeter, 8-9p MASSEY FERGUSON 65 Dies- el tractor with Robin loader, -belt pulley and Heat Houser. 4 furrow plow. W. Larder, ph- oile 482-7252 Clinton. 7-8b BUSINESSMEN: If you use any type of Moore business form, they can • be ordered through Clinton News-Record, phone 482-3443. tfb WEDDING STATIONERY: In- vitations, reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards, place cards; •two complete lines to choose from. When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- ment free of charge. Take wed- ding stationery book out over- night and choose your supplies in private, Clinton News- Record. 34tfb GROUND FLOOR apartment, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, stove and frig. supplied, available March 1. Apply Mrs. Florence Elliott, 105 Rattenbury St. E., phone 482-9332. 5tfb PIONEER CHAIN SAWS, new and used. Snowbird Snow Blowers. Saw Chain, $10.00 up. Complete parts and service, Robert Glen, Pioneer Saws, ph- one 482-9909, Clinton. 1to9p MAPLEFLO plastic gap. gather- ing pipe, spouts and tees. 1,600 ft. %", 200 ft. 34", 2,700 ft. 1/4 ", 250 spouts, 50 tees, 1/2 price, never used. W. Larder, phone 482-7252, Clinton. • 7-Sb MISCELLANEOUS. NOW IS THE TIME to- order your aluminum windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell Jervis, 482- 9390. 21tfb WEBS .t4R—In loving mem- ory of a. .dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Web- ster who passed away Febru- ary 22, 1962: "Just a leaf from memory's garden As the stream of life flows on. Just a thought of sweet re- membrance Of a loved one who has gone." Lovingly remembered a n sadly missed by the family. 8p WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED House, with modern conven- iences, available now. Four Miles from RCAF Station on highway between Clinton and Seaforth. Phone 482-9822. 8b WAR,NER ELECTRIC Live- stock feed cookers. Boil your feed conveniently and safely in- side buildings. Automatic, HEPC approved. Cooks 2 bush- els of beans or grain for 25c. Pamphlet and prices on re- quest. H. E. Warner, Alvinston, Ont., phone 898-2994. 8-9-10b We would like to express our sincere thanks to our kind neighbours and friends for mes- sages of sympathy, floral trib- utes, and all who loaned cars at the time of our recent sad be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Grant Mills, Dr. J. A. Addison and the Ball and Mutch funeral home. — MRS. FRANK WALTERS and Fam- ily. 8b CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb 85 TONS of good feed barley @ $51 per' ton, and 190 tons Kiln Dried Corn @ $53.25 per ton. Trucking can be arranged. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., phone 24, Hensall. 8-9-10b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfacti,m. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb AUTOS FOR SALE 3LEEPING,ACCOIVIMODATION with complete private kitchen facilities. Also a one,bedroom apartment, furnished, available early in March. Central loca- tion, 46 Princess Street West. Phone 482-9005. $13 1950 METEOR, with overdrive, 58,000 miles. One owner car. Call Auburn 526-7737. 7tfb CANADIAN $5 GOLD PIEOE, 1914; also American $5 gold piece, 1882; both excellent con- dition. If interested, best .offer. Write to Box 80, Clinton News- Record. Sb LIVESTOCK FOk SALE 1948 CHEVROLET in good running -condition. Phone 482- 7676. 8p Attention Farmers 2 HEREFORD COWS,. due to freshen March 1. Ernest Dale, RR 4, Clinton, 8p SERVICES Mechanical and Body 'Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway; Goderich Phone 524-7231 WHY WAIT' FOR SPRING ORDER NOW BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Barb Fencing Light, Heavy, Extra Heavy Hog and Cattle Fencing per rod ' Peeled 5" Cedar Posts 7-ft. Steel Posts Electric Fencers First Quality Only Another Membership senefit ALLIED FARM SERVICES Your Huron County Agent CHARLES R. HARRIS Phone Bayiield 95 8-11-14b Have An Extra Key For Your Car . . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH IHA Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb immomiimir 1957 OLDSMOBILE COUPE, black •with red interior, many. extras. in excellent condition. Phone 482-9214. Sb ..„„ 1961 DODGE 2-door sedan, ex- cellent condition throughout, sacrifice price. Call 482-7329 or apply 103 Walker St. 8-9b THE FORMER FRANK Haines Taxi Stand and living quarters, Could be used as a business location or 4-room apartment, . Gas furnace, 3-piece bath. We have authority to rent on a yearly lease-' at reasonable rent. K. W. COLQUHOUN Real Estate and Insurance 14 Isaac Street Clinton, Ontario Phone 482-9747 Sb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect PUREBRED HEREFORD Bull, 3 years old. Bob Baker, phone 482-9890. Sb HERD OF 20 HOLSTEIN cows, 3 just fresh, balance springing; milking machine, like new; quantity of baled straw and hay. Apply Lorne Tyndall, Clinton. 7-8p DARLING 1960 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE, like new, low mileage. Can be seen at 195 Mary Street, Clin- ton. Sb & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 FOURT H ABERDEEN ANGUS SHOW and SALE 1951 GMC ONE-TON, good running condition, Also a 1950 GMC half-ton, good tires and motor. Phone Gordon Hill 482- 3307. 8tfb 1•11/101111111 WANTED , • 29tfb 411110111111111/11/WINVIIMIMMIMMOW , QUALITY HAY required. Write to Box 878,, Goderich as to quantity and price. 8tfb WANT TO RENT — Land in Clinton-Brucefield ty. Arn- old Taylor, phone 482-9155. S-9p 1963 COMET, black With red interior. Manitoba car. Radio,. windshield washers, seat belts. Will accept trade, Phone 482- 7698. 8tfb PIANO TUNING at FARM SHOW Western Fair Grounds YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. PET STOCK Friday, Feb. 28 1953 F OR D CUSTOMLINE, Mercury valve-in-head motor, radio with dual speakers, heavy duty springs and 1964 license plates. Phone 58r41 Bayfield. 8-9b Our Friday Speciak— From Our Store Only BREAD 55c each 49c each SHOW: 10.00 a.m. SALE: 1.00 p.m. 10 Bulls — 45 Females 12 Young Cows 20 Bred Heifers 10 Open Heifers Quality Steers—Some 4-H Club prospects. 'Outstanding type, •top families and sires represented, Catalogues AVailahle From Cal Patrick, Ilderton Murray MeTaggart, Forest W. K. Riddell, county Bldg., London: 8b FINAL WEEK 1961 VOLKSWAGEN DeLuxe, white, low mileage, radio, dual speakers, back-up lights, 1 own- er car, in A-1 condition. Phone 482-9550 or 482-3441, local 365. 8p TO STOP GROWTH of Horns use NIXON'S DEHORNING P.ASTE, This ptoduct is ex- tremely effective and easy to use, Supplied in two ounce plastic squeeze bottle — only $1.25. Effective or your money back. Available at EDWARDS Pharmacy, Clinton. 8b PUPS FOR SALE, Border Collies, black and white, over 2 Months old. Phone hayfield 55R21, 7-8p 1/2 Of Jackets, Car Coats, Sweaters Price Rack REDUCED TO CLEAR WINTER COATS . . . Our Complete Stock of DRESS COATS are offered at Real Savings for Balance of Winter Season. HUNGARIAN Vizsia bird dogs for sale, 4 months old, C,K,C. registered, Phone Goderich 524- 8076, 8-9p essoramtirsimmismamuswas REAL ESTATE 1953 Lincoln Our Saturday Special-- Prom Our Store Only BOSTON CREAM PIE Regular 65c each Special 59c each , * Power Seat * Power Windows * Power Brakes * Powerful Motor * Powerful Radio' * Rear Speaker * Black with Chrome • Little Rust * $200.00. SPRING FERTILIZERS 25-ACRE FARM, situated on highway north of Seaforth. Land is black loam. Good modern hOuse, new furnace and bath, Barn With new stabling, garage and two wells. Apply Mrs. Ap- pleby, phone 279R Seaforth. 8p We Suggest You Contact Harriston Fertilizers Ltd., Clinton or your local Harriston Agent and plan your spring fertilizer requirements now. Check our complete Bulk Hand- ling Facilities, Services and Prices before you buy your re- quirements. Special February Discounts and Apply at: 65 PRINCESS STREET Apt. 4, Clinton Sb 100-ACRE FARM, good land, good barn, Modern house, close to school, located first farm on Kinburn Road, Highway 8. Roger Hoornaert, RR 2 Sea- forth. Sb REAL ESTATE NOTICE:. Our Store will be closed for redecoration— Sunday, March 22, Open Ogoin Friday, March 27. Regular truck deliveries will continue aS usual. SKI JACKETS . ARTICLES WANTED . Nylon with hidden Hoods. A few left, Reg, $17,95, Reduced to 9.98 ea. tMll Picke MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Main Corner Clinton Phone 482-9732 T4AVZ.t..1111.411.,ER, WANTED intmediately, in good condition. Will pay Cash. Phone 482-7626, 7tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected ScaleS Cattle Sold bY Weight tEnnist CASH .10E CORtY, Sales Manager NICE 9-ROOM BUNGALOW With Nine BUILDING LOTS In Clinton Cash Discounts PHONE: CLINTON PLANT 482-9133, Clinton FRANK PEARCE 396, Seaforth DON HOCKING 155 r 20, Kirkton Bartliffs Bakery Limited Booty and Restaurant 4E124/27 CLINtON CUSTOM WORK EXPERIENCED Alterations in men's and women's clothing, Phone 482-7606. 8-9-0-lp "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. Now phone number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting.a specialty. 48tb Apply 55 Albert street Ohone 482-7302 7-8-01) BANANA QUICK Special Regular 4tfb 4111.1101111.111sailmmillamMallia,