HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-20, Page 5O T N 0 W DON'T WAIT 'TIL SPRING: Order these repairs done now: install that new equipment: 'the materials you need are available now: Now is the time when workers ore available Out of work means less buying power: Work means prosperity for the community: DO IT NOW! For The Help You Need Call -The DO NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Goderich 524-8342 Mr. rad Mrs. W. atutsAe 94, (News-Record Photo) Pickett Celebr .te (Photo b", Muriel Trott) Active Couple Wed 55 Years Fifty-five years of .married life were marked by Mr% and. Mrs. Cree Cook, Ontario. Street, at a special celebration at their home, Saturday. The actual date of the anniversary wa s • February 13, but it was marked later to allow the couple's family to attend. Weld-known residents of the area all their life, the couple were married at the Presby- terian Church manse in ctin. ton by the late Rev. D. Alec Stewart. Mr, Cook, who is now 76 years of age, is a ,son of the late IVIr, and Mrs. Frederick Cook. He was employed with the former • Doherty Piano .Co. ( n, o w Sherlock-Manning) in ()Linton for 40 years. Later he worked, with the Ontario dep- artment of highways, after which he became engaged in -contract floor sanding, retir ing four years ago, He was , initiated into the famous Clinton Kilty Band at the age of 16 and blew a cornet for 40 years. The band's uni- forms, he recalls, came from the Imperial • Army in England. The former Myrtle Ross, a daughter of the late Mr. 'and Mrs, John M, Ross, formerly of Blyth, Mrs. Cook is 75 years old. Through the years she has played an important role in her community. As we'll as working with various groups in Wesley- Willis United Church, of which she and Mr, Cook are members, she has been interested in the local Hospital Auxiliary, She served as one of its earlier presidents, and was actively in- terested in the Home and School Association. During the war she convened the sewing committee of the local Red cross. One, of her favourite hobbies was ice skat- ing, until about 10 years ago. Members of their family home for the occasion were MI-. and Mrs. Lorne Cook, Evans- ton, Elinois; Mr. and Mrs, L. A. (Norma)' Stephens, Toronto; Mrs. F. S. Cook and daughter Nancy, Stratford. Also, present were Miss Margot Morgan and Newman Patterson, Stratford. Mr, Patterson was a partner in a Stratford printing firm with the Cook's son, Stewart, who died in April of 1962, • Guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Willis VanEgrno.nd was in, charge of the guest book. The tea table, covered with a lace cloth, was decorated with a water fountain in which red carnations floated. • Pouring tea were Mrs. George Jefferson and Mrs. Thomas Herman; serving were Mrs. F, S. Cook, Mrs. Alex Addison,. Mrs. Les Pearson and Mrs. Lloyd Rutherford, assisted by Mrs. James Cameron, Mrs. Lorne Cook, Mrs. L. A., Steph- ens and Mrs. Lyle Paisley. MUNITION SALE As the Season Draws to an 5nd We Offer 25% Discount On All Remaining Stock of * WINCHESTER • REMINGTON & CIL Shotshells • HI POWER AMMUNITION • 22 AMMUNITION WINCHESTER MARKS 12.GAUGE TRAP LOADS PER BOX '200 OP 25's • —SPEC1 AL SP444 Setotclo ifitata* 011:414: r E S gird BOYS' WEAR CLINTON S ,4? ARE • Clinton, Ontario Alan W, Edwards Mary E, Edwards, Phm,S, AtIMIFIAL 111-101-0 SERVICE PreseriPtionS 4 " Animal Health St1pPlles tat 482-6626 NOSIONINOMOS11.001.111111116, TOILET TISSUE Available in Yellow, Pink, Aqua, Lavender and White. You save 28c on this special. 8 ROLLS FOR 88c Winter Carnival of Until Saturday, Feb. 22 Stock up now on I.D.A, Soft! Absorbent! Economical! FACIAL TISSUES 400 single sheets, 81/4 x9 3/4", packed 2-ply Regular 29c — SPECIAL 2 FOR 49c I.D.A. BRAND MINERAL OIL 40-oz. — Reg. $1.39 $1.09 I.D.A. Brand, First Quality TOOTH BRUSHES Made in Canada. Nylon bristles 3 FOR 88c IDASAL 1.D,A. Brand ASA 300's-99c DISH CLOTHS ApproX, 1g" square 2 "R 29c BATH SALTS "Jeanette ONLY 88c BALL POINT PEN SPECIAL 9c, 3 FOR 25c This is only a few of many Money-Saving Specials you will find on our Winter Carnival of BARGAINS. Drop.in to your I,D,A. Drug Store today and see them EDWARDS PHARMACY 77c I.D.A. BRAND MILK of MAGNESIA 16-oz. — Reg. 57c 43c $ f A R-,KEL--: . .... .. . . ,. ..„....„ We . are shipping cattle every Monday for •Unitod wczloppeirtv4m9f. ''.9.4pot.0,;rtioy.:4rii.d. ,farm, ypvr _patrpnApp W•1 .rootTaSe• Pi-19Ng .PPi-1,,gg17. CIPt, laterthat,Saturday Seaforth .farmers Co-operative S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 -W 1 • WINTER COATS • CAR COATS • SKI JACKETS . Ladies 2 and 3.Plece SUITS • SUMMER and WINTER DRESSES • BLOUSES and SWEATERS Lee's Ladies' Wear MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Between "Cloud 9" and Newcombe's Rexoll Drug Store — Across from Post Office A quiet atmosphere in pleasant starraundings,, And a trained competent• staff. BALL & MUTCH FUNERAL, SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 482 4441 Twenty years ago they mov- ed to Clinton and Mr. Pickett worked for two• local contrac- tors before retiring seven years ago. He is 77 and his wife is 68. They are members of Clinton Baptist Church and when she enjoyed better health, Mrs. Pickett was the Red Cross con- vener for the church and also served-on the WA. The couple have four daugh- ters, two of whom married bro- thers. They are Mrs. James (Madeline) Murray and' Mrs. Allister (Olive) Murray, both of Varna; Mrs. Donna Booth, Goderich Township, and Mrs, Jack (Norma) Shanahan, Lon- don. Mrs. Pickett has two broth- ers, Albert Colelough, Clinton, and Arthur, Toronto. Another brother, the Rev. Harvey Col- Clough, is deceased. Mr. Pickett has one sister, Miss Ethel Pickett, also of Clinton, while a brother, Henry, who served as groomsman at the wedding 50 years ago, died this past summer. One of the caters on the an- niversarY was Mrs. Orpha Mc- Michael, Clinton, who attended 'the bride of 50 years ago. The couple's farrilly held a dinner in their honour oil Sun- day, at which titne they Were presented with several gifts. Assisting the cOup/e's font' daughters at the anniversary were Mrs. Clayton HOdginS, HOIniesville, and Mrs". till Mur- ray and Miss Sean Booth. .Mr. and Mrs. Pickett have grandehildren and a similar number of great-gratidchildren. Classified Ads Bring Qu•ick Results (MRS. iT. Ir. maw,. C9.0..PFToot)P.) Tray of Prayer for larucefielcl "nd Xippon. Chureh was held in Brucefield ,Church Friday with a .g904,1attendance. Mrs.; vey Taylor we's ;key woman. Mrs, Taylor opened the meet, tog followed by scripture by Mrs, Edison McLean, KIPPen, Mrs, .Moffatt was pianist and Mrs. .$, Wilson led in prayers of thanksgiving, followed by Mrs. Jack Cooper, HippP11, and. Mrs. Berry, Brucefield. Mrs. 'Scott, speaker, gave a sniendid meditation on Prayer, M. Russell -Consitt and Mrs, Glen Swan then led in prayers, Mrs. 'TaYlor read the names of countries which are supported by 'offerings of. Day of Prayer. Mrs. Lovell and' Mrs. Fink. beiner sang a lovely .duet„ "Mo- ment of Prayer" aQCOMPPni0 by Mrs. Harold Jones, Key woman for 1965 will be Jones, vow meet ' The February .meeting of unit 'three of the VOW was held 'on Wednesday -at the. home ‘of Mrs. Ross Scott, with Mrs. W, McBeath as co-hostess. The leader, Mrs. MeEwen, opened the meeting with pray- er, with Margaret McQueen at the piano. Mrs. McBeath read ;the scripture and Mrs. Scott gave the meditation. Mrs. McEwen's theme was on Lenten season, Mrs. McBeath contributed a reading. Fourteen members 'answered the roll call and it was decided in the future to have the mon- thly meeting on Wednesdays. Mrs. Welland and Mrs. Nor- man Walker will have charge of the March meeting, Members are to take a new article for the new table at the rummage sale to be held early in May. Unit three will' cater to the Presbytery meeting on March 12 at 12:30, Mrs. McBeath con- ducted a contest and Mrs. Mc- Ewen gave a paper on India. CGIT Study India • The Brucefield CGIT meet- ing was held at the United Church on Thursday and. dur- ing 'the .mission study of India, the last chapter of 'the book was read, a film shown, games and a sing-Song were enjoyed, , Sherran Burdge and Bonnie Dalrymple conducted the wor- ship service and the girls fin- Myth Undertaker Marks 50 Years Of Married Life ARTY'WILiMillS 11112 6633 RP2CLINTON HEATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOltois— WHITE ROSE ished their .scrapbocirs, rers.9PalS. Gordon Thomson .and Allan Haugh left for a month's holi- days in Florida. Mrs. George Griffith, Danny and t3.eekeY, Stratford; Miss Gaye, Elliott, -$14 Thomas, and Miss Lois Seynicuri ParrY . Sound, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .0, We are sorry to repOVt. that , Mrs, William..Clark is a patient in.Seaforth hospital and Miss Lena IYIeNaughton. Is a patient in 5t, Joseph's .Hospital, Lon. Don Straughan has been transferred to Luchnow as fore, man' for C. Mrs, V, ,Hargreaves spent Tuesday at the borne of her parenth, Mr; and Mrs. Arnold Henderson, Ingersoll. Intended For Last Week Mr. -and Mrs. Ross Scott spent the weekend with friends in London. Mrs, C. Ham and Miss M, Swan are visiting with' Mr; Wesley Ham and family, Bur- lington.; Mrs. H. Berry visited in Wingliarn and Bluevale on the weekend. Rev. H. Plant spent TbUrs- day of last week in Toronto, The managers of Brueefield United Church held their Feb- ruary meeting on. Monday even- ing, when 13 attended. Mrs., Alex Paterson was elected as secretary for 1964. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Wightmen, Belgrave, spent several days hi the village. Mrs, Wightman has rented her houSe and new residents will move in this week. 0 Varna Women Study India Al Meeting Fred MeCtirniont The February meeting of the United Church Women was held last Thursday afternoon at 'the parsonage with 30 lad- ies present under the direction of group one. Mrs. Louis Taylor opened the meeting, Mrs. J. F. Broeze led in prayer and Mrs. E. Mc- Clinchey read the scripture les- son. Mrs. William Taylor led the meditations and the offer- ing prayer was taken by Mrs. William MeAsh. Mrs. Robert Stirling took the study book "Women of India". The president, Mrs. Robert Taylor had charge of the busi- ness period. The 'UM are treating the choir to a supper and skating party on Friday evening of this week. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs, Louis Taylor. Lunch was served at the close. INIIIIIMMINIIIMP=111111111111111111111111111111MINNIEN WITH COST OF LIVING SO VERY < HIGH MY& PROUD ro OFFER YOU A BETTED BUY at _or? r 'A r 19 Hit c: „ GO Q P 0 .114 1 ,C H 10 Cp?trre Dancing Every ,Saturday Night for the Young Crowd NO SLACKS OR QUA JEANS , THIS WEEK-- "THE DELREYS" 9:00 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION; 750 PER PERSON Catering to l-uncheons, Weddings,Banquets, Kinsmen, Lions and Rotary Metings. Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 8 b We Saturday Cater Featuring Friday—Served Every FRIDAY Phone 'Chicken -IN ()TEL :Served OUR & 482-7011 SMORGASBORD Wednesday from "Cloud SATURDAY , in 9:30 from 9:30 Parties DININGROOM for p.m. and (LINToN a Bask et' p.m. Reservations 91/ Room & Sunday SPECIAL to 12:30 to Midnight Wedding Receptions a.m. to Dinner Astir '1/4 . SEALED able from until 5:00 for the following: TENOER Forms. TENDER TENDER No „trade-ins. The the p.m. TENDERS FRIDAY, lowest . office on COUNTY TENDERS , ' Bids or J. hi G.V.W. BOX HURON he submitted Ontario, PICK-UP necessarily will TRUCKS envelopes PANEL TYPE) County • avail- ; be received TRUCKS TRUCK CHASSIS AND HOIST on County accepted. Engineer, ' ....-.1.r HO-64-102-4-1h HC-64-103-1-1/2 HC-64-104-2-29,000 ,FArk-aii• •of P.O. the any W. ----4., MARCH:6th,,,1964 and TON TON (ECONOMY WITH not 940, forms undersigned BRITNELL, Sb GODERICH, on OF FOR must tender Box Mr. and Mrs. William Pick- ett, 15 Orange Street, celebrat- ed their 50th wedding anniver- sary on Tuesday, but due to the fact Mrs. Pickett had just re- cently returned from a stay in the hospital, it was a "quiet" anniversary. However, over 50 relatives and guests attended in the' aft- ernoon alone and many more called in the evening, attesting to the popularity of the local couple. They were married on Febru- ary 18 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, by ,the Rev. Gerald C. Potts. The bride was *the former Anna May Cal- clottgh, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. joseph Colclough. Mr. Pickebt's parents were Mr, and Mrs. Sohn Pickett. After their marriage, they farmed in Goderich Township for 30 years and a daughter still resides on the home farm on the 14th concession, , Brumfield Ladies Host Dayf ?toyer; Members Enjoy Study Of India Thurs., Feb. 2,0, 1904,—Cliatpa NewA-RecordPago 5. Demonstration. of .:Lincoln Welders Will be 'held on Toesdoy! Fahrwry 2,5 at 0;30 p, m, BRUCEFIELD WELDING This Will OSP he an opportunity to enrol in the LINCOLN WELDING SHORT COURSE. On Eleotrio Welding for .Farmers FOR FURTHER II ETAIL$ CALL 482-327g On Monday, retired Blyth funeral director Stanley Chel- lew and his wife, the former Elsie Leay, Marked' 50 years wed. They were married February- 17, 1914, at the home of Mrs. Chellew's father, Edmund Leay, in Auburn. The couple have liv- ed since their marriage 'in the home in Blyth, where Mr. Chel- lew was born. Prior to his retirement in 1947, Mr. Chellew operated .the funeral home and furniture store in Blyth. Both of the businesses were founded by his father. He has two Sisters, both of whom live in Toronto, Mrs. Pearl Egan and Mrs. Muriel Bell. Mrs. Chellew is a native of Hullett Township and has lived all her life in the Blyth area. She has one brother, Nelson, Lonclesboro; one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Taylor, Goderich. She has been a member of Blyth WI since 1914 and also is a member of the United Church Women of Blyth United' Church. Their many nieces and neph- eWs in the Myth area honored them with a family dinner in the dining hall of Blyth United Church. They have no immedi- ate family.