HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-13, Page 12?die 12 .Gunton News-RecPr4--"TIurs..r IF041, '134 1964
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Juvs Come Ba.:c:k To .00 Seaforth
Perform In Twin-Bill Here Tonight
Winning Rinks hi RCAF Bonspiel
In a 'grudge" curling bonspiel between the Officers and Sergeants at
RCAF Clinton last weekend, the latter Club emerged with the most number
of points, The rink pictured above, from the Sergeant's Mess, won 'the most
number of points, and from the left are: Skip F/S Brochu, Sgt. Currie, Sgt.
Tonagai and F/S Wildish. Pictured below is the top entry from the Officers'
Mess, from the left: S/L Ireland, F/L MacDonald, F/L Saunders, F/1_, Brit-
tarn. (RCAF Photos)
Howe To Play In Mite Affair
RCAF Bonsplet
-Honours Playeq
fOr 'Trying .Hard
Last weekend- the OffiCors'
Mess played. the ;Sergeants.'
Mess in a spectacktlar curling
- held at the 'RCAF
Clinton rink,
A total of 23 teant.5 took 'part
with each team playing three
games. Curling got underway
at 8 D'eloelc Saturday morn-
ing when the Sergeants
ed .a secret weapon in the form of an. additional, .Srtatoin Ware
rant OffiCer (see - photo), This
.it would appear, bad a psycho-logical .effect, on. the, Officer
team who lost three of the
first four games, -
Games were played through-
out Saturday and on the ,after-
noon of Sunday. The actual
score seems to have been mis,
laid but the Sergeants' Mess
ran out eventual winners of the
Art the completion of the
bonspiel a victory parade core-
plete with bagpipes, colours and
two Station Warrant Officue
marched to the Sergeants' Mess
where a social evening was
held and presentations were
made to the most successful
and the not-so-successful teams
—the Officers -dominated the
latter group of 'awards.
The rink which scored the
greatest number of paints was
skipped by F/S BroChu with
team members, ' Sgt, Currie,
Sgt. Tonagai an dF/S Wildish.
They scored a total of 33
points out of a possible 33 in
winning all three of the games.
S/L Ireland skipped his team
of FIL Saunders, Fn., McDon-
ald and F/L Brittain to a prize
by scoring the most points for,
the Officers' Mess.
F/S Tremblay, F/S Russel
and FAS Gaffney won awards
for trying too hard 'and caus-
ing rending of attire.
These seam splitters were
proof of how hard the Serg-
eants did have to play to beat
the Officers. This fact was
pointed out by the Command.;
Mg Officer, Group Captaih K,
R. Greenaway who, in a closing
address expressed on behalf of,
all the curlers, thanks to the
organizers, in particular F/L
Poppenk, F/L Hawthorne, F/S
Brochu and Sgt. Gallon who
did an excellent job in making
the weekend bonspiel a most
enjoyable function,
The "Calverts Trophy" for
the bonspiel was won by the
Sergeants, however, the trophy
will be awarded for retention
by the winners of the Serg-
eants' Mess vs. Corporals' Club
which is to be held in the near
up Single as DaVe.
McRae .also had. four assists,'
while Cooper had six as the
Powerful first line ran wild in
the ontlng. Defensive aces Doug Macatd,
ay and Den Yeo helped on three
,ancl two goals. respectively,
Tt was a. cleanly played tilt
with only tour minor penalties,
split eveolY between the
Early X4ead. Jumping into g quick 5,0 lead
in the .first period of the de-
ciding tilt, the Igoe.): juvenile six
were never in serious trouble:
and they .outscored the visitors. by a 64 giargin in the final
period to make the victory
more lopsided,
John -.Cooper was the sharp-
Shooter of the night, as he
blinked the light five times
and also. picl.ced.. Up, four assists.
Borden' McRae alcIded four
markers; :Randy _Mew hail three ,and. Bob 130,104, tallied a pair,
Al Patterson scored three goals to lead the visitors,.
Clinton Picked )4) seven of the eight minor penalties in the
The Clinton lineup is as fOl,, lows;
Robbie Farquhar, Don yob,.
Doug •1\faeatiJay, John Cooper,
Barden McRae, Laurie Coign.
helm, Randy Glew, Murray
Morrison, 13.01.? Batkin, Otto
Smale, Dave Pugh, Ken Os-
borne, Barry Glazier, Gary
Black and Mel crich,
Houseleague Keeps Pee Wees Busy
After Losing In Playoffs To Exeter
combe trophy, while the Corp-
orals' Club trophy goes to the
consolation winners.
Present at the tournament
will be officials from the com-
peting centres and civilians are
invited to see "the hockey stars
of the future" also,
Competition gets underway at
8:00 a.m. when the Clinton
kids meet their neighbors from
Adastral Park in the opener.
At 11:00 a.m. the tourna-
ment will be officially opened
by the Commanding Officer,
G/C K. R. Greenaway CD,
when he drops the puck for
the game between' Detroit and
Games will be played
throughout the day and at 7:45
in the evening, the trophies
will be presented at an' awards
An award will also be pre-
sented at this time to the "best
player of the day".
Sgt. Bob Schlegel is chair-
man of the organizing commit-
W L HT Pts.
Clinton Feed Mill 46 14 15 121
M'Donald Electric 42 18 14 116
Pepsi Cola Ltd.._ 41 19 15 116
Fred's Wholesale 28 29 11 96
Lions Club 18 42 3 81
High single, H. Thompson,
W L T Pts
3 1 2 8
3 2 1 7
2 3 1 5
2 4 4
482.6661 CLINTON
"Fairro" puzzle-350 pieces 59c
"Panorama" puzzle-500 pieces 69c
"Free Lock" and "Ful-lock" puzzles
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"Crown" by Whitman — puzzle
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"Giant" puzzle-2,00 pieces . .$2.98
Children's Puzzles
Tell-a-Tale-3 puzzles in a box box 49c
Junior Jig Saw--100 pieces.....,.., .. . ...... 63c
Just-rite—pre-teen puzzle-108 pieces 49c
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Only 6 Nights—Mon, through Sat, at 8:30 p.m.
2 Matinees, Sat., Mareh at .1:00 and 5:00 p.m-
Tickets at Galbraith's Radio & TV---Phone 482-3841
General Motors' new Envoy Epic has been designed with special attention
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Special new innovations in passenger car suspension, The beluxe features
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-,ONLY .$1930'
(Reeder, Licence., Gas and tveirtanty includett)
Lorne Brown Moto:Ts Ltd.
Your Friendly Cheroolei, Oldsesebile & Erway
Ontario Street CLINTON Phone 48249321
A A b..
Meet Centralia.
1.“. RCAF Event.
Showing the form 'that made
their Manager confident, the
Clinton legion itiveniles ad-
vanced into the group final last week with a Pair of wins to take their best-efrtheep eer-
iee from Seeferth, after drop-
ping the opener.
Playing on the familiar con-
fines of their home Ice, Doug
Andrews' crew posted a convin-cing 104 margin on Therscla,y
and came back with a 14-6
triumph. on Sethi-day to win the
In the second game with Sea-
Exeter and Clinton midgets
and ,juveniles Will hook up in
a playoff doubleheader at the
local arena tonight ,(Thurs,
day) lit the group finals.
The midgets, who dropped
the first: game of their series
by an 8-2 count, will try and
even things up with a game
at 7:99 p.m.
Clinton juveniles open their
best-of-three series with Ex&
ter at 9;0() p.m. Fairs are al-
ways welcomed and assured
Of exciting hockey action,
forth, Robbie Farquhar came
within 12 seconds of posting a
shutout as the local squad com-
pletely dominated play. They
held a 10.0 lead before Sea-
fOrth'e Alan Patterson scored
at the 19:48 mark of the final
period. .
Clinton scored four goals in
the first period and added three
each in the next two frames,
Borden McRae and Laurie
Colquhoen paced the attack
with four goals each, while
linernate John Cooper picked
Youth "Escapes"
Jail Sentence
Robert Wayne Robinson, 22,
Clinton, "escaped" the 30-day
jail term he was given in mag-
istrate's court in Clinton last
Alter court, Robinson inform-
ed Magistrate Glenn Hays and
Crown Attorney W. G. ,Coele
rane that he would lose h.is job
if he served the sentence,
The magistrate then decided
to release the youth on his own
recognizance to keep out of
trouble. The youth will also
have to report back at the
March court to satisfy the mag-
istrate that he upheld his
Clinton Kinsmen pee wees
were ousted from WOAA action
by Exeter last week, but the
young pucksters are still en-
gaged in houseleague play and
will also have some exhibition
games before they head for the
annual tournament in Goderich
over the Easter vacation.
Exeter took the two-game
series by a. one-sided 12-$ mar-
gin. However, the locals lost
by only a 3-1 verdict in Ex-
eter and the big spread was
the result of a 9-2 win by Ex-
eter right here in Clinton.
In houseleague play last week
the Hawks were the big win-
ners as they came through
with two victories. They dump-
ed the Canadiens by a 4-2 count
and came right back with a
4-1 verdict over the flashy Br-
The hapless Canadiens also
were subjected to two other
losses as the Leafs whipped
them 4-1 and the Bruins gained
a narrow 2-1 verdict over them.
This Saturday, the Hawks
meet the Leafs in the first
game at 9:00 and an hour later,
the Bruins tackle the Canad-
On Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.,
the-Bruins meet the Leafs.
The local wee wees have a
practice scheduled for this Sate
eirday at 11t00 a.m. and the a-
ster pee wees have a workout
scheduled for 6:00 en Monday.
Members of the Mite squad
will participate in the annual
tournament at RCAF Clinton.
onSaturday as well.
The First Column
(Continued from page one) '
was at the other end of the
line , , , It seems that it was
Cliff who pulled in the battler
and not his good wife, But art
least we kept it in the right
family! . . . While councillors
expressed sincere regret upon
learning that Allan Elliot was
leaving their midst, the an-
nouncement did provide for
some humour . . . He told his
fellow public servants that he
was leaving to accept a "con-
siderably better position" With
Ontario Hydro . , Do you
mean a better position than
being a councillor? Mayor Mil-
ler quipped . . . One other com-
ment worth noting was Allan's
report that he had enjoyed his
seven-year stay in Clinton, and
had found it to be a "very
friendly town" . . We join the
friends of the Elliot family in
wishing them well in Toronto.
ONE OF THE favourite past-
times of most people is com-
plaining and there are few who
can not be charged with indulg-
ing in it even when there is
little reason . . . While we
doubt that he was serious, or
perhaps even complaining, a
local businessman came up
with an interesting quip the
other day when we asked him
how business was in town . . .
His reply: "If there is no hell,
where has business gone?
Just a reminder to all males
that Friday is the anniversary
of the event for hearts and
flowers and the rest of that
nonsense in which sentimental
slobs indulge . . . It is also a
special event for three of our
noted citizens, who have that
romantic day on which to mark
their birthdays as well. The
three are William Perdue, Art
Groves and Thomas Leppington
. . . And speaking of birthdays,
the News-Record would apprec-
iate ' the mines of all area
residents who for the first time
in four years will have an op-
portunity to celebrate on Feb-
ruary 29 . . These people who
have the misfortune (or good
fortune if you're female) to
celebrate only every four years
should receive special recogni-
tion and this is what we would
wish to do . . . Drop your name
and address—and even age if
you wish—in at the office, or
give us as call,
JUST A final word regard-
ing the outing to Dearborn this
weekend when Clinton hockey
fans repay their annual visit
to the Michigan city . Doug
Andrews, chairman of the
Minor Hockey Day committee,
reports there is still room left
for any persons wishing to
make the jaunt . . He also
promises that it will be a "good
cheap weekend", although some
males may have to follaw his
eXample and drag their wives
to the Detroit Olympia and
Discuss Truck,
Hail And Radio
(Continued from Page One)
in five minutes at the latest,
and that an officer needing
assistance could quickly call
another officer or the OPP.
He said the cost of such a
system was $2,125, although
lie had a quotation on a similar
system that was lower at $1,-
W L Pts.
Pee-Nuts 6 4 49
Woodshedders 4 6 '44
Pin Heads 7 3 41
Squeakers 4 6 39
Competitors 3 7 28
High single, ladies, Mert El-
liott, 342; men, Red Scott, 353;
high triple, ladies, Nancy Mc-
Donald, 786; men, JOe Daer,
839; high average, ladies, Gert
Scott, 226; men, Joe Daer, 245.
away from the downtown stores
to make this come true . . ,
The local midgets and 'bantams
will have the thrill of playing
at, the home of the Detroit Red
Wings in a doubleheader from
11:00 'to 1:00 on Saturday
morning . Plenty of ',hockey
action will follow, as there will
be a complete afternoon' of De-
troit minor hockey playoffs 'at
the arena . . . Some special
life will also be provided .
If interested in making the
trip, contact Doug for further
The most fainous number in
Detroit—Big Number 9—will be
hitting the ice lanes at RCAF
Clinton this Saturday.
But Gordie Howe won't be in
the sweater; it will be his
youngest son, Marty. However,
as area fans found out last
year, the youngest Howe is as
equally adept at putting the
puck in the net as his 'father.
Marty and his fellow mem-
bers of the Detroit Roostertails
will be at RCAF Clinton to -de-
fend their championship in the
second annual Adastral Park
Mite Hockey Tournament.
They will be battling with
squads from Clinton, RCAF
Clinton, Goderich, Exeter, Sea-
forth and Forest for the hon-
The champions will be pre-
sented with the W/C Vinni-
Another Youth
Found Guilty
Of Having Loot
'(Continued from Page One)
ies were found, including spot
lights and an automobile floor
.He said total value of the
goods taken (Turing the break-
in amounted to over $3,000,
but the total value of the goods
found in possession of Glazier
amounted to $52.85.
Other area youths were also
involved in the same incident
and Robert Thompson, Clinton,
is presently serving a two-
month jail term for possession
of some of the greeds.
Thompson had goods valued
at $28 in his possession.
Two other youths, Paul Ladd,
Waterloo, and Larry Gordon
Lee, RR 2, Clinton, paid fines
on similar charges iie Goderich
Several Wingham youths and
one from Londesboro were ch-
arged with .break, enter and
theft of the Guelph business.
The reWenated RCAF Cline
ton Thunderbolts, with some,
"new blood" in the lineup,
taocle the RCAF Centralia,
Golden H.M.V.M in the flret game
of the Training Command play
:offs at the local rink, Sunday,
-at 2:30 p.m:
This will be the first game
of a two-game series with the
outcome to be decided on tetel.
The second. game of the series
will be played back at Cen,
tralla on Sattrday, February'
22 at 7:00 P,M,
The two 13,04F outfits .are
.also battling it out for the sixth
and final playoff spot in the
Big Nine OHA league.
Clinton leads their arch rivals.
by two points in the standings
and the smieds have three gam-
es to play against each other,
before the season ends. •
Centralia won the first game
by a one-goal verdict,
Since that time, RCAF Clin-
ton have added some new play-
ers and team officials are con-
fident they will again top the
Centralia squad.
Thursday, Feb. 13 — BINGO
in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk
Street, at 8:30 p,m. 15 regular
games for 85, 1 game for $25;
three share the wealth game%
jackpot $58.00 in 58 'numbers.
No door prize. Admission 50c,
Friday, February 14—Attencl
the Woman's World Day of
Prayer in the Christian Re-
formed Church at 3;00 p.m. 7b
Sat., February 15 — Card
party, IOOF Hall, 8:15 p.m.
Sponsors: CP & T Committee
of Oddfellows and Rebekah
lodges. Everyone welcome. 7p
Tuesday, Feb. 18 BINGO
Huron Fish and Game Club;
jackpot $60.00 in 60 numbers.
Six door prizes.
Wed., February 19 — Repeat
performance of "The Proto-
type" by St. Paul's Drama
Guild at St. Paul's Anglican
Church, 8:00 p.m. Silver col-
lection. 7p.
Thursday, Feb. 20—Goderich.
Township Federation of Agri-
culture meeting, Hoknesville.
Guest speaker: Dan Murphy;
Goderich. Bring lunch, 7-Sb'
Saturday, April 4 — Giant
Rummage Sale. Good used clo-
thing, miscellaneous items. St,
Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
1:00 p,m. Auspices Madeleine
Lane Auxiliary. 7b
tee. They will have films and
genes in the rec centre to
ar ...use the young visitors when
th 'y 'aren't out trying to score
gnis on the ice,
Other members of the com-
mittee are; Cpl. Ross Kelly,
vice-chairman; Sgt. Joe Tryn-
ehule secretary; Sgt. Hal Rees
and Cpl. Gard Salt -members.
Proudly Presents
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Oartard AT-6 Changer, Separate Bass and Treble
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• Pilot Light iiidieates when attolifier is dn.-
Opens Mom, March 2
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London, Ontario
$2.00 - $2.60 - $3.00 - $3.50
TaX Included
Thfi 23rd ALL NEW
UP 200 THOUSAND/`"?'',.,„„
Assets increased from
$1,026595.57, January 1963
$1,248,432.08 January 1964
No Medical Required