HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-13, Page 11ulpurn ..end District MRS; WEB BRADIki:QcK,,,corfm9090,P40ae, SU,7595, hum, FOi 13, 1964„ciinton 1.4pw4Accdr,fagfo of GINCERICIO Wes and service CLINTON STORE. LOCATED at 9 ONTARIO STREET,— Between Thursday, Friday and. Saturday Visit The New Store And Get Your FREE GIFT The Gyingerich Coziness Has Been Built On Service ALL GINGERICH CARS AND SERVICE TRUCKS ARE EQUIPPED WITH TWO-WAY RADIOS TO GIVE ALL CUSTOMERS "BETTER SERVICE": '111•0611000 See and Visit The COLEMAN CARAVAN. With,All The Coleman Appliances and Heaters "Canada's Only Bonded Line of Equipment" KUM-IN RESTAURANT and BILL'S.,TAXI February 13,14 and 15. All The New 1964 Frigidaire Appliances Give Her a Matching Washer and Dryer $395.00 SETS FOR AS LOW AS WITH TRADE FRIGIDAIRE 1964 DELUXE Electric Range 1964 FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF Refrigerator- Freezer Model 308C-64 Now you can be an even better cook. With Frigidaire automatic range features you don't have to be a chef to cook like one. And only Frigidaire brings you such easy-cleaning convenience top to floor. Suggested List Price $269 An Opening Valentine Special at Only $220.00 TRADE S195.00 TRADE Every Frigidaire Washer Has 12-113; Tub Every Frigidaire Dryer, has convenient Lint Screen All Models of Frigidaire Refrigerator-Freezers' on Display Prices As Low As See All The New 1964 Appliances REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS RANGES DISHWASHERS TELEVISION 11141 SETS FREE COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS CKNX Radio Will Broadcast From The New. Store i Friday Evening„, Feb. 14 from. 8:00 To 10:00 O'clock. (1 p, f 11"111. , Jerry Gingerich Invites Clinton and District Persons to View the 1964 Appliances in his newest store at Clinton . And take advan- tage of his Grand Opening "Valentine Sweetheart Sale” prices. Other Gingerich Stores , at Zurich and Seaforth. Attending the annual "At Home" at Stratford Teachers' College from this distriot Were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Dougall, Mrs. Hugh MoCrostie and Miss Annette 1Y1cCrostie, Goderich; Mrs. Alvin Leather- land, Mrs. Jim Bolger, Walton; and Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark, RR 5 Goderich, Mr. J. J. Robertson •and Mr. Elmer 'Robertson visited last week with Dr. B, C. Weir at London. Word was received here by Mr. and Mrs. William J, Craig that their daughter, Mrs. Stan- ley Strasser, Mr, Strasser,Bar- bara and Beverley of 'Sault Ste, Marie, has said his busi- ness and planning on moving Name Winners In Well Attended WI Card Game AUBURN—A large crowd at, tended the card party last Fri- day night in the Community Memorial Hall, sponsored by the Women's Institute. Bert, . Craig was the .master of sere- monies and progressive euchre, lost heir, five hundred and crokinole were played. Prize winners for euchre. were; high lady, Mrs. Alvin Plunkett; low, Mrs. Kenneth. Scott; high man, Wes Brad- flock; low, Ed Haines; most lone hands, Robert Turner and Len Archambault tied for first place. Mr; Turner won the draw. High. crokinole, John Raith- by; low, Lynn Turner. High lest 'heir, Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett and Mrs. Bert Daer; low lost heir, Mr. Wilfred -Plun- kett and Mr. Bent Daer. T h e lucky door prize was drawn by Jayne Arthur and the winner was Mr. Kenneth Scott. Mrs, Bent Craig, the president of the local branch, thanked the committee in charge and all those who had attended. The committee. arranging for this evening of games, Mrs, Thomas Lawlor, Mrs. Roy Eas- om ,and Mrs. Donald Haines, served lunch. to California. Mrs. Joe Hutch, Ottawa, is visiting with her, sister, M. Herbert ,Gooier, Mr. .and Mrs. Maitland Allen returnedt last weekend 'from a two-week visit with her sister, Mrs. William Coats and Mr. Coats in Flint, Mich, Mr, John Wright of London spent the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Arthur and Jayne, • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cham- ney, Diane, Donna', Barbara,. Joyce and Steven of Donny- brook visited. on Sunday with his parents, Mr, and; Mrs. Ro- bert Chamney. Prayer Day The annual Day of .Prayer service will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Fri- day, February 14 at 2 p.m.. All ladies in this community are urged to attend this world wide service. The girls Day of Prayer ser- vice will be held this same day at 7:30 pan. . when the Au- burn OGrr- members will be host to neighbouring groups from Blyth, Goderich, Clinton and Lendesboro in Knox Pres- byterian Church,- Auburn. Play ];ochre . The local LOL 932 sponsored a progressive euchre party in their hall with a good attend- ance, The evening was planned AUBURN — Thirty more members was the objective set by the Auburn Horticultural Society when they 'met for their February executive meet- ing in the public .library room on Monday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, opened the meeting. Mrs. LlOyd Humphreys read the minutes and it was decid- ed to ' order the horticulture pins immediately and order more for members wishing them at a later date. Mrs. Humphreys stated that the annual statements had been accepted by the various depart- ments and that the plant food for prizes had been received, She stated that 24 dozen tuber- ous-Tooted begonias had been ordered. Mrs. Norman McDowell. and Mrs. Bert Craig were appoint- ed to assist the secretary when these bulbs arrive. It was de- cided to take orders for the gladioli and' the 'mums at the March meeting. A newsletter about the com- ing convention was read and it was announced that horticul- ture week would be observed the first week of May to pro- mote garden projects and clean up and plant up week. It 'was decided to invite Mr. Clifford Epps, 'Clinton, the district director, to the next meeting which will be a supper meeting. Program committee will be Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs: Robert J. Phillips a a d Mrs. Arthur Grange. The committee to set up the smorgasbord supper will be Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. Norman McDowell and Mrs. Wes Bradnock. After dinner committee is to be Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys. Plans were made far future meetings and the village flower beds were planned for the sea- son, Committees named are: high- way bed, Mrs., Norman Mc- Dowell, Mrs, William Dodd; Marianna bed, Mrs. Stanley by Gordon Daer, Edgar Howatt and Wilfred Sanderson, Prize , winners were: high man, Andrew I.Oricconnell; Jew, William Gow; high lady, Mrs. Keith Machail; low, Mrs. John Daer; most lone hands, Gordon Powell, 4-4 oirl$ Barbara Sander,son was in charge of the Auburn 4-H Club when 11 members met for their second meeting on the project, What Shall I wear? 1Viintites of the previous Meet-ing were read by Marilyn Daer and the roll call was answered by each girl showing the type of material each of the two types should wear. Mrs, Gordon Dobie and Jan- nett Dobie took 'the lead in the discussion on choosing line and texture to suit the personality of each girl and also to ehoose design and color to go with the rest of the wardrobe. A dis- cussion took place on patterns suitable to the girls and what materials one should look for in blouse materials, A demonstration of making a worked buttonhole was done by Mrs. W. 13radnoek and each girl worked a sample which is to be placed in the record book. The home assignmenkwas :that each member find pictures of two garments with lines that would suit her personality. Jackson, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Miss Viola Thompson and Mrs. John Daer; Finn bed, Mrs. Dan MacGuiness, Mrs. Robert Ar- thur, Mrs. Robert. Turner;,, the J.J.'s bed, Mrs. Sid Lansing, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. William Seers; the Old Forge, Mrs. Bert MarSh, Mrs. Guy Cunning- ham, Mrs. James Jackson; Loftus bed, Miss Elraa, Hutch, Mrs. Ben Hamilton, Mrs. Keith lVfachan, Arthur Youngblut, Gordon Miller, Mrs. Herbert Gorier. Etheiwynn bed, Miss Marg- aret R. Jackson, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Wilfred Sand- erson, Mrs. _Wes Bradnock, Mrs. Charles Scott; Westbridge bed, Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; library box, Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys; the school -flowerbed, Mrs. Frank Raithby. T h e Manchester Garden would again hire help to do the lawn but Mrs. Ed Davies and Mrs. William. Straughan were appointed to set up a schedule for 'the members to do the flower-beds and the rose garden. Mrs. Frank Raithby gave a reading, God's Little Hobos, the story of how 'the various seeds travel. 0 Explorers Learn Of Colorful Indian Banner AUBURN — A talk on the flag 'of India, and the signific- ance of each color in it, was the highlight 'of the Auburn Explorers when the Chief Counsellor, Mrs. Maurice Bean explained the flag. The meeting was opened with games conducted by Mrs, Don- ald Young a nd Mrs. Arthur Grange led in the sing-song and the opening exercises were con- ducted by Chief Explorer, Kar- en East. The minutes were read by Shelley Grange and the treasurer, Donna .Chainney gave the financial statement. The Explorers divided into two groups and each dramatiz- ed ,an incident from the study book, The Golden Coin. Kathy Schneider and Jarinetta John- ston modelled colorful saris. The chapter of the study book was told by Mrs. Lloyd Hum- phreys, tolling about the im- provements being made in that county with sanitation. It was an interesting story of a Tittle boy on a trip to see how con- ditions were improving, A display of eight dolls dres- sed in native costumes were discussed by Mrs, Rebert Ar- ..thur when she. reviewed the chapter with the girls. The worship service was opened with pl'ayet. by Jennetta Johnston and the scripture les- ion was read by Linda Jef- ferson and the offering was re- ceived by Derma Chamney and Linda Reed, • M 1111 !IIII 151 El DAIRY -MANAGEMENT, SCHOOL Second Meeting • Friday, Feb. 21 at 8:30 p.m. • in Holmesville (Old School). Topic—Quality Care and Management of Dairy Calves and Heifers Sponsored by Clinton Farm Supply Lfoyd 1. Holland On All Remaining Stock of WINCHESTER • REMINGTON & CIL Shotthells • HI POWER AMMUNITION • 22'AMMUNITION tiktano 4ciut4 ote (10114 Flower- Group, Seeks More Members, Names 'Persons To. Care For Gardens Wt. WERE TIRELESS WORKERS YOU WILL FIND:ItrEPING PRICE AND QUALITY ALWAYS /N MIND" Ird S PLUMBING'HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON Spartan Television The "LORENZO" Model Gingerich's Sales dnd Service Ltd. specialize in Coleman installation and service. FREE ESTIMATES ON' ALL INSTALLATIONS TrY, a touch of "Home litilsrove. men," tonic !Wonderful automatic comfort—lower Nei bills.it'S easy to add improVements to your borne with a low interest loanl Sparton's finest 23" TV Console. Bonded Tube. Deluxe twin 6"x9" speakers, plus tone control, for Hi-Fi sound. Hand-wired cir- cuits. Suggested List Price $409 OUR. SPECIAL "*TRADE-IN $340 (10 PRICE A" OTHER MODELS PRICED AS LOW AS $195.00 You reecive double assurance when you buy Coleman! You can be certain you are ,getting the very best buy for family health and comfort . and you have posi- tive proof—right in your hands— that Coleman and its Dealers wilt stand behind the product they sell. apiece with a Fidelity by SPA .TON' — 1964 The "Maywood" Model Suggested List Price $339 OUR SPECIAL VALENTINE go S269.00 4, Stereoph.nic High. LOW B OY OIL -FURNACE., INGERICH'S SALES and SERVICE LTD. Your Authorized Prigidoire Dealer In Clinton and District We Schelde .5voyffiltv. We Sell"