HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-13, Page 7.,,aaam•...ai lona a Head Table Guests Watch Clinton Barrister Address Haggis Thirty-two Lions and nine guests feasted on Scottish haggis at the club'S annual obervance of Robbie BurnS birthday, Tuesday, The immortal poet's birth date is January 25. Above, Clinton's lawyer Lion, E. Beecher Menzies is shown addres- sing the haggis, unintentionally hidden behind the ' club's golden' mascot Lion. Others at the head- si? table are: left, Rev. Robert U. MacLean, who was guest speaker and spoke of the highlights of the young Scottish poet's life; first vice-president Leslie Ball, who chaired the meeting, and second vice-president Duff Thompson listen intently to the toast. Mr. Menzies also lead the lively sing- song of Scottish songs. (News-Record Photo) Hog Plan Men Win ar, Lose Battle ea> • 0 'Thurg.ff 1.944,fliafaa .Npws-Record,tagar 7 dancer Society Plans Annual Canvass To Raise funds For Disease ,Ilesearcti. The planning of the annual cancer .society campaign got well off the ground at. a meet, ing held. Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, Douglas Hart- lilt. The campaign manager for 1964, Mr,,Robert Maloney, pre, sented. many stimulating ideas to ensure the 'quota set for Clinton Branch will be over- Whelmingly subscribed, Every household will be can- vassecl during a blitz on Thurs- day evening, April 16, between 5 and 7 o'clock. People will be 'selected and asked to co- operate by donating their can- vassing_ services, The monies collected are all used in the furtherance of re- search, and care of cancer pa- tients, Of the campaign dol- lar, 60 cents goes towards re- search; 17 cents is used for service to patients; 13 cents is spent on education and 10 cents on administration. ' Give generously that civiliza- tion might soon overcome this dread disease. The secretary, Miss Bernice McQueen read minutes of the previous meeting. The treasur- er's report showed $45 received for the ."In Memeriam" fund since last Octcber. . Dressings convener, Mrs. Lorne Salzman, reported an ample supply of dressings. The UCW in Brucefield held a work meeting last month and replen- ished the cupboard. This same group is having a cancer film shown at their next meeting; and is fortunate to have. one of our local doctors present—Dr. Paul Walden, who will explain medical procedures and answer questions. - Several patients are requir- ing dressings, and transporta- tion to the clinic in London has Personals been ,provided, reported the welfare convener, Anyone requiring the, .assist*, ante of the cancer` society is invited to ,call Mrs, Alex Haddy 482-9855, or the president of the society, Mrs. Doug Bart, lift, 432-7014, Rev, Clifford Park gave a resume of the work being CornPlished along the lines. of cancer education. It was, der cided to set up a` literature booth at the St, Patrick's tea in 'Wesley-Willis United Church on Saturday, March 14. Several films are available On smoking and its injurious effects. Any -social group or service club is invited to show these films, Mr, R. Maloney is planning to attend the campaign con- ference being, held at the West, bury Hotel, February 22-23, Further plans were discussed on advertising the campaign. The meeting adjourned and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. —0 Driver, Airmen Fined h Court For Drinking (Continued from Page Four members of RCAF Cl- inton faced liquor charges and all pleaded guilty, with fines totalling $100. Richard L. Brassard, 19, was fined $20 and costs or five days when he pleaded guilty to consuming liquor while un- der age. Norman M. Davidson, 18, pleaded guilty to having liquor in his possession which had not been acquired by him. •He was fined $25 and costs, or six days in jail., John Bryon Crowe, 18, was fined $20 and costs, or five clays when he pleaded ,guilty to consuming liquor while under age. Edward James Santor, 21, was fined $35 and costs, or eight days in jail, when he pl- eaded guilty to having liquor in other than his residence. • One) S‘tts‘g eatkto f o otvi ear SOLE RUBBERS Stretch-On Type Heel Grip Style PLAIN OVER RUBBERS STRETCH OVERS STORM RUBBERS AIKEN'S CLOTHING & LUGGAGE Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hoy, 10 East Street, and their dau- ghter, Mrs. Adrian Lamarche and Diane, visited last week with Mrs. Hoy's sister, Mrs. Alvin Wilhelm and Mr. Wil- helm, Shakespeare. 0 John W. Elliott Following a lengthy illness, John W. (Wick) Elliott, 105 Rattenbury Street, East, died in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, February 7. He was in his 54th year, and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William J. Elliott. A native of Clinton, Mr. El- liott was a member of St.Paul's Anglican Church and the fun- eral on Sunday was conducted from the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home by Archdeacon J. N. H. Mills, London. - Mr. Elliott is survived by his wife, the former Florence Knox; stepdaughter, Mrs. Joe (Isobel) Gibson, Seaforth; step- son, Bill Chowen, Clinton; bro- thers ,George F. Elliott, Fred- erick H. Elliott; sister, Mrs. Hugh (Rata) Ladd, all of Clin- ton; six nieces and six nephews. Pallbearers included Dr. Geo- rge S. Elliott, Elliott Bartliff, Arnold Dale and James Mc: Laren, all of Clinton; Ken Stewart, Seaforth, and Bob 11- Tavistock. Flower-bearers were Bill Chowen, Joe Gibson, Don Ladd, Robert Rowcliffe, Lloyd Stew- art, Eddie Elliott; Cam Proc- tor and Norman Elliott. . Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Quality & Service Remember Your Valentine Friday, Feb. 14 VALENTINE CARDS-5c to $1 CELLO BAGS-25's 25c —45's , 490 290 100-Piece . VALENTINE PLAY BOOK 49c CUT OUT BOOKS WITH ENVELOPES ...... 25c VALENTINE CHOCOLATES Heart Shaped 75c $1.35 $2.35 - 53.95 VALENTINE PERFUMES Chanel ..... Yardley $3.50 Shari $3.25 Tweed $3.75 Hbubigani ....... „„,$6.66 Tussy $1.16 Prescriptions Specials Plastic Hand Mirrors 590 Cotton Batts-300's 990 Electric Heating Pads 2 yr. guarantee ..... ...„ $4.49 A.S.A. Headache Tablets 500's .„., ........ „ ........ Corn Whisks, reg. 690 .... „ 490 Clinical Thermometers, Reg. $2.50 $1.25 Polyrnulsion, 4-dz. Reg $2,00 $1.00 100 Slue Lined Envelopes Red, 55c 39b Hot ,Water Bottle , $1.29 990 Veterinary Needs It's New NEW DAWN HAIR COLOR 12 Shades Easy To to — Self Timing Apply Like A Shampoo $2.25 Ca eras Printing .14. Developing Ennis NEWCOMBE Pharmacy Phone 482-9511 irk tOn, Ontario Attend Your • Church This Sunday CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Friday-7:30 p.m,—Baptist Hi Fellowship Saturday-8:00 p.m.—Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 16 10.00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.15 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP Topic: "The Will of God" Everyone Is Welcome At This Church Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Suhday, February 16 10.00 a.m.—Service in English 2,30 pan.--Service in Dutch Every Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen to "Back to God Hour." EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service 8.00 p.m, Thursday—Prayer Meeting and Bible ReEtding. -CARDS OF THANKS wish to thank My ,many friends for their kindness while I was a patient in" Clinton BO-lip HeSPifal. Special thanks to the second floor nurses and Dr. AddiSon, —LOTTI.E SLO-. MAN. I wish to thank all those who visited me, sent flowers and cards. while I was <a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, Also thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing .staff onl second floor, —MRS, WILLIAM PICKETT. 7b We would like to thank all Can •friends, neighbetirs, vela- tives, also the Sunday School clasa, IJCW at Wesley-Willis for .cards, gifts and treats that Were -sent to our daughter, Judy, while she was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, —KEN AND MARION STEPHENSON., lb I wish to thank all the friends and neighbors who so kindly sent ire flowers, cards and oth- er gifts while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to the doctors and attendants and all the nur- sing staff, —MRS. ROBERT HATTIN. lb We wish to express our sin- cere and heart-.felt thanks to all our friends', neighbor§ and relatives for the many acts of kindness, words of comfort, contributions to Canadian Can- cer Society, floral tributes sent during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr, Walden, Dr. Addison, the nursing staff and special nurs- es' care. —THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JACK W, ELLIOTT The family of the late Wil, lit= J. Gourley wish to extend their sincere thanks for, the many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness shown during their recent bereave- ment. To the Rev. W. M. Carr son, the ladies of Londesboro United Church, the SS No. 11 School Section, the many friends who called, sent cards and attended the service, and Mr. Beattie, we are very grate- ful. —GLADYS E. GOURLEY, AND FAMILY. ' 7p 0 CLASSIFIED ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, February 16 9.45 e.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Service Speaker: Mr, John Rea London. Tuesday: Prayer & Bible Study All Welcome A Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev, R. U. MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, February 16 9,45 a.m.—Sunday School. 10,45 a.m.—Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOIVIE (Continued from Page One) through the regulations set up for the selection of committee- men to determine if a man could withdraw his name. He reported back after this time that he could see no rea- son why a man would .not be able to withdraw and prevent an election. Wouldn't Speak However, Greb made no move to withdraw his name and maintained his silence as he had when the rest of the 20 nominees addressed the produc- ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feath- erston, Hayfield, wish to an- nounce 'Open. House" in hon- our of their 50th wedding 44 anniversary on Saturday, February 22, 1964, from 3 to 5 p.m, and 7 to 9 p.m. No gifts please. 27-8b :1: :it 4: Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Stanley Chellew, Blyth, are holding open 'house on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniver- sary, Monday, February 17, 1964, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. All friends are cordially invited, 7b IN MEMORIAM JOHNSTON—In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, James Johnston, who passed away suddenly February 15, 1960. "Through all our troubles he helped us along. If we live like him we will never go wrong. On earth he was loved, and in Heaven he rests. God bless you dear Dad, you were one of the best." —Sadly missed by wife and family, n 7p CLINTON MEN'S LEAGUE W L HT Pts Gamblers 12 8 4 28 Old Timers 7 8 2 16 Squirts 9 6 4 22 Boozers ... 2 13 0 4 High single, Jim Armstrong, 341; high triple, Bruce Cooper, 867; high average, Dave Reid, 251„ LONDESBORO MEN W L .IIT Pts Stars 33 24 12 73 DD's 31 26 9 71 Dicadoos 26 31 10 62 Comets 24 33 6 55 High single, Gordon Hovvatt, 820; high triple, Cliff Saander- eonk, 836; high average, Glen Carter, 226. CLINTON' MIXED LEAGUE W L HT Pts Boo Boo's ...... ,„, 32 22 13 77 Alley Cats ' 30 24 12 72 Misfits 30 24 8 68 Shur Shots 26 28 9 61 Raiders 25 29 9 59 Untouchables 25 29 8 58 Hecklers 25 29 7 57 Scatter Pins ... „ 23 31 7 53 High single, ladies, Nanny Mac- Donald, 316; men, Chuck SWit- nit', 369; high triple, ladies, Nancy MacDonald, 755; men, Don Switzer, 837; high aver- age, ladies, Nanny MacDonald, 203; men, Don. Switzer, 238. TEEN' AGE LEAGUE 1'V L Pts Sting Rays 30 14 14 74 COrneta, 25 19 14 64 T. Birds 19 25 9 47 Wildcats .... „., 16 25 8 38 High single, girls, Marg Glid- den, 215; beys,dAill StrOng, 365; high triple, gait, Marg Glidden, 838; boYs, Harry Cummings, 568; high itiVerage, girls, Mbtg Glidden, 140; boys, Brace Coop- er, 215. tuckERstmert4 LEAGUE W L Pts. Tiger's „ 34 23 80 tears 21 80 64 Lions ..... ..... 28 "20 64 Welvett 25 32 58 High Single, ladies,, Malt Pkgettoti, 204; Men, Dick Han, teak, 228f thigh triPle, ldc re's, Marg Itageteeil 490; Men, Dick HatitOck; 584. ers to make their intentions known and solicit votes for the apparent election. It was this fact that stirred up moat of the men; although most indicated they figured Grab was in opposition to the. marketing plan. This opinion was honestly come by, as Grab has run in opposition during all three pre- vious elections, although he has usually been in the last two and three positions on the bal- lot. Last year he received only 352 votes, compared to the 666 received by the last man on the list of supporters; and in 1962 he received 400 votes com- pared to the 725 recorded by the man who was last. at the cutoff line. Remarks were heard around the Ivan on Tuesday urging Greb to get to his feet to in; dicate his stand and one other candidate even indicated he would withdraw his name as long as Grab would state his position. However, Greb still made no move. This irked those present even more, and such comments as "take the microphone to him" and "carry him up" were heard, Doug Miles curtailed the un- ruly display by pointing out that it was- Greb's right in a democracy not to ,speak. The meeting was then con- cluded and most of the 170 producers left the meeting with the belief that an election would be called, as all 20 candidates still remained in the running. Bows Out However, at a directors meet- ing, of the Huron County Hog Pro'clucers, a lengthy discussion MEN'S INTERTOWN Cloud 9 72 28 16 160 W L HT Pts Jim's Selects 64 36 14 142 Little Bowl . 53 47 11 117 Itchy Six 52 48 11 115 Brophy Goodyears 44 56 11 99 Chapman TV ., 44 56 7 95 Dominion Hotel 39 61 4 82 Guenther Tuekey 32 68 6 70 High single, C. Williams, 401; high 5, B. Nicol, 1546; high av- erage, Ron Burbridge, 255. RCAF LADIES LEAGUE Pts. Pinheads 88 83 Do Drops 75 Rockettes 69 Panthers Beat Betts 65 65 Mounties 53 Arrows 51 Rowdy Rivals 41 Show Offs 40 Saucy Seven High single, Blanche Betts, 267; high triple, Dorothy Mc- Ewan, 647; high average, Caryl Ranger, 187. Scores over 200; Blanehe Betts, 267, 207; Dor- othy 1VIOEwan, 239, 223; Shirley Saunders, 283; Sheila. Anderson, 211, 200; Eva. MacDonald, 203. ELUEWATEtn.BAYFIELD W L Pts. Suckers 38 15 73 Crabs 27 21 55 Minnows 23 25 50 Sharks 13 35 39 High tingle, ladies, Madelon McIlwan, 321; men, Bob Tur- ner, 221.; high triple, ladies, Grace • Hutehinga, 663; men, Reg Francis, 581; high average, ladied, Grace Hutchings, 221; Men, Reg Frattals, 194. 100E-REEiEKAI4 LEAGUE Pts. Gibbingt Gloaters 85 Holland's Harr:teat-leg 80 Tally's Angles ' 73 Prank's Red Hai"i 70 Itiley's Rockets 69 T3eattie's Bo:Tiber§ 59 Elliott's .Mite' .. Mares . . 44 High, single, taclies, Olive troadfoot, 295! men, Carmen McPherson, A63; high, triple, ladies, Gerry Harris,769; men, Murray Taylor, 829 was held on whether Grab should be given an automatic acclamation or whether the supporters should go to the polls. Some other nominees expres- sed the opinion, that an elec- tion would •be ridiculous, and would result in a very small turnout of county producers. They noted that Greb would only be able to attend the an- nual Meeting and would not be a member of the Hog Pro- ducers Association in Huron, as most of the other 19 men are. After agreeing that it could do little harm 'to elect Greb, the directors voted in favour of giVing him the acclamation. With this, four new candi- dates for committeemen, Har- Area Residents Back "Sweeps" (Continued from Page One) that sweepstake tickets be un- der, proper control with tickets available .at Chartered Banks and post offices only. (Continued From Page One) As he came over the brow of a hill, the driver spotted' 14 pigs — counted later — on the road and struck 'the two before he was able to bring his veh- icle to a stop. His car was not damaged, but the loss of the pigs was estimated at $70. Constable Gord Ferris in- vestigated. As the result of an accident on the Baseline, north of Sum- merhill on Monday at 6:30 p.m, Dirk Peter Wes terhout, RR 1 Londesboro, has been charged for parking his vehicle on the road. Actually, the 17-year-old youth was not directly involved in the accident and had been attempting to do a good turn to another driver, David James Compton, RR 1 Clinton, who had run out of gas while driv- ing on the road. Westerhont had assisted him by getting some gas, but had left his tractor parked beside the stalled vehicle on the road. A third vehicle, driven by HURONVIEW LADIES, MEET MONDAY The Huronview Auxiliary will meet at the hoMe on Monday, February 17 at 2:80 p.m. Every- one. welcome. 0 Varna Youths Plan Dance Varna YPU met on. Sunday evening with 15 members pres-ent. The president, Her Hill introduced the guest of the evening, Dave Hemingway, of Brussels, Who is the vice-presi- dent of the Huron Presbytery Young Peoples, Final arrangerrients were made on the Valentine's dance to be held Fr. iday, Peibrttary 14, in Varna Township, HOSPITAL LEAGUE W L Ots., Bloomer GitIS 37 17 88 Boomerangs 27 27 62 Pin Pickers 28 28 60 UnbearabIeS 1.9 85 42 CLINTON-BLYTH-AUBUIRN LADIES' LEAGUE Uhreliablets ........ ....... ..,..,....,, Pinups ..... „ .... ..... . ...... 81, Mobilers 81 Greenhorns 6g Handicaps 52 tribetWeenS 51 Hillbillies 47 Hopefuls' ...„ ............ ....... „. 44 vey Hodgins, John Kernighan, James McGregor and George Moncrief, along with Harry Mulvey, agreed to place their names in a hat to pick which one would withdraw his nom- ination. The draw was made and Moncrief — who ironically was the 13th man nominated on the slate was picked 'as the one to withdraw and alleviate the cost of an election. With this move, the 19 com- mittee men are: Alf Warner, RR 1 Hayfield; Lloyd Stewart,. RR, 1 Clinton; -Albert Bacon, Belgrave,; Malcolm Davidson, .Brucefield; George Campbell, RR .1 Seaforth; Harvey Hod- gins, RR 2 Ailsa Craig; Gordon Elliott, RR 5 Seaforth; Ross Love, RR 2 Henisall; Elmer Ireland, RR 5 Wingham; Ro- bent McAllister, RR 2 Auburn. James McGregor, RR 2 Kip- pen; R. J. Semple, RR 2 Hay- field; John S. Kernighan, Gode- rich; Harry Mulvey, Wroxeter; Hugh Rundle, RR 1 Centralia; Carl Gooier, RR 1 Auburn; Melvin Greb, RR 2 Dashwood; Martin Baan, RR 3 Walton; El- mer Harding, RR 1 Gorrie. Murray Klaus, RR '1 Auburn, spotted the two vehicles as he came over the :brow of a hill and had to take 'to the ditch to avoid colliding with them, , He struck a pole and damage was "considerable" to his car. 0 Legion Auxiliary Donate To 'March' The monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion was held on Feb- ruary 10 with the president, Mrs. Robert Burke presiding. A motion was passed to buy blinds for the upstairs windows of the Legion Hall and a do- nation will be made to the 1964 March of Dimes. The Father and Son Scout banquet is being held on Feb- ruary 19. All help is welcomed. A dessert euchre and bake sale will be held by the auxil- iary at the hall on Wednesday afternoon, March 4; proceeds will go towards the sport fund. There is also a card party in Exeter on February 26. The Clinton Legion men 'are again treating the Auxiliary to their annual banquet on Sat- urday, February 29. Group leaders are requested to phone their groups concerning these events. A gift was presented to Mrs, A, Bell-Charnbera who is leav- ing shortly for Germany. A demonstration on the different cuts of meat will be given at the March meeting; also there will be door pries, Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. Cooke lr L 0 t 1 Si' Mat 481,1011,, Clinton BIRTHS' M 11:W=13—In Clinton PO, lie Hospital on., Saturday,. • February 1964, to 1Vir, and Mrs, DeRuyten RR A 13.a,Y,, field, a ,daughter, ESLIGER—In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, Febtala •ary .8, 1964, to Corporal and Mrs. S. Esligen, Clinton, a daughter,. FISHER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, Febru- ary 9, 1964, to Mr, and. Mrs. James Fisher, RR .Cloelea rich, a daughter, GREIDANUS—In ,Clinton Pub- lie Hospital. on Saturday, February '8, 1964, to Mr, and . Mrs, Deriald. ,Greirlarms, Lon- desboro„ a -.son, MASON -- In Clinton: Public Hospital on Monday, Febru- ary 10, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mason, Blyth, twins, a daughter and son. DEATHS SHIPLEY—In Calgary on Jan- uary 18, 1064, Donald Haig Shipley, 46, as the result of an automobile accident, He was the son of the late Dr, William J. Shipley and Mrs„ Gertrude (Shipley) Wood (nee Batchelor). Surviving are his wife Helen and two daughters, Beverley Anne, Toronto; Florence, Calgary; two brothers, Douglas C., Vancouver; '-John, Calgary; his stepfather, Arthur Wood, Calgary. Funeral service and interment were held •in Cal- gary on January 21, WALTERS — At his home at RR 5 Clinton, on Sunday, February 9, 1964, Frank E. Walters, lifelong Tuckersmith Township farmer. Survived by his wife, the former Ile M a y Townsend; daughters, Mrs. George (Dorothy) Tvvy- - ford, West Hill, Ont.; Mrs, Allan (Beatrice) Campbell, RR 1 Seaforth; Mrs. Murray (Eileen) Culver, Brantford; Mrs. Donald (Amy) Horne, RR 4 Walton; son, Lloyd, London; mother, Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, Clinton; brothers, James, Waterford, Mich.; Bert, RR 1 Brucefield; Ed- ward, White Fox, Sask.; sis- ters, Mrs. Walter (Mary) Layton, Hayfield; Mrs. Jack (Sadie) Horton, Dodsland, Sask. Service was held on Tuesday from Ball and Match funeral home, Clinton. Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, February 16 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Lenten Service TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.—Church Service 3.00 p.m,—Sunday School ailments REV. CLIFFORD G PARK, M.A., Minister Installation of Eiders at both Churches Subject: "Fellow-Shepherds of Christ's Flock" WESLEY-WILLIS New Sunday School Hours: 9.45 a.m.-6 yeast to Seniors 11.00 a,m,—Chtirch Service 11.00 a..M.—Nursery and Kindergarten HOLMESVILLE 1,00 p.m.—Church Service 2,00 pan!.---aSunday School ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Archdeacon Jelin 14. Mina, InterIM Rector Charles Merrill, Organist FIRST' SUNDAY OF LENT Sunday, O'ebruary 16 11,00 a,m.—Morning Service Tuesday, Feb. 18—WA meets, Mrs, Alfred Htldie'S hoine, 2:45 Wedncsdayy Fels; The Prototype° 8:00 pan, thrUsday, Feb. Ai—Chancel Gm u, Atift:t. 0, 1\1'ftitibi-s lion* 8:15 PAM Wednesdays 15.*i-,,,•-=Prayer SerViee 7,30 0.bri..Zifrtiltelistid Han' Gtteat Speaker! Larnbert Baptist, London, 1 HAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 10.0 ti,ta..—guricto 11.,00 tob..--mattittg Worship You Are ,dOitikiltY trivifed 146 Alt Of these 8efvfees I FIVE-MN BOWLING NEWS 1 Pigs, Ice Cause District Accidents, Two Drivers Charged By Police