HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-13, Page 6Classified A S Our Saturday Special From OUr Store Only Reg. S9O doz. HOT CROSS BONS special Mc o, •,a MISCELA-ANE001$ MacPONAI.D • ELECTRIC iviotgr repairs and RevVinclin9 House Wiring Service .Galls 48Z,7702 AUTOS FOR SALE 13LT.M and. WHITE 1959. Meteor tudor, 6 cylinder standard, com- plete with radio end seat belts, in good .condition. .Cheap for rash. Anyone interested call Clinton .4.82,7131 after 5:00 p.m. 6.7h SERVICE4 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Fpr ,ogA.o or :PIOACI,g.P ANIIYt l5 ,--, .P411 -Polloct .1):ARLINO Company or -Canada Limited- Phone Clinton YiU g'7209, Licence 262-0-63 7-tfb. Page 6--Clioten News-Recoral—,Theos., Feb. 13, 1964 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE ,• , ,.„. 1.953 METEOR sedan, .recondi, tioned, bargain at $350; also 1958 Chev, ton, covered rebuilt motor, at $550, ApplY , Bert Gibbings, phone 482-8282, 7-8p ,?9tfti. SOFT WOOD for sale, $4,00 per cord, Delivered in two-cord or more lots, Apply Percy Riley, Goderich or phone 482-997Z 6,7b BALED HAY, a mow of cut oat. straw, Charles Brandon) phone 482-9275, 7p. , . 100 ACRE FARM in Tucl4r, smith Twp., well drained, all workable, good .buildings, Write to Box 70, Clinton News- Record, 7,8p MASSEY FERGUSON 65 Dies- el tractor with Robin loader, belt pulley and Heat Houser, 4 furrow plow. W. Larder, ph, Dile 482-7252 Clinton. 7-8b SALES AND SERVICE, Vik- ing Separators, Milkers, Black, smith and Welding Shop, Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone 482-91$i, 6-22p Mechanical Ancl BOY Pairs, Alignment and 0.4iallPP, Window Replace- olgrit, -Radiator Repairs. protectAgainst rust with 1/Oa-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway; Goderich Phone, 5244231. ...$100WatioarPiesio,Happoomatimaik.. HOUSE on paved road, close to Clinton. Modern. convenienc- es, Phone 482-9408, 7b TWO, GROUND-FLOOR apart- ments, .one- furnished, heated,. with private bath and fire,. place. L. G. Winter Real Est- ate, phone 482-6692, 200. High. Street, -51 tfb „.. . . . Modern 1. Bedroom. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, radio and other accessories; reasonable; only driven. 3 months, Can be seen at Fairholme ?Dairy Ltd. daily until 3 p,m, except Wed- nesdays) or phone 524-9Q57, 6-7p SINGER .SP:W1140 • MACHINE. Spies and 'Service WM Whidden 320 Victorig, St,, Clinton Phone 482-9103 a:itfh PIONEER CHAIN' SAWS, new and used. Snowbird Snow Blowers, Saw Chain, $10.00 up. Complete parts and service, Robert Glen, Pioneer Saws, ph- One 482-9909, Clinton. ito9p. COMPLETE FARM TAX RETURNS For $12.6° I THREE-ROOM, UNFURNISH- ed apartment. Phone 4827677, 5tfb .44,,K444.4,124,14.4441.0,..44400%4444ory;a4 00,4 SIX ROOM HQUSE,, $60 per -Month. Phone t75, Seaforth,. Oat, •7tfb PIANO TUNING Save THREE WAYS APARTMENT ARTICLES WANTED WANTED TO BUY 1 p; 3,4 lip. electric motor, approxi- mately 3,5Q0 RPM. Ilenk's Shoe Repair, phone 482-9753 after 6:00 p.m, lb CAMPING TRAILER, wanted immediately, in good condition. Will pay cash, Phone 482-7626. ltfb YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. PET STOCK "GENERAL?' tr.rtAlc,LER. FOR sale, 8' x.35', .completely fern- ished, qn good condition, Can be seen on Isabella Street, Sea- forth, or write to Mrs, William Baker, general delivery, Sea- forth. 4-5-6-7p M,APLEFLO plastic sap gather- ing Pipe, spouts and. tees. 1;600 ft, It", 200 ft. %", 2,700 ft. 1/1 ", 250 spouts, 50 tees, 1/43 price, never used, W, Larder, phone 482-7252, Clinton, 7-8b with Bulk Fertilizer UnflirWS-lied KitOlIPP, Living RoOni .4: Dining Room * Bath. AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 432-7740 ROOM FOR, RENT, kitchen Privileges optional. Phone 482, 9608, 6tfb SELF-CONTAINED furnished apartment Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 482-9928. 7tfb i FURNISHED TRAILER for rent, 10x40', 2 bedrooms, Phone 482-3323, 51p1p-tfb. LARGE AND SMALL trailers, fully furnished. Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton, 37tfla When Applying ELMIRA BRAND Wo will have accurately pre- pared your monthly accounts, tax returns and a profit and loss statement. A not h Membership benefit of ALLIED FARM SERVICES Charles R. Harris Bayfield, Phone 95 Farm Equipment Leasing 7. 10, 13b Prevent calf scours. NIXON PREVENTEX TABLETS ad, ministered to a new-born calf during the first 10 days of life will prevent scours and get the calf off to a healthy start. 15 tablet bottle only $1.25. Avail- able at Edward's Pharmacy in Clinton, Satisfactory results or your money back. • 7b FERTILIZER To Your Pasture & Hay Fields AVAILABLE IN PAO OR BULK at ELMIRA, EXETER or BRUCEFIELD, , Have An Extra Key For Your Car . . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH IHA Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb PUPS FOR. SALE, Boyder Collies; black and white, over 2 months old. Phone Bayfield 55R21. 7-8p 7tfb CUSTOM WORK PUREBRED CHIHUAHUAS, males only, ready for deliverY.. Choice quality, purebred black and silver German Shepherds, excellent temperament. Donola Kennels. Birth, phone 523,9240, 6-7p ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTOR Sales and Service DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ART LEVETT & SONS 139 ERIE ST. — CLINTON Phone 482-6640 3tfb Order Early And Take Advantage of Five Substantial Discounts. For Prices, Spreader Rentals, or Soil Sampling information, Call 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT — New furnace. Available now. Phone 482-6675. 3tfb OIL SPACE HEATERS, in good condition, Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 482-9928. 43tfb MASSEY FERGUSON 72 S.P. combine, 1963 model. Pickup, sconrkleert and straw spreader. New condition, guaranteed, W. Larder, phono482-7252 Clinton, 7-8b 4-BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 bath- rooms, oil heating, immediate possession. Phone 482-9644, 7tfb NEWLY-DECORATED, TWO- bedroom house. Phone 482-6610 n o apply 227 Huron Street, 4tfb 1963 GENERAL Mobile Home, 48'x10'. Very reasonable. Phone 482-7095. 3tfb REAL ESTATE We Specialize Tn . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET CLINTON, Phone 482-7652 24tfb Your Lod Dealer , or Robert Taylor Sales Representative For Reaci Fertilizers Ltd. Phone 482-9144 "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. New phone number 482-7792, Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialty. 48tfb HOUSE FOR SALE or trade on small farm. Apply 316 Jam- es Street, Clinton. 6-7p SPRING FERTILIZERS TRAILER ELCONA 1963 model with "T" room exten- sion, 52'40'. Phone 482-7606. . 7-8-9p PIONEER SEED CORN ECONOMICAL 1,000 square ft., 2-bedroom home. Completely modern, includes solid vinyl- tiled floors, heavy duty wiring, high performance water heater, oil furnace, eu,,. 'Located be- tween Public School and PoSt Office, Call 482-9693, 7b EMPLOYMENT WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT, 'downstairs, heated, Commercial Apts. Ceriel Van! Damme, 482- 6685. 7tfb MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb We Suggest You Contact Harriston Fertilizers Ltd., Clinton or your local Harriston agent and plan your spring fertilizer requirements now. Check our complete Bulk Hand- ling Facilities, Services and Prices before you buy your re- quirements. Special February Discounts and Cash Discounts Varieties of Seed Corn suitable for this area are almost sold out. Make sure that you place your order right away with your Pioneer Dealer. 11111•1111.110111011111111MIMEW, BABYSITTING wanted in my own home or yours, Phone 482-9074. 7p COMPETENT TYPIST desires typing to do in own home, Ref- erences available. • Reports, manuscripts, etc. clone at rea- sonable rate. Phone 482-7676. • 7p SMALL APARTMENT, heated, newly decorated. $55 per mon- th. Phone 482-6663 or 482-9568 evenings. 2tfb LIVESTOCK FOk SALE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE —2 hauling trailers, 9x12 tent, 1956 Dodge, Phone 482-7626. 7tfb HERD OF 20 HOLSTEIN cows, 3 just fresh, balance springing; milking machine, like new; quantity of baled straw and hay. Apply Lorne Tyndall, Clinton. 7-8p REAL ESTATE 3-BEDROOM Wartime -house, located on Mary Street, avail- able after February, 20: For information phone 482-3209. lb 48 BASS PIANO ACCORDION and. case, in excellent condi- tion, $50 or best offer. Phone 482-7054 after 6:00 p.m. 7b NICE 9-ROOM BUNGALOW With Nine BUILDING LOTS In Clinton Apply 55 Albert Street Phone 482.7302 . 7-8-9b KEITH LOVELL KIPPEN Phone Hensel! 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCEFIELD Phone ' Hensall 346J1 ltfb DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free •estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb 17 PIGS, 8 weeks old, John Hoogendorn, phone 482-7426. 7b 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. • 35tfb AIMOMBION.10•111 BUSINESSMEN; If you use any type of Moore business form, they can be ordered through Clinton News-Record, phone 482-3443, tfb HELP WANTED MALE BREAD SALESMAN for esta- blished route. Must be neat and aggressive. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 6-lb 1111.11061.10111119014 VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and• Service WANTED HEATED, 2 BEDROOM Dup- lex, available February 1. 79 John Street, phone Dorothy Marquis, 402-9554 evenings. 5tfb PHONE: CLINTON PLANT 482-9133, Clinton FRANK PEARCE 396, Seaforth DON HOCKING 155 r 20. Kirkton NOW IS THE TIME to order your aluminum windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell Jervis, 482- 9390. 21tfb Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers, Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale, BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb WANTED—HAY and STRAW, Box 9, Newbury. 47-9-51-1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15b NEEDED. A Rawleigh Dealer for part of Huron County. Over 1,500 families, where Products have been, sold for many years. Real opportunity for permanent profitable work. Start prompt- ly, Write Rawleigh, Dept. B-169-232, 4005 Richelieu St., 1Viontreal, 7b 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, close to post of- fice, available Feb. 15. Apply 106 King Street, phone 482- 3835. 4tfb SALESMEN WANTED Hunter Safety Training Program 30" ADMIRAL Electric Range, fully automatic; also a GE re- frigerator, 49-lb. freezer cap- acity, dial defrost, Both in good condition, available Mar. 16. Phone 482-7740, 7p UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY— High commission earnings with a growing 60 year old company selling world famous Goodyear maintenance products. Rod Tor- mo earned over $20,000 (not typical, but indicative of poten- tial) last year. Don Kirby had 150 repeat customers on one exclusive product his second year. Age no barrier. Diversi- fied year round line. No in- vestment required. We take care of all financing—shipping —and collections. Start on part time basis if you like. Write Consolidated Paint & Varnish (Canada) Ltd., East Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 6-7-8b SPRAYED APPLES — Cook- ing and eating apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF homes. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna, 46p-tfb 4tfb ti February 27 and 28 --7:00 p.m. sharp TOWN HALL — CLINTON R. DOUCETTE Instructors — E. COLLINS 482-9741 482-7420 8 HOUR COURSE 7-Sb MODERN TWO BEDROOM house, half mile north of Clin- ton on 'highway 4. Oil furnace, three-piece bath and garage, Phone 482-9889, 'Joe Corey. 5tfb SALESMAN wanted for an old established feed company in this district to sell direct to farmers on salary and commis- sion. The man we are looking for will be covered with an in- surance policy, medical and hos- pitalization. He must own a car and be between 40 and 55, with recent agricultural exper- ience. Write giving full partic- ulars including telephone num- ber to Box 43333, Station C, London, Ont. 6-7b CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23 tfb43tfb TIRE SALE FURNISHED AND HEATED 2 bedroom apartment; also one bedroom apartment; both pri- vate bath, newly decorated, laundry .facilities. Available now. Phone 482-3329. 6p-tfb All First-Line SNOW TIRES— now 50% OFF LIST PRICE. New-Treads $10.00 and up at CLAYT DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY Eattenbury St., phone 482-7034. 7b WASHING. MACHINE, baby carriage, youth's bed and mat- tress, 3 sheetmetar work books, a spring horse, trilight lamp, a round dining table and as- sorted coins. Phone 482-7870. 6-7b N-04.11-C-E Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager Meeting of Ratepayers of USS No. 2 Hullett School GROUND FLOOR apartment, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, stove and frig. sUpplied, available March 1. Apply Mrs. Florence Elliott, 105 Rattenbury St. E., phone 482-9332. 5tfb ELECTROLUX SALES and SERVICE DON SMITH For Free Demonstration or Service Phone 482-7889 WE WANT to talk to 6 men who are really ambitious in securing an increase in their income and in having steady employment, the year around. There are no layoff periods, No matter what your past employ- ment, all we ask is that you are ready to learn. We train you in our work, We think you will find this opportunity par- ticularly appealing. You must be prepared to get by on $80 a week for the first 4 weeks while training. You must be able to supply references, and have a car. Write to Box 75, Clinton News-Record. 7b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service TRAVEL SERVICE to be held there Tuesday, February 18 — 2:00 p.m. Discussion on formation of Central School for Hullett Township. Vote will be taken, 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED House, with modern conven- iences, available now. Four miles from RCAF Station on highway between Clinton and Seaforth. Phone 482-9822. 1-2b 6-7b BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. For all airlines, steam- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives• visiting from over- seas. Call 271-5710. 13tfb NEW BABY CARRIAGES: LLOYD'S 6-way Baby Carri- age, reg. . $62.00, for only $40.00; "Springtime" carriage, reg. $56.00, for only $40.00. At BEATTIE FURNITURE, phone 482-9521. 7b EATON'S RECORD BREAK- ING WINTER SALE: 17 Cu, ft. freezer, $219.95; 21 cu. ft. freez- er, $244.95; 13'6" cu. ft. Viking refrigerator-freezer, $269.95; Vi- king washer, square tub, $119.95; Viking dryer, $138.88; Viking deluxe range, $194.95. No trade-in necessary to pur- chase at these low sale prices. Terms available with "No Down Payment". Buy Now! EAT- ON'S. 7-8p UPSTAIRS — 2 - BEDROOM apartment, private entrance, 3- piece bath, hot water heated. Immediate possession. Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Bay- field, 49tfb Our Buyer's mistakes AreYourGain I TENDERS WANTED DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION (1951) LIMITED PROJECT; Fire Retardant Painting of 7 Barrack Blocks, RCAF Station, Clinton, Ont. 1 FLYBACK and Yoke tester; 2 8-in. test picture tubes; 1 30-in. radial projector horn; 1 17-in, Spartan TV, completely overhauled, excellent condition; 1 high voltage 30,000 volt probe; 12 P.M. speakers, 4, 6, 9 inches, B. R. Munday, 127 Widcler Street, Goderich. 6-7b LOWER APARTMENT — Mod- ern, 2 bedroom, large living room, large kitchen with built- in cupboards. Immediate posses- sion. One block from poSt of- fice. Fred Elliott 482-9456. 6tfb SMALL DUPLEX at 65, 67 Rattenbury East. Will convert to a 2 or 3-bedroom house if desired. Close to schools, down- town, swimming pool, Very reasonable. Contact Mrs. P, Atkinson, RR 9, London, On- tario, phone 455-2298. 6-7b HELP WANTED FEMALE WEDDING STATIONERY: In- vitations, reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards, place cards; two complete lines to choose from, When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- ment free of charge. Take wed- ding stationery book out over- night and choose your supplies in private. Clinton -News- Record. 34tfb FEMALE HELP WANTED for factory work, Apply in person, Highland Shoes, Seaforth. 7-8b File: 737-C2-3 SEALED TENDERS, marked as to content addressed to the undersigned will be received until 3:00 p.m. E.S.T, TUESDAY, March 3, 1964 SpecificationS and tender forms will be on view at Builders' Exchanges in Chatham, Lon- don, Hamilton, Kitchener and DCL Toronto Branch Office and may be obtained by Prime Con- tractors Only from DCL Plans Section at the, address below on deposit of $25.00 payable to Defence Construction (1951) Limited. Security deposit as called for in the Tender Documents must accompany tenders. J. D. Jennison, Secretary, 6th Finer, Kenson Building, 225 Metcalfe Street, OTTAWA 4i Ontario, Zb Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ii..01INE WILSON ARMStR0116, late of the Township Of Stanley In the County of Huron, Parmeir, deceased, ALL persons having claims againat the Estate of the above named, who died on the 7th day of DeceMber, 1963, are required to file fan particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of Febrile*, A.13, 1964, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having regard only to the elaints of Which the- undersigned shall than have notice, DA74015 at Clinton, Ontario, this. 3rd day Of February) A.D. 196. Clinton, onkt,r10; Solicitor for the Sak tstate, 6.7-8b TWO PAIR OF NYLONS, 99c; Ski Jackets and Coats, men's, women's and children's, reg- ularly $4,95 to $59.95 -- Now $2.50 to $30. Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone Bayfield 83. 4tfb PART-TIME TYPIST — Short- hand preferred,, mature person with experience, no students please. Write to Box 76, Clin- ton News Record, lb Shop and Really Save Right Now I This weekend only we offer the f9ilowing odds-n-ends at crazy prices. Real bargains. See these and many more during our final 1 days of Clearance. HELP WANTED 3-PIECE Brown Velour Chest- erfield Suite, make us an of- fer, 3-piece Beige Chesterfield Suite, good condition; 3-piece Walnut 13edroorn Suite, with metal springs, excellent condi- tion, approx, 6 years old, $59.00; 4-ft. metal bed spring, or 4-ft. 6-in, bed spring, your choice, $6,00; metal bed, 36", complete with spring and mattress, brand new, $39;00; selection of 3-ft. 3-in., 4-ft. and 4-ft, 6-inc head boards for continentals, $6,00 - and Up recliner chair, make an offer; Walnut veneer dining room set, 6 chairs, table and buffet, you should see this one, don't delay. At BEATTIE FURNITURE, phone 482-9521. lb Applications for ASSESSOR Boys' Car Coats $4.98 EA. Ski Jackets For Police Village of BAYFIELD will, be received by the undersigned until February 25, 1964. Duties to commence immediately. Mel Grahanl, Clerk, Township' Of Stanley, BRUCEFIELD, Ont. 2 ONLY Reg. $12.95 All Nylon Reg. $17.95 $9.98 ur Friday Feature VALENTINE CAKES PIIIMJ AT 9 c EA. 79c EA. 99c EA ' Wash Pants Socks BRAND NAME $3.95 t„eg. to $7,00 ..... $4.95 Reg. to 2 For $1,50 89c P11, $1.75 7-8b "0****0"0,""1",..***.immosfolsoliem.00 MISCELLANEOUS Corduroy Pants $5.00 aimilwirolo‘i,044,44 AvilefoK0:001.Mit AUTOS FOR SALE 1q58 METEOR, with overdrive, 58,000 miles. One owner car. Call Aubtirn, 5264737. 7tfb Topcoats and' All Weather WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron ;Cannty's Oldest Este.- Wished jewellery' Store. 20tfb LET tJ REPAIR AND MAKE your I'inigaindsoanid r ring's jewellery yitk new. D renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. ExPert work chine rehabriablY to your satisfacti',m. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing, W. N. COunter, 20tfb- Sikes 30-34-U Reg. $9.95 Reg. to $49.0 $10.98 EA. 148 CHEVROLET in good running condition. Phone 482- 7676, 7P 1961 I)DGE 2-door sedan, eX delient condition throUghout, SaCrifice twice. Cali 482-7329 our„ apply 108 Walker 8t, 6-7p 1951 tioro, rairlane 500, two door sedan, V-8 automatic, radio, gbod condition. Phone 4823470, before 6:00 p.ria 7p 1956 CHMVROIST Sedan, tWo- tote bluer, good Condition, 1964 plateS; dustorn radio, price $3''5, Ron Westlake, phone BaYfield 608,2. 7p Underwear Sweaters stANPIEL OS AC $3.95 EA. $1.00 HARVgY WoObS Pb 4 -$1 .9 i5tiribinationS-,--,Size 38 „.. Bartliffs Ba ery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 4824727 CLINTON keg, to $19.05 eicistified Ads Rring Quick Results ic ett &Campbell