HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-13, Page 2B ELL LIN 11-4: by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager UPCOMING TV SPECIALS Lovers of good music will want to watch for two tele- vision treats to be sponsored by the Bell over the CBC-TV network in the next few weeks. On Wednesday, February 19, at 9:30 p,m., six recognized young stars of the music world, including the assistant conductors of' both the Montreal and Toronto Symphony Orchestras, will be featured in a pro- gram entitled "Young Canadians in Concert". Then, two weeks later—Wednesday, March 4, at 9:30 p.m.—the Bell will sponsor the TV presentation of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra performing Richard Strauss' "Ein Heidenleben" (A Hero/s Life) under the direction of Conductor Zubin Mehta. Filmed and recorded, at Montreal's proud Place des Arts during the 30th anniversary concert of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, the program ;captures a full richness of sound for 47 minutes of uninterrupted music, anti also highlights ah interview with Conductor Nfehta. :if ANSWERER Whenever you're looking for information, you have a variety of sources to Ulm to, depending on the nature of your quest. There's the dictionary or encyclopedia newspapers and magazines . . radio and TV —maps, cook- books, bus schedules, etc. etc. etc. . . . AND, of course, the telephone. And it's the telephone you reach for most often when you want information in a hurry—information such as, is Mary Ellen's birthday tomorrow (horrors!) or next week? . . . how do you get to the Johnson house? what time does the movie begin? , . Who's going to bring the youngsters back from the party? Isn't it a fact, though? Day after day it's the telephone that helps you get the answers you need to schedule your activities 'and keep you informed. QUESTION The hiispital switchboard operator advised the caller that the patient hi 6'18 was not yet receiving "Well, can you tell me hew Mrs, Smith is getting along?" inquired the caller. 41SUrOlY," replied the operator. "She had her operation this mornitig and is tieing extremely welt, according to My card. May t felt her who called, please?" "Oh, that Won't be hecetsary," cattle the 'answer, "This ig Mts. smith fn 618. I Just wanted to find out how t arn, Thank you," ..a,aralsanSaiemS,S -Receive Mixe Opinions ore Interest Toologi :Bi sts? 14CW it VOW PPM NCI 11Q ? You o shul keep ONY open a little at d all times one car WitI (1) tc clYPI,S1 f0,0- cling •qp of the ;or windows? (?) to ovoid carVon monoxide Poisoning? .upap da04 n°4 It ' VoRuiA 941 SPease saissaeas olarsI 4o 401 #00 up, OIIM, sJoApp ByjmoNoi io pup 4°MAP 0 410 Athisais 02DP 94 esal pea 4V3 B9A 1;913 044 ;9 apput 04; tio eupl Psnw Imo Jatotom pm ill pOsal3 silkoMm 944 110 saa Supped Oqisesi ovule up parole aeasuas sal tit) Tim bul^KI '0E4193 04I1 (41 Pup 41 9409 90.001 Aloes opoltio 594 Buip/oa3y CIA Co-operators Insurance Association and Co-operators Life InErxrance Association The longest Washday is a single cycle at our Tel. 482-7064 CLINTON 0 EL LINT Featuring! 11C/owl 9" Room SMORGASBORD .Every Wednesday & Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in aBasket/ Friday—Served from 9:30 'p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m, to Midnight Phone 482-7011 for. Reservations We Cater to Dinnei; Parties and Wedding' Receptions U a. page News-Record,Thyrs., Feb. 14k 1904 MSS Juniors Maintain win Streak, Seniors !Lose First Tilt To Wingham Dick Rtissell, In losing their first game of the seeS011, the CHSS seniors blew an early lead as they Watched Wingilant out - point them by a margin of 19.11 in the final quarter to post the win. After spotting the hosts a 12-8 lead in the first quarter, MSS Paine back to take a 25- 20 margin at the end of the half and still held a 35-31 lead at the end of the third quarter, However, they couldn't slow the Mustangs down in their successful bid, One of the main reasons for the loss was the Redmen's ability to find the mark from the fowl line. They missed on 19 :free throw attempts, while the hosts clicked - on all but six of theirs. Clare Magee was again the leading marksman for the local school, as he canned a total of 15 points in the contest. Bryan Levis hilt for 12; Bob Livermore, 8; Doug IVlac'hulaY, 7; Don. Colquhoun, 4. • Others in the CHSS lineup are: Terry Muise, Dick Shad- dick, Brian McConnell, Donald Freeman, Dennis Logan, Laurie Colquhoun and Cam McAlpine. Top scorer for the Wingiram five was Farrier, who hooped 22 points. The !CHSS furrier' *Vs' bas- ketball squad maintained their Undefeated record in. Perthea; play as they whipped Wing- ham by a 30-23 Count, Thula- day, to pest their fourth st- raight win. However, their senior cohontS had their win streak snapped at three games as the Mustangs came up With a close 50-4S win. The MSS juniors started out quickly in their contest and grabbed a commanding 14-2 margin in the first quarter and were never in serious trouble although' Wingliam • came up with a desperate rally in the _final quarter. However, the locals had built up a 29-11 lead and managed to Preserve the win, despite the fact they were outscored by a 12-1 count in the last• period. Chuck Switzer paced the win as he canned 10 points for the locals, while Fred Jewson was right behind him with nine. Brad Dutat contributed six, while Doug Proctor and Bob Shaddick had two each mid Elwin Kingswell rounded out the scoring with a single. Madill paced the Wingharn hosts with 15 points. Others on the CHSS squad are: Jeff Shaddiek, Phil Burns, Bob Riebl, Mike Maloney and Mrs. Jory was provincial director of the Federation ,of Women, Teachers of Ontario, !and directed the affairs ,of the group for Huron .and :Reath counties. She was head of ap- proximately 2,300 women, life, she has a family ofClq Besides Mrs, Jory's school life, she has a family of two children, Sandra and Richard. She is a very active person, between the family, 'school, and curling. Mrs. Jory is also ac- tive in politics. She topped the contest for the school board election, receiving 424 votes on Osborne Township • School Board, I asked Mrs. Jory's opinion on our library and the stock of books 'we have.. "I think this library is quite modern, and we are hoping to stock more tech- nical books than we have at present," named Charlie. By the way, Charlie is plastic. • In Flin Flon, Manitoba, electricity is So abundant that it is cheaper to leave the lights on all 24 hours than to 'turn thern off, asStaa NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a general meeting of the members of The Clin- ton Hospital Association will be held at the Town Hall, Clinton, Ontario, on Tuesday the 18th day of February, 1964, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening for the fol- lowing purposes: Westinghouse Automatic 30" Rotisserie Range KED3OR: Automatic Rotisserie for jucier, , more flavourful meats and fowl. q Automatic Timing Centre, automatic oven control, minute minder, timed appliance outlet. 12 Miracle Seal Oven with spread-even oven heaters for better baking and roasting. Ej Single Dial Oven Con- trol, ED Non-fog Look-in Window, lift-off oven 'door for easy cleaning. Your Westinghouse Dealer Clinton Electric Shop. Invites You To Take Advantage Of This Once-a-Year inghouse LIMITED U.areo Schefter, ISA As the swells of "I Wanna Hold, Your Hand" swing out, the wild Beatlemania sweeps in. Everyone, who is anyone, surely watched! /the highly sties! ceesfal Beatie quartet on the Sunday night Sullivan show, With sharp attire, three elec- tric, guitars, one Ringo drum- mer, and a modified Betty Boop hair-do, the beatling Beatles sent thousands of teenagers in- to complete eastacy. All the while, adults must 'have been Clicking their tongues and ejac- ulating, 'Wh'at is 'this present generation coming to?" Weil, don't ask me, I only know that the Beetle group, estimated to have made 17 mil- lion 'dollars in 'the record in- dustry for one year, is taking the NOrth American continent by storm—or rather by the hair. It's- no ,wonder that these shaggy dogs twang out lyrics like "Roll over Beethoven"—at least he would have good rea- son to, An amusing incident over this "fantastic" quartet occur- red in a Toronto theatre. One tender love scene ended with the hero sighing, "she loves ine." — -You can guess 'the rest —some joker from the audience yelled out "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah:" Let's now test the reactions of the !students and teachers of CHSS over the fabulous Beatles. Sheila Henry, 13A: I can't put it in words.' I just cant% Chuck Andrews, 10A3; think their haircuts would look good' on girls. Mr. Faaser, English teacher: I think nothing of the. Beadle-a: • Louis Van Larnmeten, 13A: The quality of their singing doesn't account for the aud- ience's reaction. Eleanor Wright, 12A1: I really like their music but I don't thiak„,much of 'their hair — I guess you'd call it that. Linda Nicholson, liAl: They'- re real sweet! Dianne Hanley, 9B1: They're pretty wild., Ed Land, 12A1: They've got different 'haircuts and they look horrible. New Instructor. From Toronto Enjoys District y Jayne Voss, 12A2 A new teacher at CHSS, Mr. D. Dahlke was born and raised in Toronto. He received his education at the University of Toronto where he studied eco- nomics and political science. After graduating be. worked for Dominion Textiles in Quebec for several years after which he ran his own business in Hamilton.- After 'this, Mr. Dahlke came around to what he, had always wanted to do—teach. First, he taught mathematics !and science ih,Batrie and now he is teach- ing history and commercial at MSS. Mn Dahlke enjoys 'teaching at Clinton, He had never been 'to 'th'is Part of the tettritry fore and WaS pleasantly serpris,- ed by the triendriness of the people, His Bobbies •Irralttde Photography 'and remit: Mr. Dahlke, his wife and hiS family reside in Clifiltal. Where We lope they "will stay fee Many itiore Yeat's Mr. Cook, commercial teach- er; They're like four Elvis Presleys, Barb Snell, 13Se: I love "ern! Ken Hamilton, 10A3: I don't like their looks but I do like their sound. Mr. Mann, history and geog- raphy teacher: I do not ohjeet to the Beatles 'themselves; al, though the way some students are overwhelmed by , them proves they haven't much dep- th, Older people think their music is evil and base without By Karen - Sehefter, 13A • 90 percent of 'all scientists Who have ever lived are alive today. This must be- truly 'the Age of Science. cia During the lower school examinations, four grade 13 girls got locked in the machine shop. Trying to find -a study room, the girls _consulted one of the janitors who admitted them to 'the shop. The 'janitor said that' no one could get in, but one could get 'out. Unfortunat- ely, the reverse happened. As they were pounding on the door, a passer-by noticedathe distres- sed damsels and rushed to their aid. The resnlit?—a fun-filled experience and a late slip for the next class. • A bone, if left a few days in a solution of water and hydrochloric acid will be pliable enough to tie in a knot. Ap- parently, the solution dissolves the calcium and phosphorus really thinking about it. As rock and roll, artists they are quite good; they have good harmony and guitar playing, Of course, they shouldn't be -corn- pared to people like Bach—for there is no comparison. Rollie Steep, 10A: I think they're fabulons! They're the most! Bill Estabroolse, 10A3: just another fad, it won't last. Mr, 13orov, Spanish teacher: I would be more interested in them if I were 'a biologist. salts inside the !bone. This could prove that if you don't drink your milk every day, you just might end up as ,a !bundle of knots. 3 The theme for this year's At Home is Disneyland. The gym will be quartered, each section displaying the parts of Disneyland like Fantasyland and Frontierland. A's for the school queen, two girl's will be nominated • from each House and the entire student 'body will vote for one of the eight • There are all sorts of weird skeletons in the zoology lab. Inside the cupboard are found such gems as real verte- brae, an old real cat skeleton, al uge real horse's head frame —displaying a wide toothy grin, one human skull—grey, mouldy and real, and finally one com- plete human skeleton clangliirg from a wire, affectionately CEISS Librarian Acts As Trustee O~m •SchO.ol '13oard 100. Mrs. Madaleae aloyy is the Librarian dint'teacher of Lib- rary Spienoe rat -CHSS. ?revs iously she has taught the .sen- ior stu'den'ts at Exeter p,s, for eight years. She received her education at the St„ Mary's High School and also attended the University of Weatera Ontario (BA), London Teacher's College and. the On- tario Corame of Education. 8-7-b FEBRU 30% OFF Did You Know . . . About Skeletons, Locked Doors And Theme For Dance? CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, February 18, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. CLINTON COUNCIL CHAMBERS (1) Receive and consider the annual reports of the Hospital for the year ended Decem- ber 31, 1963. (2) Elect two directors for a period of three years. (3) Appoint auditors for the ensuing year. (4) Transact all such other business as may properly come before the meeting. All Citizens Are Cordially Invited To Attend Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 4th day of FeL,ruary, 1964. By Order of the Board, H. C. LAWSON, Chairman. LE R AT MEN'S WINOBREAKERS, PARKAS, CAR COATS 30% OFF To consider and, if approved, to confirm with or without variation, a special resolu- tion passed by the directors of the Company on the 21st day of January, 1964, auth- orizing an. application for Supplementary Letters Pat- ent changing the name of the Company to The Clinton Public Hospital. 2. To consider and, if approved, pass any and all resolutions and give all such authoriza- tions and directions as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the fore- going. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of January, A.D. 1964. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD THOMAS A. STEEP, Secretary. NO WAITING TO LAUNDER EACH LOAD So many washers at your disposal that all your wash can be processed at one time! • USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR — DRY CLEANING OR .4 LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR lyi _j BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 • A.M. AND 12 P, M. 6-7b E S LE S LT Clinton Electric Shop 6. We CORNISH, Proprietor "Your WestInghouse Dealer`'' 012.6646 Clinton Now Only S199 64 Plus Trade-in 12 ISAAC ST., CLINTON PHONE 482-7735 //THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST" EXTRA SPECIAL LAWS' DRESSES 2 FOR. Tg PRICE 4~ ONE GIRLS' DRESS COATS, PARKAS, CAR COATS Rev $8.25to $20.95 Salee $5.79 to $14.69 LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES keg. $2.08 to $4,98 Sale $2,00 to $3.49 Many, Many Ofker Whiter ifen' .Gteafly':kedute4., Ydti- Citt.ehe th And See Poe Y6titteric .Appeoola+6 The Value c.