HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-13, Page 1THE HURON RECORD — 81st YEAR No. 7—The Home Paper With the News. 'CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11 1964 r. $4.00 Per Year-10 Coats Per Copy,-12 Pages og Plan Men 11VQn ri '.Las Wei No Vote, But `Apposition' Wins peat Hog Producers Name Executive At the annual meeting of the Huron County Hog Producers held in Clin- ton, Tuesday, Lloyd Stewart, RR 1, Clinton, was re-named. to another term as president. Alf Warner, 'RR 1, Bayfield, remains as secretary-treasurer and Robert McAllister, right, RR 2 Auburn, is the new vice-president. • • • (News-Record 'Photo) AREA RESIDENTS AFOUL OF LAW Two Receive Probationary Ter s, Driver, Airmen Fined For rains New Tactics In Ctirling? Whot the. OfficerS ilCAr Clinton tOok to the 'CO td play the Sergeants' Mess in last weekend's behgpiek they were confronted by the Station Warrant Officer, Jack Reid, not once, but twice. The SWO is Situated on the left--or is it the ilght? The i-nodel ghowihg uneahny regerithlove, was made by P/8 Mckenzie, P/S Pair, Sgt.• dallOri and CO, Williams, with assistance from the -SWO, MAY Photo) lintona .ftrot C011/1111Fgg, THE NEW ERiN 97th YEAR. Mrs. Thompson Back on. Town Council, Replaces ElliotWho. Leaves For City r4031 CERTAIN Pants of Ontario have come complaints that Hon. C. S. MacNaughton. and his highways advisors are favouring the City of Toronto, end sundry suburbs of Hog Town, by building added lanes to highway 401, even before finishing the highway in other sections . . However, after being one of the countless thousands tied up in Thursday's "great white snarl" due to a snow storm, we have come to the conclusion the Huron leflap should build ea separate high- way far each and everyone of those idiots down that way , . For those who read reports of the tieup in traffic, we can re- port that none were exaggerat- ed and it 'Wok many up to four hours to get across even half of the city . . However, lest you be under_ the impression that giant snowbanks were blocking the streets, we should point out that on our return we found that Clinton had re- ceived more snow than Toronto and we doubt if the "little" dab slowed anyone down in this area. MAIN REASON 'for this is due to the fact area drivers have a few brains in compar- ison to their city cousins and may have installed such bene- ficial accessories as snow tires . Our fellow drivers in this neck of the woods also know that you don't jam the gas to the floor to 'get a start on snowy avenues , . . However, clown in Toronto-the-good„ cars were getting stuck right on level thoroughfares and it was indeed risky to move too close to the car in front because it invariably fishetailecl for the length of the gap it traversed . . Peehaps it is time there was some law that required snow tires for winter driving for the same reason that cars are required to, have lights at night, and windshield wipers in rain storms—for safe driving, BECAUSE we have had oc- casion to note the ridiculous winter driving of Torontonians previously, we weren't too, shocked or irritated . . How- ever, One thing we had was the lack of neighbourly assistance one finds in a larger community . In Toronto, we spotted drivers stuck at cern-, ers, and while they -apparently required only a gentle push, other motorists would merely pun out around and pass quick- ly by . . . We even saw pedest- rians walk around behind a car spinning at one intersection and none bothered to even take a few seconds to get the harras- sed driver on his way . ,. All in all, we were glad to get back to the friendly confines of the hinterlands. SIMILAR TO all good fish tales, we must report that our account of Mrs, Clifford Jipps catching a whooper in Florida was entirely untrue . . . How- ever, contrary to most fisher- men, it was not the size of the fish we altered, but rather the mistake was in reporting what (Continued on page 12) When Clinton council's fin- ance committee sets about drawing up a budget-they may have to consider provisions for such long-range projects as a new fire truck and town hall, and an early purchase of a complete communications sys- tem for the three-man police force. These three projects were listed by councillors at Mon- day night's meeting, Councillor Don Symons made the announcement that a new fire truck will be a requisite in the future. He reported that he and his committee had met with the Clinton Volunteer Fire Brigade committee and the tthed of a new truck was outlin- ed by Chief Grant "Red" Rath. Symons explained 'that While Clinton had One we'll-equipped truck, their other truck Was getting to the stage where it was no longer adequate for calls to the rural area or for fires ire Clihton when two tr- acks Were heeded. "Before too many years We Must think of a new truck," he Stated, "and the time Is fast approaching," He pointed out that due to Clinton. fire brigade's high rep- utatiOn, they Wene called Ott to many neigh:Witting fires, ff we ate to liVe ttp to this reputation We roust think Of it airitaining top equipinentr 8ythents eaten rented. Ho also Said that during the with the tire cominit- tee, a rotluest had beeti presents ea for SeVenai ingeteVeilionth at the 'town hall, it was reternMended th t the dilapidated Chitteey at the w.et.t et the hall be than dente the Steps to the totter be fleced In a rattler nironical state of events, Mrs, Alice Thompson will .again be ea ,councilloa for the Town of. Clinton, .She has indicated she will accept 'the council seat vacated hy Allan Elliot, who has -been hired for a public relations job -with the Ontario. Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission in Tor- onto. He plans to leave Clinton an February 22, having - resigned his position as a ciViliaa .elee- tronies instructor at RCAF inton. Mrs.. Thompson, who headed the Clinton polls in 1961 and became the first woman calm- , ciller, gets the vacated seat after two unsuccessful bids Co- win a position on council, After her brief two year stint as a ,councillor, ,she chal- lenged Mayor William Miller for his post, but was defeated, 'Ten days later she engaged in an election battle with Thompson for the lone coun- cil' seat which was vacant due to a lack of candidates being named at the nomination meet- ing. However, she lost that fight as well. But •under procedures to be followed by the returning of- ficer, Clerk John Livermore, she was, offered the seat vac- ated by Elliot as she was the defeated candidate in the coun- cil election. . If she also fills Elliot's com- mittee positions on council, Mrs. Thompson will again be chair- man of the health and welfare committee, a position she held during her previous two years. An interesting sidelight to the move is the fact that El- liot' also gained a council seat through -a mid-term vacancy. He was offered a seat when Mel Crich died, about t h r e e years ago. - The Elliots came to Clinton from England about seven HAYFIELD,— Heather Mat- thews, four-year-old daughter of Mrs. Dan Matthews, suffer- ed an injury which could easily have cost her the sight of her right eye when scratched by a cat. With her oldee sister, Maur- een and Linda Maloney, she was playing in the vicinity of the y, Warner and Ren- ner residences on Wednesday morning of last week, A neighbourhoo'l cat and dog had an altercation- and 'the cat popped into a s-arby building. Heather peaeat ,in after it up, am repaSrs made to the section at the front of the hall which houses the fire siren. "These are most urgent," Symons explained: He said 'the firemen also wanted a washer unit installed on 4th e truck and the floor of the hall painted. Consider Hall In 'his report from the gen- eral government committee, Deputy-reeve ,john gutter told eouricillort to keep in Mind that "we're almost in need of a town hall". We keep adding on and add- ing an, he explained, and soon we will have paid the price of a, new one, There have been extehsive renovations to the old structure in recent years, as well as Sy- Mons' statement that more Were heeded new. Sutter's conthient brought no dismission_ train any other member of council, Pollee Calls The police cerrenittee, Which plans a special meeting this Friday, Will probably disease' the advisability of installing complete communications sys- tem for the local police force. Conncillor George 'Wench, WhO has caMPaighed strongly The Weather 1084 .1082 Rieh LOW High LOW Peh 8 28 29 37 12 .22 IS .25 4 '8 28 18 17 40 5. 20. • -422 -0 10 22 14 11 -20 4 23 18 12 24 11 13` SiiortY: 4" Snow- years ago and they have one son, Michael, 11. Mr. Ellione family plans to remain in Clinton until the Easter vacation at least and possibly right through to the end of 'the school term before moving to Toronto. ALLAN ELLIOT MRS. ALICE THOMPSON and 'the cat lashed out catch- ing its claws in the child's eye- lid. The other two girls unhooked the cat's claws from Heather's eyelid and brought her home to her grandmother, Mrs. A. M, Baesett., She was taken to Clinton for medical attention where it was 'ascertained that the bleeding was from inside the lid. There were two scratches on the eye itself and a small one on her cheek. Heather's eye is healing nic- ely and, fortunately the sight is not impaired. for each equipment in the past, presented a report to council regarding the cost of such equ- ipment. He stated that he had rec- ently visited the Goderich mun- icipal Pollee to view their setup and had fotind it to be extrem- ely functional'. It includes a two-way radio for the office and the cruiser and also for an apartment over Supporters of the-present hog marketing scheme lost 'a battle Tuesday, but appear. to have won the war in Huron County, For the first time in' four years there will 'be no county- wide election to name commit- teemen, as 19 men were AC- claimed to these positions in a meeting in .Clinton Legion Hall. However, for the first time, it appears .that an opponent has managed to be selected as one of the committeemen in a weird move that provided some interesting minutes at the an- nual meeting, A's usual, the Huron County Hpg Producers had presented a full slate of 19 men for the post of committeemen, and ally one former candidate of the • apparently fading Free Enterprise backers had his name on the slate of nominees, In past years, the opponents of the plan have always named a complete slate in opposition, but have never before placed a man on the voting delegates to -the annual meeting in Toronto. Melvin Greb, RR, 2 Dasbwood, was the 20th name on the board, and when all 20 declared their intention 'to stand, -Doug Miles, agriculture representa- tive, who 'acts as returning of- Clipton Board For Planning Near Existence The by-laws committee were requested to make changes in Clinton's Planning Board setup following the recommendation of councillor Duff Thompson. Thompson, who noted that the Board 'was reaching the point where it was "almost corning into existence", asked that 'the number of members be increased from five to seven. "It requires more men to' do the job expected 'to be done," he stated. At present, the bylaw stip- ulates that the mayor 'and one councillor must be on the board. Thompson asked that the stip- ulation to have a councillor be withdrawn. He noted that there may be no member of council particul- arly interested in the position and this would only leave three men to work, along with the mayor, who is an ex-officio member. Thompson has indicated that he has filled some of the posi- tions on the board to date. the police office to ethe of- ficers. A telephone is installed in the apartment and for a min- ute rental, a family is given the quarters under the agree- ment that someone will always be there to answer the phone if the police office is vacated. Wench stated that a police officer could be contacted with- (Continued on Page 12) fiver;-- declared that en election would be held to eliminate one man on the selected date of March 3. A 'member of the audience, aPPai'ently trying to give Grebb an .opportuaity -to withdraw and not cause an election, ask- ed Miles if it was possible for a nominee to withdraw his name, _ Martin Bean, RR 3 Walton, also rose to point out that an election — cost of which was estimated at over $300 = to eliminate only one man was "pure foolishness": Mr. Miles then stated lie would take 15 minutes to read (Continued on page 7) Auburn Okays Centralized Board, School AUBURN — USS 5 Hullett ratepayers /voted yes to go Ins to a school area at a meeting held in the school house on Monday evening of which Wil- limn, L. Craig was appointed chairman. Frank Raithby was appointed the secretary. Mr. Raithby gave an account of the Hullett Township school boards which had recently been' held in Londesboro with the reeve and the' township council. All sections were represented and each returned to their home sections to have a ratepayers meeting. After a discussion period on this school question, a vote by ballot was held with Harold McClinchey, chairman of . the Auburn board and William Mossy:; a trustee, being the scrutineers, The question placed before the ratepayers was: Whether or not we go into a school area and consequently have a consolidated school in the township, The Auburn- school trustees will attend a meeting in Hun lett township hall early in Ap- ril to find out from the other sections the vote of their rate- payers. Rev. Charles Lewis moved a vote of thanks to the Auburn school board who had carried out their duties in this section. NEWS BRIEFS Mrs. F. G. Thompson return- ed from Ottawa, where she visited her son, Charles and family. She also attended, the Progressive Conservative rally as a voting delegate. David Easom, Frederick St,, celebrated his 86th birthday on Wednesday, February 12: Miss Bonnie Boyes, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyes, Ontario Street, has received honours, in Grade 4 Harmony singing examinations, The tests were held recently at Stratford by the Royal Con- servatory of Music. Miss boyes' teacher is Miss Cora B. Ahrens, Stratford. A young Clinton driver, Pat- rick Shanahan, 22, appeared before Magistrate Glenn Hays, Q.C., in Goderirh court, Thurs- day, and was fined $150 and costs or 14 clays in jail, when he was found guilty of driving a motor vehicle while his abil- ity to do so was impaired. Shanahan had been charged after an incident in Seaforth on January 22, He was also prohibited from driving a motor vehicle in Canada for two years. Carol Ann Arsenault, 19, Cl- itton, who last week pleaded guilty to stealing goods from Dorothy's Wear, the Sheaffer Pen Company Limited and F. W. Woolworth Company, all of Goderich, was given a sus-_ pended sentence and placed,' on probation for two years. She pleaded guilty to steal- Damages ran high in five area accidents investigated by the OPP detachment at Gode- rich this past week and this was the most number reported in one week for some time af- ter an exceptionally fine record maintained by area drivers. On Saturday at 1:30 p.m., Brian Kenneth Spiegelburg, 63, RR 2 Auburn, was involved in an accident about two miles west of Clinton on highway 8. He had been proceeding to- wards Clinton when his 1957 Chev struck a patch of ice and went out of control, 'striking a guide post on the side of the road. Neither Spiegelburg or his passenger, Delores Taman, RR 6 Goderich ,were injured and damages amounted to approx- irnately $75. Constable Garnet Wray investigated. At about 0:30 the smith even- ing, a Minor accident was in- vestigated near the guard house at RCAF Clinton. Lorne Allan lennedy, Sea- forth, had been proceeding out of 'the Station when he stopped behind two other parked eare. When he proceeded to back tip, he struck a car driven by Gustave Joseph 1VIttlenfant, Rag- lan Street, Citritere Charge Ih)ivet Gars, Dewar Talbot, RR 3 Hayfield, has been Charged With failing to yield the right of Way following att aceident hi Day- fold, Sunday, The youth had been proceed- ing south on Catherine Street When he was in collision with a ear proceeding best on Ilitain Street, citiVen by Oleaforcl Sturgeon, BaYfield, There Were ha ittAiries, Darriag,'e to the Sturgeon can was estimated at $850 and $150 ing a skirt from the Dorothy Shop, four pens -trona the -She eaffer Pen Company and a sweater, two brassieres, eight records and a lipstick from the F. V.1. Woolworth store. On Probation Warren Arthur Melanson, 18, RCAF Clinton, appeared for sentence also on theft charges, and was placed on probation for one year. He had pleaded guilty in Cl- inton court on Wednesday for theft of a car radio from Mills Motors Limited, Goderich, on January 17, and of a TV, blan- kets and towels from the Elm Haven Motor Hotel, Clinton, on January 13. He was ordered to make restitution of $50 for damage caused to the car for his "crude" removal job, and was prohibited from owning or driv- to the Talbot vehicle. Constable Harold Greer investigated. Hog Road On Monday at about 6:00 p.m., George Twamley, Gode- rich, struck and killed two pigs On number 25 county road, east of Auburn. (Continued on page seven) Over 100 Clinton area resi- dents have signed a petition to be presented to the Federal government to establish a leg- alized sweepstake in Canada, Councillor Duff Thompson is circulating the petition in aid of a movement organized by a Calgary woman, Mary Eng- lish, Her campaign to get legal- ized, government - controlled sweepstakes was written up 'in the Febeuary 1 issue of the London Free Press Magazine section. Thompson Wrote a letter to Wish her luck, and she promp- tly returned three petitioh forms so he could help. 1-te reported that in only two days he had attained Over 100 Signatures adding that only One of those approached had declined to sign, The local councillor said he &peeled to receive Mere farina When he returned the complet- ed ones 'to the Calgary Went- an. In a letter to the Clinton Man, Mrs. tnglish reported she eapeoted tits 1:n.terit, her signa- ture — which run. over 1,000,., 000 to Prince Minister Lea's ter PeargOP MMetiMO if) May, ing a car :without the written perthiSsionaon ,titeeeourtreea — The articles stolen by the youth were found later on a concession road in Goderich Township, and he admitted to the thefts. (Continued on page 7) o Another Youth FoundGuilty Of Having Loot Another Clinton youth, Rob- ert Glazier, 18, has been found guilty of possessing goods ob- tained by crime and is await- ing sentence by a Stratford court. Glazier pleaded guilty before Magistrate A. F. Cook on Mon- day, and the magistrate res- erved his decision until he had time to study a presentence report on the Clinton youth. Sentence will be handed down on February 17. e Constable Kenneth McKay of Sebringville OPP detach- ment told the court that an investigation of a break-in at a Guelph auto accessory shop led police to the residence of the accused. He said that upon making a search -of the premises a number of automobile accessor- (Continued on page 12), Mrs. English has not had a sponsor for her campaign, and reported it has taken "every penny" she had, but added that she did not mind because it would be Well worth it if she wins through. "And I know we will," she stated. Termed Realistic Her caMpaign literature calls sweepstakes "realistic, human and universal and good bus- mesa if properly Conducted," Rhe reports that eight out of 10 people now buy sweep- stake tickets in illegal foreign lotteries coMing into Canada and says it "is hyprocintital and mythical nonsense to sup- pose that gambling will in- crease with the coming of legal tweepathke". The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, municipalities in Alberta and Ontario, major vete eras orgatiliatleria have sub- Mitted briefs to Ottawa fate- oaring eWeepstakee. More rec- ently the Canadian Federation Mayelt feedMinentleci the legalization of "'sweeps", Govetnitiont Control The plan to be submitted by the Calgary woman suggests (Continued on Page Seven) Bayfield A.Girl Enters Cat-Dog Fight, Ahnost Loses Eye From NastyScratch CLINTON COUNCILLORS DISCIrSS . . . New Fire Truck Hall Police Radio Pigs, Ice Cause District Accidents, Two Drivers Charged By Police Many Area Residents Sign Petition Urging Legal Canadian Sweepstake