HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-06, Page 12Referees Have School At RCAF Clinton
Several aspiring hockey referees from Air Force centres in Ontario, as
well as some civilians, attended a school at RCAF Clinton over the past
weekend. Some of the men are shown performing one of their duties--facing
off. From the left are: Cpl. Wilson, .Clinton; Cpl, McEwan, Clinton; Cpl, F. S.
'Laroque, Clinton; F/0 Hopkins, Centralia and Sgt. Cyr; Clinton.
(.RCAF" Photo)
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The first meeting of the Stm-
day School executive of Wesley
Willis Church was held at the
home of Mrs, 'N. Holland with
Malt Edgar, superintendeht, in
Itev. C. Park opened the
meeting with prayer after
which the minutes were .read
and approved.
In the cartesponderiee Was a
Dave FaWcertt, Ken Farquhar
and Gary Lockwood replied for
the Hawks,
A &Able header is scheduled
in the league this Saturday
when the Hawks meet the 13r
tfiris at OM and the Canadions,,
face the Leafs at 10:00.
On Monday at 6:00, the Can ,
adieus battle the Bruins and on
ViTedneday at 6:80 the Hawks
ineet the Leafs,
Stanley Township Tables Petition
To Allow Students To Join Hay
Cassius" Andrews Nay fat Words:
Unless Juveniles Show Better Form
Clinton Lions midgets, who
ended tip in last Place in the
four-team area loop in the
WOAA, pulled an upset Mori-
day when they nipped Mitchell
by a 5-4 count in the f iret game
of a best-of-three PlaYoff,
• Playing right in Mitchell
against the second place finish-
ers, the Clinton crew opened up
a 3-0 lead and then bang on
The inidgets elimineted
Mitchell with a 4-2 ',victory
in .Clinton last night and will
now meet the winner of the
,glaetexeSeaforth series,
The hard-fighting locals
jumped into a 4-0 lead and
hung on, to post the
Dean Reid got them going
hi the first period with an
unassisted tally and Ashley
Bevag finished off a play
with, John Steepe and Reid
to make it 2-0 in the middle
Reid came back in the
seine stanza on a play with
Meelinthey and Larry Pic-
kett made it four with Reid
drawing an assist, to give
hint four points by, figuring
in on all tallies.
against a Mitchell rally that
fell one goal short.
Chunky Butch Fleet opened
the scoring for the winners in
the opening stanza on a play
with Bill MacKay and Harvey
Holland to get them on the
right track.
Holland, a hard ,shooting de-
fensive stalwart, made the tally
2-0 in the first stanza when he
finished off a play with Fleet
and Harris.
Hutchins upped the count to
34. in the opening minutes of
the middle- frame with ..S.erim,,
-geonr drawing an assist and
then .came back with
two straight. tallies to make the
count 3-2 at the end of the
Clinton scored two more in
the third and :appeared to have
the game in the, bag as LarrY.
Piekete. and Paul Mel enzie• hit
'the score sheet.
HoWever, Mitchell came roar,
tag back with two tallies to
Over the past weekend a
hockey officials clinic was held
and conducted at RCAF Station
Proceedings • got underway in
the Recreation Centre class-
room on Friday night When the
Conimanding Officer Group
Captain K,- R. Greeriewey, CD,
welcomed a group of candi-
Rule interpretations, chalk
talks and practical tests were
included in the clinic.
Eighteen RCAF personnel
from units as far away as Sta-
tion Uplands attended as well
as two civilians from Elmira,
Mr. Merrill Schott and Mr. Ele-
wyn )3ridge.
The thief instructor, from
Camp Borden, was Flight Lieu,
tenant "Coonie" Le Feuvre and
together with. Sgt. "Joe" Hun-
ter and Cpl. "Ray" Weiatherbee
he laid the foundations for Mr.
"Pat"'Patterson;<,,the OHA re-
feree-in-chief whe' arrived on
Monday afternoon to examine
whittle the. margin to but.
stalwart -goaltending, by Allen.
Hewes and the determined
Tort of his illateSx preserved
the win for ;Clinton,
-..Matity Matthews coaches the
squadand 13111 Ilarris. and Har-
ry MacKay manage the outfit,
The regular schedule ended •
as follows;
W L r,r
Pceter. . 9 2 0 13
Mitchell 9 2, 0, 18 .
Seaforth a 3, 3 15
Clinton 5 .6 1 11
the candidates.
Candidates were screened
during 'an inter-section all sitar
hockey game between Clinton
and Centralia on Sunday at 2:30
p.m. and final tests on Monday
evening during scheduled stu-
dent hockey games.
Local Clinton representatives
at the clinic were Sgt. E. R.
Cyr, Cpl. T. J. McEwan. Cpl.
F. J. Larocque, Cpl. S. T. Es-
liger and LAC L. S. Wilson.
RCAF Pucksters
Enjoy Return Trip
As Detroit Guests
On Friday, the RCAF Clin-
ton Thunderbolts travelled to
Detroit to play the Detroit Jun-
ior Olympics in a game at the
Detroit Olympia.
This exhibition game was ar-
ranged by the Detroit squad in
return for the hospitality shown
them by the Thunderbolts and
Station when they were hosted
at the arena in December, 1963.
Leafs Split Tilts
In Houseleague
Hockey Action
The Bruins Maintained their
grip on first place in the Clin-
ton Kinsmen pee Wee 'house-
league thi sweek es they" scored
a decisive 4-1 verdict over the
However, the Leafs mine
back with a close- 5-4 Win over
the Hawks to make tip for the
Por the Bruins Wayne Hoy,
Barry Fidgar, Paul Kay and
Paul Crittenden found the
mark, while Greg jeivie man=
aged the only tally for the
In the Leafs win, 114ike An-
slat was the top marksman
with three big tallies, while
Greg 3erviS and bong Osborne
fired a tingle each,
(continuen from Page 1)
because ratepayers in that vil-
lage had been concerned that
council would take immediate
action to form a school area for
all the township and • start on
plans for a central school.
Concern in Hayfield is over
the new two-room school there,
and the sizeable debenture debt
still owing.
councillors noted at their ses-
sion that Hayfield would benefit
by, joining a school area and
having a central school, as the
debenture debt' would be taken
over by the school area.
Assessor Resigns
Council learned "with regret"
that J. M. Stewart, assessor of
Hayfield, was forced to resign
his position due to ill health.
The resignation was accepted
and Clerk Mel Graham was in-
structed to write a letter to Mr.
Stewart expressing council's ap-
preciation for his two-year ser-
"That's a big disappoint-
score of 9-5.
Goals for the Clinton team
were scored by Ray Garon (3),
Gardiner (3), Ron Livermore
(2), and Len Arsenault (1).
The team returned on Satur-
day morning after spending the
night at Fort Wayne Army
merit," stated deputy-reeve El-
mer Hayter when the letter
was read, "He was doing a
good job."
Council will advertise for a
new assessor and will make the
appointment on the recommen-
dation of the Hayfield trustees.
Attend Sessions
Council approved payments of
membership fees to the Ontario
Good Roads Association of $15
and Reeve Talbot, Councillor
Jack Scotchmer and road sup-
erintendent Bill Taylor indicat-
ed they would be attending the
They will be held from Feb-
ruary 24 to 26 in Toronto and
will be opened by Premier John
Roberts. Main speaker will be
Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, min.-
ister of highway-S.
Delegates from council will
also attend the annual sessions
of the Rural Municipalities,
which will be held, commencing
February 10, in Toronto. Coun-
cillors Jack Scotclamer, Anson
McKinley, Reeve Talbot and
Clerk Graham indicated they
would attend if possible.
Council also made a grant
of $25 to the Huron County
Crop Improvement Association
which will hold their annual
Seed Fair in Seaforth this year;
and a $5.00 fee to the Ontario
Fire Chiefs' Association.
letter of thanks froth Itev. John
Crawford, Cape Croker, for the'
White gifts sent at Christmas.
He said they helped so much
to make a happy Chrisitarias for
the Indians ih their charge.
The subject of changing the
time of the Sunday School hour
Was disettssed and it Was de,
cided that, with the approval of
the church session, Stinday
School for all children six years
of age and over will be held
at 9:45 a.ni.
A Junior congregation will be
held during' church service. The
time change to he effective
Pebruary Z.
Mt Park read a very infor.
illative Article on the nevi' ceire
riculum. which is to be teddy
for use shortly, tt was decided
to send for sample COW,
A request from the St. John
Ambulance Brigaes was held
over until it has been determin-
ed if county council will bp
making their grants to this or-
In other business, council:
Learned that Councillor Cal
Horton was on his way home
from' a holiday 'in Florida.
Received notification that a
meeting on Rural Development
has been called by the Hu-
ron County Federation of Ag-
riculture, to be held in Clinton
on February 26.
Authorized the clerk to ad-
vertise for applicants for, war-
ble fly inspector and tenders
for the supplying and spraying
of about 1,200 pounds of spray.
Were :informed that persons
applying pesticides or herbi-
cides would have to register
with the department of health
and secure a license.
Decided 'to inform County
council that it was their in-
tention of using the grants
available through the govern-
ments for centennial projects,
although they did not discuss
What possible projects they may
Gave third reading to a by-
law hiring road superintendent
Bill Taylor at a salary of $1.30
per hour; and another to au-
thorize the borrowing of up to
$50,000 to meet current ex-
penses until such time, as tax
revenue is available.
Gave third and final read-
ing to the Swan Municipal
Manager Doug Andrews. ,stat-
ed be was confident"
his .1,408104 juveniles would he.
able to oust Seaforth in the'
first round of the. playoffs for
.the area group title,
However, the boys will have
to sharpen up some !to live up
to the expectations of their
manager, as they dropped a
7-6 verdict to Seaforth
Tuesday night,
But the locals have the ad-
vantage of 'home ice in. the next
encounter and a, win would
again give them another home
Second gaMe of the series
will be played tonight (Thura,
day) at 8:30 vim., with the
third game, if necessary, slated
for Saturday night, .
Clinton ended up in first
place in the four-team group-
ing with eight wins and one
tie in 10 outings,
They whipped Seaforth twice
in the schedule.
Exeter and Mitchell are hook-
ed up in the other set and the
winners will meet for the right
to advance into the WOAA
Thursday, Feb, 6 — BINGO
in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk
Street, at 8:30 p.m. 15 regular
games for $5, 1 game for $25;
three share the wealth games;
jackpot $57.00 in 57 numbers.
No door prize. Admission 50c.
Friday, February 7—Euchre
party, Varna Hall, 8:30 •p.m.
Sponsors: Varna LOL. Admis-
sion 50e, Ladies please bring
lunch. 6p
Friday, February 7 — Card
party, Londesboro Hall,. 8:30
p.m. Ladies please bring lunch.
Everyone welcome, Sponsors:
Hullett Federation of Agricul-
ture eb
Friday, February '7—Annual
Valentine euchre and bridge,
Parish Hall, Hayfield, 8:30 p.m.
Lunch, auspices Local Associa-
tion to Guides and Brownies,
Admission 50 cents. 6b
Round (couple) Dance Group
starting this Friday, February
7 and to run every other Fri-
day, for those interested in
learning two-steps, waltzes, etc.
IOOF Hall,. Clinton. Commenc-
ing at 8:30 p.m. Admission
$1.00 per couple. 61)
Game time in Clinton tonight
(Ttirsday) is .$;30 AM,
ripai group standing was:
W 11.4,
Clinton .8 1 1 17
Exeter 3 3 3
Seeforth 3 5 1. 7
Mitchell 2 7 0 4
Remand Area Girl
(Continued from Page One)
September 1693, at which .time
she was employed by that com-
The 'accused also pleaded
guilty 'to stealing, during the
period from September, 1962,
to December 6, 1963, one sweat-
er, two brassieres, eight rec-
ords, and a lipstick, from the
F. W. Woolworth company at
Goderich„ while in their employ,
None of these articles have
been recovered. The value of
all articles taken amounted' to
The accused was remanded to
February 6.
Saturday, February 8—Rum-
mage sale and tea, Varna Unit-
ed Church, 2-4 p.m, auspices
Varna Explorers Group. 613
Saturday, February 8 — Val-
entine tea and bake sale, St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
3:00 to 5:00 pen. Auspices
Madeleine Lane Auxiliary,
Saturday, February 8—Card
party, in Clinton Orange Hall
at 8;30 p.m. Sponsors: Murphy
LOL 710 and LOBA 377, Every-
one welcome. • Lunch served.
Free door prize. 6b
Sunday, Feb. 9 — Skating
Party, Clinton Lions Arena.
Couples only, 8 to 10 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 11 — BINGO
Huron Fish and Game Club;
jackpot $59.00 in 59 numbers.
Six door prizes.
Tuesday, February 11—Pan-
cake supper, Parish Hall, Hay-
field, 5:00-7:00 p.m, Admission:
adults 65c, children 40c. Aus-
pices Trinity Women's Auxil-
iary. 61e
Pope ;wen t•igws,R.c.cord,,,,,Thurs„. ebr b. 1904
Lions Midgets Engineer Rig Upset
13y Mitchell Club Ire ~'~ayafE
Hockey Refereps At RCAF Clinton
For Weekend Instruction And Tests
.On arrival the team, accom-
panied by W/'C Vtinnicombe,
S/L Cavanaugh and ryo Allan,
were invited to a lunch given
by officials of the Ford Motor
The Detroit organization
went all out to welcome the
team and in the afternoon ar-
ranged a grand tour of 'the fam-
ous. Fords' Greenfield Village
in Detroit.
At 6:00 p.m, the hockey
game got underway and the
Thunderbolts played well to run out eventual winners by a Base.
Figure Skating Remains Popular With Young Fry
About 50 youngsters from the area are this year taking figure skating
lessons from Miss Faye Lave under the sponsorship of the Clinton Figure
Skating Club. The ladies who operate the club have announced plans for a
draw to help them finance the operations and tickets are now on sale: The
draw will be made at the annual carnival on March 17. Sonie of the girls
are' shown here watching Bonnie Gates, front, go through one of her routines.
Watching from the left are: Heather McAdam, Patricia PhinneY, Sandra Frern-
lin, Peggy Bartliff, Leila Horbanuik and Wendy Gates. (News-Record Photo)
Plan To Change Time Of Sessions
At Wesley-Willis Sunday. School
for 2 years now EARN up to
5 1/2 % per annum.
Any member with $2,000,00 in Shares is eligible
to receive 51/2 % on any additional amounts.
Wish to sincerely thank all persons who
gave so generously of their time to make
Clinton Minor Hockey Day the, most success-
ful ever held.
Special thanks to donors of trophies, play-
ers' gifts; businesses who donated food, the
Kinette Club, and all persons who helped in
any Way.
The Officers and Committee of
Doug Andrews, Chairman.
Don't Be
Last week we gave you a list of our top quality ,Used Cars.
Some have' been sold. One man waited too long and
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We've Still Got Twenty to choose from-'--all makes with
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A little down buys a lot! We can arrange teems to suit you.
drop in anytime. Our time is yours.
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