HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-06, Page 10BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADS.. 8t, BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- fiORMANCE AND A LONGER WEAR FROM BADGER SALES . SERVICE INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone 'Collect 482-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. When you're driving on a snow- covered road and have to make a stop quickly, the best way to do it is to (1) slam the brakes on hard? (2) roll down the window and signal? (3) turnoff the ignition and apply the parking brake? (4) pump the brake pedal? plus D asnop pima, t10 senttiq 0144 1314p.uwois 117) sciri! picioi gangs 1.4! sapiq 0144 <kind pings no4 ,anDpai Amos °poop ai 94 Binploopy CIA Co-operators Insurance Association and Co-operators Life. Insurance Association. HOLLAND'S 482.6661 CLINTON "pop 1-, -,;lirtort:News4/19;90,:ThOrs;1,‘ 1904 Elect '.Officials For Preset Year At St, .Marl(s..Annuali:Meeting OW- Irne hostesses for .this meet— ing were Mrs,. WAiimi jrigt Mrs* r Tpd jitthiOngi Mrs. Henry .HtnNng and. Mrs:, Walkerburn Remembers Plan To Stage Quilting Session. A L u urn a. District MRS, WES BRADNOCK---Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 Al.,TMIRN —The Wallwrhprn Plans were also made to hold Club held their meeting at the a ,otillting- 'bee at the home -of • home of Mrs. Guy Qtmrdogharn,. MiSs. Margaret Jackson on Goderich,Streete- Auburn, with Goderieb, Street, A sale of a large 4ttehclen'ee. The -W.esa f s- .1.a.:lesmo!aretlethclee 1:1'n4er ewetililngb! i d n e /'arTes,'.of14. thre7: inljegtilmkg.19'x.74 • The chin mentors decided to send .a birthday gift to their Foster -.Child in -Korea who will. celebrate his seventh birthday next month. AUBURN -St. Marict.s. can Church ,held their annual Vestry meeting at the home of .and 1%,/frs. Clifford Brown With e large attendance The Teeter, Rev. Robert opened the meeting, with pray- er. Ne• spoke Of the faithful work _done by the treasurer of. the church, Mrs. john. Daer, and paid tribute to her work done for the congregation and to the rector .444 .1711S wife, On behalf of the members of Mark's Church, Mr, Clifford Brawn presented Mrs, Daer with La, Wrist,watcn, The Vestry. •Clerk, Mrs, glenda Weaver. The pupils of USS Np. 5 Hui- lett Were thrilled recently to hear about. East Africa froni Miss Clare Taylor, of Blyto, who recently_ returned from Nairobi, Kenya, where she has Worked in a Work Camp under the World. Council of Churches. A.graduate school teacher, she told about the people and her work there to build up the community and their homes. Choir Here The Huron County Junior Choir will supply the speeial music next Sunday, February 9 at Knox United Church reg- ular Sunday morning service. This choir -is composed of some young people from this district and this choir won third place at the competition held recently at Toronto. An interesting program of readings and contests was held by Mrs. Herbert Epizer, A beautiful pink chenille bed- spread was won by Mrs. WQr, thy Young who held the lucky tieket. Thank-you cards were received from Mrs, aort Hunk, ing for a Christmas box receiv- ed.' and also one from Mrs. Torn Cunningham when her .cleugh- ter, Linda, .bR4 been in the .hos- FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pich them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W Thomas Haggitt, presented her; report as did Mr, MeallY. Dtir ing the past year, '.5.2 services had been held, 12 Cominunion' services, three baptisms and one funeral. The average congrega-tional attendance was 30. Dur- ing 1953 the Parish had been honoured by the visits of three The election of officers took place land they are the follow- ing: rector's warden, Lawrence Nesbitt; people's warden, Clif, ford Brown; treasurer, Mrs, John Daer; assistant treasurer, Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell; ves- try clerk, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; lay delegate to Synod, Fordyce Clerk; alternate delegate, Gor- don R, Taylor; organist, Miss Carole Brown, Board of managers, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys, Mrs.' George Schneider, John Deer, James Schneider, George Clark, Philip Clark, Mrs. George Hag- gitt, Mrs. Orville McPhee, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Gor- dan R, Taylor, Robert J. Phil- lips, Thomas S. Johnston; audi- tors, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys, The Guild report was given by Mrs. John Daer and the report of the chair was pre- sented by Miss Carole Brown. The members learned from the reports that St. Mark's Church had experienced the best year in its history. The interior of the church had been completely re-decorated and re- modelled and an oil furnace was installed. 0 Mrs. Charles Straughan vis- ited last 'Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Mr. Nicholson and Gary at Sea-forth. Mr, and Mrs. William Smylie, Oakville, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, William Dodd and Mrs, Margaret Clark, Friends are pleased to know that Mrs. LenaVlaetzer was able to return to her home last weekend. Her sister, Mrs. Grace Johnston, Lucknow, is visiting her now. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ander- son, Miss Nancy and Mrs. Ed- gar Lawson visited last Sunday with Mrs. John Sclater, Sea- forth. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath- well, Michael and. Janice, Brant- ford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don R, Taylor, Mr. Taylor and Mr, Rathwell attended the mo- tor show in London last Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Hellinga and her father, Walter Wei- mann, Seaforth, attended the motor show last Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton visited his sister, Mrs. Mac Al- lison ,and Mr, Allison at Ailsa Craig last Sunday. Miss Patricia Damude, ton, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lansing. Warner Andrews left last week for a visit to the Western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robert- son, RR 5, Goderich, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson. School Highlights A successful progressive euchre party was held in SS No. 2, West Wawanosh, with the teacher and pupils in Explorers Still Hold Discussion About India AUBURN—Auburn Explorers met in the Sunday school room of Knox United Church and Mrs. Donald Young conducted an Indian game called "Gora" for the girls. The singing of the songs which they are learn- ing was under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Grange: Chief Explorer, Karen East, opened the expedition and the Keeper of the Log, Shelley Grange re-ad the minutes. The roll call was answered and a film, "Choti goes to School" was shown with commentary given by Mrs. Lloyd. Humph- reys. It was the story of an Indian boy and his home and school life. Prayer was given by Linda Snowden and the devotional period opened with the call to worship being given by Nancy Brown. The scripture lesson was read by Gail Seers and Shelley Grange and Lorie Johnston received the offering. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Robert Arthur. The Chief Counsellor, Mrs, Maurice Bean, was in charge of .the film. 0 mom 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE Office HU 2-9653 After Hours and Holidays Call Residence HU 2-9290 Homemakers Open Project, Elect Officers "JOE" POTTER Cities Service OH CLINTON CLASSIFIED ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS 38tfb EVERY PART IN THIS PICTURE ON EVERY NEW Plymouth, Do dge, Valiant, Chrysler & Imperial car and Fargo & Dodge truck IS BACKED FOR 5-YEARS OR 50,000-1VIILES! This outstanding warranty covers defects in parts or workmanship in the power-traiR—that's the engine and all internal parts, water pump, intake manifold, trans- mission, torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints, differential, rear axle and rear wheel bearings. And it includes both parts and labour. It is honoured by every Chrysler Canada Ltd. dealer. All you need to do is have the oil changed every three months or 4000 miles, the oil filter replaced every second oil change, and the carburetor air filter cleaned every six months and replaced every two years—and have these services validated semi-annually by your Chrysler Canada Ltd. dealer—in other words . . . just normal car care. This exclusive warranty comes with every 1964 Plymouth, Dodge, Valiant, Chrysler and Imperial car, and Fargo and Dodge truck. A warranty tells you two things about a car and truck manufacturer: the. confi- dence he has in the way his product is built; the concern he feels for those who buy his product. Only Chrysler Canada Ltd. dealers offer you this hind of confidence and protection. Don't settle for anything less! li,411'. ,„if CHRYSLER TAN CANADA LTD. J. & T. MURPHY LIMITED 134 Huron Street CLINTON" ONTARIO -Phone 4824475 r was led by Mrs. Herbert Put- zer. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Henry Hunking • and the roll call was answered by each naming a city or town with the same initials as their name and telling what it was famous or noted for. The draw prize, donated by 11/Irs, Duizer, was won hy Mrs. William Hunldng, Plans were made for the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. James Jack- son, John Street, and the roll call is to 'be answered, "What I like best about the farm". Mrs, Elliott Lapp and Mrs. Joe Verwey will be in charge of the program and the lunch com- mittee will be Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and, Mrs. Garth MeOinchey. 445,:eXt:Rs% charge, Prize winners Were: Men, .high, Jack Reeves; low, Randy Kerr; ladies, high, .Mrs. Hilliard .jefferson; low, Miss Girls To Take Different Part.'s In Prayer. Day AUBURN---TvveritY4our Mem- hers -of the Auburn CGIT met for their meeting in the Sunday school room of Knox Presby- terian Church. The president, Marian Younglelut, onened the meeting with the call to wor, Ship f011owed by a hymn with Judy Arthur at the piano. The ecripttire lesson was read by Linda Baechler and the roll. call was answered by each girl telling her favorite hobby. The offering was received by .Joyce Leatherland and dedicated.' A Bible quiz on Genesis 27: 1-20 was conducted by Miss Laura Phillips and the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read by the seere tary, Gail Miller. Mary ..Sen- Orson gage the financial 'state- ment, Letters were read ac- cepting the invitation to attend the Girl's • Day of Prayer on February 14. Mrs. Brednock discussed the plans for the prayer services and the different parts were assigned to the merribers, Panel Group Discusses Topic Of Miracles AUBURN — The monthly meeting of the United Church Women of Knox United Church was held in the Sunday School room of the church with a good attendance. The meeting was opened by singing and hymn with Miss Elva Gross at the piano. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett' and the meditation was taken by Mrs, Jack Armstrong followed by prayer by Mrs. James Jackson. The study from the sixth chapter of "The Word and The Way" entitled, "Miracles", had been prepared by Rev. Charles Lewis and presented in the for ,u of a panel discussion by Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. Kenneth McDou- gall and Miss Margaret Jack- son. e. Mrs. Jack Armstrong acted as commentator. Mrs. James Craig and Mrs. Norman McDowell read Bible verses that dealt with the theme. Mrs. James Jackson thanked the ladies for their assistance, and the offering was received by Miss Viola Thomp- son and Mrs. Robert Turner and dedicated with prayer. Then the new president took charge of the business period and Mrs. Craig gave two read- ings and reports were given by the various committees. It was announced that the Junior Farmer Choir would be singing in the church on February 9. All Units announced that they would be quilting in their next meeting. The benediction was pro- nounced by Mrs. Bert Craig and this was followed by a short executive meeting. Lunch was served by the members of Unit One. Present Awards For Attendance At Knox Church AUBURN—The Junior con- gregation of Knox Unite d Church held their annual award service last Sunday. Those receiving Gold for 85 percent attendance: Nancy An- derson, Brenda Archaenbault, Douglas Archambault, Ricky Archambault, Jayne Arthur, Arva Ball, Brenda Ball, Daryk Ball, Daryl Ball, •Yvonne Bean. Jennifer Grange, Shelley Grange, Allan Hildebrand, Keith. Lapp, Betty Moss, John. Kooptnans, Larry Plaetzer, Sherry Plaetzer, Wanda Plaet- zer, Marie Plunkett, Ronald Plunkett, Lynn Turner, Glen Wightman, Mary Wilkin, Mar- garet Wilkin, Patsy Wilkin. Silver for 70 percent attend- ance: Gary Ament, Shirley Am- exit, Dana Bean, Douglas Durn- in, Barbara Carter, Eldo Hiklee brand, Raymond Hildebrand, Bill Lapp. Nancy Lapp, Trudy Machan, Billy Milian, Patsy Million, Al- lan McDougall, Avon Toll, Ker- ry Toll, Murray Wightman. Red for 60 percent attend- ance: Judy Arthur, Wayne Ar- thur, Barbara' Empey, Randy Machan, Catherine McClinchey, Robert Wilkin. Miss Gwen McDowell, Mrs. Maurice Bean and Mrs. Leon- ard Archambault were in. charge of giving out the awards. F©r Everything In PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TIRES -- BATTERIES ETC. AUBURN—The first meeting of the Auburn Homemakers for the spring project, "What Shall I Wear", was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Wes Brad- neck', with eight girls register- ing. The officers were elected and are: president, Barbara Sander- son; first vice-president, Mar- ian Hickey; secretary, Marilyn Daer; assistant secretary, Jan- nett Dobie. Mrs. Gordon Dobie, the as- sistant leader, gave out the member's books and pamphlets. The check sheets were explain- ed and also a discussion took place re the record books. A study on color and design of materials took place and vari- ous dress materials were draped on each girl to illustrate the pelitts. Blouse patterns and materials were discussed and for home assignments each girl will bring swatches of materials suitable for the dainty gentle type of girl and also for the assured forceful type. MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS Seed and fertilizer Supplied . BETZE — Yields Good — Grades Well • — High Test Weight Short, Stiff Straw Less Lodging With increased demand for 2-Rowed Barley for Malting, we again offer this excellent variety BEAN SEED Excellent quality Ontario Registeied Sea- way, Sanilac, Saginew and Michelite '62 Bean Seed grown from Foundation Stock. Michigan Certified Sanilac Seed Beans. Bean Contracts Available Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Excellent Bean Demand Creates 600d Prices Consider Beans as a Cash Crop Drop in Now for your Spring Needs Or Phone 101 Collect We Wish to Help E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED Phone 103 HENSALL „diumin• LL