HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-30, Page 3County Jail Not worth fixing Up ? ? QQ.DZItIClfl "We are of the opinion that dud to the Age of the jail, little money Should be spent on any reno- vations," the property 'commit, tee reported to county council. "It 'is not just in proper con- dition as regards fire hazard," chairman, Wan Haskins re- marked in speaking to the re- port, Htiren county jail Was built in 1840, and originally served two other counties of the Tlu- ron Tract - Bruce and Perth. Thus it is 14 years older than the original courthouse, com- pleted in 1854, While presiding over high count here a few months ago, Mr. Justice Haines visited the jail and evidently communicat- ed his views to the Ontario Fire Marshall. Correspondence with the county resulted. "We were to have had a meeting with the authorities from Toronto," Reeve Haskins said in his report, "but due to wealter conditions this meet- ing has been delayed. We did concur in a recommendation of additional staff, and have en- gaged E. C. Bowers of Goderich as an additional turnkey. He commenced work December 7." Governor B. W. Bell present- ed his statistical report, show- ing 187 commit-els in 1963, Seventy'- four of the offenses have to da with intoxication, illegal consumption or posses- sion or other classifications re- lated to liquor; and that does not include disorderly conduct, obstructing police, etc. There were six persons in custody at the •time 'of the re- port. Daily cost of rations per prisoner last year was ,51.53 cents. In a property committee re- port on Thursday afternoon, chairman A. D. Smith referred to a grand jury presentment finding fire protection at the Area Ladies Plan TV Appearance The Tuckersmith Ladies Club held their January 'meeting at the home of Mrs, William Pepper on Wednesday, januarl 8, with the new president, Mrs, Robert Lawson, in the chair. Roll call .was answered by 10 members on "How To Keep Young", followed by the busi- ness of the club. It was decided have a card party and. the ladies are to go to CFPT-4, London, to be on "Ladies Day" to be filmed' on March 30. A demonstration on hairstyl- ing was given by Mrs. Bert Pepper and the 'topic "Looking Your Best", personality and proper posture; was also given by Mrs.. Pepper. A contest was, led by Mrs. Rogerson "A Famous Lady's Name". The meeting closed . with prayer followed by a lovely lunch by the hostess and . her 'helpers. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eldon O'Brien, the roll call to be "Something A Child Has Taught Me". jail "still inadequate" a. n d recommending installation of an automatic fire alarm system, 1.pg and cleaning we feel. that Mr Chisholm .and I have hr. proved. the exhibits to the ex- ,tent of $5,Q00. Mn Neill termed the office accommodation 4 e. Contempt-. ible humbug." 'The total of visitors in 1,963 Was 4,088 .and receipts ,$5,579,. At the plowing match, 5,400 .folders were distributed. A survey of exhibits in the museum ..showed 5,888. donated, 118, on loan .and 741 bought, made or Otherwise- acquired. -"I hope the Historical Soc- iety goes ahead," Mr, Neill said. "It would be a real good thing, When men are put on our committee who are not historically minded, you know what that means. It is a big place, and there is a lot to do. and a lot to think about, and there is .a lot of material av, ailable throughout •the county." LibrAry Report Mrs. M. L, Clements, county librarian, reported a member, ship of 33 libraries, four high schools, three deposit stations and 283 elementary school- looms, DRY CLEANING CLINTON 1,ef Us Renew Your Winter Clothing By Expert Dry,. Cleaning. USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P,'M, Tel. 482-7064 Huron Museum Is .Overcrowded; Reported' To Be Only Pofit ...Maker Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon . PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative---A. W. Steep-482-6642 21tfb O0pg.RIOH -1-T1-won Coun, have a profit, By repair,. tY Pioneer Museum is, over', crowded,. no SPAPP remaining for articles available to it througbotit the -county,. curator Neill said in an oral re, port. to county council, He had recommended at last session that an addition be built, "It will cost a lot of MOW to make More room," he said,. "but. how pinch is the museum worth today They tell me in Toronto is the only one that Charles' House of Beauty 74 Victoria Street CLINTON Phone 482-7065 Please Phone Today & Make Your Appointment-Don't Forgeti This Sale Ends Saturday, February 29 4-5b Thurs,„ .Jan. 30,1944.......clint9n .News,Record,le 3 ....„ .• Added in 190, ITWOlving 909 additional boOkS per exchange tc'be prepared fur •distribution. To complete the four library and three school .exchanges in the year, the bookmobile must travel -9,058 rnlleS during a One- year cycle, Last year 1,54,2.: bPelcs were added .44d 140. 4l$Carde0, The Ontario Hospital here received 40.0. books end. a librarY in Thompson, Alberta, was aided. Eighteen schoolrooms were Special On Mid winter Permanents Each Year We Have A Sale on Helene Curtis Finest Cream Oil Base Cold Waves Regular $12.50. -For Only Se8.50 Regular $10.00 -For Only $6.75 Includes Cut, Style, Shampoo, Set BURN'S BAR-X BEEF STEW Lge, 24-oz. Tins .... „,... 390 HUMPTY-DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS Reg. 49gc Only 396 JERGEN'S TOILET SOAP 3 Lge, Bath Size Cakes 350 CHEER LAUNDRY DETERGENT Giant Pkgs„.„..-Only790 KIST GINGER ALE LgeB:I-(eDsz. (Z;31toetr:11:DOenploysit) 5 for 5 1 .0 0 BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES Assorted Per. Pkg. 39g DAVID'S SODA BISCUITS Only 350 KENT. SLICED PEACHES Lge, 28-oz. Tins Only 390 KLEENEX Regular 200's-Chubby 300's 6 Pkgs. for $1.00 PUREX TOILET TISSUES w2":011'pror ..... 8. Rolls $1.00 DARES CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 1-lb. Bag 49c KELLOGGS NEW FROOT LOOPS CEREAL ...„.Pkg 350 DEL MONTE SPECIALS DEL MONTE CATSUP-I l -oz. bottle 19c DEL MONTE PRUNE JUICE--24-oz, 39c DEL MONTE FANCY PEAS-2 15-oz, Tins . 35c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK-48-oz. Tins' . 43c MAXWELL HOUSE 1-1b. Coffee with Glass Percolator Special! - All For $1.98 (supply Limited) WESTON'S SUPREME DO-NUTS ogeh PLAIN OR SUGARED ....... ,,,,,, ..... -Doz. 401151 es Reports GratiFying, Wilt Pi e Legacy To Repair Organ A good .at tendaoce • and a.-Current Fund WAS - fine 'Writ .c011ibined to make Contributions to. the Mission, 11" annual congregational 4.1:7 And Maintenance Fund to, meeting Wesley-Willis .V.44' taped ;4,355,77., and In the ed Church, held last WedneS.- Presbytew Projects Fund., $1,, day, a real success, Beth the $56,80, The Sunday ..$0100 financial reports and the .ac, raised. :a net total of Man, counts of organizational aetivi, And the United Church Women ties indicated a year of real. concluded a second "banner year achievement. wtth a net total. of $3,338.31 From, the financial Standpoint raised by the organization .and the most gratifying *piece of its four Units, news was the announcement of All four units succeeded in the church treaSUrer, P. N. Ir- reaching .or surpassing their win; that the :church had not objective of W0,00 each. only pulled itself out of the The amount 'transmitted to. $3.,000 slump of early autumn, -the National Fund was $963,00, but had 'finished the year with In :addition. an .Over and Above $934.OQ in the bank-an amount gift of $150.00 was forwarded several hundred dollars ahead to the Presbytery treasurer -and of the previous year. $100,00 .was given to Westinin- The total receipts from con- ster College for room furnish- gregational contributions to the ings, The • major local church pro', ject during the year was the renovation of the two wash- rooms at the Church at a cost of $1,631.70, A balance of $1,149.82 was on hand op De, cember 31, Receive Legacy During the year the emigre, gation received a legacy. of $1,050.72 from the Wynyard. Shepherd Estate. This fine gift has been set aside for renova- tion of the organ-.a project which the Chtirch expects to undertake during 1964. The net total of money raised 'by the church during 1903 was TEL CLINTON Featuring "Cloud 9" Room SMORGASBORD Every Wednesday & Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a Basket' Friday-Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday-Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Phone 482-7011 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding * Receptions 7 If You're TIRED 'ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, lust a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often.cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills mow. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's.eo approximately W3,590,00. An account of the -extensive program of the .T.ICW was pro, sootod. by Mrs, Percy Liver, more, Hector Kingswell report- ed on the work. of the property committee, mentioning that the Bi9. roof had been re-tarred, and the furnace room rewired, and A new humidifier would shortly be installed to 'prevent the or, gan drying out.. Attention was also called to the two pew flags provided for the church 'by the Hi-C Club, The CC'IT report was pre- sented by Marie Cox, and Mrs. peter Astles commented upon the .success of the new Inter- Church arrangpinent of the CGIT whereby 'loaders and girls from the Presbyterian, Baptist, and two United Churches have combined forces. Mrs. Don Pul- len reported for the Explorer Group and Mrs, William Murch for 'the Messengers, which each respectively leads. Don Kerr, new senior choir president, presented the Choir report and Mrs. William Hearn, junior choir leader, reported on the splendid success of the joint choir concert prepared along with Miss Lois Grasby and. pre- sented in 'Ontario Street 'Mr. Garnet Harland was elected secretary of the meet- ing. Five new elders were elected: Judge Frank Fingland and bur - Martin return to the Ses- sion after a year's absence, and William Craig, Mrs. Milton Steepe, and Miss Katherine McGregor were each elected for the first time. All will serve for fiVe years. Six new Stewards were elect- ed for a . three '.year term: Mrs. Frank Andrews, Mrs. 'George Beattie, Beecher Menzies, Glen Price, Kelvin Jervis and Don Jefferson.. • - Garnet Harland was reap- pointed auditor; Harold Hart, ley was returned as chairman 'of ushers; Morton Corliss was elected to head the welcoming committee, and Miss Esther Jamieson was continued as United Church Observer rep- resentative for' the Every-Fam- ily 'Plan, ' A delightful lunch of ice cream, cake and coffee was served by the UCW at the con- clusion of the meeting. 0 Classified Ads Bring Quick Results HERB'S FOOD MARKET Yes We're Celebrating 8 Years of Happy Business Association with the Clinton Community-Help us Celebrate by helping yourself to these Savings offered from today until Wed., Feb. 5 RED ROSE TEA BAGS 60's Plus 15 Tea Bag Bonus PKG. 85c NABOB COFFEE 1-lb. Bag with Free • SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS ! CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING lb. 230 Schneider's 2,11), LOAF CHEESE Pkg. Only $1.00 Schneider's 1-1b. Pkgs. RED HOT WIENERS - Each 49c LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS! PORK SHOULDER $1.00 SOUPS Calla Lily PASTRY FLOUR 78t 59c 2E434) $1.69 Ph. 482-3445 Herb's Food Free Delivery Spoon EACH 830 E LIGHT BULBS H5OCk Carton Contains 2 100-wOtt 8, 4 60-watt bulb8 ONLYS1.00 2 Tins Only 250 CREAM OF BEEF - Etc. ARMOUR'S CORNED BEEF I2-bz. lint . ... Only 450 DARES NEW SHOESTRING POTATO STICKS Pkg. 390 SPECIAL 790 I ORCHARD VALLEY ORANGE JUICE 48-oz. Tins „.,.. 550 •1 11.1110101101,11111011111111141/10111.1111010111111.10101.11111101111101111101.111 Market 43 Albert Street Save Black across from i D Bartliffs Diamond Stamps SCHNEIDER'S PICNICONLY AYLMER TaltieKTE?4-VVAERIN:ABSL! BEEF Albtill -While They Last-10-oz. Tins NEILSON'S JERSEY V2 Gallons ICE CREAM ALL FLAVOURS,