Clinton News-Record, 1964-01-23, Page 113
X _
is perhaps. unfortunate THE NEW ERA .97th YEAR
hat everal QUntonl4ns ask, us
to send them along a, :copy of NP -A ;4 --=The h S CLINT T AN X3
Hqmo Fqper With T q Nqwl
QN, QNTAKIQ HURSDAY,'J VARY 1944 UP00for YiPqv1Q -C'01.s.4 ppr Cqpy—,12 f9go
paper when they. travel
wn to the sunny
south to
enjoy their winter vacations,b,a'-
Cause When they see the Weatb' .. : �n tzs :, `. ,ri g %v .iw:;:t ,3i.f.t ,{. a:.,Y:s�.'..u .. t:<rr� :< �.+v t
w!:� 515 a-
gn a
e n this issi
4, Aicute $queeze tFe. �Oy �Huron Farmers"
.1e, they will
g they nwor
pi o in
_Imbly be wisb
Aleftriome "JAS -E W rub It 'AN
in 4 bit deeper to those who
am cavorting Among the bik
in -
1% 1C -
A' Off.itica0 mpuls
the weather !has even been. .-Tl f
temperatures would indicate
and we are even losing Brea
gobs of that white stuff --al
�!hqugb it is more- appropri.-M,
'Co point out it Is unfortunE 1
a dirty tattle,4ale- grey .
Grass Js showing forth in mani
locations, and we fully expec,
Ito see some flowers poppin-1
through the ground any one a
these days to herald the arriva
of spring. (It may not 'be;. bu
it feels good to think positive,
this 'way, from the holiday land.,
south of the border would in.
01cate that we Are even enjoy.
Ing better weather than they
a . ..
If this Continues, we car
foresee a complete reversal of
fidliday planning for the future
as residents from. Florida ane
their neighbours flock to the
former (thinlE Positively!!)
snow-4belt for their win -ter re-
treats; acid the sight of curva.
cioui'.,bathing beauti6s walking
along Albert Street.,on a Janu.
ary afternoonn will not be un-
common. (Man! This POSiUVE
thinking is great) . . . Rather
lhan beating their brains out
-to attract new industries in-tc
the area, the Chamber of Com-
merce - will probably sink their
funds into a development *cor-
poration- and start erecting lay.
lush villas along the shores of
the Bayfield River ... That of
course may hamper the sucker
fishing for the residents of
Little England, but that's pro-
gress for you! . . , We may
also have to import a few fla-
mingos to paddle around in
Library Park, and it will be
necessary to change Clinton
Hockey Day to ClintonBase-
ball Day, as these warm, I sunny
JanuaTy days are just too hot
(Continued on page 7)
Clinton Na�tive:TQ
News, Relieves Wo,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron MacDon-
ald, 122 Ent Street, Clinton,
-heaved -a sigh of relief this
week when they received) a letr'
ter repoOting that their son:
Frank, and his wife and family
expected to be out of the
troubled Panama Canal Zone
no later than this S-aturda
Frank, who was known as
"Zoomer" around 'his horne,
town, has been in Panama for
the past six years, having gone
there with the Comstock Com-
pany to, change the hydro set -
Membership Up
"Again This Year
Attocal Library
Membership in the Clinton
Public Library continues to
,grow and 6ds wag pointed out
by Miss Evelyn Hall, librartan,
at the annual meeting of the
board, Friday.
The Past Year saw increases
in all phases of library work,
she reported.
By the end of the year 1,612
members had been enrolled, an
increase of 80 over the pre.Mi-
ou!§ year. Of this totaL 657
were boys and girls, and in.
eluded were 360 rural or out-bf.
town members.
The increase in membership
Also itiednt an increase in cir-
(mlaition to 8i,838 books. This
was broken down as follows.
J u, v e nil e 1.0;838, noxi-fihctaon
3,440, -adult fiction 17,055. ,
Mass Hall told the board
members 327 new books had
been added during 1963, includ.
Ing Aft 18 -Volume set of "Out
Wondexful World" to the refer-
ence, section.
A total of 137 new jov6nile,
books JWerle added, 132 adult
fiction !and, 58 non-fiction,
There Were 445 books lost or
discarded during -the yew� she
stated but the conclusion of her
xdmo offietaig
G. Morley Counter viral once
,Again 114rded, chairman of the
board and Miss Hay gnidot 19
secretary and town dl&k 'John
Vvethorej freasttrer,
Naftied to the various 'comms
r#Ktee� Were'
lyrb P*ertl—mr, Counter, D, M,
Pegg, 1. A. (Gray 'and Wis. L. 0,
Finance—=Mr, CoUtit&P, Mist
Nur, Pegg Abd Mrs.
Dougid 9 Thorndike,
Book c6rfhn1tte6—Mk9 Hall
bm all rftorhherg of the board,
The library operates M a
town want of 0,806, a lift-
Wndjdl gethit of $206 �ftnid h
munvv itaftt of $46,
stated; "but it's Awful time
Nce'd help
He told the youth leaders
that he hoped they could tell
,e officials -how
best, to got the needed inoor,.
nation to young people before
they do impulse buying,
"It will have to be simple,"
he -added, pointing out that
such iPforiYjadQnL would be of
value to young pepplewhether
they were plann5ng to remain
as farmers or enter other oc-
1, Two Punished
From Dreakin
a. suspended sentence for two
To date, -about $1,400 worth
of the loot had been found by
investAgalting police from the
OPP detachments at GqderIcb
and Guelph, along with Chief
H. R. Thompson, (Minton.
According to one officer, loot
was found "hidden all over the
Face Charges
A Londesboro youth and sev-
eral. from the Wingh-am area
hime been charged with break
enter end theft in connection;
with the Guelph breakin.
They are: Wayne Riley, 18,
LondesbGro; Danny Stacey, 17;
Ronald Clegborn, 18; Lloyd
Stapleton and ', a 15 -year-old
juvenile, all -of Winghani.
The juvenile appeawed in
Guelph court on January 6 and
pleaded guilty to the charges,
And my -as held in custody for
Officers from the OPP d&-
tachment at Godevich whGhave
been assisting with the in-
vestigation -are: Cpl. Al Hardy,
Constables Alex Twaddle and
Harold Green. -
. Sgt.,I-Iarry Barker, he -ad of
the detachment, pard special
tribute to, the "great assist-
ance rendered by Chief H. R.
Thompson, Clinton".
iC of C. Executive
Name Committees
And Next Meeting
Theexecutive of Clinton, and
Area Chamber 'of Commerce
met in the town hall last Wed -
nes -day and organized, three
committees and set the date for
,the next general meeting.
L. G, "Skip" Winter, was
named chairman of the indust-
rial and planning committee,
with power to add as many
members as he wishes to work
on this committee.
Gary Cooper, named chair-
man of the membership corn-
m1ttee, was also given the same
Namedchairman of the civac
and PUbJJCL relations committee
was BM Batten, Other mem-
bers are Robert Homuth, Al
Jewson,. Barry McLaren -and
Tien F16tt. This committee was
also given power -to add.
The executive also decided to
make representation to Clinton
council, requesting that they
adopt and create a planning
board to -aid in municipal Plan-
Ang for the Town of Clinton
The next general meeting oi
the Chamber of Commerce will
be held In the council chambers
M Thursday, February 13 at
8:30 Pm, Members will be
notified and ads will be placed
in the local paper..
Present at the executive
meeting were: President A.
Garon, Vice -President D f f
Th6nip§on; directors, Xen Flett '
Gary Cooper, Al Jewson, D 111.0tt
Bartliff, Charles Brandon and
secretary, Doug Ball,
Area Residents-
TO MD Campaign
the fire brigades at Clinton
and RCAF Clinton report a to-
tal colldtfloh of $216.08 in their
annual campaign fbt funds for
Muscular- Dyttropby. This 18
over $40 mord than last Year.
fiord Dalglieth, chairman for
the Clinton Volunteer Firemen,
stated that $176.48 was collect -
ell 11
ell In Clinton and from ' or Ph'
mt!601 in. the community
The rentaffilng $40 'was coli
[to W -d by the fit6theii at ACAP
He suggested there might be
some Plan formulated to give
extra instruction to senior
members of the County 4-H
Clubs In this regard.
The Leaders were told there
would be information passed
along to all �axrners in
.9 . the to=
of a TV serlies which. will be
carried over CKNX Wingbam,
This farm management series
will commence on Saturday,.
February 8 lat 1:30 p.itp, and
will be continued for five or
six weeks following that
Area agriculture. representa-
Wes and farm, specialists from
OAC will conduct the informa-
tive programs.
The Huron agriculture rep-
resentative stated earlier that
farmers should consider spend -
Ing time to watch the program,
as part of their "chores", as it
was as important as any farm.
Appoint Cleric
To Fill vacancy
At Local Church
Rev. Ronald W. Wenharn,
rector of St. Stephen's, Church,
Brantford, has been appointed
rector of St. Paul's Church, Cl-
The appointment, effective
March 1, was announced by Rt,
Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop at
W. Wenham will succeed
Rev. P. L. Dymond, who is
now rector of St. Mark's Ch-
urch, London,
Born in England, Mr. Wen -
barn is a graduate of Wycliffe
College, Toronto. He was or-
dained in 1936 by Rt. Rev. A.
L. Fleming, then Bishop of the
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Arctic. He served in the Dio-
ceses: of the Artie and Niagara
before coming to Dorchester in
the Diocese of Huron in 1948.
From 1950 to 1956, be served
as rector of St. James' (hurch,
Hespeler. He moved to his pres-
ent position in. Brantford in
1956. He Is a past president of
the Brantford' Ministerial As-.
sociation and a Past rural dean
of Brant.
Mr. Wenham is married to
the former Kathleen Taylor of
Hanullton, They have three ch-
Area Resident
Among Delegates
At F of A Event
Alf Warner, RR 1, Bayfield,
is among the 300 delegates at-
tending the annual meeting of
the Canadian Fed4ration of Ag-
r4cu,lture in Charlottetown,
It is 'a three-day affair to
haft farm policy and decide
>h the merits of resolutions
�0,ubrnitted by regional agnicul-
turad 'bodies across Canada.
Mr, Warner is attending the
.,fteetitig in :his capacity as a
%reefor with, the Ontario I -log
NT,arkeflng Board and flew
lown tothe eastern. proVihce
*ffi other members of the gr -
)UP's executive,
A hundred or more resalut-
ons are expected to be con-
ddeed. SoThe Were passed by
,he eastern t6tiferefice, others
>yasimilar" West#.11i6nferehc6
Vhich decides on western res-
The ones approved and policy
statements arising from discus -
dons will be Presented in a
ytk,f to the federal cabinet lat"
W this year.
'The rm6lut-16ris Are expected
-6 range from grain marketing
louclas and 'Other crops to•
ural dovelopmeilt, trwispoyiA-
:ion and'every inberhatibnal af,
This Marked the first timeThe general session 96t Ult-
th6 RCAF teagade bad 4991sidlia
f, Way Tuesday', M116wiftt
Xontiftil6d 6n Page'1) 1 wg, oredow, Moolho,