HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-09, Page 11REWS • •,.•• (Corresp.ondgn#, Mfrs. f~i, LONG: Phone 4le,nsaIt 278-W-1) Huron Members of WCBA Hold Annuol Sessi Huron Zone members of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding .Association met in Clinton, Monday, to hear the annual report, and plan for the business of 'the new year. Professor Ralph Dent, left, of the department of .extension education, OAC, was guest speaker. Others from the left are: Clem Galbraith, Blyth, who was re-appointed director for one year; Wilbur J. Shantz, WCBA Manager; Allen Betties, RR 2 Bayfield„ and Ross Trewartha, RR 4l' Clinton. (News-Record Photo) years, by any means. By mak- ing sure that children have a chance to be acquainted with all 'types of vocations.' Question: What 4 types of help are needed to ensure that each rural youth is equipped with training for the work world? Answer: Provide hired help WESLEY-WILLIS GROUPS TO MEET The Starlight Unit of the UCW will meet on Monday, January 13 at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Milfred Durst. Rev. C. Park will be the guest speaker. The Fidelity Unit will meet on Tuesday, January 14 at 2:30 p.m. in the church. The roll call will be suggestions for the unit. Jut Off The Press! READ "LOG CABIN TO PULPIT" The Life Story of Nationally Known EVANGELIST JACK . WEST. • Rev. Jack West's. early years spent in Clinton, and many of the incidents in the 000k describe bygone scenes from his old home town. Chapters include: • The FatherI Never • Boyhood Memories • Born From Above The Path Of True Love Etc. ORDER FROM REV. JACK WEST BOX 1135, GODERICH s,--, $1.50 per copy Due to a small change in our merchandising policy and store renovations, we are forced to Clear -Out Si All Stock now on our floor. Save,, Chesterfieid Suites - edroom Suites Dinette Suites avin Phone 482-7011 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 e.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Every Wednesday & Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM rhurs„ lanua7 9, )904,,..„01nion. ',News7Recor0-409e 11 The Misses Shirley and San- dra Reid, who spent some of the ,Christmas ian,days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid, returned to Ter-- ,outa, and were accompanied by Heather, who enjoyed a week with her sinters.. New Year'S visitors with And Mrs, J. Losteli, Susie Mae and Lloyd were: Mr, and Mrs,. Ross McNichol, Barbara and Janice; Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Sinftle, Seaterth; Mr, and Mrs,: Harold Parsons, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sturgeon, Jo- Anne, Hayfield; Mr. Wayne Prklham, Cromarty. The Misses Margaret Elgie, Sharon McBride •and David Copper, who are attending. University of Western Qatari% and have spent the Yuletide season with their parents, re- turned to London' on Sunday evening. Linda Roberts, eight and one, half month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J, Roberts, was admitted to South 'Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday, Mr, Wayne Pridhain and New Susie Mae Lostell were New Year's Eve dinner guests at the home of Mrs, Stertirsgj Graham and Andy McLean, of -Cromarty.. Larry Consitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt, is confined to his home with chicken pox. Mr. Bryan Finlayson, Cro-- marty, visited a few days with his friend, Lloyd Lostell. Miss Hazel Slavin enjoyed a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex NicHeath and hpys,. also Mr. and Mrs. 441 Hendrick 4,11(1. Spent New Year's Pay wilt Mrs. A. littniT•in, Mr. W. R, Cooper returned home after spending 0.:raw days in Toronto with his son and daughter-in,law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud. Copper,. Mr. ,and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Kay and fatnily spent New Year's. with an uncle and aunt, Mr, and, Mrs. John ME:wen, Miss JO Anne Sturgeon, Bay- field, visited in the holiday sea- son with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Lostell, returning home New Year's . Day. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Ker- eller and Ross,. accompanied by their, daughter and son-in- law, Mr; and Mrs, Jim Jordan, London, spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery, Staffa, Bill Slavin, liamilton, who has spent the Christmas holi- days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Slavin, returned to II'amilton .Technology School. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lostell and family, Exeter, visited New Year's Day at the home of Mr. 4.1,4 Mrs. J. Lostell and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Verburg and' Johnnie, Auburn, were with Mr, and WS, Harry Van Wier- rec. New Year's Day. Christmas was celebrated Sunday, December 29 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn A. Cooper, Highway 4, when 42 members of the Cooper families were united. Mr. and Mrs, William Pars- ons; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Par- sons and Larry, Cromarty; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs, Pieter Zwaan and family, spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Harald Jon- es and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore and family, Woodstock; Mrs. Rena Caldwell and Jack, Hensall, were New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell and family visited Mr. Allen Parker and Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, Chatham, on New Year's and remained a few clays. Mrs. Pearl Love and Wayne; Mr. and Mrs, Jim Love and Elaine, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jon- es and bays. Mr. and. Mrs. -Alf Moffatt; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moffatt and Heather 'spent New Year's Day with Mr. and' Mrs. Eldred Moffatt and family, Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs. Orland John- ston, Clinton, spent New Year's with Mr. . and Mrs. Elgin Thompson. Mr. and Mrs., David Trieb- tier entertained their neighbors on New Year's night. Progres- sive euchre was enjoyed by six couples. On Saturday evening they entertained some of the hunters and their wives. BLUE WATER HIGHWAY Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hulls and Michael, London, spent Christmas with their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis, ° Mrs, Ken Hulls has accepted a position at West Lorne Public School and will commence her duties on January 6. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Grimes and children, Guelph, were with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls, for Christmas. Misses Carol and Ruth Wallis are •spending their Christmas vacation with Mr. •and Mrs. Ken Hulls, London. Constable G. M. Wallis, of the RCMP detachment, Minne- dose, Manitoba, flew home by jet 'to spend a week's vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis and sister, Cathryn. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Welsh spent Christmas with Mr. and LONDESBORO Corregpondent Mrs. Bert A4ri The Women's Institute met in the hall on January 2 and the' president opened the meet- ing with a poem on New Year's resolutions. Rev. Mc. Carson as guest speaker, brought an interesting New Year's mes- sage. There were 25 boxes sent out to the shut-Ms, and thank-you notes were received in apprec- iation. A discussion followed on the dessert course in which a good number are 'interested, It will be held on January 21 in 'the forenoon at 'the home of Mrs. Glen Carter, weather and roads permitting. There will be a pot-luck dinner. Mrs. Tom Allen introduced the district president, Mrs. 'Donald Riehl. Goderich, who brought greetings from West Huron, also giving an interest- ing paper on what constitutes a good member There are three 'types: workers, jerkers, and ,slerkers. The social committee will announce a card party for the public at a later date. A solo. "Wishing" by Elaine Vincent, was enjoyed and the hostesses then served a delicious hot cas- serole lunch. Personals The sympathy of the. com- munity is extended to Mrs. Frank Little and relatives in their recent bereavement, The passing of Mr. Little last week was not unexpected as he had been many weeks in the Clin- ton Public Hospital. On Monday morning, Mr. Harvey Hunking went 'to West- minster Hospital, London, for treatment on his foot, which has been causing a good deal of discomfort lately. We hope it will soon show improvement. Mr. Will Govier also went to Victoria Hospital, London, to undergo surgery, Congratulations are in order to Mr. Frank Tamblyn on the arrival of 'his first grandson, Kevin Jack, on December 30. Mrs. Fred Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Docken, London; Mr. and Mrs. George Docken, Saskatchewan, called on Friday last at th6 lidme of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis. Present Awards, Promote Students. At ,6race :Church Icy Mrs. Don iTarris Combined srevices were held: 03 Grace Church on Sunday, last as it WAS promotion service for the Sunday School. Promotion certificates were given as follows Kindergarten to primary class, Wendy 'rerrance, Rod- . ney .Cox and Jimmy 1301; pri- mary to juniors, Rennie Young; juniors to 'intermediates, Col- leen Lockhart, Janice Young, Laurie Oox, Murray Torrance, John Cox and John Manning, Intermediate to seniors, Dav- id Matters, Dennis Rams and Larry Sturdy, Attendance seals were award- ed as follows; first year diplo.- Inas, Sandra Cox, Randy Sew- erby, David Sowerby and Bela- by Cox; third year seals, Deb- bie Torrance, Marie Betties, Jane Harris, Mary Ellen Stur- dy and Jimmy 'Riddell; 4th year, Lynda, Torrance, Jody Cox, Larry Sturdy, Jobn Sturdy and Rodney -Cox. Fifth year, Kevin Cox; sixth year, Cheryl Cox and Laurie Cox; seventh year, Maureen Miller; eighth year, Dennis Harris, David Matters and John Cox; ninth year, Colleen 'Lock- hart, Julia Cox and Lorna Mil- ler; 10th year, 'Hormie Cox; 11th year, Sharon Lockhart, Peggy Ann Bottles, Elaine Towns'hend, Bruce Bottles and John Manning, The junior girls class was awarded 'the banner for having the most Sundays with perfect attendance 'in the year. UCW Meet The United Church Women of Grace Church will meet on Wednesday, January 15 at the home of Mrs. Allen Bottles. for -the alder farmers, at a subsidized rate so that the youth can 'attend and get spec- ial training, When rural youth must attend at a distance from home, provide board and lodg- ing at a subsidized rate. Goderich Township Farm Forum Discuss Rural Youth And Future The SS No. 4 Goderich Town- ship Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, with 13 members present. The radio topic far discussion was "Rural Youth Face the Future". The questions for dis- cussion were: Question: Have you made Plans to provide higher educa-. tion (technical school, universi- ty, apprenticeship training) for your children? Answer: Yes, 'if and when the Children are able to decide —by means of insurance on children -- insurance on the bread-winner — by newer and more schools of instruction, etc: Question: Do rural parents. have special problems in asist- ing their children to plan for a career? Answer: Yes, to an extent, but not 'as much as in former , ISPARLING'S 0 a 10 ;\----------,..---N .`t--: t• 11111.------ -- -------'-- : ,*.,' , t '3-tf o.4 STOVE TOP—SINK—TABLE TOP DRAIN BOARD MATS 50% off BATH 75-$ SCA 14.95 S LE less Reg. $5. 25% THERMOS BOTTLES--30-oz. • Reg. $3.19-$4.95 less 257. 0 INSULATED MUGS and TUMBLERS pkg. 87c RECORD PLAYERS and RADIO-RECORD PLAYER COMBINATIONS 4-Speed Emerson 25% off 5,TOOT—WOODEN STEP -LADDERS $4.39 ELECTRIC GMES H OCKEY 75 A Reg. $12.-$16.95 less 25cl / 0 FLYING AIR-CRAFT . Gas Engine Models Reg. $9.95-$14.95 . less 25° ,/ PHONE SPARLING'S (Between 482-3821 Irwin's and ' Martins) Hardware CLINTON k 4 ... useful in so many ways! Ideal chain saw for farm, woodlot, campsite, light construction, and municipal use, Economical direct- drive power, lightweight, compact design. Powerful loop scavenged engine, four shoe safety clufch, large art filter, all angle cutting. Many other extras. Priced From 129.50 See All Models of McCulloch Saws Wells Auto Electric ORIGINAL "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone 482-3851 KING STREET / CLINTON Sunoco Products — Goodyear Tire Dealer 'Featuring •• .loud 9" Room Wholesa e Fur iture and Ap liances are starting a gigantic FREEZERS RANGES -- REFRIGERATORS All General Electric Appliances (A). WASHERS DRYERS NO DOWN PAYMENT—Everything must be cleated from the floor, WHOLESALE FURNITURE & .„., _ ALBERT 'SUM from t APPLIANCES „HONE 482.7601