HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-09, Page 6Class fied Ads P49h .6T --000n News -Record -.-,.Thain, )r titlgry 9, 1964 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION . FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED TRAILER for rent, 10x40', 2 bedrooms. Phone 482.3323, 51p1P-03 e.LARG) AND SMALL trailers, fully furnished. Becker'sTrail, er Court, Clinton. 37. tfb THREE-ROOM FURNISHED aparleeent, available now. Phone 482-3807. r 49tfb 2 BEDROOM MODERN Apart, meat, .uhfurnised, vacant now. Phone 482-6677. 2.3P A COMMORA 8 N For MALE rOoners. Call 42-937. 2-3b. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with bath, l'ivingroom, kito'hen, oil furnace,, on outskirts of Clin- ton, Phone 482-7811. 21) HEATED, 2 BEDROOM Epp - lex, svailable February 1, 79 John Street, phone 482-9554.. 2-3-4b SMALL ,APARTMENT, heated, newly decorated. $55 per man- th. Phone 482,6663 or 482-9568 evenings. 2tfb ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment, heated. Ceriel Van Demme, phone 482-6685, 51tfb. 2 BEDROOM heated apart- ment. School Apartments.. Ph- one Ceriel VanDamme, 482- 6685. 50tfb UNFURNISHED ,apartment,. 4 rooms, utilities and heat paid, private entrance and bath. Phone 482-7823. ltfb • HOUSE at Ildin'iesville, 3 miles west of Clinton, unfurnished, oil furnace. Available now. Ph- one 482-6694. ltfb FURNISHED and heated ap- artments, p artments, available soon, new- ly decorated, with private bath. Phone 482-3329 . 1'tfb 1 BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, 44 Huron Street, avail- able February 1,; . Apply Jack Elliott, 105 RRabtenbury Street, East, phone 482.9332. 52tfb HEATED MODERN 3 -ROOM dry basement apartment, ppi- vate entrance, complete bath, reasonable rent: Phone 482- 7027 evenings. 2-3p 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED House, withmodern conven- iences, available now, Four miles from RCAF Station on Highway between Clinton and Seaforth. Phone_ 482-9822. 1-2'ii 2 BEDROOM heated apart- ment, furnished or partly fur- nished, self-contained. Central location, Also a one 'bedroom furnished apartment. 46 Prin- cess Street Went, phone 482- 9005. 1p-tfb. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Brucefield, new, stove and re- frigerator. • Available soon. Phone Hensall 26434. 51tfb TWO GROUND -FLOOR apart- ments, one furnished, heated, with private bath and fire- place. L. G. Winter Real Est- ate, phone 482-6692, 200 High ,Street. 51tfb Modern 2 Bedroom APARTMENT * Unfurnished = Kitchen Living Room Dining Room Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 50tfb THREE BEDROOM HOUSE at 384 Matilda Street, pgssession rSeaforth, a end Sof mantle Phone 175, o , Ont. 49tf . u -ROOM APARTMENT ftlr- ruched, .available now, ipceted 130 King Street, Phone Seeforth 213• R, 35tfb 11,14.1111,11-1 UPSTAIRS. . 2 -BEDROOM apartment, private entrance, 3, piece bath, •hot water heated. Immediate possession.. Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Bay. field, 49tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE OIL SPACE HEATERS, in good condition, Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 482.992$. 43tfb MAGIC MARKERS—.Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News -Record, 34tfb BUSINESSMEN: If you use any type of 'Moore business form, they can be ordered through Clinton News -Record, phone 482-3443. tfb FiLTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29to39ptfb GIRL'S BLUE WINTER Coat, fur ,Grim, size 14 to 16; two boy's suit jackets, size 10-12 and 14; winter jacket, size 12. Phone 482-7093. . 2b THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL: 20% Discount on all SKATES and .22 calibre RIFLES in stock. 'Cash, no trade-ins., at ELL - WOOD EPPS Sports Shop, 80 King Street. 2b TRAVLER TABLE MODEL TV. Phone 482-7760. 2b HOCKEY PANTS, GLOVES, shoulder pads, helmet, • shin pads, elbow pads; suitable for 16 year old •boy. Used one season, Call 482-9376. 2-3b CAREFREE HEATING -- For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, We give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb Have An Extra Key For Your Cor . . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH THA Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb COME IN AND SEE OUR Christmas Specials: Something for each member of the family. Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Bayfield. 49tfb NOW IS THE TIME to order your aluminum windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. .Russell Jervis, HU 2-9390. 21tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb SINGER SEWING MACHINE Sales and Service Will Whidden 320 Victoria St., Clinton Phone 482-9103 50tfb Choose Fhr Our Crakes, Pastrks, Sweet Go ds land Bread . . Our Friday Special From Our Store Only STRAWBERRY CREAM CAKE Regular 69c each Special 59c each Our Saturday Special From Our Store Only HONEY ORANGE TWISTS Ieg'uIar ' 60c dot Special - 53c dots Bartliffs Bakery Lill iced Bakery and R.ettauranf! 0024721 CLINTON ARTICLES FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES Cook- iirg .and eating ;apples, Free- deliver'y. in .Clinton and RCAF homes, Phone 482-8214, Fred lYieOlYnont and Sons, Varna. 46p-tfb We .Specialize F4lrrictCe Instgllations. Heating Service Electric, Wiring Appliance Service Plufrhing instgilations Eavestroughing CI-iVTER Piumbing, Heating, Electric. SALEs & SERVICE 45 KING 'STREET CLINTON Phone 482-7452 24tfb WEDDING STATIONERY4 xn- vitations, reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards, .place cards; two complete lines to choose from. When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- ment free 'of charge. • Take wed- ding stationery book .out over- night. and choose your supplies in private, Clinton News - Record, 34tfb HOBBERLIN Men's Tailored -To -Order SUIT .IT SALE EXTRA TROUSERS FREE ON ALL SUIT ORDERS STARTING THUR., JAN. 2 SAVE UP TO $32.50 HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR 482.9351 CLINTON • • • ltfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb ELECTROLUX SALES and SERVICE DON SMITH For Free Demonstration or Service Phone 482-7889 ... 13tfb Gigantic January CLEARANCE SALE Visit Our Basement For Many Items Priced At Less Than 1/2 • The Original Price. Also Ask About Our FREE BONUS On Every $5.00 Purchase Of Clearance items STEDMANS CLINTON 2b, ARTICLES WANTED SOY'S WINTER COAT, size 10. Call Seaforth 845r31. 2b BABY'S PLAY PEN, in good condition.. Preferably with wheels. Call 482-7869. 2p BABY'S PLAY PEN wanted, in good condition. Phone 482- 3887. 2p $ $ CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE and APPLIANCES Call 482 7601 2.3-4-5b AUTOS FOR SALE 1961. VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, excellent condition. Best offer, Phone 482-7787. ltfb 1955 PLYMOUTH 2 -Door Hard- top, custorsi radio, good tires. Reasonably priced. Phone 482- 9771, 2b 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Window Van. In running order but heeds some mato, work. $350 or best offer. Telephone 1cln Magee 482-7754, 2p BL'tlE 1961 CORVAIR 500, radio, Whitewalls, snow tires, in excellent condition, $1,150., E1� don O'Brien, RR 5 Clinton, phone 482-3223. 2-3p 1964 VOLK WAG] N, radio & °thee .accessories;. reasonable; only driven 3 months. Can be seen at Fairholnle Dairy Ltd, daily until 3 pen, (eXeept. Wed- nesdays) tor phone 524-9057, 2-8p WittCKINO 1959 CHEV ; 1960 ti'olksvvagen; 195715antiad; 1959 Vauxhall; 195'/-58 FtirdS and nialiy others.. Wanted Cars for WrecltiYig. CLERE-VU .Atttc Wreakers, RR 2 Clinton on 14ighway 8, near I-Io1meSville. 2tfb BOARD AND ROOM, ACCOMMODATION O 'R ONE: alone .or .two sharing. none 482,7993. 2,3b 440. .1•4104,44AW.P.11M140...1,140101111*.! USTO WORK � INVISIBLE WEAVING and. mending, Apply 11.8 Gordon' Street or phone 48P-9777, t4.2p INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, Painting.. Phone W, Murray, 48,2-9833 .after ,6. p.m. • 2-3-4b H • A:DGO WELL D>AGGI N G AND DRi1,LING Specializing in drilled wells and large diameter bored wells 5",3' Phone MOhawk 9-3761 Elmira, Ontario 48 -9 -5Q -1-2p "THE PIXTIat Beauty Salon, New phone number 482-7792, Perris, tinting, hair .cutting a specialty, 48tfb ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND or Repaired, any make, any h.p., auto & household radio repairs, Open.all day.week days. ART LEVET? & SONS 139 ERIE ST, S,, CLINTON Phone 482-6640 43tfb EMPLOYMENT!' . WANTED REGISTERED NURSING As.‘ sistant would like to mind children in her, own residence in Clinton, from Monday , to Fri- days, by day or week. Phone 482,7329, 2-3-4-5b HELP . WANTED APPLICATIONS for a clerical position in the Huron County Library Co-operative, Goderich will be received by the under- signed until Wednesday, Janu- ary 15, .1964. Information and application forms may be secur- ed from the undersigned. Sal- ary commensurate with experi- ence. 1-2b JOHN G. BERRY, Secretary, Huron County Library Co-operative, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. HELP WANTED MALE MAN WILLING TO WORK for above average earnings, must have cam and he bond- able. Write to Box 2, Clinton News -Record. 2p YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN: meat market store, fulltime employment. Prefer age 16-18 years. Apply in person to Peter's Meat Market, Clinton. 2b WANTED: RELIABLE MAN as Dealer in part of Huron County. Experience not neces- sary. Fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Produots furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh, Dept. A-169- 163, 4005 Richelieu St., Mont- real. 2b HELP WANTED FEMALE MARKET RESEARCH Inter- viewers required for Public Opinion Surveys. Apply to Box 20, Clinton News -Record. 2-3b THE BELL Telephone Company GODERICH Has—Openi ngs—For SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES MUST HAW 3 TO 5 YEARS HiGH SCHOOL , COMPLETED TYPING A NECESSITY Single Girls Preferred TELEPHONE BELL TELEPHONE BUSINESS OFFICE 482-3401 53 West St. GODERICH 1-2b PIANO TUNING YOUII ']'IANC should be "tuned am checked for ,,loth &Una&. and other defect§ regularly. T appreciate ciate' the continued priv- r g'' of Serviding many of the instrt tnerith to this area. George Wr Cox, phone 482-3870, MISi+ELtANEOUS. WAWA .REPAIR is a Jori fpr experts Qt#r work assures your satisfaction. eo)l rter's Jewellery IEur•on County's Oldest Esta - Wished Jewellery Store 2041) LIST LIS REPAIR AND ,MAKE your rings and jewellery like now, Diamond: rings renewed and stones .safely secured ---don't take chances, Expert worli done reasonably to your :satisfacti,r. Watch .repairs and pearl re- stringitrg, W,. N, Counter, 2ntfb MacOQNALR ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring- Service Calls. 482-7703 29tfb Mechanical and. Body Re pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. protect against rust with. Unda-Spray Davidson's Te taco Service No. 8 Highways Goderich • Phone 524-7231 REAL ESTATE NO DOWN PAYMENT requir- ed, private, 3 bedroom, modern bungalow, oil heated, close to schools, immediate possessipn, For information: 482-7787. 52tfb FIVE -BEDROOM HOUSE ON Mary Street. Can be used for two apartments, Oil furnace. Apply 316 James Street, phone 482,7814, 2-3p INSUL BRICK FRAME House with oil furnace, bath, 1 acres land,'i/z mile from Blyth, Terris arranged. John Blake, Blyth. 2p eememeeememesiw SALESMEN WANTED GOOD MAN OVER 40 to fill vacancy in Clinton area, Worth up to .$400 to $1,000 in a month for the right man. Write N. M. Garner, Vice Pres., Texas Refinery Corp, Box 711, Fort Worth 1, Texas. ENDERS WANTED FURNACE OIL TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for supplying furnace oil to School Section No. 4, East and West Stanley for 1964. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in by January 15, 1964. For further informa- tion contact JACK DUNN, RR 3, Bayfield,. Secretary -Treasurer, —Sadly missed by Sisters, bro- SS 4 East and West Stanley. ther, nieces and nephews. 1-2b 2p CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends who called on Me and sent -Me-COOS after my' acci- dent. Special thanks to Dr, Stapleton, Rest. (arson .and E, Florian. LORNE E, I,AW SON, 2p We 'wish to thanks all our Wends and neighbours for gifts, cards and goad wishes ; the occasion of our Golden, Wedding Anniversaryy--EMILY and CHARLES ELLIOTT; •2p The family of the late Mrs, Joseph H, Watkins wish to thank their friends and neigh- bours foe their comforting 'ex- pressions of sympathy and - thoughtfulness .during their re- cent bereavement, • 4. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those Who hel edusinvriouswa since the fire. your help was greatly needed and deeply 'ap- preciated. Thanks again to each, and every one of you, — Signed. BILL' and BESSIE TOWNSHEND, • 2p I would like to 'thank my friends and relatives for cards, visits, gifts and flowers from Ontario Street Churoh, Eastern Star, and Cl'intonian Club, while I was a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital, and since returning home. Speciak thanks to first and second floor nurses and Dr, Goddard.— MARY ROBERTSON, 2p We .wish to thank the fol- lowing organizations who have been so thoughtful of us re- cently: Past Grands of the Rebekah Lodge, Oddfellows and Rebcka'hs, Ciintoni'an Club, St. Paul's Friendship Club, LOL. Lodge, Wesley -Willis United Church, and Legion Auxiliary. Special thanks to the neigh- bours for their gift to Mrs. Cook in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Also thanks to all -other friends and persons who sent treats, gifts, cars 'and flowers to Mrs. Cook in the hospital, and to Mr. Cook at home. MAE and "CAP" COOK. 2p IN MEMORIAM LOBB—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Frank Lobb who passed away three years ago, January 9, 1961. —Ever remembered by wife and family. 2p TURNER -- In . loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Mrs. John Turner, who passed away January 11, 1963; "Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses you more than us, And when old times we oft recall, It's then we miss you most of all." ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE 1,000 BALES OF GOOD HAY. Also 25 chunks. Phone 482- 9957. 2-3p TO CONTROL SEVERE Mas tits an dairy cows use NIXON'S POWR-PAK Mastitis Ointment. Six one' dose tubes --$5.00, Free mastitis test blotters in each package. Aavilable at Edwards Pharmacy, Clinton. Satisfactory results or your money back. PIONEER SEED CORN Varieties of Seed Corn suitable for this area are almost sold out. Make sure that you place your order right away with your Pioneer Dealer. KEITH LOVELL KIPPEN Phone Hensall 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCEFIELD Phone Hensali 346J1 ltfb LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. 11 YORK PIGS, '7 weeks old. Apply to Leen Rehorst, RR 5, Clinton or phone 482-9965. 2p TWO HOLSTEIN HEIL'ERS; 2 registered Holstein cows, due January, February. Apply Don Mckenzie, Bayfield, phone 482'- 3336. 2b HERD OF 22 GOOlb Holstein cows and heifers Fresh In Spring. Dred Hereford; Several young Hereford calves, 15 year- ling; also 2-te.it ,milking ma, chine and a 1.0 -can milk cooler and 18 an Also a Water heat- er. 'retries .ta'trilable, D'Arcy Rath'We1l 13riicefield, Phone Clinton 482-3384. 2b ;SEEP FOR SALE DUL TO THE PROVEN Sup- eriority of Stinks Hybrid Seed Corn varieties, and demand for seed cotrr, many popular 'urik. Varieties Will not be available in spring of 1904 if not order, ed Therefore,, •to avoid diip- poihtni'erlt of planting an infere for hybrid seed, please pitied ,your orders .for 1964 Seed frit niedia,tely, if net already done so. Haugh Bros,,, phdh'e 609W1 Seaforth, 20 FOR SALE USED SNOW BLOWER for sale. Contact James Carter, Londesboro or phone 482-3339. 1-2p PIONEER CHAIN SAWS, new and used. Snowbird Snow Blowers. Saw Chain, $10.00 up. Complete parts and service. Robert Glen, Pioneer Saws, ph- one 482-9909, Clinton. 1to9p DURO • PRESSURE SYSTEM and tank complete, just three years old, owner has hooked on to village water supply. Ap- ply, to Alex Murray, Varna, phone 482-7416. 2b woo SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS -- Call Collect DARLING Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb SANITATION SERVICE Septic Tank Cleaning DRAINAGE REPAIRS For lrrlhiediate Service PHONE - BILL - FINCH Grand Bend 238-2291 In Clinton Phone 482-9616 Clinton Plumbing atl, Heating 49-50-1-2p Ted Ryder's TV 245 Vici:ria St* Clinton !#112-9320' Crowded liullett ScIool Starts Action To find Qpinois On (.Continued Frorn PageOne) 1 The question ..of another fire tended the meeting,: said there escape being built was elso. .discusse'd and it was passed.that the trustees. be :asks d to instal an outside fire :escape at the earliest possible date. It was also decided to have EL. telephone placed in the school immediately. Ted .East Was chairman for the meeting and Frani] R,aith. by was, .appointed secretary, It was the largest attendance of ratepayers and parents in the history of the 'school section. are too many students. for .one classroom and yet not enough .for two xooMs: to be economic al, He said the problem. has. been; .coming for Some time. Board member Clare Long - burst favored n •partition divid- ing. the presep!t ekassrooni or renovation. to the basement to make a classroom there. The department of education ruling, however, calls for 725 square feet for every 85. stu, dents, Mr. C. oulter said,. Ross Munro, who chaired the ee 'n v ore a .centralthe school, adding ''we must do best thing for our children." Mr. Courter •said a central school would likely cost the ratepayers 12 to 13 mills, while a new two -roam school - coUi'd cost 19 20 mi. The schoolto is locllsated a mile east of Auburn and was built in 1912, Mr, Munro told the News- Record :that it would be impos sible for the school to carry on next year under the present conditions in view of the added enrolment, "We can't get 'a teacher to teach," he corninen'ted. Reeve Tarn Leiper, who men- tioned rat the nomination ,meet- ing •that some ratepayers were interested in establishing a central school, confirmed that it had been the USS 5 people of whom -be commented, Council was not informed of the special meeting, Monday, but Mr, Moss said they would be asked to have 'a representa- tive at'the neat meeting, which he hoped would be held around the 20th of this month in Lon- d'esboro. Harnett Township has 334 students attending t h e 12 township s'ehaols. Reeve Leiper told the News - Record the condition of the 12 existing schools varied, as is found in most rural areas. Earlier 'Meeting An earlier meeting was held by the section to conduct their annual session and the trustees named for the year. were Clare Longhurst, William Moss and Harold McClinchey. Longhurs.t was named to replace Keith Arthur, who had been a mem- ber for the past three years. Others nominated for the position of trustee were: Cliff Brown, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetz- er, Mrs. Arthur Grange and Harry Arthur. At that time a lively discus- sion was held on how to solve theroblem and it was then ratepayers_ decided to con- tact Mr. Coulter to attend the special meeting. WANTED HAY AND STRAW -- Baled Hay and Straw wanted, any quantity. Box 9, Newbury, Ontario or phone 693-4462. 47 to 15b Clinton Community Auction Sales: EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager HospA#al Group Names Officers For New Term • (Continued from page one) account end 3246.97 'in the bur, nary fund.. At present 'there, are three graduates of CHSS receiving bursaries 'to aid them in rats- ing courses. They are wfarjorie. Honking at Stratford; Barbara Durst at Kitchener and Prise cilia. Martin alt Stratford. "Th4 is one effort that is very, Very worthwhile," Mrs. Shearing commented, Other reports from commit- tee chairmen showed the fol- lowing facts on the past year's work: A total of 464 paid up mem - hers, receipts of $336.75 from Vanishing 2 the Van r g P. Partis e, $ 06.77 from the 'tag day, $944 from. the Penny Sale, 80 pair of drapes sewn and bung, furni- ture in the residence upholster- ed. The ladies decided to carry on with the Vanishing Parties for the coming year and Mrs. Doug Bartliff and Mrs. Shear- Ing were named as co-chairmen. Proceeds will go to the bur- sary fund, which was reported as running low by the treasur- er. Mrs« Fingland volunteered to supply Valentines to be placed on the patients' trays. Regular Session The regular 'session was held prior to the annual meeting and cards of thanks were received from Grace Addison, Marg • Lawson, Mary P.hinney, Pris- cilla Martin, Kathleen E1liobt, Marjorie Hunking and Barbara Durst, for Chr'istm'as gifts and special remembrances. The secretary was authorized to send letters of ,thanks to the Clinton CGIT and the Londes- boro ladies, who had :,supplied favours for the patients' at the Christmas season. Connplete Dispersal of 21 Registered HOLSTEIN COWS also 3 Grade Cows at COREY'S SALES BARNS THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 , at 2:00 p.m. Tiiis offering features an out, standing herd of big strong• cows; some of which are fresh and the balance to freshen. Anyone requiring some good clean cows should plan to at- tend this sale. Also Surge milking machine with new pump will be offered, if not sold previous to day of sale. Anyone wishing to inspect. the ,milker or above cows, may do so at the farm of Barry Wilson, RR 3, Clinton, 1 mile west of Clinton, on Highway 8. Owner is giving up farming. 2b • ,.41141,1 ..� .AUCTION SAL SATURDAY, JAN. '18, 1964—.2:00 prm. MiKE'S USED FURNITURE STORE 59 Hamilton Street, Goderich Will Sell Dishes, Kitchen, Living Room and Bedroom Furniture. Also Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Piano and Guns, etc. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME DOOR PRIZES MIKE CUMMINGS, Licensed Auctioneer 2-3b A111 FARM SEkV LEASE FARM EQUIPMENT B ALL PAYMENTS TAX bEDUCTIELE THERE IS Nei y'DOWN PAYMEN'T'' • ALL EQUIPMENT iia INSURED * PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE * FARM LIABILITY INSURANCE * GROUP SAVINGS ON FARM SUPPLIES * FARM INCOME TAX PREPARATIONS 373 QUEENS AVENUE — LONDON, CANADA Your kleIro n l oUinty..Age_ni CHARLES R.HARRIS PHON E BAYFIELD 95