HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-09, Page 5Students Report On Ottawa Trip; Fail To Get Samples From Mint Thurs.,. January 91:1904 'Clinton lievo-4c9.41--Pogg. 5 P.P.MpPtitiVe: POPO* Plus PersonAl, ,Service. Special Values and flominOr§ This Week ,D.A. SPOT RE MO Reg. 75c Now ,6$c TOOTH PASTE SPECIALS COLGATE Reg. 69c-Now 59c Reg. 1.09-Now 94g Reg. 65c-Now 49c Reg. 98c-Now 79.c Reg, 1.09-Now 89c MACLEANS Reg.- 1.39-Now 1.09 MACLEANS Reg. 1.09-Now, 94c MACLEANS Reg. 69c-Now 59c BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP 95c BRONCHIDA CHEST RUB' 69c BLISTER .59c MEGGAZONES 69c P01,,GAT BRISK BRISK IPANA EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards - Mary E.' Edwards, Phm,B. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - - Clinton, Ontario MONTH OF JANUARY SPECIAL $7.50 PERMS. $6.50 $10.00 PERMS. S8.00 $12.00 PERMS. $10.00 PALMER BEAUTY LOUNGE 2b Edward Elliott, acted as anetiOneer. and was: in his best form and 'the 'bidding wO,brisk, Said F~ddie, "laidon these ChneklY -chocolates :and YOU% grin like a skunk eating thist- les." The articles for sale ranged from apples and men's socks to pink PPMentieliabieS, aPrOns, towels and home-made jellies. A good time was certainly had by all .and the committee in chargei.,7.1js.hes to thank all those who attended and made it a :most successful party. Mrs. John Smith was .canyen- or,. assisted by Mrs, Dutat, Mrs, Storey, Mrs. Ed. Wise and Mrs. S. Middleton, Adastral Park Social Notes Anne .Aileron, Correspondent Cpl, and Mrs, W. H. Davis have returned from a few weeks' holidays visiting rela- tives in. St. Catharines, Opt. They also stopped to view the beautiful speetacle offered by the frozen Niagara Falls. S/L and Mrs. Lionel Boxall and their children are spending their holidayS in Florida. Cpl. and Mrs. F. M; Gerzan- jell and their family spent Christmas with relatives at the Army Camp in Borden, Mr. Charles Witty 'is spending the winter months at his (laugh- ter'S, Mrs. Gerzanich, F/S G. D. Kerr was one of the first winners 'in the recent London Free Press -stamp pop- ularity poll. The poll was con- ducted to ascertain the order of popularity of the nine Can- adian stamps that were issued in 1963, The last stamp issued in 1963• (the 15-cent regular issue stamp piCturing Canadian geese in flight) was judged the best product of the post office. vigismisiirsammilmmair Costume le ellery 10111111.11.00, ik! GODERICH Dancing Every Saturday Night for the Young Crowd NO SLACKS OR BLUE JEANS THIS WEEK "The Crescendos" 9:00 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION: 75c PER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Kinsmen, Lions and Rotary Meetings. Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 SALE 19c Reg. $1.00 .$2.00 Value ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. ON ALL KEL VINAT APPLIANCE REFRIGERATORS bEEP FREEZERS RANGES WASHERS and DRYERS Sutter-Pe ue Hardware EUGENE MoAbANC, Proprietor Albert Street' CLINTON Phone 482,7021 Biggest .Craved .Ever Attends .Social At Tipperary School, :Friday 2-PC. ITALIAN PROVINCIAL in Beige Mattice Material. Reg. $349.00 Now $289.00 2-PC. 1964 MODERN SUITE (Scotch- guard Treated) in Charcoal Brown. Reg. $295.00 Now $255.00 2-PC. KROEHLER in Nylon Frieze, Reg, $255.00 Now $235.00 2-PC. FRENCH PROVINCIAL in Toast Reg, $289.00 Now $239.00 These Are Only A Few Examples of Living Room From $30.00 to $90.00 MIDDLETON - The social evening held in the Tipperary School on rriclaY evening un- der the ansPlees of the WA of St. James', middlettln, turned out ,to be one of the best ever held from a financial point of view. The weather was ideal and, a good crowd Patronized the event. Mrs, Edward. Wise acted as mistress of ceremonies, wel- coming all present. There were 14 •tables of eu- chre and the winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. John Grigg; men's, Bert Rowden; ladies' low, Mrs. W. Cololongh; men's, Henry Sloman. Ladies' most lone hands was won by Miss Elaine Smith, while the man with most lone hands was Bob Collins. While lunch 'was being serv- ed, Mr. Albert Craig favored with many songs, accompanied, on his guitar. Following lunch a very lively auction sale was held of art- icles donated by -the WA By 1WCIRRAX BLACKIE, On the night of Thursday, December 5, 60 students of grades-10 to 1-2 left by bus, ac, companied by our chaperones. After an hour of joyous bore- List War Dead For All To See 'As you draw near, rbl.w mag- nificence of 'the beautiful hand- roasoned archway mystifies you with its design and the Moth- er'S Cross hanging from the centre. A large book will be seen in the nucleus of the room in which the names of all those Canadians who have lost their lives in the Second World War will be found. Each day of the year, .a page is turned so that the name of each man appears on the same clay once a year. As you gaze about the cham- ber, some of the finest archi- tecture, being all hand-carved by great Europeans, will show itself to you. Inscribed on. the wall are many chiseled tablets. with summaries of the battles and campaigns, mostly fought in 'the Great War. The marble floor has pieces of rock .actually taken from battle scenes, inlaid in it with names of great men of war- time. We: can never repay those men for giving their lives to help give us a free country, but this is to ensure we re- member them, 0 Girls' 'Leaders Plan Courses For Next Project During the next two weeks the Huron County 4-H Home- making Club Leaders will' be- gin their spring work as 'they attend. the training schools for the project "What Shall I Wear?". These schools are sponsored by Home Economics Service of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and will be con- ducted by Miss Patricia Da- mude, the Home Economist for Huron County. It is expected that nearly 90 leaders and assistants will at-' tend the three schools being held at 'the Presbyterian Ch- urch in Wingham on, January, 15 'and 16, the. Legion Hall in Hensel]. on January 21 and 22 and the Board Room of the On- tario Department of Agricul- ture in Clinton on January 23 and 24. Throtigh lectured and demon- strations the leaders will ob- tain inforination on wardrobe planning under such tallies as harmony, colour, design, tex- ture and suitability. The lead- ers will also review the sewing techniques used 'in making a blouse. This. material is presented in such a form that it -may he taught directly to the club of 12 to 26 year olds in the local community, • 0 dom we arrived in Stratford where we boarded our train for Toronto. After tivio hours of card% etc., we arrived in Toronto and changed trains. From here it was a night made tip of end- less, :sleepless hours, cards, magazines .and friendly chit- chat. Finally at 7,30 the next morning we arrived at Ottawa station, From here we all stag- gered to the Lord Elgin Hotel, which seemed to be terribly far away. We had until 9.30 to meet at the lobby door and most of this time was spent at breakfast. On 'this cold December morn- ing we headed. for the Parlia- ment Buildings. Here we were guided all through the build- ings, tower and. attended the session in 'the Commons. We saw such notables as "Red" Kelly and. Elston. Car- diff; also John Diefenbaker and, oh yes, Prime Minister Lester Pearson. Mr. Cardiff treated us all to lunch in the cafeteria at the Parliament - Buildings and we then walked to the mint, tour- ing it, (No samples of course). Then to' the national archives. and finally to the war museum. We returned to the hotel. Some went to the Chateau Laurier Hotel for a dip in its pool, while the rest of us re- mained at the hotel, During this time and at 11 we slept, ate, slept, watched television, slept, went to a show, slept, shopped and, oh yes, slept. Bright and early Saturday morning we all rose to meet the clay, giving ourselves 15 minutes to dress, eat and get to the lobby door. At 9:30 we commenced our bus tour of Ot- tawa. ,On our tour we saw' import- ant peoples' houses, govern- ment house, which we toured. the experimental farm, many embassies including French. Japanese, American, German and Scotch (ICBM. In the afternoon we toured the National Art Gallery. See Cycle Of oney aking. By BARBARA FLETT, 11A-1 Upon arriving at the sturdy iron gates, 'guarded by Mount- ed Police, our group of 64 was divided into two smaller ones. Only one of these groups was allowed inside at a time. This smaller group was again divid- ed into touring groups, each led by a guard. A fascinating sight was the gold bars piled on the floor, each weighing 200 pounds, A machine would slit and trim them 'for another machine that would punch out the multitude of flat, blank coins. The scrap material would be remelted into bars and used again. The coins were then washed, dried, and polished 'to give them 'their shiny surface, on which was stamped the crest of their various denomina- tions. Numerous machines auto- matically weighed each coin and disgarded any of incorrect pro- portions. The coins were then plac-e-d on a. conveyer belt to be view- ed for 'any possible mistake and would be again remelted if marked. The' last ,and very important step was the counting of the money. This was done by a machine that could place 2,000 coins in a bag in one minute. The money would then be sent to the Bank of Canada for dis- tribution throughout the coun- try. - At 4:00 luggage was pieced in a Nom, one for boys and another for girls, and we all checked out. Then we ad- journed to this room to watch teleVision. At night we were on our own again and we boarded the train back to. To- ronto at 11:00, leaving at 11;35. This' night, as -you would ex- pect, was the same as Thurs- day night-only worse. Finally we hit Toronto and soon we arrived 'in Stratford. By 'the time the bus arrived at school it was around 12;00 noon Sunday and after a maximum of two hours sleep the night before, the students vigorously returned home to do their homework, eagerly awaiting the next morning, -11Ortggif .frea M.e.fInnont The Varna YfAli bold their :first meeting of the new year on January 5 in the Varna United Chtirch. Steen people answered the roll Nancy Mustard led in Wor- ship and then Bev. 1-till, the president, took over with the business, The Young People de- cided to purchase arid present brass cross for plaCing the communion table of the Varna United Church. Committees were set up for the Valentine Dance, Febru,. ary 1.41, which the Varna YPU are sponsoring. Mr, Dave Hemingway, Bilis, sets, is going to show slides. on February 9 of the Confer- ence in the West he attended, The roll call next week will be answered by a verse con- taining the word "wise4. Groups To Meet The United Church Women will hold their - monthly meet- ing on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, William Mc- Ash. Explorers Meet ,The Explorers of the United Church held their New Year's meeting on Saturday last 'in the Church. The meeting was opened with 'a hymn and the Explorer purpose. , Joanne Broeze read the min- utes and the scripture lesson was read by Mary Lou John- ston, After a short study per- iod, Joyce Taylor took up 'the offering and the meeting closed with "taps". The annual congregational meeting of the United Church will be held on Wednesday, January 15 in the church.. It will be preceeded by a pot luck supper served in the basement of the church. CHROME & I3RONZ ETON E KITCHEN SETS FROM $30.00 to $50.60 RENCII MS LA IP CLEARANCE Up To 50% OFF Varna Youths To Purchase Cross Hold Dance Event winsarawkwainareacoollnewormatmStociamsomotraunc\ BOX SPRINGS and MIMESES FLOOR MODELS Some Models Slightly Soiled or Scratched ALL REDUCED TO CLEAR Includes Bookcase Bed, Double Dresser and Chiffoneer. REG. $179.00 Only $139.00 2-Piece Living Room Suites All. Reduced To Clear BeattieFurniture mi in ton 4-Piece FRENCH PROVINCIAL SUITE White and Gold Finish-Includes Triple Dresser and Mirror, Panel Bed, Chiffoneer and Night Table. REG. PRICE $259.00 Only $179.00 Elegant ITALIAN PROVINCIAL SUITE Includes Dresser, Chiffoneal )anlB5d $298.00 RICi o nlT ,2g3,o 16 Other BEDROOM SUITES To Choose Ail Reduced From $30.00 to $80.00 KRAUS CARPET PROPER PLANNING IS IMPORTANT TOO, WE'VE THE PLAN To SAnsFY L Y011 5Ms Ar k raU#1 9 Sil4R 015Ucts o2 ,11 ALWAYS PIPE! 1161- I S IE PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON Floor Coverings CLEARANCE Pree Estima+es Given and Special C onsidera+ioh To Your Carpet Needs. 5-Year Guaranteed Nylon - Reg, $9.95 8q. yd. LIMITED QUANTITY NOW ONLY ... .... „..., . 7.95 sq. yd. HARM Curnuloft Nylon REG. $12.05 34. yd. Now Reduced To Only $111 88 sq. yd.