HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-02, Page 9Operate Cider Mill
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert .Glousher are shown here
in their cider mill, located on their farm,. east of
Auburn. (Photo by Bracinock)
Bruins Take Commanding Lead
In Kinsmen Minor Puck Setup
Corner Rattenbury and Albert Streets
Dancing Every Saturday ilight
for the Young Crowd
"The Del - Reys"
9:00 p.m. to Midnight
Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets,
Kinsmen, Lions and Rotary Meetings.
Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264
The harmony may be old-fashioned
But ,the words are sincere ...
We are glad to sing this message
And sing it loud and clear...
To all our friends and customers
The happiest New Year!
Lorne Brown Motor Ltd.
Your •Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile
4112.9321 CLIN
The /ate Mr. Glousher came
from Zurich and with the as-
sistance of his son, Herbert,
who now operates the mill, cars
tied out the business.
The first mill was operated
by a giant timber of hard
maple, 44 feet long by 22 inches
square which gave pressure up
to, 40 to 60 tons when moved
down on a large threaded cedar
This large screw-jack, about
the size of a dinner plate, was
balanced in the centre with a
plank, blocked up the other
end and when this was brought
down it created the pressure
to squeeze out the juice from
the apples.
The apples are first placed
in a hopper where they are
ground up fine wit h rollers
covered with grated edges and
then placed on jute sacking,
where they are strained.
It is on this mixture that the
Pressure is placed and Mr. Gl-
ousher estimates that they can
make an average of 100 gal-
lons per hour.
Ten years ago the old, tim-
ber was removed and an all
steel press was installed, run
by tractor power but the press
still needs stome hand opera-
The mill has a capacity of
18 bags and this takes about
20 minutes to make approxi-
mately 85 to 90 gallons of
apple juice.
The mill is at eye level and
many interested persons have
visited this small mill to watch
the process.
Mr. Glousher recalled times
when team's of horses, hitched
to wagons, stood in line for
over a mile down the road and
lane waiting their turn to have
their apples made into cider
for vinegar or apple juice for
a beverage, or to make apple
butter for winter use,
Assisting Mr. Glousher is his
wife, who replaces daily the
jute sacking and washes them
to keep them in order.
Kin Pucksters
Post Two Wins
In Three Tries
Clinton Kinsmen all-star pee
wees posted two wins in three
outings in WOAA play over
the past week.
They started out with a 7-3
win over Seaforth on Decem-
ber 21 and came back with a
13-0 -trouncing over their local
rivals from RCAF Clinton on
Their lone lose came at the
hands of Goderich, who posited
a 4-1 win.
Bill Stirling and Glenn Irwin
paced the attack in the Sea-
forth tilt, each potting a pair
of markers. Singles came off
the sticks of Lawrence Elliott,
Greg Burns and John Anstett
Torn McMahon and Stuart
Mustard picked up two assists
each in the win.
Burns Hot
Playing against RCAF Clin-
ton, Greg Burns was the lead-
ing marksman as he triggered
four goals, Bill Stirling and
Glenn Irwin had a pair each.
Scoring singles were. Tom
McMahon, Lawrence Elliott,
Registration For
Houseleague Hockey
All boys between the ages of 12 to T6 (inclu-
sive) and who are not members of a Clinton all-star
team are invited to register for the Clinton Recrea-
tion Committee Houseleague.
Games will be played on Saturday afternoons
from 4:30 to 6:30 and the fee is $3,00, to cover
insurance and some other operating expenses,
Fill out this form and leave at Clinton News-
Record Office on or before Monday, January 6.
All registered players are also asked to be at the
arena at 4:30 on Saturday, January 4./
Name llllllll llll V vv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv • vv vv
Birth Date 114/14 ......... .. . . ......... . .. 1114.414
Address .. „„„„,,„ Phone
(46..5. •
4011, os.
• . •
Mrs,. E Heads Turner's. UCW;
Retiring President Receives Plaudits.
09e noon News,Record Thurs., January 1964 PATRONS USED TO LINE UP
AUBURN .Anettlee sue-
eessful Year has been teminat-
ed in the making of appl , cider
on the fare) of Mr. and Mrs,
Herbert Glousher, RR 1, Ad-
burn, en the Auburn to ElYth
Ever since September, fern).-
ers and town folk have been
going to the Glousher mill for
the ever popular apple juice
which was formerly called
eider, bringing bags and bags
of apples of every kind,
Mr, Glousher estimates that
a cider mill has been operat-
ing ee :this farm for over 109
years. His father, the late Jolla
Glousher Purchased the farm
from the late John Plaetzer,
who had also operated the mill,
Midgets Whipped in First Start,
But Bounce Back To Victory
The .Clieton Lions inidgeO,
tOe le. one game and lost tiee.
Qther of their first two Sebeeltd,
ed games in WQAA pleee
The first, played at ,Seafortll
arena on. December 26, saw the
bone Own boys. ousted by their
fast skating Seeforth hosts,.
- • Their attack was led by their
eharpseboeting captain, Camp.-
bell„ who spored eight of their
10 goals in their 10.4 yietory,
Snipers for the Clinton team
were Larry Pickett, H, 7:101,
lend, J. , Steep and P. Mac-
A more exciting game, from
Vandals Test
CU. Window
(Continued From Page One)
ed 'by Ontario. Provincial Police
from the Goderich detachment.
On Christmas eve at about
8:00 p.m., cars driven by Percy
Brown, RR 5 Clinton, and Ro-
bert Orval. Sherwood, RCAF
Clinton, collided on Highway 4,
about alf a mile south of Clin-
Brown had backed onto the
left shoulder of the road facing
north, and was waiting 'far the
Sherwood vehicle to pass, but.
Sherwood struck his rear fen-
Demage to the Brown car
was estimated at $150 and $100
to 'the Sherwood vehicle. Con-
stable R. M. Primeau investi-
On Tuesday, December 31, at
2:00 p.m., a car driven by Dave
O'Reilly, a UWO student home
for the holidays at Adastral
Park, ran into the rear of an-
other car driven by John Reis-
ereson, RCAF Clinton.
Police report, Robertson had
stopped to clean his window
and O'Reilly was unable to stop
because •of the icy roads.
Damage to O'Reilly's 1961
Plymouth was estimated at
$150 and $25 to the Robertson
Constable G. S. Ferris in-
On January 1, three vehicles
were involved in a collision
west of 'Clinton on highway 8,
near the premises of Clere-Vu.
Auto Wreckers.
Cars driven by Stanley Van-
dervval, Camiachie, and Steintje
Schoemaker, RR 4 Goderich,
collided with a parked truck
owned by Glen Price, RR 2
No one was injured and po-
lice gave no 'damage estimates.
Reg. Price $4.20
— AT
Gal braitit's
After Christmas
GAMES and TOYS 25% off
Special $9.74
N.H.L. HOCKEY GAME Reg. $13,95
Special $9.96
Special $4.49
Special $24.71
MECCANO SET No. 6 Reg. $20,95
Special $15.71
ETCH-A-SKETCH Reg. $4,98
Special $3.98
Special $1.00
WREATHS for Door or Window Rug. $1.49 to $1.98
Special 99c to $1.32
CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS Req. $2.69 to $5.20
Special $1.79 to $3.47
Gift and Stationery Store
The Bruins opened up a wide
seven-point margin in the
Kinsmen pee wee loop over the
Christmas holidays, posting a
pair of identical 1-0 triumphs.
On Monday, December 23,
they nipped the Canadiens with
Robert Stirling providing the
lone tally, and Stirling was a-
gain the marksman when, they
clipped 'the Hawks by the 1-0
David Slade posted the shut-
outs for the leaders.
In the only other game, play-
ed Saturday, the lowly Hawks
came up with the highest scor-
ing effort of the season as they
whipped the Canadiens by a
9-1 margin.
Rickey May was top sniper
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morton, of
near Seaforth, were Christmas
.visitbrs with Mr. an d Mrs.
Nelson Hood and Joyce.
Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Cald-
well and Jamie, Messrs. Jim
and Lloyd Venner, Mr, and
Mrs. Eric Mansfield' and Paul,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle, Kar-
en, Kathy, and Kennon, all of
Hensall, enjoyed Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid Moffatt
and family, Lambeth; Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Moffatt and dau-
ghter, were Christmas guests
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Alf. Moffatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Smith,
Michael and Joan, Grimsby,
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Wren.
Christmas guests with. Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell includ-
ed: Mr. and Mrs. Angus Jones
and Mathew, London; Mr, and
Mrs. Ron Hammond and dau-
ghter, London; Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Lovell and three child-
ren and Mr Allan Parker,
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell and
Vicky spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine. Ford
and girls, Grand Bend, and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Ford, Exeter,
spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. W. J. F. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Faber
,and Mr. Ross Faber were
Christmas 'guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Coleman, Sea-
Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau
spent Christmas with the lat-
ter's father, Mr. Dean Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Little-
ton, Exeter, spent Christmas
eve with Mr. and. Mrs. Russell
Faber and Christmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Littleton and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
and boys spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones, Hen-
sel]. 'and Boxing Day with. Mrs.
Pearl Love and Wayne, Varna.
Mr. Robert Thomson, ac-
companied by his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. arid Mrs. Ro-
bert Stokes and Larry, Lon-
don, spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Cornish at
T h e Misses Shirley 'and
Sandra Reid, Toronto, were
Christmas guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Reid' and Heather.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick-
ert spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Wahl. Listewel,
Christmas visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Lostell in-
eluded; Mr. and Mrs, Glenn
Sturgeon and Jo-Anne, Bay-
field; Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Parsons, Seaforth; Mr. Wayne
Pridham, Ceortarty.
Mr. Frank McGregor, Clin-
ton, was a Christmas visitor
with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mun-
roe and Mrs, William Deitz.
Mr. and Mrs. N, Long Spent
Christmas with Mrs and *Mrs.
Ed. Little, Hensall, and cele-
brated Mr. Lung's 79th birth-
day Whith was on, Dec. 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle
and Jim spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer MeClin-
ehese Vain&
Mr. and Mrs. Allah Grigg
and daughter, London; Miss
Mari Sinclair, Mr. William
Riley and. Sharon; London;, Miss
Barbara Grainger, Wallace-
latirM Mrs.—Caine/On Richard-
son, lIensall, all spent Christ-
inas With Mr. arid, Mrs: Joh n
Sinclair and Joan,.
with three 'tallies, while David
Fawcett and Ken Farquhar ad-
ded a pair each. Singles were
recorded by Carl Matthews and
Ove Christensen.
Gary Cummings averted the
shutout for the losers.
The standing shows the
Bruins in, top spot with 16
points on eight wins and two
losses, while the Leafs are in
second with nine,
The Canadiens have five
points, one more than the
cellar-dwelling Hawks.
Games this week pit the
Hawks against the Leafs at
9:00 a.m. on Saturday and the
Leafs come hack for their sec-
ond outing on Monday against
the Canadiens at 6:00 p.m,
Mr. Robert Gridzak celebrat-
ed his 16th birthday Sunday at
the home of his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson,
Christmas visitors with, Mr.
and' Mrs. Archie Parsons were:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson,
Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Garter, Bernice, Gladys, and
Merna, Clandeboye; Mrs. Jo-
seph Linden and Miss Verna
Linden, Denfield; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parsons, Seaforth; Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Lostell, Kippen.
Christmas visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Alderdice and family were:
Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Jack'
Caldwell, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Alderdice, Garry, Karyn,
Lynda and Janice, Clarksburg;
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald' Rumble
and family, Cooksville; Mr.
Harvey Alderdice, Toronto;
Miss Shirley Alderdice, Agin-
court and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Taylor, M,arkdale.
At a Christmas draw in
Dickert's store, Mrs. Robert
McGregor was first winner;
second, Mrs. Wayne McBride;
third, Lorne McBride,
(Intended For Last Week)
Miss Sharon McBride a n d
David Cooper, of the University
of Western Ontario, are spend-
ing the holidays with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Bride and Mr. and Mrs. John
'Cooper, Sr.
During a service of St. And-
rew's United Church recently,
25 hymnaries were dedicated
to the choir by the McBride
family in memory of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride
and were presented by Sharon
and Wayne McBride.
Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar McBride were Mr.
and Mrs, Stewart Beattie of
Wingham, and Mr, and Mrs.
Elmer McBride, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter McBride and Mrs. Al-
vin McBride, all of Exeter.
Mr. F, W. Rowntree, Weston,
visited last week with his sis-
ter, Mrs. N. Long and Mr.
Mr, and Mrs. William Mc-
Lachlan were' honoured at a
dinner on S,aturday by Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McLachlan at their
home in honour of their recent
wedding 'anniversary. Several
gifts were received from the
different relatives. Guests were
present from London, Tillson-
burg, ,Staffa, and Seaforth.
School Section No. 9 Tuck-
ersmith, held their annual
Christmas concert, December
18, with the teacher, Spencer
Jeffrey as chairman. Consider-
ing the weather, a large Crowd
Attended. Several recitations
and dialogues were given by
the students. Jolly old Santa
made his appearance, distribut-
ing gifts to all the children.
' Injures Hand
Ross McBeath, 20-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mc-
Beath met With a painful acct-
dent Monday Morning while
blowing snow from Mr. augh
Hendriek's lane,
Three fingers on his right
hand were caught in the snow
blowers, one finger being frac-
ttired in three places.
He Was taken to Clinton
Public Hospital Where a cast
was placed on it, Or. 3, God-
dard, Hansen, attended.
Jerry Moffett Was admitted
to St. Jos.eply's IThenital, Lori-
dons Monday, folloating, a frac-
titre of his right hand, Which
became eatight in a snow.bloW,,
er at his h-otrie, Dr, D. Eekery
Exeter, attended.
The WA of St, dames .Churn
01, Middleton, will meet Wed-
Pe:Play afternoon, January g 4t:
the home of Mrs. Fred Middle-6 ton.
A social evening will be .held'
In the Tipperary .School on Fri-day, .January a at .an RM. Euchre will be the. order of the evening, followed by an:
aeotken of assorted articles. pro-
vided, by the WA of St.. James.Church,' sponsors of the soeiel„
The .cod mittee in charge in
eludes, Mrs, J. Smith, MrS, St-orey, Mrs. E. Wise, Mrs. Steepe
and Mrs, S, Middleton,
Christmas. Visitors
Dr, and Mrs. Grindley and
family, London, spent .christ-
MAS with Mr, .and Mrs. Fred
Dr, .and Mrs. Ted Mullens and
family, Toronto, spent Boxing
Day with all the members of
the. Fred Middleton family. Also from a distance were Mr. and
Mrs, Ted Middleton and family
of Stratford,
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart mid-
elleton and their guest, Stuart
McEwen, spent Christmas with
Mn, and Mrs. Will Tebbett,.
Goderich, Mrs. (:), L, Paisley,
Clinton, was. also the guest of
the Tebbutt's over Christmas.
The Clintonian Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Ron
MacDonald on Wednesday, Jan-
uary $ at 2:00 p.m. The lunch
conveners are Mrs. Mac Falcon-
er, Mrs. Wilfred Colclough,
Mrs. Ann Birkmeyer, Mrs.
Frank Cummings, Mrs. Stewart
Moodie. The president ,urges
every member to be present
as a special meeting is planned.
Education is
Main Topic
At F of A Event
(Continued from Page One)
Murray Gaunt, Huron-Bruce
MPP, criticized the lack of
standardization of textbooks,
noting that nine different text-
books were used in Toronto in
one grade,
Elmer Hunter, ' I-IFA vice..
president ,said "the department
is not 'advancing fast enough to
keep pace with 'the rate of
progress in the world' today",
and others presented different
MacNaughton said one of 'the
major considerations, was. cost.
""Expenditures are rising 'at
such a rate that all of us in
government 'are concerned a-
bout how we can pay for it.
The projected requirements for
future years are such.that they
stagger those responsible for
providing facilities."
He said, 'however, that 'the
important thing was that peo-
ple take ,an interest in educa-
tion and seek to solve problems
through discussion in groups
and organizations.
In answer to some criticism
About the vocational program,
the highways minister stressed
that courses being provided are
not restrictive in terms of ad-
vancement to higher education.
The word "vocational", he
said, 'has been misinterpreted
by many who think that' child-
ren in these courses cannot go
on to universities or other in-
terminal course for those whose
He pointed out 'there was a
apptitudes lie primarily in their
hands, but others could pro-
ceed to grade 13 and take uni-
versity courses in 'business and
commerce, technical and pro-
fessional trades, such as engin-
eering and architecture.
It was announced at the
meeting that the Federation
was planning a meeting where
area school officials would be
invited to discuss the idea of
the entrance examinations.
Jim Engel, John Anstett and
Robert Kay.
In the Goderich loss, Bill
Stirling was the lone sniper.
Games this week see the
locals host Exeter in a tilt this
Saturday morning at 10:00.
The '1.3.CW. of Turnez's United
Church held their final meeting
-On December .12 in the church,
with Mrs, Alec Townsend in
..pharge of devotions.
Following the scripture and
a hymn, Mrs, H, Johns gave an interesting, topic; end devotions:
closed with prayer..
The president, Mrs. H. Whit-
more, 'took the .chair and read
the slate of officers, for the
coming year. They are as fol-
Honorary . president, Mrs.
Grant Mills; past president,
Mrs. E, Whitmore; president,
Mrs. E, Crich; vice-president,
Mrs. W, .Rogersen; secretary,
Mrs, F, Falconer; treasurer, Mrs, G, Moqregor; assistant,
Mrs. A, Townsend; pianist, Mrs, W. Rogereon; press and public-
ity, F. Feleonee,
Community friendship .end
Visitation, Mrs. E. Whitmore
and Mrs. N. Johns; 'flowers and
cards, Mrs, S,. Johns and Mrs.
M. Falconer; program, Mrs,
Crich, Mrs. G. Mills and Mrs.
E. Tewneend; sOcia). functions,
Mrs. W. Rogerson, Mrs, E,
Whitmore, Mrs, E. Layton,
Mrs. E. Townsend, Mrs. W.
Whitmore, Mrs. K. Rogerson, Mrs, Turner; finance and
buying, Mrs. W. Rogerson, Mrs.
0, McGregor and Mrs, E.
Townsend; literature, Mrs. F.
Falconer; supply and social as-
sistance, Mrs. E. Whitmore;
Fire Curtailed
In Bayfielel Home
BAYFIELD Bayfield Fire
Department answered a call to
the home of Mrs. J. Cluff on
Saturday evening, December 21,
shortly after six o'clock,
Mrs. Cluff and her daughter
were at dinner when the oil
space heater began to belch
smoke and soot after which
flames appeared.
Fortunately, there was no-
thing burned but considerable
smoke and soot damage to
the interior.
The firemen turned off the
oil and stood by for two hours
until all the fire in the pipes
and chimney 'had been extin-
nominations, Mrs,. E. ,Crich,
Mrs. F. Falconer, and Mrs,
Johns; .atqwardthin and recruit-
ing,. Mrs. D. Whitmore; life
membership, Mrs. H. Layton;
Quilting, Mrs. g, Townsend and
Mrs. H. Johns
Twelve members answered
the roll call with, 'what hone-
fit I gain from the UCW", :Sew
era' topics of business were
discussed and. a vote -of thanks
was extended to the retiring
President, Mrs. go Whitmore,
for her untiring devotion to the
work of the UGW for the past
two years.
She graciously replied and
thanked the ladies for their co-
operation during the .peeied she
VMS president,
The meeting closed with the
banediotion and Mrs, G. Mills,
hostess of the month, served a
dainty lunch.
Tuesday, 4an. 7 — BINGO,
Huron Fish and Game Club;
jackpot $56 in 56 numbers, 8.30
Friday, January 3, 8:30
Tipperary School, social even-
ing, auspices Middleton WA.
Euchre and an auction. Every-.
one welcome. lx
Friday, January 10—Recep-
tion and dance for Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Carter (nee Shar-
on Hodges), Londesboro Hull.
Modern and Old Time dancing.
Everyone welcome. 1-2x
Sunday, January 12 — St.
Paul's Drama Group presents
"The Prototype",8:30 p.m., St.
Paul's Churen afodernized ver-
sion of religious drama illus-
trating the 'truth behind one of
Christ's greatest miracles.
Everyone welcome. Silver col-
leotion. 1-2b
A series of prenatal classes
will begin Wednesday, January
15, 1964, at 2:00 p.m. at the
nurses' residence, Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital. These will be held
at weekly intervals for nine
weeks. Those 'interested are in-
vited to attend on the above
date, or phone the Health Unit
—Goderich 524-7441 — between
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. or 'the Pub-
lic Health Ntirse—Clinton 482-
7020—after 6:00 p.m. 1-2b
Cider 1096 Year
the Clinton fans view-point, was
played Saturday evening when
they .hosted 'the Zurich mid-
gets In a fast and rough con-
The first period ended in a
tie with Gary "Dutch " Fleet finding the mark for Clinton,
assisted by Bill MacKay and
Roger Hunter and a solo ef-
fort by Zurich's Block,
The second period saw Zen.
ich open a margin of 3-1 but
the eager Clinton team picked
up speed and accuracy to score
four more in the last.
Larry "Archie" Pickett was
leading marksman, potting two
tellies M the last frame, Bill
MacKay assisted on one while
the other was unassisted.
MacKay picked up the third
Clinton goal, assisted by Pic-
kett, and George McClinchey
soloed a spectacular tie-break-
Other snipers for Zurich were
Flaxbard with, two and a single
by Hoffman,'
Zurich picked up five of the
nine minor penalties and each
team sat out five-minute pen-
alties for fighting in The last
seconds of the hard-fought
Members of the Clinton squad
are: Allen Howes, goal; Steve
Harris, 'Harvey Holland, John
Irwin, Roger Hunter, defence;
Dean Reid, Don Scrimgeour,
John Steep, Larry Pickett (cap-
tain), Bill MacKay, Gary Fleet,
Ashley Bevan, George IVIcClin-
chey, Paul McKenzie, Bill Hut-
chins, forwards.
The following is the Clinton
Lions midgets schedule:
Jan. 6—Clinton at Exeter
Jan. 8—Mitchell 'at Clinton
Jan. 11—Clinton at Goderich
Jan. 13—Clinton at Zurich
Jan. 15—Goderich at Clinton
Jan, 20—Clinton at Mitchell
Jan. 22—Hensall at Clinton
Jan. 29--2Clinton at Homan
Games at home start at 8:00
Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG
Christmas Day guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fink-
beiner included: Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Finkbeiner and Robert,
'Zurich; Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner,
Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Nigh and family, Egmondviile.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Work-
man, Lynda and Torn, spent
Christmas with an aunt, Mrs.
Jane McGregor, Se'aforth,
Most Kippen Residents Enjoy Season