HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-02, Page 6A t , - :. as ra $.ociai Nerve Editor; Anne Aileron (Intended for last :week) Sgt, artd Mrs, Bob ,Belanger :from Senneterre, P,Q, spent a, few day with F/S and Mrs.. ,D, Tremblay, from .ChntQn they will go visiting Mrs, Bel- anger's relatives in Chatham, before returninghome. MrA Adlolph Littman has flown ,to Europe to visit F/S and Mrs, Bob Zadow, for .Ch- ristmas. Sgt. and Mrs, M. W. Reekie' will leave Clinton for RCAF Station Moose Jaw qn Decem- ber 27.. zylrs. E. A. Muise has return- ed home after Spending some time in the Clinton Public Hos- pital. We hope she has compl- etely recovered from her illness and that Billy is home for the holidays also. Congratulations to Cpil. and Mrs. D, K. Greer on the birth of a daughter on December 11 at the Clinton.Public Hospital. LAC and Mrs. Jos. M. Bell- ineau, Barrie, are visiting Sgt. and Mrs. A. Vezina, for the holiday, Two youngsters op the Sick list are Laura Graham and Mi- chael MacFarlane , We Wish them a speedy recovery. Robert Haspeck, RCN, is vis- iting his parents, and will re- turn to Halifax early in Jan- uary. Mrs. J. Hebert entertained Fa.rk otes --, Phone HU 24349 at a Christmas cocktail party on December 27. Fifteen guests were present, including .Mrs. Tremblay, from Quebec City. WC' and Mrs. G, ,A, Donald- son spent Christmas in Ottawa with ,their daughters, Visiting Ottawa relativesalso. were WO and Mrs. W. B. Sab- aurin and daughter Shari.. '/Sgt. AndMrs. G. Wade have as their guests, Mrs. Wade's parents from, Medford, Mr. and Mrs. W. MacMillan; Cpl. and Mrs, R, .G, Hodgson and their children spent a few days in Kitchener, F/Sgt. and: Mrs. H. G. Me - Connell have as their guests, Mr, and Mrs. A. $abbingtpn from Ottawa. Miss Raymonde Vezina, also from the Capital, was on camp to visit her i parents, Mr, and Mrs. Art, Vezina. Cpl, and Mrs, R. Barr and the. youngsters spent their Christmas holidays yin Ottawa. Robert Haspeck of Dart_ mouth, Nova Scotia, has re- turned •turned to his base (RCN) after spending three weeps with his. parents. He made the return trip via TCA, from London, Ont. Hold Party The CWL held a meeting and Christmas party on the even- ing of December 16. A tree was decorated and small' gifts • Attend Your Church h This Sunday CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) r Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Sunday, January 5 10.00 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.15 a.m:-MORNING WORSHIP Everyone Is Welcome At This Church Ontario Street United Church ''THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor; REV. GiRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, January 5 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 ,a.m.-Morning Worship ' TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m. -Church Service 3.00 para -Sunday School Christian Reformed' Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, January .5 10.00 a.m.-Service in English 2.30 p.m, -Service in English Every Sunday 6.15 pin,, Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen to "Back to God Hour." EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL. CLINTON 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Service 8.00 p.m, Thursday -Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON' Sunday, January 5 9.45 a.m.-Worshin Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 8.00 p.m. -Gospel Service Mr, Bob. Brandon, Forest. Tuesday: Prayer & Bible Study All Welcome -aaaa aaSt. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. R. U.. MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 5 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.-Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME edea-Pillia-Anlxitesaille gniteh ettureltes REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister New Year's Sunday Theme: "THEREFORE LET US RUN THE RACE" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 a.m.-Church Service 12.10 p,m.-Sunday School HOLMESVILLE 1.00 p.m. -CHURCH SERVICE 2.00 pgym,-SUNDAY SCHOOL WEEK OF PRAYER: Sunday, Jan. 5-7 p.m. -St. Paul's Anglican Church Wednesday, Jan. 8-7.30 p.m. -St. Andrew's,Presbyterian ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. L. Dymond,, LTha Rector' 'Charles Morella Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 -- CHRISTMAS Il 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion 7.00 p.m. --Week of Prayer Service Tues:, ,ran, a -Ladies Guild will meet at Mrs. G Morley Counter's home at 2,45 p.m, BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship • 7.30 p.m. -Evangelistic Hour Guest Speaker: Dr Doug Blundell, Galt, Ontario Wednesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer Service, You Are Cordially Invited To All Of These Services i CLINTON COMMUNITY Week of Prayer5ervices SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev, Peter Dymond, conducting Rev. L, Slofstra, Reader of Scripture. Rev, R. U. MacLean, will preach WEDNESDAY, JANUARY .8 ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, R. U, MacLean Conducting Rev G. Mitis, Scripture Reading P L SwaYert • RCAF will preach The cltizehs of Clinton are aordially invited to begin the NeW Year by attending these Worship periods under the auspices of the Clinton Ntinisteriai Assaclatkna Both services at o'cibck p.m. :e4e:bonged. A. clegiu e was Writ ass the adaitod nsissaatmPent. a mission which is in c#aarge of r the Sisters frrorn. Seafbr th, A Christmas girt w'as aiao pr..se teal tae RCAF Padre, 1dre , in albSepti'a, dile .to the ,fact the' olieplaii Was ill.. Shower Bride: A arida/. ahgwer four ,Miss Lurie Spane was held on De- cember 30 at the .home of Mrs, Hubert Sledges. Flostess was Mrs. Sharon Carter and co- hostesses, Miss :Sharon Dau and Mrs; ,Toy Dm ubin. The rooms were gaily decor- ated and an attractive ;basket finished with pink roses and assortecj bows was used to con- vey ito the bride a wide assort- ment of gifts from 25 :guests. The wedding of Miss Spano is to take place on January 4. Classified Ads. Bring9nick 4 Results Morris Durlm A resident of Clinton .for ten Years, Morris. Gender Durk am, died ;suddenly early Tuesday moraine, .December 31 at .his home, 476 Rattenbury Straet West, He had been in :ill health for some years, Of United Empire .Loyalist descent, he was born in the Niagara District near Chippe- wa, February 22, 1890, to George Durhfirn and Gertrude Gander. He went west in X907 Arid homesteaded in .Alberta near Roehfort Bridge. In World War .I, he enlisted in the machine gun seotiQn: ;of 194th Battalion, Canadian Arm- ed Forces and served in France as .a maehine gunner. Following: his discharge from the army after the war, he returned to his 'homestead. On June 30, 1927, he was married to Miss Annie- F,rmua Die h1*slighter :of Cic late t eMr AN Mrs. Henry 1?iehl, fifth' concession, Stanley Township, and they made their home en his faun rn Alberta. Returning to Ontario in 1936, be settled on a farm in HulletIt Towi4sh?p. }year. Constance jr wliieh he reared to Clinton in 1954. aaralYina are his widow;, a son, George, .ar,►d two grandsons, cal'gary; and a daughter, Miss Margaret Durham, Landoll, al- so a brother, Lewis, Niagara Falls; and 'two sisters, Mrs, Marcus Lane and Miss Const- ante 'Durham, Stratford. The funeral, which Was Pri- vate, was held fron the Ba11 and Muctoh funeral home on Thursday, January 2. Interment was made ,in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township. Brother Aiwa: rBe B ieid M B t 1 s nRahwe, ayf...., received word .of the death of her brother, Robert A. Ackers- viler, 79, of 410 Ontario Street, Stratford, in. the Walsh Nurs- ing Home ea December 30, Be i,s survived by tWQ sons,,, Douglas an'd Kenneth, 'bath of Michigan; .also another sister, Mrs, .J'ohn Keen, and a brother, Henry;, Stratford. Funeral was held, from the Iieinbuck funeral home,, ,Strat- ford, on Thursday afternoon. acted by the Rev. i'. 7,44 Dy- mond, rector. of St, Paul's Ang lican Church, P.alibearers were James 1VIa- bins, William Hearn, Donald Andrews, .Jacob Roorda, Rosa. MacGregor, Stewart Dale. Those from a disltance who attended °the funeral; George Durham, .Calgary; ¥las. Mar- ge -rat Durham, London; 1Vlr. and Mrs. Lewis Durham, Miss Mary The burial .service was con- Durham, all of Niagara. Falls. Looking Back Over Highlights QF Past Year (Continued from page one) ' Police Commission . , Gloria Jean Lutz, Auburn, was named a provincial finalist in a cook- ing contest .. , Frank Falconer, RR 5, Clinton, was named pre- sident of the Huron Central Agriculture Society and Wil- liam Rie+hi was named secre- tary -treasurer. 11MARCH- 28 Joe Deer won. top money and a chance on the CBC ser- ies as top bowler in a con- test staged by C K N X TV, Wingham , . Malt Edgar, CHSS teacher, received his Ca- det Services instructor's cer- tificate ertificate . . . FAME selected a Site at M'i'tchell ... The break- up in '6he Bayfield River caused considerable damage . . . Rev. A. H. Johnston, Brucefield, ac- cepted a call to. Stratford. APRIL 4 'S'ir Earnest Cooper, Clinton native, left an estate of $1,000- 000 ... Beverley Sparks, Bon- nie Hornuth and Muriel Wil- son, won the area Legion sp- eaking contest . . . Kalu Uka, Nigeria, visited at the home of Dr, slid Mrs. Walter Oakes , . Subscribers of the Tuckersmith Telephone System approved a $175,000 modernization pro- gram , . , Cardiff and McGavin drew the ire of a crowd at a Seaforth political meeting as they refused to discuss poli- tics . . APRIL 11 Cardiff won his eighth term, but Liberalsgained a slight majority . CHSS students Tony Verhoef, Terry Muise, John Stryker and Alfred Dyks- tra finished a 40 -mile walk to Wingham and back „ . Over 300 people greeted Prime Min- ister . Diefenbaker when he stopped briefly in Clinton Michael Borov, CHSS teacher, won the Kinsmen talent con - teat . . Principal D. John Cochrane expressed .disappoint- ment in lack of interest for CHSS night classes. . APRIL 18 Council by-passed Chief H. R. Thompson in granting sal- ary increases to town police' .. . Donald Pullen was named as- sistant agriculture representa- tive and Bert Moggach named Huron's first engineer .. . APRIL 25 Bob Homuth and Jim Gra- ham won the Legion shuffle- board title . K. S. Wood, D.C,, opened his remodelled of- fice . , . Bell Telephone Comp- any presented the hospital buil- ding fund with a $1,000 cheque Allan Elliot and George Wonch, chastised fellow =n- ail members for approving the 1963 budget.AX,. M 2 Parry Sound ousted Clinton for the OMEIA juvenile title ;I Clinton bowlers won three inter town championships , Hon. William Davis, minister of education, addressed a group of teachers in Clinton . . An- toine "Red" Garon announced plans to organize a Chamber of Commerce . . Charles Toms was taken to Clinton hospital after he and his brother, Mal- colm, battled exhaust fumes on their fishing boat near' Bay- field . . . Melvin Boyce and Mary Jean Colquhpun were among honour graduates from Stratford Teachers' College . , . MAY 30 Jim Lockwood axmounced plans to open an auto body ship , . Bruce Thomas Lobb joined the Huron County Health. Unit . . . Charles M- ian, . Auburn, drowned when the truck in whioh he was rid. ing plunged into the Goderich harbour . . Hugh R, Hawkins, active political, sports and ser- vice .club. leader 'died Don- ald R. Cornish was ordained to preach . . . Area _ chiropractors signed an agreement with Huron Co-operative Medical Services. JUNE 6 A $145,000 post office build- ing was announced for Clinton Rev. Clifford Park was named president of London Conference . , , Area Catholics held special services to morn the death of Pope John . Dr, 'Hall opened a "successful" Clinton Spring Fair . . . Red Garan was named president of the Oharnber of Commerce .. . JUNE 13 Fire destroyed a barn on the farm of Carman Moon, RR 1, Londesboro . , . Area school teachers honoured Miss Edna Jamieson and Miss Esther Hume for long service , . . W. Stuart Forbes named head of Huron EMO . . . Council ini- tiated action for a major high- way improvement job on high- way 8... JUNE 20 Dennis Riggin, Detroit Red Wing goalie was guest at the hockey appreciationbanquet Huron F of A pressed for a grafin testing' station in Huron Bishop of Georgian Bay 11VIAY 9 Bryan Levis, Barbara Page and Nancy Olde brought two badminton championships to CHSS . , . Bonnie Homuth and Paul Bateman were named student leaders ... Huron hog producers had to borrow money to supply 80 youngsters with two gilts far their 4-H project , Bayne Boyes topped the tenor divitioh in the Stratford Music festival , , . Marauding dogs plagued Stanley farmers MAY 16 Over 80 bUsinessnmen approv- ed formation of a Chamber of Commerce ... CHSS board ex - Massed fear of lack of accom- modation for their 35 new teachers , , , Council decided to lock the gate oh the t o W' n dump . Tom Leppingtori. honoured by the local &remert for his 30 years of service in digging out fire hydrantt .. Councillor George Wonch an - flounced plass :to 'resign from town council MAY 23 Police announced a era ek down on speederstheB1 h an yt area . , . Sgt. Major Mike Burns was namn'ed top cadet iii 'parade tit the CHSS inspection . Larry .Jeffrey of the Detirait Red Wags etiterte,ined mein- bers of the Kinsmen minor leaf gue . , k`"rrant tie dreytanus, present for 80th anniversary of Auburn Anglican church . . . CHSS board deferred a request to teach religious education... Anstett Jewellers held open house in their remodelled store G/C K. R. Greenaway was named to replace G/C J. G. Ma'tihieson at RCAF Clinton . , . JUNE 27 Ronald McKay named presi- dent of Huron branch of men teachers . . Mr, and Mrs. Ed- ward Sturgeon, Bayfield, mark- ed their 50th wedding , . Eugene McAdam purchased Sutter -Perdue Hardware, mar- king retirement of t w o of Clinton's most respected bus- inessmen . . Work started on a $150,000 fertilizer plant in Tuckersraith Township . .. Professor Harry Shaw opened the new wing at the Clinton Public Hospital . Members of Mocha Temple Shrine par- aded through Clinton . . . Mr. and Mrs, David Easam marked 60 years wed ... • JULY 4 AVM H. M, 'Carscallen visit- ed RCAF Clinton . Mensal]. and Blyth voters approved liqu- or outlets . . . Doug Macaulay and Borden McRae left f o r Banff cadet camp . , Tucker - smith and Stanley Townships approved a new fireball for Brucefield . , . Mrs. Don Mid- dleton entered top rose at Cl- inton Horticultural show , CHSS students Phyllis Lobb and Brian Dolan attended Un- ited Nations seminars at UWO . JULY 11 Clinton .Public. School board amounted plans to option land for second 'building . . . F/S Frank Burns, popular athlete and high school board member, died.. Area farm crops in need of• rain , , . Local lumber men among confused as finance minister again alters tart , Council tabled recreation com- mittee suggestion to use post office for meeting place . Plaque unveiled in Egmondville to honour Col, Anthohy Van- ligniond. avis,, 18 Cliff Epps again named air - director for area horticultural, fats , .. Area affected by 85 per; cent eclipse of sun , - Stray bullets fly at Bayfield. Beach Principal pleased With CHSS passing record, OAS 23 Agriculture wavey shows arta NM tops in production of cats tle,o s r poultry h Jack g Scruton named Shell products dealer , Bayfield a tamniage Male nets $310.45 . j,7ianne Annette Sieling,. Blyth, dies when car smashed bridge at Londesbtirti , , r F/L W. E, "Red" Traynor retired from 12;CAF' Y Legion raised the Red Ensign as official flag Carol and Dawn Shepherd, daughters of RCAF Clinton's F/'L Art Shepherd assisted an preventing doable drowning at Goderioh. AUGUST 1 Allan Harper, Clinton, drown- ed in Goderich harbour when he shipped from a pleasure craft duRev. Howard K. Plant in- cted at BruceSield-Kippen United Churches . . , PUC set up a tanic system at the ceme- tery to end drought ,. Roger Garon, former Olintonian, has winning race horse ... Clinton swimmers pass tests, 100 per= cent. AUGUST 15 Rain failed to curtail Bay;, field frolic, Lions realized over $800 ... Paul Bateman named top CRSS graduate, followed by Bill Vodden, Pat Harland and Ron Levett . , . Lightning caus- ed a fire which destroyed a barn on the farm of George Can'telon, Stanley Township:.. Council chastised for setting bad example in perennial weed problem, AUGUST 22 Priscilla Martin, RR 1 Clin- ton, wins Hospital Auxiliary bursary . . . Ernest Samuel Livermore, prominent lawyer, judge, , churchman, dies in Lon- don . Election wheels start to grind for Ontario battle . , . Mrs. Ross Pfrimmer, Goderidh, dies in crash involving elderly Clinton couple.. OCTOBER 17 •Residents promised ,action to halt piano firm's soot . , Drought nears serious stage as wheat and plowing suffers CRSS' board members vote in favour of pay . . . Bonnie Ho- ruth 'heads CRSS student parliament . . Mike Eland, Barry McLaren and Bob Mann inducted into Clinton Kinsmen. OCTOBER 24. Drought becomes serious -no relief in sight . . Plaque un- veiled to honour Horatio Hale Recreation Committee con- siders full-time director ,_ Mary McIntyre Stewart wil'l's $500 to. Clinton Public Hospi- tal . . . Cubs and Scouts do well in annual apple day sales .. Volunteer firemen stop blaze from desltroying Kippen area farm of Bert Thomson. OCTOBER 31 DHSS football 'squad ends in second place, senior boys win Perthex volleyball title , Seaforth area, farm selected as site for 1966 International Plowing Match . $30 stolen from St. P;aul's Anglican Ch- urch . . . Agriculture minister speaks to Huron Holstein breeders. ' NOVEMBER '7 Huron branch still tops in Co-operative Insurance Assoc- iation . . . Linda Murphy presi- dent of Clinton Teen Town Blyth district switches to dial phone system . . . Goderich Township turns down 39 • ap- peals over beach pollution . Jacob DeRuyter, RR 1 Bay- field, shot in Hallowe'en inci- dent . Area firemen help fight major blaze in Goderich storage building. NOVEMBER 14 New $1,800,000 addition open- ed at Central Huron Secondary School , .' . Jack Merrill heads Goderioh Township F of A .. . Hundreds attend re -dedication of renovated Bayfield cairn .. . Patricia Pegg wins County scholarship for high standing at UWO . Approve Huronview renovations to add 27 new beds. NOVEMBER 21 Grant Sparling, Blyth, re- opens former Hugh Hawkins Hardware ... McKinley Farms named best in Canada by De- kalb Corn Ltd. , . . Approve Ball -Macaulay lumber yard for $145,000 post office site Russell Dallas, RR 1 Brucefield, named World Hay Champion .. Kinsmen set up committee to investigate new arena. NOVEMBER 28 Area pays tribute to late President Kennedy in special services . Return municipal councils. in Tuckersmith and Hallett Townships . Harry H. Guetter receives M.A. in Astronomy . , . Robert F. Love, Hensall, receives another $4,000 to continue research, in Calif- ornia. a. DECEMBER 5 Return slate in Stanley Township, discuss central school Walter Forbes receives. praise on retirement from pub- lic office , Grant Stirling named reeve of Goderich Town- ship; Everett McIlwain, deputy; Walmer Riddell and William Jenkins, new councillors Present $4,245 in awards at CHSS commencement , . . Wil- liam J. Miller returned as Clin- ton's mayor .. , LAC B. Huff- man, RCAF Clinton, wins Lions Grey Cup draw . Clinton Marching Royals beat band at Seaforth Santa Claus parade, DECEMBER 12 Rev. P. L. Dymond called to London church , . , Clinton population jumps 'to 3,552. . Frank McFaddin heads polls at Bayfield. Irvine Pease and Fred Arkelr also elected Alex McGregor named presi- dent of Huron F of A, group backs plow match site , Bible Society collects $440. DECEMBER 19 Government purchases Gode- rich property for Provincial Park , Duff Thompson de- feats 1Vrrs, Alice Thompstn for vacant Mandl pest , . . To in- vestigate addition for CHSS Santa Claus parade huge success, attracts two bands, Several floats , . , Defence cuts don't affect RCAF Clinton as yea DECEMBER 1JIVII3EIL 2 3 e Storm clogs m a goads, strands several t 1 SS students . Over 88 kids greet Santa Claus at RCMP Clinton ... Mr. and Mrs. Mojtlai cl Allen mark 511 years wed at, Auburn, as do Mr,and Mrs, Jblh'n G', Woon, RIS 1 Clinton, AUGUST 29 Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Ed- wards took over F. B. Penne- baker IDA'- Drug Store . Miss Luella Johnston, top ex- hibitor at flower show ... C. S. MacNaughiton named Huron Progresslive Conservrative can- didate . . . The weatherman failed to co-operate but the Cavalcade of Bands was listed as impressive . . Harry Wey- mouth won tender for deliver- ing malil 'to high school. SEPTEMBER 5 Nancy Olde enjoys exchange visit with Quebec student, Catherine Caron . a. Workmen still busy as CHSS flooded by over 1,250 students . . . Harry Strang accepts Liberal nomina- tion Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chowen' head Kinsmen and Kin- ettes . Pollution on the In- crease in Lake Huron in Gode- rich Township, MOH warns of posaibililty of no swimming. SEPTEMBER 12 Kinsm,en pee wees win WOAA title, but ousted in OMBA playoff by Milton . . . D. W. Scott, area inspector, said he could see no need for CHSS expansion "far a few years yet" . . , Rains retard Huron beans . , . Council asks "defiant" students to get off the roads . , . Mrs. F. B. Penne- baker enne- lo er. oo w s 12f t sunt ak r raw b e g SEPTEMBER 19 Corn crop hit by early frost, damage heavy , . . County jail house termed fire trap by jury members , . . CHSS board up- holds student council "store" following complaints from mer- chants . . Unveil statue at RCAF Catholic Church , . GESS board forced to cancel night school plans. SEPTEMBER 26 Canton Fish and Game Club hosts area conservationists .. . Hon. C. S. MacNaughton re turned by a landslide , .. FAL M. 3, Jennings stained to CHSS board . . Jim Graham, Bob. Draper, Pat McMahon and Len Amstar" qualify for Legion provincial golf tourney , . , Over 145 dogs and cats vac- cinated against rabies. OCTOBER: 3 Mrs. Stewart' Middleton cops Bank of Cotnmerce trophy as top flower exhibitor at Bayfield fair CKNX W3 n har opens n s new studios , . Mr. and Mrs. John Mulholland mark 61 years Wed . . , School paraddi 4-H show, posters and weather highlights of well attended Bayfield fair, OC'COBER 10 Ajax eliminates Clinton Fish and Game midgets hi OBA "B" semi-finals , , Ladies .Auxiliary to Clinton hospital realize over $900 in Penny Sale , . Mrs Fred Middleton receives life membership to St. James Chula For d A .Warn Waltere ch W beilaced second in the war= den's class at the International .Plowing Match , . , Radies was confirmed an a 'fog shot in Stan- ley Township , . Wbert Hie- tchool dempetition for CHSS in key ,and 14n Brindley won tile the Auroit :plow trtatCh, Thurs„ :January 2, 1964 -Clinton News,Record,-Page .5 PIRSONA.LS Mr, 4.4rnes E, WW1, M.A., Montreal, spent Christmas with his Mather, Mrs, J. A. McGill. 45 ,Shiley Street. Mr. .and MV$, A. C, Kei1y, Polo Alto, California, spent two weeps' vacation with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. J. A, Mc- Gill, 45 Shipley Street. r..an�. • Mrs,.Ma rice Rd- ' M ..du a. Rad - fora and' Greg, AY1mer, New York, spent part of the holiday season at his parental home on Princess Street, also visiting. his brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs Frani;, Radford, RR 3 Cliivton. Reg, Cook, Westminster Hos- pital, London, spent Christmas, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, Maple Street, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Del Bur- ley, Mr. Northcott and Miss Whhtcroft, all of London, spent Christmas with Mrs. Ada Ad- ams, Albert Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dale and family, Sault Ste, Marie, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Dale, 166 Princess St. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Louis Forest, RR 4 Clinton, were Mr, and Mrs. James Front, David and Debra, Preston; Mr, and Mrs, Mason Rumley, Goderich Township; Mr, Gordon Rumley, Kitchener. Chr.istrnas. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Porter, RR 5 Clinton, were Mrs, Albert Porter and son, George, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Porter and family, RR 5 Clin- ton. 1Vfr, and Mrs. E. R. Porter, RR 5 Clinton received phone calls on Christmas Day from their son, Ken and wife, at Vancouver, B.C., and from their daughter and family, Margaret (Mrs, H. A: Taylor), Sault Ste. Marie. Out of town Yuletide guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cun inghame, 'Rattenbury Street west, were their two daughters and families, Prof. and Mrs, Thomas E. Hull, Toronto, re- cently of University of British Columbia, Vancouver, with dau- ghters Diane and Nancy, who visitedfar' several days, and Mr, and Mrs, Arthur E. Saund- ers, Sarnia, With sons Eugene, Michael, Derek, Jahn and Paul, Whe joined .them. for •Christ- mas Day: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Hanes. and children, Dawrra,. Robsrt and Lawrie, Ottawa, SPPat Christmas with the tatter's ano- ther, Mrs, Margaret Lockwood; also her brathe -� .and sister -4n- e.. law, Mr, and Mrs, :Jim Lock- wood. Mr. Roy Lockwood, Conquest, Saskatohew an, visited with re- latives in Clinton. , Mr. and Mrs, Ken Cummings returned home to Sews Mon- tagnes, Quebec, after spending the past week visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cummings, 159 Mary Street. Roger Cummings, George- town, spent Christmas with ,his parents, Mr. and Mrs, k"ranit Cummings, 159 Mary Street. Miss Norma Stevens, Lon- don; Miss R. N, Welsh, Lon - dons and Mrs. Herb Jenkins, Chilton, spent 'Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jen - !sins, Base Line. Quests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams for New Year's. were: Mr. and Mrs. Don Jar- dine, Miss Verna. Smith, 1VIrs. Myrtle Jardine, all of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lan- sing, Auburn, Mark Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Langdon, Clinton, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Decem- ber 21. Their daughters, Mrs. Czaja (Mary Gail), Misses Lana, Cleo and Joy, planned a surprise party with a dinner at Hotel Clinton, Nineteen attended. Travel WeSt Mrs. Kurt Va atiesen and daughter Heather left. for Port- age La Prairie, where they will attend the wedding of their niece and cousin, Margaret Ana Norris, formerly of 'Clinton. Heather will have, the honour of being bridesmaid. They also will meet their relatives from Alberta, whom they have not seen for 13 years, HOUSE OF BARGAINS LTD. Isaac St. - CLINTON - 482-7735 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. r`, mp A ke Dial 482-7012 Clinton Bring your films to us for Printing and Developing We are supplying you FREE OF CHARGE 1 black and White Film for your Camera for every film you leave with as for processing. No Postabe To Pay -- No Money Order To Buy Fastest Service by Abel Photo Finishers NEW(DMBE Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION'S Phone 482-511 Clinton, Ontario