HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-02, Page 54-, , Nn o -Rec a 4 sago , ton Nuw.s ora---T#+rar�.K90 S ARTIC EE �. _ FQR �A�..., ACCOMMODATION.Ni ACCOM :ODATI .., . QN Har e Boyl,. FOR. RENT FQR ;REIT . ..- .ry �1_ r lied h d ments, one furnished nis d e�ite_, _ BOOKS 1'URNI5ki>D ,TIiAfLER foi':,THRL;EDROOM H41USE..at FOR SALE rent, 1Ox49, 2 bedrooms, Phone 82-3323. 51 1 - 4 nap tfb 3$4 lvra'tild Street, possession end o mot , ane '175,H. .at . n. t .._, n.h Ph..•.. x: .. omeltrew and. Patth, es LARGE ANb SMALL trailers, Seaforth, Qnt, 49tfl) . .. _. <.. and fully furnished. Becker's 'Trail, 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, fur- •• +, MPstly In Clover er Court, Clinton. iiia I,,, us a ilabl no loc ted i bed, va .. e w, a - , APARTMENT SELF-CONTAINEtD, two Bed- 130 Mini; Street. Phone.Seaforth- W. -JR, 35tfb Available At roosri, (half. a house), phone Seaforth ,3, 41tfb UPSTAIRS .--. 2 •, BEDRQQM Mc-EWA'N $ .. P. 4 O M S FOR RENT, with. apartmexit, private entrance; :3- piece bath hot water heated. P , ... O order NOW IS THE TIME to o de caokln>a facilities,. Phone 482- Immediate possession, Bayfield you; aluminuznW,indows and 960$; 46tfb Woollen Shop, phone $3, Bay- doors free esti.rna*. without ONE BEDROOM F.URNISI TED apartment, heated. Ceriel Vali ,field. 49tfb 0BEDROOM APARTIVIEI`1T in obligatia}i, Russpil:' Jetvie, HU 2.939p. 2ltfb -------- Datnme, phone 482-6685. 51tfb Bruc.efleld, new stove and re- frigerator. Available soon. y�@Sec aline 'in . Sp TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. Ap- Phone Hensall 264J4, 510b , P6rnace Installations ply 227 Huron Street, phone 482.6610, 49tfb LARGE $ BEDROOM Apart ment, unfurnished, heated, neW. Electric Wiring THREE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, available xiow. Phone 482-3807, 49tfb BEDROOM heated a art- 2 ae h t n e. School Apartments, h ntP . one Ceriel VaDamme, 482- 500b D a a m t 4 UNFUR NISHE n t fin, rooms, utilities and- heat paid, private entrance and bath. Phone 482-7823. Itfb 2 BEDROOM modern .house; in Goderich, oil furnace, close to schools. Available January 16. Phone Clinton 482-3343. 1p HOUSE at les Ho lmesv'zlle 3 ml west of 'Clinton, unfurnished, oil furnace. Available now, Pb, one 482-6694.. ltfb FURNISHED and heated 011- artments, available soon, new- ly decorated, with private bath, Phone 4'82-3329. 1'tfb HOUSE FOR RENT, 2 -3 --bed- rooms, 52 Princess St. West, Available January 1, rent rea- sonable. Phone 482-3209• 51tfb 1 BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, 44 Huron Street, avail- able February 1. Apply Jack Elliott, 105 Rattenbury Street, East, phone 482-9332. 52tfb 6 ROOM HOUSE. in Bruce - field, oil heated, !immediate pos- session. Mrs, Ivan Wightman, Belgrave, or phone Clinton 482- 9945, lb ONE BEDROOM apartment, unfurni's'hed, private bathroom, living room, kitchen, built -'in cupboards, wired for 220, im- •mediate possession, Apply J. H Brunsdon, Clinton. 1'b 3 BEDROOM •FURNISHED House, withmodern conven- iences, available now. Four miles from RCAF Station on highway between Clinton and Seaforth.. Phone 482-9822: 1-2b 2 BEDROOM• heated apart- ment, furnished or partly fur- nished, self-contained. Central location. Also a one bedroom furnished apartment. 46 Prin- resq Street West, phone 482- 9005. 1p-tfb Ring out the aid, Ring in the new with our best wishes to -you. ART and WILLARD AIKEN 482-9352 --; Clinton iy decoz� ited, reasonable. Phone Appliance Service 482-9568 evenings or 482.6663, Plumbing installations 46tfb Eavestroushing TWO GROUND -FLOOR apart- "onoall $�Ql'e r lied h d ments, one furnished nis d e�ite_, .Plumbing, with private bath and fire- Heating, -Electric place. L. G. Winter Real Est, FOR SALE phone 482-6692, 200' High SALES & SERVICEate, Street. 51 tfb 4 STREET' $KING, ST ' E CLINTON _ . Modern 2 Bedroom 4 Phone 482-7652 652 SePtenlber 15, 1963), JOHNSTON--�On Friday. Oe" i d gel t• g . visited a friends aria i a iv,.s v .. d th. i'ziaved t9 Seafonirh, where RPP, & $o . mens e n n ii wear Ql?, Kl g St= 24tfb APARTMENT Kendrick :also built ,a Fente- costal a h The stollen ciQ*ing included •. M4s• Miij,pay Johnston, Clin- to chosen d'au t r n n,• a s n gh. e. (bora. WEDDINGSTALMONERY¢ In- church. c ,... ..h `, Mr, Keadrick -was: born In 3 cardigan Sweaters,. tr-4$grs,.and, shirts, Entiy was ga!4,ed .b y April 30, 7963) Judy Lynn, afternoon to extend con -gratulation and vitations, reply cards, serviettes, ,r Unfurnished matches, thank you cards, place `" 'Kitchen cards; two complete lines to Living Room choose from. When you pur. Dining Room chase your wedding stationery Bath here, we insert your engage- AVAILABLE NOW ment free of charge. Take wed- CLINTON ding stationery book put over. APARTMENTS night and choose your supplies in private. Clinton News - .) , Ations we had as Hurons Xriein- Record. 34tfb Phone 482-7740 A anti i mer f . Y d ri-•, t the Do hotel, 50tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS -- well known in Lire surround- . . Track, curtain rods, venetian ARTICLES FOR SALE blinds, bamboo draperies, win - .dMv blinds. Free estimates ng distraict, Rqv, even, Irwin's Dry Good OIL SPACE HEATERS, in good 23tfb condition. Apply Roy Tyndall, from their children, grandchild- phone 482-9928, 43tfb SINGER SEWING NIAGTC MARKERS -Black and MACHINE Red only. The better kind". Sales and Service OnlClinto News -Redo d uded Will Whidden . 39tfb 1 k?osn�ta onM.,onday, Decem- ber 30, 1963, tato Mr, and Mrs, Clinton. He was the Exeter re i minist cone. gat,on:s er from 320 Victoria St., Clinton BUSINESSMEN: If you use any type of Moore business Phone 482-9103 form, they can be ordered through Clinton News -Record phone 482-3443.. tf TELEFUNKEN Stereo Com b'ination; Admiral 23" TV Slide & Movie Projectors; Sun Beam Mix -Master; Boys' 21' bicycle. All in new condition For information, 482-7787.. 52-1 FILTER QUEEN Sales am # Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb CAREFREE HEATING - Fo 'the only fuel Oil insured again explosion, we give free burns service. A. G. GRIGG & SON phone 482-9411. • 23tfb43tf Have An Extra Key ,For Your Car . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks. Alike BALL and MUTCH IMA Hardware. Phone 482-9505 49tfb KHAKI DROP -SEAT Hunting Coats, with parka b.00d, $29.95; pure wool'hurnting shirts, $7.95 to $11.70, at ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King Street, Clinton, ab HOBRERLIN Men's Tailored -To -Order SUIT SALE EXTRA TROUSERS FREE ON ALL SUIT ORDERS STARTING THUR,, JAN. 2 SAVE UP TO $12.50 HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR 482-935'1 CLINTON ltfb COME IN AND SEE OUR Christmas Specials! Something fol' each member of the family. Bayfield,. Woollen Shoo, phone 83, Bayfield. 49tfb ' 4S �A A � 64 RI.66 &SON' Phone 482-9411 CLINYOW WR SPEC(AL-IZE 'IN '*M OIL.• 50tfb b i SPRAYED APPLES Spy, I Snow, Macs, Talman Sweets, _ Greenzngs, cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF _ homes. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 46p-tfb b VACUUM CLEANERS Sates and Service Repairs and bags - for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers, Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale 808 PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb For ELECTROLUX t SALES and SERVICE r . DON SMITH SON, For. Free Demonstration or Service Phone 482-7889 13tfb AUTOS FOR SALE 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 482-7787, ltfb O W N E R TRANSFERRED, must sell 1962 automatic, black, 4 -door Mercury Comet, in per- fect condition, black and white uphols'tezy as ne y, radio, cash buyer only $1,650.'Phone- 482- 9640, _ .1b CUSTOM WORK INVISIBLE WEAVING and mending, .Apply 118 Gordon Street or phone 482-9777, 1-2p HADCO WELL. DIGGING AND DRILLING Specializing in drilled wells and large diameter bored wells 5"-3' Phone MOhowk 9-3761 Elmira, Ontario 48-9-56-1-2p "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. New phone, number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialty. 48tfb ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND or Repaired, any make, any hap., auto & household radio repairs. Open all . day Week days. ART LEVETT & SONS.. 139 ERIE ST. S. CLINTON Phone 482-6640 43tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL BABY SIT ft niy own home from, Monday to Friday. Patrons 482,=7007, lb HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS for a clerical position in the Huron County Library - Co-operative, Goderich will be received by the w dei- st 'gd until ednY, esda Jahti- 1 'W pry 15, 1964. Information and application forms may be secur- ed from the undersigned, Sal- ary commensurate w.ztlh e tperi� epee. I HELP WANTED .MALE 1:AWLEl411 BUSINESS now open tri tart of 1Turnn County. Trade w011 establisried. lent Fxeei- opportunity Full Limas 1Vz its Rawlezgh, Dent, A 7 69- 3,0 40.0 Rich lieu St., Moiut- �eai, 1b MV WANTED FEMALE BABYSITTER, 11/ days per week. Call 482-7310 ,after 6:00 IN 1b BABY.%TTT=R wanted 'tg :care for 'two !children in 'tbein own aioine in. Goderich, 9 to 5m, Monda 'to Friday, Phone lin- .. d_.p . RELIABLE GIRL or woman -to _ooit after five children (!three. in school) while mother is in, :hospital. Duties to com- mence latter pe t of January or first part of lrebruary, Write to Box 1147, Goderich, 1p THE BELL Telephone Company GODERICH Has -Openings -For' SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES MUST HAVE- S TO 5 YEARS HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETED TYPING A NECESSITY Single Girls Preferred TELEPHONE BELL TELEPHONE BUSINESS OFFICE 482-3401 53 West St. GODERiCH 1-2b FOR SALE WHEEL CHAIRS -The CP&T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have Wheel chains avar1 able for loan. Contact Harold Tyndall; 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m„ or Mrs. E. Trick, 482- 3221, 1-6-10b MISCELLANEOUS ~ WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE ,vnur -Ings and jewelIery like new. Diamond rings rens ved Ind stones safely secured -don't oke chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfactisn. Match repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter, 20tfb MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 29tfb Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment, and Balance, Window Replace= ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda�Spray bavidson's Texaco Service No. 8 •Highway, Goderich Phone 5244231 PIANO TUNING TOUR PIANO should be tuned incl checked for moth damage Ind other defects regularly. I Uppreciate the continued pAv- lege of servicing many of the nstrtiments in this area. George A repair- modehhi :lose to FURNACE OlL TENDERS Tende'r's will be received by •the undorsigned for supplying• furnace.;oil to School Section No. East . t and West Stanley for 1964.to-west or, any ten. der not rhecessarily accepted 'I`enders to D6 zn b ' :7 y anuarV JdHV Gv B~RRYi 15 1964.'o tfurther zn' fotri a s6dmtdry, tiorn contact t(ura'rr'County Library BACK DUNl�i,. lr'ao'•f ,Fro: f... ro a.. � ',t u:,. . •o 4" ,:,. .x.M .n....,.,.. .. + f BLACKER, 1p thur Morris, 59, RR 4, Brus- Clinton Public Hospital follow- _ sels, a former Tuckersmith ing un illness of a few months. TRAVEL SERVICE _ o f Eng a farmer and native Born in Clinton on July 12, of England. Her survived 1896 he married the former ' _ by his wife, the former Eliza- f STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- beth Lydia Brodhagen; sits- Mary M, Mann; and they faTm- vice, 32 Wellington St,, Strat- ter, Mrs. Charles Cupola, Nia- ed. in Tuckersmiilth Town -ship for ford, For .all airlines, steam- gara Falls. Funeral was held 35 years, moving to Clinton 10 ships, rail, hotel reservations, from Box funeral home, Sea- years ago and to the general tours. Low bank rates on time forth, on Tuesday with en- store in Saltford n 1956, payments. Preisaids arranged tQ=bment in Ellizaboth Ritz He is survived by his wife; for relatives visiting from over- • Memorial Mausoleum, Mitch- one -daughter, Eilleen Kennedy, seas.. Call 271-5710. ell. Clinton; :three grandchildren; a ATTENTION p enecostal as- to_ " nd Wife Mork Tl�l�,re�# Gt1EST On Dgcerriber 19, 1963 + "onoall $�Ql'e tc . Mz, olid i rS, Charles Cxt}est, Whitby €u7tc6 $ayfiew, fiftieth We di�9 Annimsor HENSALL �-•.• Thieves made Lhe arrival of t sir FOR SALE USED SNOW BLOWER for Orf with abAut 5200 worth of .lzosen son. David Edward Cborn. , SEAFORTH�-•-More, than 209 x:94.3 ,until 1954, when the covpip n owe clothes in .a Christti>!as night `iareakin at the T, � pc t SePtenlber 15, 1963), JOHNSTON--�On Friday. Oe" i d gel t• g . visited a friends aria i a iv,.s v .. d th. i'ziaved t9 Seafonirh, where RPP, & $o . mens e n n ii wear Ql?, Kl g St= cem yr 20, 1963, 'to Mi and e Rev, ...ncl .. home of th. a Mgs• Kendrick :also built ,a Fente- costal a h The stollen ciQ*ing included •. M4s• Miij,pay Johnston, Clin- to chosen d'au t r n n,• a s n gh. e. (bora. Harold Thomas Kendrick in Seaforth last Sunday, church. c ,... ..h `, Mr, Keadrick -was: born In 3 cardigan Sweaters,. tr-4$grs,.and, shirts, Entiy was ga!4,ed .b y April 30, 7963) Judy Lynn, afternoon to extend con -gratulation and London, England, and his wife, the former Ellegn Agnes Lynch breaking the front wndayy,. T.N best wishes to the caul�Ig on'tlie beoa$Jon of their golden wed- was :iaarn in Noriherlr Ireland, : They met and rr'ed in ew' rile ie N T first hColumn TROnzversaz 'ARMS.N..' I Clinton,C . an zn G .n l..t... ding, a- .... ..- Y , . ... - • or C t .. k , i y and shortl after y 1 . lA _ ,. �.W�1 Public 1lospital on Tuesday, 1VZarrie4 December 16, 1913, moved o Guel here they t ph w..... i y . >. t` ued From Pa e� iCon,in ge On Decern'ber 31, 1960, io zvtr. and Mrs. Howard Armstiong, Rev, and Mrs, Kendrick have in resided until moving to Exeter. .) , Ations we had as Hurons Xriein- 13R 3,. uriCh, a daughter, resided this area for the become Past 20 Years ail. :have e A anti i mer f . Y d ri-•, t the Do hotel, ber at Ontario Older Boys , AUT A - i BR .. ,r�,�;.lvf -Tp Ci.p'ton Pub lid Hospital on Tuesday, De- ; well known in Lire surround- . . minion Zurich, ,Satur- day .eventing was the occasion Parliament Fo e t , )F r fah.. Pas few e, s i$ hono r has been a.. comber 31, 1963, to Mr. and, ng distraict, Rqv, for the presentaltion of gifts - . mory less a nt g o e an _ ppointrne Mrs, Keiith $rautigam, RR 6' :Kendrick was resPOn- from their children, grandchild- a d our former. birch one n c... Clinton, a daughter, Bible for the building. of Dente- ren and rept a do i n. g g'r. nd.h ldren. ` of the few Interested COOPER -. In Clinton Public costal Churches in Exeter and undo mo +i 5. y morning, members of .in .seri'd- Ing boys •.. However, under 1 k?osn�ta onM.,onday, Decem- ber 30, 1963, tato Mr, and Mrs, Clinton. He was the Exeter re i minist cone. gat,on:s er from tyre family attended ery ce t s l a . Clinton 'Church ,. e ' Ij_ v,. R. S, Hiltz, a full-scale Donald Copper, Clinton, :a Peptecostal election campaignw44 cnnduat- __�, r dauter, Where ReX. Kendrick is min- ed in Huron this yeAr and E y a. toe- CORRIVEAU In Clinton Pub- ('.ARDS Q THA KS N iste3', ter'.s Donald Cann, '7.9, was. the lip HosP.Ital on Frida De, -Y, For the open house during du g w' H 1 ' ---inner o , , folgwing c er 963 o and ernb 27, 1 t lV1r. a Mrs, 7. Cluff wishes to thank the of afternoon, gond chrysanthe, heels closely 4n his heels was Wil- Mrs. Francis .Corriveau, RFS, 1, Zurich, a son. the firemen and others for re- sponding so quickly to ber call mums and gala tapers centred p the lace tea ]ram Hamilton, n, a member of Wesley GOSSET•IN--In Clinton Public Hospital -on Thursday, De* :.caught for help when the space heater fire 'in her home- Sat -covered table anal among those pouring tea were -Willis United IChurch, who was edged by 169 to 155 e ricer 1 1963 o L eI 9 t an AC d 2 . a en' D once 1 ur'd ev z c _ n, e r y g s.A Coe .• M m Oshawa, r , s a Rev y P, w , In turn tile 39 -vats returns h S Mrs. Andre Gosselin, Clinton, 7b Kendrick's .sister; and his 4s- Edward G. Robinson, Auburn, a son, ter -in -Taw Mr$, Chlarles Greg- received 58 !tallies and Robert HAVERKAMP --- In Clinton Hospital DEATHS ory, Guelph, Guests were re- Brady, Seaforth, ended up with Public on Monday, celved by Rev, and Mrs. Fend- 13 , .. AlI* boys between 12 and 'Dere ber 23, 2563 t0 Mr, and Mrs. Ai thuga am li verb ASQUITI - In Torpnto Piinrz c assisted b 3theirdau8h- . 20 yearswho attend Sunday P, RR. 5, Goderich, a daughter. cuss TYlargaret Hospital on • Sunday, December 29, 1963, tors, Miss Alice Kendrick and Mrs, Pete Durand, School or midweek groups were eligible to vote and overKELLER --Irk Clinton. Public Hospital on, Thursday, De- Mrs, Amy C. Asquith, 71, of Among the many gifts is the a 20 churches participated . comber 19, 1963, to Mr, and Auburn, the former Amy G. Haughton, do o Charles Haug. t. widow f C couple received c z d e ab 1 d beautiful P was Having piked l r' ng t with 1 during Mrs, Donald Keller, Clinton, . E, Asquith, , who dyed threes table lamp, from the Exeter Pentecostal Cards his campaign, we know he for a daughter, years ago. She is survived congregation, worked very hard the hon- Me O ALD - D •. Mr D i and s N , , sons, Reginald, Islington, and i telegrams - g of congratu'la. our and because it was the first Bruce McDonald, Detroit, H Harold, Sltreetsville• Baugh- ' tions were received from many election held for several years, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Eric John, ters, Miss Mary, Cooksvylle; well-w+islhers and spot ial zees- had little idea of !how to go. ait Grace Hospital, Detroit, Mrs, D. D. (Betty) Oldreive, sages came from: the H.on. a'b'out gaining support from the Mich., N -In ber 3Pub Toronto; sisters, Mrs. Edna Clement, Toronto; brother, Lester B, Pearson, fhe Hon, John Diefenbaker, the Hon. nippy churches in ,the county However, we trust he will to TAMBLYN In Clinton Pueblo Hospital on Monday, I�ecem- Charles, Toronto. Service was held on Tuesday at St. . George Drew, the kion. Jahn ... be an, experienced politician by ber 30, 1963, to Mr. and Mark's Anglican Church, Au- Rabar-ts the Hon. Charles S. � e to ,next year and will be able Mrs, Jack Tamblyn, Blyth, a burn, with burial in Ball Macl�TauglUton, L. E. Cardiff, - attends weeklong sessions. cemetery. • Ai thur funeral home was in charge. Huron MP -and Alfred. D. Hales, Wellington South. MP: W[3ILV predictions are for another bumper year in this CARDS OF THANKS DURST -- At Huronview on Rev. and Mrs. Kendrick have six children, Miss Alice Kend- area, at least one thing is slower than usual, and we We .wish to express sincere Sunday, December 29, 1963, George Fr4anklin Durst, 84, rick, Seaforth; Harold, Jr„ trust it won`t sot the pace for •thanks to ages and relatives of Colborne Township, retired Guelph; Lionel, Lucan; Ruth the year , . As of press time er for the messages of sympathy the many acts of kindness farmer and former operator (Mrs, Pete Durand), Exeter; on Thursday evening, no new durand our sad of cement contracting, bust- Kenneth, Glencoe, and Steph- arrivals had been reported at Special Cra13eig Peters, Special tlii'azlks to Craig Peters, ness. Survived by brothers, en, Winnipeg, Clinton Public Hospital to earn doctors and nurses and the Albert, Vancouver; Ezra, De- There are seven grandchild- the honour of the areas first Beattie funeral home. -MRS:- trot; Rev, William A., Mor- riston; sisters, Mrs. G. L. ren, two of whom ' resided in child of 1964. Perhaps the p PICOT AND FAMILY. 1b Gross, Listowel; Mrs. Edith Exeter with Rev, and- Mrs. area should offer prizes similar Pfi�le and Mrs, Edward '(Rose) Kendrick Eileen (Mrs. WilQiam ' to other communities to speed I would like to thank my Gell, both of Aylmer, Funeral Flannigan), Hamilton, and Har- things up in this regard . friends for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in was held on Tuesday from old, Landon. Ho Wever, i!t was some chap •by Clinton hospital. Special thanks Stiles funeral home, Goderich with burial in Colborne The gqouple also have, two great gfandchildren. the name of Shaicespeare whom believe !about to Dr, L. P. Walden, Dr, J. A. we said �5ame+thing Addison ana first r oor nurses. Township cemetery. Guests were present from the greatest plans of man ga- -MRS, KENNETH GAUNT. HOWARD - At bar home in Guelph, Downsview, Shakes- ing astray, so perhaps it would - 1n Toronto on Tuesday, Decem- pie, Toronto, Oshawa, Clin- n'•t help much either . . . At ber 31, 1963, S. Evelyn. How- ton, Goderich, Ripley, Exeter, any rate, we imagine it's too I w4h to express my (thanks yard, daughter of the late Mr. St. Marys, Centralia, Lucan, late for anyone to get into the toal who sent cards, flowers and Mrs. George Howard, Glencoe, London, Sarnia, Ham- race, so we'll just sit back and and treats and visited me while a patient in Clinton Public Hos- Exeter. Funeral was held ilton, Winnipeg, Stratford and save our congratulation for the pital. Special thanks 'to Dr. Thursday from Hopper -Hoc- key funeral 'home, Exeter, Seaforth. appropriate time. Oakes, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs: with interment in - Bayfield AND IN CONCLUSION, may Crittenden and the nursing staff. Also to the neighbors cemetery on Friday at 2;00we illW William R. Glazier, take this opportunity to wish each and every one of our Who were so kind tothe family n" m. readers a bountiful share of and the Summerbill ladies who MORRIS• ---In Wtingham Gener- Funeral service was held' on , health, happiness and prosper- senit -such •a lovely box of good- all Hospital on Sunday; De- December 12 -for ;the late Wil- ity for the entire nevv year, les for Christmas. -MARY cember 29; 1963, William. Ar- liam R. Glazier, who died in BLACKER, 1p thur Morris, 59, RR 4, Brus- Clinton Public Hospital follow- _ sels, a former Tuckersmith ing un illness of a few months. TRAVEL SERVICE _ o f Eng a farmer and native Born in Clinton on July 12, of England. Her survived 1896 he married the former ' _ by his wife, the former Eliza- f STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- beth Lydia Brodhagen; sits- Mary M, Mann; and they faTm- vice, 32 Wellington St,, Strat- ter, Mrs. Charles Cupola, Nia- ed. in Tuckersmiilth Town -ship for ford, For .all airlines, steam- gara Falls. Funeral was held 35 years, moving to Clinton 10 ships, rail, hotel reservations, from Box funeral home, Sea- years ago and to the general tours. Low bank rates on time forth, on Tuesday with en- store in Saltford n 1956, payments. Preisaids arranged tQ=bment in Ellizaboth Ritz He is survived by his wife; for relatives visiting from over- • Memorial Mausoleum, Mitch- one -daughter, Eilleen Kennedy, seas.. Call 271-5710. ell. Clinton; :three grandchildren; a ATTENTION 14� FARMERS.'' SERVICES FOR SALE USED SNOW BLOWER for sale. -Contact James Caner; DEAD ANIMAL Lond'esboro or phone 482-3339. '1-2p REMOVAL PIONEER CHAIN SAWS, new For DEAD or DISABLED and used. Snowbird Snow ANIMALS -- Call Collect Blowers. Saw Chain, $10.00 re. Complete parts and serv�itce. DARLING Robert Glen, Pioneer Sas, ph- w one 482-9909, Clinton, Ito9p Company Prevent. calf scours! NIXON PREVENTEX TABLETS ad- Of Canada Limited ministered to a new-born calf Phone Clinton 2-7269 during the first 10 clays of life ,HU Licence 262-C-63 will prevent scours and getthe 7-tfb calf off to a healthy start, 15 tablet bottle only $1.25. Avail- able at Edward's Pharmacy in Clinton. Satisfactory results or your money back. 1b SANITATION SERVICE DO YOU WANT MORE money -SQpt1C Tank Cleaning for your eggs? We will pay up to 41c per dozen more for your DRAINAGE REPAIRS 23 oz, eggs and over than- paid, For Immediate Service for Grade A Largo at the Grad- . PHONE. -�. BILL FINCH Ing Station, From some breeds Grand Bend 238-2291 we Make eggs every week in the year. For full details write In Clinton Tweddle Chick 140- herles Lim- ited, Fergus Ont, . 51-1-3-5b Phone 482-9616 _ "t Clinton Plumbing & Heating Tbi<K F R SALE L1Vr. S 0 4 HOLSTEIN COWS, one fresh two Weeks, one due now and two clue in February; Contact Earl p)i6Yi& 482-3343,_ xis WANTED 100 ACRE 'FARM for rcpt, good house and 'barn, within radius of 10 miles. from Clinton, Phone 482-9165 after 5,30 p.m, 1p 14AY AND STRAW 'Baled Hay and Straw wanted, . #any quantity. Box 9,, Newbury, . 462, ntarzo or ..bona 693- 4 O p 47 to x5b DO YOU WANT MORE MON- EY for your eggs ? We will pay ftp to 41c per dozen more for 't your 23 a... eggs and tr verhan paid fol~ Grade A Large at the Grading station, Font Some breeds we take bags eV&Y Co-otieratiVd, RR 3, Bayfield; week, in the Court Nouse,. Sdcretary-Treasurdr; details Vdrite Goderich, ontat1b SS 4 East and West Stanley. Mt6h6ties I 1.2b Of tarib, I 49-50-1.2p a A Clintd" Coii>rriimiunity Auction Soios EVERY FRIDAY +' t 1. 0 pn I ll Government inspcctdd Scale* Cattle Sold by Weight TERM6., 6AB4 10k COREY, Sales Manager stepmother, Mrs. G. Glazier, Clinton; two brothers, George, ClIxAon; Cliff; Hullett Town- ship; three sisters, ,Mrs. C. Young, Goderich; Mrs. D. Dale, Clinton; Mrs. Jackson, Flint. Pallbearers were -Lawrence' Snyder -and Erie Allan, Salt - ford; Harold Crittenden,. Clin- ton; Herb Glaziem, Stratford; Wilf Glazier, RR 4, Clinton; Ken Williams, RR 4, Clinton. SALES & SERVICE Ted Ryder's , TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT SALE s TIP TOP TAILORS Annual .January Sale of Fine Quality Suits made -to -measure, Impeccably Tailored in this season's newest styles and patterns. Coat and Pant Reg. $75,04 JanuaryQQ Salo ,$63*7111 LAST END SALE- of ALEof WARREN K, COOK lvlade-to-Measure Suits. Now On Pickett kCampbell''Llmited Main Street Cl+ntoti Pha'ne 4812-4'732