HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-01-02, Page 4FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN BACH ,.. FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and ACCESSORIES IH DEALER — PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 20tfb INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY , All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE • ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHQUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 4L2-7804 JOHN WISE, ,Salesman Phone 482-7265 HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost th e COOP wa y BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Luclmow; Mrs, 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne'Redges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield;. Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodharn. C. H. Magee Secretary-Manager MISs C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in, the Credit Union Bldg" 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone 482-9751. Clinton Lions Honour Veteran Member and Former Treasurer Harold Q, ,Lawson, left; and Jack Scruton, right, president, Clinton Lions Club, presented a bronze plaque to Frank B. Pennebaker (insert centre), on Monday evening, December 23; a t his hoMe on Isaac Street. The plague, mounted an a grained wood frame and bearing the Lions crest, reads as fol- lows: `.,In sincere appreciation and recognition of distinguished service, loyalty and devotion to the objects and furtherance of Lionism." One of the charter members of Clinton Lions, Mr. Pennebaker is no longer active in Lions work due to ill health. He was president in 1940-41 and had been treasurer of the club for over 25 years. Mr. Lawson is the only original charter member still active in the local Lions. (News-Record Photo) Thuir*,'..hrwary l9.64—Clinton .Nglits,RPorct Pope i . SUPPI SPOCIAL Egg 16-oz. Creme .•-,_ $2.00 D NEW . . Shampoo H JAN, YEAR " U D N U 4 T DRY PONDS SKIN CREAM 59cvaibe 53c- $i .50 $1.29 Value SNOW FACIAL 2 Reg. 29e for .53c WHITE TISSUE • , SROIVIO ANTISEPTIC '. LISTERINE SELTZER ." -7 73c -oz. and • Pillo-Pak DEE-TEE A.S.A. 100 23c 5 gr. Acetylsalicylic Tablets Acid SECURE Pressed DEODORANT—$1.35 $1.20 Powder Value DENTAL 69c — Giant 59c. COLGATE FLORIENT CREAM Size AIR 89c 79c Value DEODORANT $1.69 $1.39 Value Reg. Alan Dial HOT EDWARDS Prescriptions $1.99 482-6626 'UTILITY/ BOTTLE W. Edwards ... WATER ADMIRAL $1 - 59 — Mary - - Animal - - PHOTO 4-oz. E. - SERVICE I.D.A. -98c Health PHARMACY STOMACH POWDER Edwards, Clinton, BRAND Supplies Phm.B. Ontario 79c At The PARK Theatre Goderich — Showtime 7:30 — * Air-conditioned for ,your comfort * NOW — THUR., FRI., SAT — January 2-3-4 "BYE BYE BIRDIE // -- in Technicolor A bright and youthful musical starring Ann Margaret, Dick Van Dyke and Janet Leigh MON., TUES., WED. — January 6-7-8 Adult Entertainment ONE SHOW ONLY EACH NIGHT Starting at 8 o'clock One of the best of the Oscar winners! "WEST SIDE STORY — In Color with Natalie Wood, George Chakaris and Rita Mdrena Plus: King of the Keys, Swinging West and a Cartoon THUR., FRI., SAT.—Jan. 9-10-11—:Disney Special THE VIENNA. BOYS' CHOIR Presents some of the purest choral singing ever recorded, with a story built around this famous singing group. "ALMOST ANGELS" In Color Coming—"The Girls Take Over"--with Liz Fraser A. M. -HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 5-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 524-7562 INSURANCE GARY COOPER Life Insurance,A Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 482-7200 Clinton H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available LoWest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones: Office 482.9644 Res. 4V-9787 11•111111• OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST—OPTICIAN Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 G. p. CLANCY, O.D. OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 ltfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN1 Goderich, Ontario 'Telephone 524 ,552.1 Box 478 Offloe Main Street‘ SEAPORTH Insures: . Town Dwelling* • All Claise* Of Farm Property Summer'Cottages ▪ Churches, SChoolt, Halls rtaierided 60' V et g e smoke, Water datntige,. objects` etc.) is alsti available:. A.GrFNitg; forties kepi, :Ott eitintitu: V. J, late, idt, 5, Sea{ forth; Wm, telper, Jr,, tciiiideshoro,t '$eiWyti *titer; )tiOehi; fibroid Squirt*, Clinton CAkkg0 -COSitief thiblizt; bohald .jr tatori, FOR SUPERB FOOD WS nOt a RESTAURANT CLINTON'S FOREMOST 482-9076 ,CLINTON Lloyd Picot Lloyd Picot, 52, died Wed- nesday, December 18' at Vic- toria Hospital, London, after suffering a severe heart at- tack. He was the son of Mrs. Eleanor Weston Picot, Gode- rich Township, and the late Frank Picot, He had resided for several years in• Goderich, but farmed in Goderich Township. Suriving besides his moth- er are his wife, formerly Amy Mair; one daughter, Miss El- eanor Picot, London; three sons, George, Garnet and Gar- th,. all of Goderich; two sisters, Mrs. Verna Pollock, Waukee, Iowak Mrs. Merrill (Lillian) Switzer, Hayfield. The funeral service was from the Beattie funeral home, Clin- ton, Interment was in Clinton Cemetery, Clinton Laundry & Cleaners Ltd. Not only wish all their customers a Happy New Year ... But once again are giving numbered kit- chen Calendars to all customers. Each month one lucky customer will WIN $10.00 FREE CLEANING CREDIT in the first edition of the News-Record each month, a lucky number will be published. If the number is on your calendar, you must phone Clinton Laun- dry at 482-7064 and claim your $10.00 Free Cleaning Credit. The number will also be post- ed at the Coin Operated Laundry at 63 Albert St, USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Pinning-up our wishes for' a wonderful new year! JANUARY LUCKY NUMBER For $10.00 Credit is 1100 Now on Display at Beattie Furniture Clairtone lbanishes' the glowing tubes that cause heat deterioration in stereo sets. Result: an astonishing five-year guarantee. Clairtone's new solid state system is as reliable as the components used in Missile control systems. No tubes. No heat. Purer sound reproduction. And a five-year guarantee. Clairtone's remarkable new low level fidelity control lets you turn volume Way down without losing sound quality. Deeps 'wives and neighbours happy. Come in and experience the Magnificent Clair- tone. Hear the full beautya music--undistorted, pure and true. BEATTIE FURNITURE Clinton — Phone 482-9521 PRINCESS: Solid walnut inlays along the' front are found only in costly custom furniture. *. In hand-rubbed oiled walnut. $629.00. '..,watrlisk T ( LA I RTONE RE4ENCY: Superb contemporary deSign. The Speakers, are covered by straight Columns in SOW walnut, deeply' grooved to' give Shading and dimension, $279.00 TRY ATLANTIC'S "THRIFTY FIFTY" $50.00 costs only 23c till pay day. (ONE/ WEEK) Atlantic Finance CORPORATION t !AWE BLAND 7 RATTENBUIW ST, branch Manager cut.rroN, ONT. Phone 4824466 ' • Enjoy S.S Concert At Holmesville .MRS F. IvIcePLLoupH Phone HP: 2-741,8 The United Church Women of HanleWilla United Church, met hi the Sunday School roorl for their December meeting, The program was in charge of Mrs. Eimer Potter and Mrs. William Norman and their gr- apps.. Mrs, Potter gave the Call to Worship followed by the Sing- ing of a hymn. The Bible rea- ding and study on the Par- able of the Pharisee and the Republican, was taken, lay Mrs. William Norman, Business was condUcted by 'the president, Mrs. jack Yee, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. D, F. Gliddon reported for the social committee and Mrs. Stewart Farquhar for the supply com- mittee. Mrs. Harry Williams report- ed for the Nominating Com- mittee, and read an article on "Officers" and also _read the slate of officers for 1964, Mrs. Lloyd Bond gave the Mission Study on Bong Kong and Mrs. Ken Harris read a story from Hong Kong, titled New Year's Resolution. Christmas story ,as told by L,uhe, and the roll call WAS, an- sWered With a ,Ohristmas Than-, gilt Mrs, Eimer Potter read a story "No Room" and duet was sung by Mrs. Les Jervis and Mrs. Enter Potter. Mrs, D.D B, .Gliddan. gave ra 'reading "The Inside of 'Christ- mas" and Mrs, Eldon. read a poem, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, William Bender, Hostesses., for the day were Mrs. Howard McCullough, Mrs, Carman Tebbtat, Mrs, Kenneth Trewartha and Mrs, Jack Yeo, Officers for 1964 ,are4. pre- sident, Mrs. Lloyd Bond vice' president, Mrs, Edward ,Grigg; secretary, Mrs. Harry more; ear., sec,, Mrs. Harry Williams;.. press sec., Mrs, Fr- ank McCullough; treasurer, Mrs. Frank MeGulloughl pian- ist, Mrs. Jim Lobb; as't pianist, Mrs,. William 'Yeo, Contarittees — program, Mrs. Carman Tebbutct, Mrs. Reg Miller, .Mrs. Les Jervis a nr1 Mrs. Frank McCullough; social and property, Mrs, Ken ..Har- ris, Mrs. William Norman, Mrs. Jack Yeo and Mrs. O. Blake; supply, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Mrs, Barrie Walter and Mrs, Ben Varna Residents Donate $120 To Bible Society Fred McClymont Mr. Ernst Polloch, who is secretary-treasurer of the Var- na-Goshen Bible society, re- ports that $120.00 has been col- lected. The Executive wihes to th- ank all who donated to this fund and also the collectors. Meet Officers The annual meeting of LOL 1035 was held. on Thursday ev- ening last, preceeded by a tur- key supper served in the lodge rooms. There was a good at- tendance despite th e stormy Weather. The election of officers was as follows; W.M., Chas, Reid; D,M., John Altlington; Chap., Louis Taylor; Rec. Sec„IVan McClymont; Fin. Sec., ,Chas. Pilgrim;Treas., Fred McClymont; Marshall, Robt. Taylor; 1st Leek., William Dowson; 2nd Loot., Ronald Tay- lor; Committee, John Ostrom, Nelson Reid, Watson, Webster, Frank MeClinchey and Wilfred Chuter. Rink Ready The skating rink is in oper- ation now with Mr. Eric Chu't- er as caretaker. The rink is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30, also Saturday afternoon 2 to 4 p.m. A season's ticket is $1,50 per person, children under six free, Anyone wishing to rent the rink for an afternobn or even- ing apply to the caretaker. Mrs, ,3ohn I:hiller read the Whiteley; finance; Mrs. Gerry Business and Professional Directory FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY THE McKILLOP—MITUAL CillM4 Mrs, Stewart Farquhar, Mrs . Wilfred Riggin, Mrs; .Rro- gden .Mael‘fath '.and the Um-. surer; Christian education and. Missions, Mrs, Irvine Tebbu'tt and Mrs. Ninian Heard; friend- ship and visiting, Mrs. Eimer Potter And Mrs, Morgan Jones, Flowers, Mrs, Edward. Grigg, Mrs, William Bender, MrS. Jim , 140 and Mrs. John Grigg; buying, Mrs. 'D, Mrs. William Yeo and Mrs, Francis Centelon; nominating, Mrs, Edward Grigg, Mrs. D. E. Glidrion, and Mrs. Les jervia; auditors,' Mrs. William Norman , And Mrs, Harry Cuclmore. lDliristmas niicert The Christmas concert of the Sunday School of Holnoesville United. .Church was held on December 17, A good turn out of children and proud parents and grandparents .enjoyed the evening from, the start of the Carol Singing,' to the closing prayer. The program started. with a chorus -'Good Evening, Good Evening Hello!" and a welcome recitation by Bonnie Jones, Carmen Tebbutt, Sunday school superintendent spoke a few words of welcome, The pupils Of Mrs. Jack Yeo's• class sang "Away In A Manger" and re, Citations were given by Tom Lobb, Jim Ginn, Marlene Yeo, Linda Blake, Laurelannc Bond, Wendy Miller and Patricia HarriS. The boys in Mrs. Elmer Pot- ter's class sang. two numbers and the Lobb children, Leon- ard, Tom, Eleanor and Ernest, sang a number, with their mo- ther, Mrs. Jim Lobb at the piano. A skit "The Home of Christ- mas" was put on by Mrs. Ed- ward Grigg's class; Miss Cath- ie Potter played an Accordion, !solo; Mrs. John Grigg's class put on a !:Christmas Tree Ex- ercise" and a film strip was shown. And then Santa Claus arriv- ed--a thinner Santa than us- ual as Mrs. Santa had, made him go on a diet, so his rein- deer would be able to pull him in the sleigh, and Santa could get down the chimneYs—and gave out many gifts from a- round the tree. The chairman far the even- ing, Rev. C. G, Park, closed the concept with prayer. The ac- companist for the evening was Miss ,Cathie Potter. - Honor Bride • Mrs. Edward Grigg opened her home for a shower honor- ing Miss Barbara Yeo whose marriage to Mr. Douglas Nor- man took place on December 28. About 40 friends and neigh-, bours gathered and enjoyed the contests arranged by Mrs. Francis Cantelon and Mrs. Reg Miller. The bride-to-be, seated in a decorated chair, amid Christ- mas decorations, opened her many - lovely gifts, assisted by Miss Shirley Norman and Miss Dawn Grigg. Barbara thanked all for the, gifts and a lovely lunch was ser- ved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. D. E. Gliddon, Mrs, Lloyd Bond, Mrs. Frank Yeo a n d Mrs. Frank McCullough. 0 Christmas decorations made 'the setting at St. James'-Rose- mount United Church, Kitchen- er, on Saturday, December 21, for the wedding of Kathleen Verna Marie Rathwell and David Paul Beynon, bath of Kitchener, Arrangements of white and yellow pompoms and natural teasil backed with emerald were used. Rev. Dr. Charles L. Lewis officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold T. Rath- well, 367 Dumfries Ave., Kit- chener. The bridegroom, who lived at 121 Cambridge Ave., Kitchener, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beynon, Mea- fcird. A formal gown of cordi silk taffeta -was chosen by' the bride. It was trimmed with motifs of valenca lace and ac- cented with a bow, The bell- shaped skirt fell to a semi- chapel train. Her waist-lefigth veil was caught to a crown of crystals and .net accented with valenca lace and pearls. She carried a cascade of red roses and ste- phanotis. Mrs. Jean Turner, Varna, a cousin of the bride, was matron of honour, wearing gold peau de sole and lace. The waist top was styled with scalloped neck- line, and the peau de sole skirt fell in controlled fullness.. Pearls and eye-veil trimmed her peau de soie hat of pearls. She carried a nosegay of red roses and white dianthus. Bridesmaids, Jean Beynon, Meaford, and Mary Joyce Rath- well, Kitchener, sisters of the bridal couple, were costumed similarly. Flower girls, Beth Rathwell, Clinton, and Janice Magill, Goderich, were in gold frocks After Hours and" Holidays Call Residence HU 2-9290 Office HU 2.9653 38tfb 24-HOUR SERVICE Cities Service Oil CLINTON For Everything In e PETROLEUM PRODUCTS "JOE" POTTER TIRES -- BATTERIES ETC. Exchange Vows In Kitchener PHONE fashioned with puff sleeves and peter pan collars. Perky bows made their headpieces and they carried muffs of red ros- es and holly. Keith Kunder, Toronto, was best man. Ushers were Bruce Boettger, Hamilton, cousin of the groom and Keith Rathwell, Kitchener, a. brother of the bride. Soloist, Miss Carol Pepper, RR 3, Seaforth, sang "Because" and "Oh Perfect Love". The wedding dinner ' and dance was held art the Granite Club in a Christmagy setting of pompoms and holly. The couple flew to Washing- ton and then, to Williamsburg, Va. They will reside in Kitch- ener. RECEPTION and DANCE For Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Carter (nee Sharon Hodges) Londesboro Hall Friday, Jan. 10 MODERN and OLD TIME DANCING Everyone Welcome 1-2b .„Aomsolonazowassmosor