HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-21, Page 8Page,8--*Clinton News-Record ThurS., 1011., EXTRA SERVICES available at SHORTY'S 212 VICTORIA ST. (HWY. 4) 482-7661 Open Daily--- from 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. 2Men on Duty Until 11 pm . . for Greasing and Minor Repairs Wash Your Own Car Any Weekday Night after 6• p.m. 1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, automat- ic, radio, white walk, washers, 1962 FORD GALAXIE 500, V8 automatic 1961 SIMCA ARIANE 1961 RENAULT FORDOR 1960 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Fordor. 1960 METEOR TUDOR, 6 cyl., standard. 1959 DODGE VISCOUNT TUDOR H.T., V8 automatic, radio, whitewalls, 1959 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR V8 auto. 1958 FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR, V8 Standard, radio, whitewalls. 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Tudor, 6 cyl. 1958 FORD 300 FORDOR 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE, Fordor. 1958 RAMBLER SUPER Fordor 1956 OLDSMOBILE 98 HOLIDAY Fordor H.T,, full power. 1956 DODGE REGENT Tudor, H,T., 6 .cyl. 1956 PLYMOUTH 8 Auto,, Fordor, 1958 BEDJORD VAN 1957 CHEVROLET 3/4 TRUCK 1955 G.M.C. PICKUP TRUCK 1950 FORD STAKE 1947 MERCURY STAKE 1961 FORDSON DEXTA DiESEL 1951 FORDSON MAJOR DIESEL Goderich Motors Lt LEGO, the play sensation of Europe, is now produced in Canada by Sam. sonite. The LEGO System is composed of various sized coloured plastic building blocks which lock together arld'stay locked until they are taken apart. 702 Hasid $ 2 50 set Only 2'9 BEAVERS HARDWARE Phone 235-1033 EXETER This Christmas SHOP AT SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE See Our New Exciting Line of Light Fixtures — $1.95 up OUR ECONOMY LINE OF DOOR CHIMES Full Line of Brand Name Small Appliances Store Built On Quality . . Growing On Service Sutter-Perdue Hardware MEDIATE SERVICE--FREE MOUNTING Expt Sun cep OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. - 6 p.m SCRUTON'S FIRESTONE RETAIL SERVICE,- CENTRE 238 Albert Street Clinton — 482-7681 "The Fortier Hanover Transport' Building" Potect Your Car From Rust. We Spray With RUST-CHEX GET YOUR GREY CUP TICKETS FROM ANY LION Over 10Q At .,Kippen Thankoffering, Ladies .Also Stage Successful. ,bazaar Mr. Ken Ferguson is sPencl- ing a few daYS this Week viSit- ing his brother end family at . Essex, Mr. G. Crowe, London, .and Mr, and Mrs, 0, Greer, HarVey and Hazel, were visitors at the Ferguson home on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. J, Charles Mon- teith and son Ricky, Lambeth, were guests of Mr, and MN. G. Norman Rivers on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Hig- gins spent Sunday visiting in Brantford and James Higgins, their son from Toronto, spent the weekend in Bayfield. Mr. and. Mrs, Sam Lawrason, Listowel, were guests of Mrs, Nelson Heard from. Friday until Sunday. Miss Ruth Hayman spent several days at the Inn this past week, returning to Len- don on Sunday. Miss Barbara Clift, Ottawa, who came to spend the Armis- tice weekend with her parents, larigdr, and Mrs, F. A. Clift, has returned to Ottawa, Mrs, Raymond Bristol, who spent the summer season at her cottage here, is in London this week enroute to Washing- ten, Pg,, where She .Spends - the winter months. KelaO yeiingest_ son of Mr,. and Mrs. Roy Fitz, sirnetis, celebrated hiS hirthday, confined to bed with chickenpox. OeeffrY MaYman, with his parents; Fa, and Mrs. .J.00 May Man, visited his grauclparents,. Mr, and Mrs. R, L. 111011/Men several days last weel,, return, ing to ..comp Borden Monday, Mr, and MVP, R. J. lecIdicl.c,„ London, were guests over the weekend with Mr, end• :Mrs, H. H. Ormond. Miss Madeline Roddicic was the guest of Miss Jessie Metcalfe. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert ham„ London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ennersen. Heard, visited last week with mrs. cordon Heard, whe is a patient in , ,Hos- pital Seaforth. Mr. Percy Renner, who was accompanied by his father and mother on their annual hunting trip to the north country, re, turned to his family on 'Wed- nesday. Weekend guests with Mrs, Charlotte Sehnell were Mr. and Mrs. Elton K. Snell, Detroit. Op Sunday, her sisters Mrs, Fred IVIcEwen 'and Miss Grace Peck, London, were also visi- tors. Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, accompanying Mr. and Mrs, A. Love, Atwood, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. French, Mitchell, attended the opening of the Royal Win- ,ter Fair on Saturday, where Mr. French won the prize as World Champion for. his barley exhibit. Mr. and Mrs, John MacKen- zie returned on Monday, having spent the weekend in Toronto with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie, Jr.. and grandchildren, Margo and John, and where they were guests at the opening of the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mundinger and family, who spent the past few months at the Dalton cot- tage on Howard Street, left on Wednesday to reside in Mani- toba. where Mr. Mundinger is 'an instructor in the RCAF Communication Branch. Mr. George Hopson, who has been a patient at Westminster Hospital, London, for the past six weeks, returned to his home on Monday morning via the DVA Ambulance and, it is hop- ed,' will soon • regain his strength. Reside Here Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Bris- son of Cedarhedge, in the vill- age, former summer residents of many years, are now per- manently residing here after Mr. Brisson's retirement in August from the Grosse Point Fire Department. They spent the last two weeks visiting Mrs, Brisson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John L. Lewis, Dearborn, their daughters and families: (Irene) the Samuel. Candelas, Detroit, and (Armeline) the John Van Slembraucks, Harpers Woods, Mich. On return to Ontario, the Brissons shopped for - special items for their recently opened Thrift Shop, on Main Street. Letter To Lucy Dear Lucy: It is spring in Hayfield; or is it summertime? Roses are still, blooming—beautiful yellow ones at the home of Mrs. Louis MacLeod. Snow drops in my garden, and red ripe raspberries growing on the stalk were. sent to m.e today, I think I shall take them to Chicago when I go over for the U.S. Thanksgiving with my sisters. Whenever I am introduced as, coming from Canada, and they ask where Hayfield is, I feel as if I am being introduced from Baffin Islands. But I will show them this time that Bayfield is like some southern islands, No wonder so many of our summer visitors say they would like to retire in our village. I am glad you are soon to be home again, and I know your many friends will be glad to .welcome .you. I hope they PHONE you when they have news. 'They should. —G.G. Kippen United Church Wo, Men'. .1.101. their November Thankefering meeting in the church last 'T esda with Mrs, Eileen CenSitt and Mrs; Thomas W. Reid as testesses, Over 3,00 ladies attended the meeting, Guests included lad, ies from I-Iensall United Church, Carmel Presbyterian Church; Hensall and Bayfield United churches. Mrs. A. Jackson, Bel- grave, was the guest speaker. Bazaar A bazaar and tea was held in the Sunday school ropms on Saturday with a large crowd in .attendance and $180 was realized from the booths and tea. Conveners were as follows: Porter's Hill Ladies Donate Cash To 'Causes' The UCW of Grace Church met' on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. A. Jongejan. Mrs. William Cox presided over the meeting. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Eleanor Picot and Mrs. Thomas Sowerby led in prayer. The roll call was "Sing, Say or Pay" which was interesting and also boosted the treasury. Mrs. A. Lockhart gave the sec- retary's report and the financ- ial report by Mrs. Ray Cox, The various committees re- ported on their work. A crib quilt was quilted during the afternoon. It was decided to donate $35 to the Missionary and Mainten- ance Fund and $10 to the Cana- dian Bible Society. At the close of the meeting the hostess ser- ved lunch. The December meeting will be held on Wed., Dec. 4 at the home of Mrs. Alvin Betties. This will be the annual election of officers. 0 Summerhill Club Contributes S10 To Needy Children The November meeting of Summerhill Ladies Club was held at the home of Mrs. C. Ball with 21 members present. Club members •are invited to a club party and penny sale to be held in the 16th school on November 26 at 8:15 p.m. It was decided to send a do- nation of $10 to the Children's Aid Society. The December meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Earl Blake. Roll call will be, "Sing, Say or Pay". There will also be an exchange of Christmas gifts. Lunch committee will be Mrs. William Lovett, Mrs. C. Merrill, Mrs. D. McLean and Mrs. J. Murch. Those on program are Mrs. William Lovett, Mrs. C. Mer- rill and Mrs. D. McLean. fancy work, Mrs. A, Parsonl ',along booth,• Mrs. John Ander- son, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs, Robert McGregor; fish pond, Mrs, Edison.Mcbean; touch and take, Mrs. Emerson Kyle; pro-, duce, Mrs, }Inward Finkbainer; candy booth, Mrs, John Sin; clair; tea room, Mrs. Lloyd Copper,. Lunch was .in the charge of the social committee and was convened by Mrs. Bert Faber. Teenage girls served at the tab- les, -Personals Mr. and Mrs, Gordon.Lavery attended the Routley,Powell wedding Saturday in St. Panl's United Church, Petrolia. Mrs, Gibson, $r„ Wroxeter, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. L. 1VIellis and Mr. Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doig, Grand Rapids Mich., visited on the weekend with. Mr, and Mrs. N. Long and Miss Janet Doig, Huronvicw, Clinton. Village of Bayfield NOMINATION For Trustee Board will be held Friday, Nov. 29' From 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. IN TOWN HALL Varna YPU Topic; "What's: United About Church?" VARNA—The regular Varna YPU. meeting was held on Sun- day, November 17 with 16 people present. Joyce Hayter had worship, "What's United About Your Church?", The • roll call next meeting will be answered by a verse containing the word "wicked", There will, be no meeting next Sunday due to a special Mis- sionary film on Africa in the chnrch which everyone is invit- ed to see ' Many members enjoyed an evening of bowling last Friday at the Clinton Bowling Lanes. It was decided to pay the transportation of two yopng people to the Toronto Toe Al- pha Conference in the Christ- nias holidays, FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper • Phone 669 WI Tenders supplying Stanley for 1964. accepted, For further fuel FUEL Lowest Tenders will oil be to to Township information OIL the or be received five any in by by TENDERS schools School tender contact the A. Varna, November Secretary Stanley of J. undersigned not for Area necessarily 30, 1963. MUSTARD, Otario, -Treasurer, T.S.A. 47-8b Adr NOTICE of the Township will be held for the purpose Reeve, Deputy 1964 and If an following Officers: School School Township School Mr, Louis Town Hall, and Please present at be valid unless posed candidate Dated 47-8b Place School No. School No. Monday, is in at three election places 1 5 No. 4 will 6:00 note TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP FRIDAY, No. 10 No. 14 Hall Denomme's the nomination at Varna hereby the the hour Reeve School with West Hayfield be open o'clock that there is consents of Stanley, of Nominating is necessary this and Area the , when MEL NOMINATIONS December given of Home from satisfactory OF to that HALL, on 1 p.m. three the on 9:00 p.m., and meeting, to be 20th day NOVEMBER Trustees following a proposed GRAHAM, the a to persons polls his of Councillors o'clock no evidence so nominated. 2 for John Nelson Norman Wm. Leonard Phillip Mrs. 9th, STANLEY Nomination VARNA will Deputy D.R.O. Lawrence longer p.m. for a Municipal nomination November, Returning Jessie 2 be a.m. Aikenhead candidate 29 the for Hood Armstrong Durand 1963 that . Electors meeting office of the year year term. open in the Returning Falconer Smith Talbot Blair until is not will not the pro- 1963. Officer FORD SALES and SERVICE 35 SOUTH STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO . Clinton Representatives W. ORLAND JOHNSTON GEORGE W1 CUTLER 23 Gibbings Street 370 James Street Telephone 402-1697 TelePhone 482-9782 See The Full . Line of Fords for '64 Phone 524-7308 ' he Creative Building Set , tom„34 There t no /Wit to what you- cari,liultd with LEGO. ELECTION to be held Monday, Dec. 9 If Necessary MOION. L_ Q Clean and adjust sPark Plugs. Clean and set points. 3 Set timing. 0 Adjust carburetor. Check coil and /A A eonderisot ezi Check generator ‘zY and voltage regulatot 0 Check batter,. '~`i r¢sto na BUY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET SECOND TIRE AT HALF PRICE First Line "Town and Country" REGULAR PRICE 2 for $53.50 SCRUTON'S PRICE 2 for $40.00 YOU SAVE $13.50 Comparable bargains' on Firestone Tires in most sizes and price ranges with any old _tires, $2 for only 9 . ALL-SEASON TRACTION, TIRES Tireitont TOWN & COUNTRY ' New Treads SIZE 750 x 14 WITH CLASS A TRADE LIMITED QUANTITY — NO REPEATS