HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-21, Page 7Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Webster, 177 Sydenham St., Woodstock, Ontario, wish to announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter Patricia Anne to OPP Constable Lorne Ed- ward Carter, youngest son of Mr. and' Mrs. John Car- ter, 155 James Street, Clin- ton, Ontario— The wedding will take plane on Decem- ber 7, 1963, at 11:00 a.m. at Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton, 47p Irish Social At Middleton A special "Irish" Prograln and social evening is being 413011sPrecl this Friday night 'by he Wornen's Auxiliary of St. janlea Chilrell, Middleton, And naturally, it will be held in the TiPPerarY sohoel house., Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Middle, ton are in charge of the pro- gram and will present, "Why 'Wand?", featuring eolored slides, commentary and special Irish music of their recent trip to that country, 0 ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Victor E. Taylor, Clinton, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Cath- arine Elaine, to Mr, Carlton. William Worsen., son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Jr. Wor- sen, Goderich. The marri- age will take place on Sat- urday, December 21, 1963 at 2:00 p.m, in Ontario Street United Church, Clin- ton. 47p I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who visited me while a patient in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital. Also to those who sent flowers, cards and. gifts. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, nursing staff and Rev. Plant. —MRS. ROY LEPPINGTON. 47b I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for visits, cards and /flowers, while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes for his consideration, also to the nurs- ing staff for their care.—MRS. ROBERT G. WATSON, Lond- esboro. 47b I would like to thank my friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Special' thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr, Walden and the nursing staff—JOHN WOON. 47p Rogers 'Majestic TV SALES & SERVICE Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO PROPERTIES FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH A two-storey, frame dwelling aumbered. }louse No. 1 with single-car, frame garage located on a parcel of land 75 feet by 417 feet, More or' less, and a two-storey frame dwelling numbered House No. 2 with single-car, frame garage located On a 'parcel Of land 75 feet by 417 feet, more or less, both pro- perties fronting on the road 13e- tween Lots 5 and 6 ,approxi- mately 1,000 feet' south of Highway $ just east of the Town of SeafOrth in Lot 5, Con. 1, H.R,S. Township of Tucker- Smith. The Commiasion will re- Serve certain rights over each property. Before Submitting offers, pro- apective purchasers are request- ed to contact A. H. Cats', 340 Wellington Street, London, tele- Phone GEneral 4-7391, to secure finther particulars. Envelope containing offer to purchase must carry identifica- tiort that it refers to either Seaforth House No, 1 or Sea, forth House No, 2,, Offer-a- to ptirchaSe, stating tbtal offer and method Of pay- Mont, mu's't he received by the Undersigned before 4 p.m. Eaat- an Standard Tithe, Deeernber 9, 1963, at 620 University Ave- nue, TOMirto, The highest tor any offer not necessarily aceeptied, 13, EassOk SECRETARY. 47411 Attend Your Church This Sunday ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH RCAF STATION — CLINTON, ONT. Chaplain: Rev. R. E. Bussey, F/L—Phone HU 2-3411 Ext. 253 HOURS OF HOLY MASSES ON SUNDAY 9.00 a.m. — 11.00 a,m. — 4.45 p.m. CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Saturday: 8.00 p.m.—Young Adult Fellowship Sun., 10.00—Sunday School 11,15 a.m.—Family Worship "The Ordinance of Believer's Baptism" 7.00 p.m.—Hymn Sing and Bible Study Everyone is Welcome At This Church • - y Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, November 24 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—MOR,NING WORSHIP 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service in co-operation with Wesley-Willis United Church. TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m—CHURCH SERVICE 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School Christian Reformed 'Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, November 24 10.00 a.m.—Service in English 2.30 p.m,—Service in Dutch Every Sunday 6.15 p m , Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen to "Back to God Hour," EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. Thursday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, November 24 9.45 a.m.—Worshin Service 1.1.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Evening Service Mr. Neil Lowey, Colborne. Tuesday: Prayer & Bible Study All Welcome St. Andrew's Presbyterian, Church Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 24 9.45 a,m.—;Sunday School 10.45 a.m.—Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME Peoleu•-• Attiteb CCITurchas REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister SUBJECT: "IN HIS NAME" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 a.m.—CHURCH SERVICE 12.10 p.m.—Sunday School HOLMESVILLE • 1.00 pan.—Church Service 2.00 p.m.--:Sunday School 7.30 pan. —"The Word and the Way" in Street Chapel Ontario ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev: O. L. Dymond, L.Th., Rector Charles Merrill, OrOanlet SUNDAY, Nevemeen 24 Sunday Next Before Advent 8,30 ann—Holy Communion arid Men's Breakfast 11,00 am—Morning Prayer 7,00 p.ma--Evening Prayer. Tina's. Nev. 21—P ild ot-luck Supper, Parish Hall, Chancel Gu, at 6.30 pan. Wed., Nov, 27---arrietidship Club at 8.15 pni. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY; NOVEMBER 24 10.00 ant,---SittidaY School 11.00 a.m,—Morning. Worship 7.30 Pan,a,-Evangeliatie Hour: Sneaker: Mr, joe Baker Wednesday, 8 p.trx;r-.PrAyet Service, That Can Be Used! 1957 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL 4-boor, fully reconditioned, oil new tires. 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Hardtop New motor, radio, one owner tar, stick shift, first dabs mechanical shape $895 1957 PONTIAC 2-Door Standard shift, radio $595 1953 VAUXHALL "6" Good second car—to save your other car 'from road salt this winter ,„... .. ..... $150 2-WHEEL UTILITY TRAILER ....... ..„ $35.00 SHORTY'S 212 VICTORIA St. (HWY. 4) 482-7661 Open Doily from 6 .M, fa 3 0.irri. Minister Relates Horrors Of War To Ladies' Guild At St. Mark's AUBURN — The November meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. An- drew Kirkconnell with a good attendance. Mrs. Kirkconnell was in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor was the pianist. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys and prayers were led by Mrs. Thom- as Haggitt, Mrs. Ed, Davies gave a reading on Armistice Day and the birthday hymn was sung for Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and Mrs. George Schneider, The topic on the horrors of war for those who lived in the Clintonian Club Plan Banquet, Social Evening The Clintonian Club met at the home of Mrs. M. Falconer, Wednesday, with the president, Mrs. W. Colclough, presiding. Roll call was answered with a proverb by 20 members. All. committees are to give their yearly report at the next meeting and plans were made for the birthday party Novem- ber 27. A banquet is to be held in Ontario St. Church and after dinner, a social evening is to be held in the Orange Hall, Mrs. E. Butler offered her home for the Christmas meet- ing and there will be an ex- change of gifts of not less than 50 cents, Mrs. T. O'Connell won the mystery prize. Mrs. Wise and Mrs. Nivins are responsible for the program. CHSS Facilities Now Completed By Danny McCoeye, 11A Although the school has been going for quite some time there are still a few things that might be considered as new news. These things are the opening of the new gymnasium which was completed last week to ac- commodate the numerous stu- dents taking physical education. Following this the Badminton League was started with fairly good results, A reception folloWed at the ed. it might also be mentioned that the new bleachers in the old `gymn have been erected and can accommodate a large number of people, even though they cut the volleyball courts short. Last of all, the CHSS Cadets will soon be starting their win- ter program in order to put on a great performance next spring. European countries was told by Rev. Robert Meally, He also gave a very inspiring message on the nine Beatitudes. Mrs, Robert 3. Phillips play- ed' a piano solo and the hostess thanked all who had assisted her with the meeting and turn- ed it over to the president, Mrs. George Schneider. The minutes were read by Mrs. John Daer and Mrs. Gor- don R. Taylor gave the finan- cial statement. The roll call was answered by the name of one of Christ's Disciples. The travelling apron was pas- sed and one cent was placed for each letter in the flower, chry- santhemum, Get-well cards were signed by the members to be sent to two ill members, Mrs. Charles Asquith and. Mrs. Robert Meal- ly. It was decided to hold the December meeting in the Ch- urch and money spent on lunch and gifts will be sent to ,Care. A successful auction was held and Mrs. Kirkconnell, assisted by her daughter, Diane and Mrs. John Daer, served a dainty lunch. 0 Spring Fair Board Plan Final Session Of Year The final meeting for the year of the Central Huron Ag- ricultural Society will be held on Tuesday in the Clinton of- fice of the department of agri- culture. President Frank Falconer said he hoped all directors and interested persons would be on hand to finalize business and to make plans for the annual meeting in January. Time of the meeting is 8.30. Guidance Head To Speak At H St S Meeting Robert Hunter, head of the vocational guidance department at CHSS, will be the guest speaker at the Clinton Home and School Association meeting next Thursday His topic will be "Choosing a Secondary School Program". and will deal with advice to parents on aiding their child- ren in choosing the proper "stream" in the new curric- ulum. This will be of particular interest to parents of students presently in grades seven and eight, but all parents and those interested are invited to attend. QUALITY SERVICE Kodak Movie Camera with Free Film and Book "How To Make Good Pictures"—Complete, Only $19.97 CAMERAS — Printing and Developing — FILMS GREETING CARDS MAGAZINES Phone 482-9511 IIMINIIIIMIP Clinton, Ontario MEN'S & BOYS 9 BOOT WEAR YOUTHS' and BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS 2.98 to 3.85 Men's 3.95 to 7.50 Ste Our Complete Selection of Strap Tops and Buckle Overshoes Boys from 3.98 Men's from 4.95 WORK STORM OVER RUBBERS 2.95 3.95 • PLAIN OVER RUBBERS O STRETCH OVERS • TOE RUBBERS Bauer Skating Outfits TOTS „.„,„ from 5.35 BOYS' and GIRLS' MEN'S and LADIES' (USED SETS SOLD AND EXCHANGED) AIKEN'S LUGGAGE and FOOTWEAR Phone 482-9352 Au burn and District ....„K_Corre„,„....„phone _HPY:t 21, 1.96,370400 14BY/S,Rpcorj•r4a90 .7 BIRTHS CLIFFORD. In Dumber ' Toronto, on November 10, to Mr, 414•14 MrS. Bert Clifford Knee MarY Helen Y.90) a, on (DOA lgurraY first grand-, -child for Mr, and Mrs, Jack Yea .and Mr, and Mrs, Reg, Clifford) AILIANG. , In .Seranbero East General .Hospital on Friday, October 18, 1963, to Mr, and Mra, .Herat billing, Searhero -•.(nee Mae Garrett), a on .(Paul, David, sister for Dar- gene). , DEATHS 0IDIVIENH.413,1771---,744. Douglas,' Wyoming; Mrs, Annie . Gem- einhardta the former Annie 'Galbraith, Bayfield, widow of John. She is -survived by one daughter, Mra, Frank ,(Orace). Carswell, Kansas, Me.; sist, ars, Mrs. Charles' (Johanna). Marks, Bayfield; Miss Mary 'Galbraith and Mrs. Ada Reid, both of Seaforth ..Service and burial. were in Douglaa on November 19, LIVERMORE In Victoria Hospital, London, ten Tues- day, November 19, 1863, James Albert Livermore, .87,' Clintrin, retired engineer at • Sherlock-Manning Piano factory. He is survived by his wife, the former Emma Marshall; daughter, Mrs, Clarence (Kathleen) Green, Teeswater; sister, Mrs. Sack - Leith, Hamilton. He was pre:- :deceased by one son, Fun- eral will be held on Friday from Beattie funeral home, Clinton, with burial in Clin- ton cemetery. IOOF service at 8:30 p.m„ Thursday. WRIGHT. — In Detroit, Mrs. Maud MacLeod Wright, in her 73rd year, - She is sur- vived by one sister, Mrs. J. Brock, Port Dover, and was predeceased by one brother, \Louis MacLeod,' Bayfield. - Funeral was :held in Detroit on November 18. CARDS OF THANKS •C11$$ Students Enjoy 'Tour Of' Nuclear Plant By Jane Vos, 144g On Saturday, November 9, apmaximately 40 CHSS Sthd- ents,‘awith the teachers, Olde. Mr- Hook, Mr. Hunter and Mr. Blaekrnore, enjoyed an edu- cational tour through, the nia- clear, power plant at DOuglas Point,' near Kincardine. The tour Was organized for grades 12 and 13 chemistry ant, dents by Mr, 13-01de with the co-OPeration of Mr. 4, Knight, who is area manager of the Ontario 'Hydro Electric Power Commission. The students arrived by bus and were met by a guide who was provided by the publicity department of Ontario Hydra, The tour commenced at 1Q:30 a.m. and was begun by seeing a film which gave a general idea of the plant, The guide then led them through the plant. The reactor, which was under construction, was viewed, and since the reac- tor was not complete they saw the type of fuel rod that will be a source of power when the reactor is complete, The students were in an area of the plant that, when finished, will be entirely closed off and filled with carbon diox- ide. In that part of the plant, fuel rods will be loaded and re- moved from the reactor by me- chanical devices operated by a remote control. The guide offered a great quantity of general information. He explained that the reactor requires $10,000,000 worth of heavy water. He also stated that the steam turbines were under con- trol in the generating plant and that there were three men in the control room who were in complete charge, Mr,* And Mrs, Allan 'Moore, Stratford, visited ber aunt; Mrs. Robertson and Mr, Rah- ertSon. Mr, William' Anderson, tion, don, who was vacationing at his. home here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Andersen, left on Sunday for Ottawa. Mr, and Mrs, Peter Hellinga, Hank and Elizabeth, anent Sun- day with hip. parents and other relatives ,at Walton. Mr, and 'Mrs. Karl Tieeherto Karl, Petra, Peter and Perry Spent the weekend with her parents,. Mr. and . Mrs. Walter Wienann, .Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. John Daer ent the weekend at Mitchell visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mr, Jack- son, Sharon and lVfurray. Mr.. and Mrs, Ross Lawless and family, St. Catharines, sp- ent the weekend with her sis- ter, Mrs. Lloyd liumphreys and Mr. Humphreys. John R. Weir, . London, spent the weekend with his father, Dr. B. C. Weir, Dr. Weir re- turned to. London to spend the winter months at London with his son, Mrs, Weir, Joan and Bob. Mrs. John Houston received word recently of the death of Mrs, William McDonald, Jam- aica, New York, She was the widow of a former Auburn boy Who passed away two years ago. Miss Zella McDonald, Tor- onto, attended the funeral. -Congratulations are extended to Mrs, J. J. Robertson who celebrated her 84th birthday at her home by entertaining neigh- bors , and relatives. Mr.' and Mrs. W. E. Radford 'and Mrs. William Radford, all of Clinton, and Mr. and • Mrs. James Hembly, Dublin, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert J. Phillips. Mr. William Smylie, Oakville, was a weekend guest with Mrs. Margaret Clark and Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd. Weekend guests with Mrs, William T. Robison were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stephenson, Brian, Bradley and Bruce, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Osmond, Anne and Debbie, of Toronto,, and Mrs. H. F. Currie and Carmen, Hensall, -Mrs, William Stewart recent- ly celebrated her 78th birthday 'at her home with a party. Those present were her sister, Mrs. Jane Martin, Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Martin, Anna May and Area People Pay Fines In Two Courts (continued from Page 1) The Papple car collided with a loaded cattle truck at the main intersection in Blyth, Driver of the truck, Harold Hutton, Glamis, was not injur- ed. In other action taken by Magistrate Glenn Hays, Q.C.: William Showers, Wingham, was remanded out of custody on his own bail until January 8 when he pleaded guilty to having in his possession an of- fensive weapon, a knife, dang- erous to the public peace, in Wroxeter on September 28. Ronald Francis Thoreh, 18, RCAF Station Clinton, was fin- ed $10, without costs, or two days in jail, when he pleaded guilty to being found intoxi- cated in a public place in Sea- forth on November 9. Lyle Clifford Taman, 21, Blyth, was fined $20 and costs, or three days, when he pleaded guilty to failing to turn out to the right to leave the road free for other vehicles in Mullett Township on October 20. Tam- an also pleaded guilty to being the driver of a motor vehicle in Hullett Township on Oc- tober 20, and not being the holden of a driver's license. He was fined $10 and costs, or two days. In the event of non- payment, these two terms are to run consecutively. Walter W. E. Lehmann, Beta fast, pleaded guilty to failing to produce evidence of insur- ance on the motor vehicle he was driving in Goderich on Oc- tober 16, and was fined $50, without costs. Arthur Albert Hallam, 20, Auburn, was fined $15 and costs, or three days, for failing to stop upon entering a high- way near Auburn on Oct. 24. Clinton Youth Fined In Exeter last week, a Clin- ton youth paid a fine of $40 for failing to stop at an inter- section and a Zurich youth Was assessed $35 for having liquor in his car, by Magistrate Hays, Robert R. Thompson, 19, Clinton, pleaded guilty to going through the step sign on high- way 83 when he approached from the with on a concession road. The dtiVer of another ear struck by `Thompson, Clayton Lan, Harristony received exten- sive injuries. For Henry/ BrOkenshire, 19, it was his second Offenee of having liquor in his_ cat, the first occur ring about one year ago, PC William Glassford, Exeter OPP detachrinent, stopped the ear oil the Goshen line and found liquor and beer in the Vehicle. The costs added to the tine Made a total paYnlont of $42.50, Jimmy, Port. Albert; Mr, And Mrs. Elmer Sproul,. Kenneth, Bill and Linda,' RR ,$, Auburn and Miss Lillian Stewart, Charles. Beadle, London, spent the weekend at his home here. .and attended the wedding of. his cousin, Edward . Charles Beadle and Margaret Anne Ed-. gar at •Wallterten. The groom is the son of Mrs. Ivan Anness and the late John 'Roadie, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Garris- on, Kitchener, and Mr. Thomas Money, Hamilton, visited over the weekend with Mr, .and MrS, Guy Cunningham. Miss Marian Dinteanaon, Reg:N„ Dutton, spent the week, end with Miss Frances Houston and Mr, and Mrs. John Nous, ton. Recent .gitesta witia Mr, and Mrs Andrew Kirkconnell and Diane and Mrs. Sam Daer were Mrs. Blake, Faye and' MarYantle, Brussels and Mr. and Mr$. Harold Kirkconnell and family, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas. Lawler and Jimmy, visited in Goderich on the Weekend with Mn, and Mrs, Roy Finnigan and Mrs. Laura Fowler. Mrs. John Arthur returned to her home after spending a few months with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mr. Wall and family at Langside. Last week she celebrated her $0th birthday. Mrs. Ed, Davies visited with Mrs. J. C. Stoltz and Mrs, N. McLarty at Huronview last Fri- day. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Turner and daughter, Lynn, moved into their new home last weekend. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gibson and Bill spent Sunday in Sarnia with Mn and Mrs. S. Macs any, Jim and Janet. Mrs, W, Shad- dock, Who had spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Mac- aulaY, returned home with the Gibsons. Ontario St, UCW View Pictures Unit one of Ontario Street UCW held their regular meet- ing in the church parlors with Mrs. G, Patter presiding. Rou- tine business was transacted and devotions were taken by Mrs, C. E. Elliott, Mrs. Vera Wilson, London, showed enjoyable pictures and discussed her recent trip to the Holy Land. Teachers• To See Drift Wood Display Clinton unit of Federated Wo- men Teachers Association of Ontario will hold a pot luck supper on Tuesday, November 26 at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Powell and Urs. Groves are in charge of the program and supper. Guest speaker for the even- ing will be Mrs. Wm. Siebert, Zurich. She will demonstrate floral drift wood arrangements which will be for sale after the demonstration. Auburn Youths Among Those To Get .01plomos are extended to Auburn pupils who received Speendany school, graduation diplomas • at the GoderichCollegiate Institute last Friday evening. They were; Carolyn Clark, Bernice McDougall, 'Margie Kopprnaris and Edgar Leather, land, Subject prize winners were; Missed Margaret .Sanderson, Margaret Haines, Martie Kopp, mans and Barbara MacKay, and Glen Webster. K. C. Cooke FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton • IT'S NEW! DYLON SPOT DRY CLEANER For your handbag or poc- ket — with the built-in brush leaves no rings. Removes grease spots, food stains .. Only 59c SAVE 25% on SUPER PLENAMIN VITAMINS: 18 tabs, free with 72 .... 4.98 36 tabs. free with 144 7.98 1 Large, 1 Reg. Tube BRYLCREME reg, 1.28 .. 88c HALO HAIR SPRAY reg. 1.89 for 1.69 I1 IT'S NEW! LYSOL Spray Disinfectant New Fresh Scent Eliminates Odors $1.25 SUPER D COLD TABLETS, For Nasal Congestion 98c & 1.79 REXALL NASAL SPRAY,. 98e ORNAL CAPSULES 98c & 2.97 TRIPLE ACTION ROOM VAPORIZER ..,. 1.39 CORICIDIN COLD TABS 790 - 1.29 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere •