HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-21, Page 5For Everything In PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TIRES -- BATTERIES ETC. CM= 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE Office HU 2-9653 After Hours and Holidays Call Residence HU 2-9290 "JOE" POTTER Cities Service Oil CLINTON 38tfb Informal Program By Messengers Is Entertaining The Brucefield United Church Messengers held a program in the Church hall on Sunday aft- ernoon, and 30 children partici- pated in the informal program, Paul Swan acted as master of ceremonies and the ushering was done by Janet and Sandra Graham, Brenda Ann Hargreav- es, Debbie Brodie and Beth Hill, The ,program consisted of a few choruses by the Messeng- ers and Rev. , Mr. Plant led some group singing with ac- companiment by Margaret Mc- Queen. Barbara Swan provided piano solos and Hugh Marsh was the guest violinist. A filmstrip "Time for School" was shown with Jimmy Ross operating the projector. This filmstrip showed how some chil- dren are unable to attend school in Korea and how some attend during the cold weather in bare feet. Readers of this article are encouraged to pray for the Korean situation, par- ticularly the unwanted' babies. The most unwanted are those with American negro fathers and Korean mothers. The worship service on the theme "Dedication" was con- ducted by Burt and Joe Lobb, Larry McGregor, Stewart Mus- tard, Bradley Hargreaves and Brian and Randy Wilson. The offering amounted to $17 and of this $11 will go to' the M&M fund of the church and $6' will be kept to purchase Messenger supplies for the com- ing, year. The offering is ap- proximately half the amount realized at the bake sale and tea last year. Burt Lobb gave the courtesy remarksand the program clos- ed with prayer. 0 Londesboro Pack Bale For Needy People Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan The' Beau Unit met at the home OfMrs. Bert Allen on Thursday of last week. Due to the absence' of the president who was on duty in the hospi- tal, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook pre- sided. • The scripture passage was read by Mrs. Pipe; Mrs. Tom Allen contributed ad acre pia- no selection; Mrs. Livingstone gave the first chapter of the new study book. The supply committee packed a bale of used clothing this week for the needy. Mrs. Robert Youngblut and Mrs. Bert Allen spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Wells and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Baker (nee Nellie' Westerhout) of Strat- ford spent Sunday with the Westerhouts. Personals Mr. Gourley is at present a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. We hope,he will soon show improvemet. Mrs. Edwin Wood spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Bill Andrews and family, Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt sp- ent 'the weekend with. the Mor- row family at Lion's Head, also attending the baptismal service of their grandson, Michael, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Gaunt, Clinton. The sympathy of the corn- rilunity is extended to the fam- ily and relatives of the late Mrs. William Griffiths who pas- sed away on Tuesday, Novem- ber 17 in Victoria Hospital aft- er a short illness. Mrs. Griffiths was one of the oldest residents of the village. the month aa,follows",: the home' at 'Nfr,„ and Mrs, Igin Thomp,. son, Brucefield, Nov, 25, the home of Mr. 410 Mrs, John Sin- clair,. Kippen, NOV, 25; the -home of Mr, and Mrs. 'Lloyd Lovell, Kipper!, Nov, _26; and. the home "Of Mr, and Mrs. w Brodie, Brucefield, Nov. 27, • ,Anyone interested in attend- Mg one of these groups is ash- en to .contact the church .office, Beginning in January it is hop- ed that theso groups will meet monthly, Happy Workers Give Layette For Use At CAS The •He•pnY Workers Club met at the, home of Mrs, Den Watson on the ,evening of No, venter 7,3, The roll call was answered by. 12 members,. It Was decided the layette, would be given to the chil, dren's Aid along with a dona, tion, Anything for the bale must 'be at Mrs, Ken Gibbing's by' the end of November, The members discussed Christmas ideas, which were very interesting. The Meeting closed with pray, er and a lunch was served by the hostess, The Christmas meeting -will be held at the home of Mrs, William Flynn on the evening Of December 11, Each member is to take a little gift • and the roll call will be "what you . would like for Christmas", Brucefield UCW To Give To Others At Christmas General meeting for the Brucefiela UCW was held Tues- day afternoon, Nov. 5 in the Sunday School room of the Brucefield United Church. Mrs, H. Berry, president, opened the meeting and all members rose to repeat the Creed, The devotionals were in the charge of Mrs. G. Rich- ardson and Mrs, G. Elliott. Miss Margaret McQueen assist- ed at the piano. Mrs, E. Thompson read the minutes of the previous meet- ing, then called the roll, which was answered with a. verse or thought for Peace, The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. H. Taylor, and the members were informed that the allocation for 1964 will be slightly higher. Clothing — especially woollen baby clothing—has been collect- ed to be sent to Hazeiton Hos- pital in B.C. It was suggested and agreed by all that in lieu of the annual gift exchange between members it would be nice if everyone brought a gift for a child to be included with the bale to Hazelton. These gifts to be wrapped and marked, please, as to whether suitable for boy or girl and age group. Members voted to give money to the Sunday School, and to the United Church College fund. Following the business meet- ing, Mrs. L. Wilson gaVe her, report on the Regional meetine held at 13ayfield. at which the theme was Christian relation- ships beyond the home. Travelling. Bake Sale A travelling bake sale is be- ing organized by Unit 4 of the Brucefield UCW to assist Cubs and Scouts. The idea is that a nelson will receive a baked item and within three days she is asked to send an item to the next name on the list and include the price for the item received, Whenever possible try to have a Scout or Cub help pre- pare the item and, deliver it. Thus the project will mean more to the boys. More than one list will be circulated, If persons do not attend Unit 4 and would like to help, please phone Mrs. D. Brodie (Clinton rural district), Mrs. R. Dal- rymple (13rucefield village) or THE 'TIMER I ----------- MI • FOR SUPERB FOOD ifs 74 not RESTAURANT CLINTON'S FOREMOST 482-9076 CLINTON Tithrsff Noy. 211, ,NOWS,Rccar4-r4-0290 Squadron Leader and Mrs. D. L, Dudley have left the base and are now residing in Syra- cuse, N.Y, W01 J. Reid and his family have moved to Clinton, Wog Vic Morrow (ret.), Mrs, Mar- row and their sell, Walter, have left 4dastral Park and will live in Applewood Acres, Cooksville, Ontario. Farewell party. • A farewell party took place for LAW C. Beauchamp at the - home of Mrs, Margo Marshall. The. 15 guests played games -during the evening and prizes Were won by LAW SiciaPSkY and LAW Thompson. The guest of honour was presented -with an electric kettle. Among the guests were Mat- ron Boal of the Station Hospi- tal, as well as Nursing Sister' Berathy and Sauve. LAW Beau, champ leaves shortly to join her fiance in Summerside, Ladies' Curling Ladies of PMQ's held a meeting at the public school' and elected the following execu- Cleric Stresses Thankfulness At St. Andrew's The "Thanksgiving Service of Worship" prepared by Mrs. Mar- 'ion Gordon, president of the Winnipeg Presbyterial, was the theme for the Women's Mis- sionary Thankoffering meeting held in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church on Sunday even- ing. A sing-song led by a girls' choir with Mrs. Homuth at the -piano opened the meeting. Devotional exercises and call to worship were in charge of Mrs. Mervin Lobb who welcom- ed the visitors and led in pray- er. Mrs. Scott and Mrs, Cook as- sisted in the reading of the les- son, followed by prayer by Mrs. MacLean. A poem was read, the offer- ing received by Mrs. Makins and Mrs. Blacker and dedicated by Mrs. Dunbar. Mrs. Lobb called on Rev. R. U. MaCtean and welcomed him to the WMS. He gave a very interesting talk on being thankful for our many blessings and sharing them with 'others. Mrs. Farquhar thanked Rev. MacLean, 4so the girls' choir for their special selections. 'Mrs. S. Wilson (Seaforth or Hensall phones) by Saturday, November 23, RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Hymers (nee Barbara Layton) Friday, Nov. 29 LONDESBORO HALL Orchestra: Mystery Men LUNCH COUNTER Everyone Welcome (Duster Style) LADIES S M L GIRLS 8 to 14 Children's-4 to 6x and 2 to 3x (0 • 2674Air411?9 ra•:::: 40 V,Ne,..i.w,w4.',Oh" Ask-mAs Ittk HOUSECOATS PYJAMAS (All Styles) Ladies'—S-M-L & Ex. Large Girls' and Boys' 2-3x, 4-6x and 8-14 lllMlEgP.1*A::&5:,ei,4•:".,,',,",', *x Adastrai Park Social Notes News .Editor: Anne Aileron. 44149 tine for the _coming ,season: President, Mrs, gsrOyA Rob, Tin; WS, Monica PtIgnid,. secre- Nylon Stretch Sleep 'n' Play Suits tary; draw .committee, Mrs, Jeanette Doyle,'Mrs. Pai; MAP, coil and Mrs, "Chris' Thomson, ithotit -31) curlers Attended this meeting,, AnYelle who did not attend„ but Would like to join the club should .get in touch with any of the three ladies on the draw committee, If -the weather oo,,eperates, the eurling rink should be in operation very shortly.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 — 2ND FLOOR -- One of the LARGEST Selection of TOYS In Huron County. USE OUR LAY.A-WAY I I. Pre-Christmas 0? SALE Buy these quality gifts at big Savings this week at your I.D.A. Store, Sayings in effect until Saturdoy, November 23 KODAK 8 )FUN SAM MOVIE KIT • Free m 4,9$ • 0 Free Movie Book $1 Capture the joys of Christmas with a KOf.)AK 8 Movie Camera Kit. Truly the most sen- sational camera bargain this. year —„ .... "Elite" Easy-Breeze Electric HAIR DRYER with a fashionable "Tote'n'Travel" Case Styled for carefree hair drying . . . lets you move around to fix dinner . . housework by wearing dryer like a shoulder bag. Washable, decorated, double-walled hood, long, transparent, flexible ihose, Modern rotary "infinite heat" switch permits precise selection of controlled heat. The handsome case makes it as portable as a purse. 19.95 on our October Sale NOW .97 97 Lentheric "Classics in Fragrance" SPECIAL prices on over 35 Christmas Gifts and other drug needs all this week. EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - Clinton, Ontario CUTEX Manicure Set Reg. $3.50 SPECIAL $2.97 Ronson "Pioneer" Lighter Regular $3.95 lighter and Special a flash of fluid, handsom- ely gift-packaged OLD SPICE Men's Gift Set A touch of luxury for your man . . . After Shave Lotion, Soap in a Mug, Tal- cum. - Regular $4.25 SPECIAL $3.97 RUBBERSET SHAVING BRUSH Pure badger bristles . , the mark of the super- iority of a shaving brush. Special 3.97 ARTINS Clinton, Ontario Five % ounce bottles of different delightful colognes, attractively gift boxed Regular $2.50 Special 1.97 DEPT. efot,, atidmeut-, LADIES' WEAR ,Men's Dress and Sport Shirts Gloves for Men and Boys Or TIES O SOCKS 0 PYJAMAS 0 CARDIGAN & PULLOVER SWEATERS 0 DUSTER COATS Quilted, Cotton and Nylon, O Cardigan Sweat- ers! Shetlies, Banion and Double Knit. • Pullover Sweaters • Gloves for folf winter wear and for gifts, House of Bargains Ltd. 12 Isaac Street Phone 4824735 "THE STORE WHERC YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST" • RCAF FAtt Pouring Mrs, p, AFTERNOON TEA: ..„........,........„...„ Sewing, THURSDAY, Tea. I. PROTESTANT BAZAAR , 3.5 p.m. ---,- In The Ritchie Baking, Knitting are: Mrs. R, U. Mac.I..eati. Dymond, Mrs, C, Adults 35c; Children NOYEIVIBER CHAP _ EVENING, Building and Trott, Mrs, 'Under ,, _ ND M. N9YeltiOS I. 28 7,9 P. 12, 25c, K, Greenaway UILP L. TEA p.m, • Mills, Local Clinton CL(NTON Representatiye—A. Memorial Shop . T., PRYDE and SON , — EXEtER 7—, SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact W. Steep--HU 2-6642 21tfb , ro ot •__ . GO A`14 - LEGS iRWIN 19 BACON ' and CHICKENS .i'!1'' & Meat ART • 5 MP 3-4 BREASTS ..,, ' w ., lb. avge, COLSON, QUALITY Market 1.' lb. lb. lb. Proprietors 482-3834 35c 55c 59c DEVON FRYING CHICKEN KING RINDLESS GRANT Clinton STREET ;, G • . A step' ahead , x fi '';'10 ' : . *Siiiisom '''4.vii;;;;:•,' .„..„ ,,,,'46*as.,•#' s4z:ti'''''''" . • . With . DELUXE . .• Ragii;ii 4t. a . • .., WESTINGHOUSE ,... .,., :••,: , • , , , ,„ :.,,,., • ,i,:: :....., v A.,•,:::, , - osa. ' 9 ,, !g mio.ammume .i, Cf2 . .... - ,,,,,,, : '" ?S% ,-. ':: '-`'rml.°:':': .".., t&.,;„,_ '1111111111AM10" - r, x•• Ai$4,34"41' " ,.., '.. .. '.=... . •,, ' .-s1; ,, • — up CLINTON , • 482-6646 .. „.;.. V V V V .. ' ' ,, ',$ i:'.. Walipeie ...,...,:,.,...00 hood Shop 24.95 Proprietor Dealer" "*...%. Clinton Adjustable Nail Exclusive Four PRICED MOD E D. . "Your Dryer -temperature double built-in LS W. CORNISH, FROM Electric Westinghouse -wall vent perfumer control At 3 .(144$,. At F. Miaow, CePlreep ndente). Brucefield CGIT. girls held their weekly meeting .on. ,day, November 14 and worship seeeiee. was conducted by Gwen- neth Hendrick and Milda Pep- per, Pnrbara Swan ,played the music for hymns,. The president, .J0-4114 Ala, winkle :conducted the business `portion of the meeting, Dorothy Ross read the minutes, followed. by the roll call.. • Work on Grafts for the tea on November 30, was .enjoyed, PA Leaders Meet The monthly meeting .of the Sunday scitel teachers and of- ficers .of the Brucefield and .Kip, pen ellttrelles met in Kippen, United Church, Monday; Com- mittees were set up to plan tbo Christmas concert at each ,church. The CGIT are to hold a Ves- per Service in Brucefield Ch- urch Sunday evening, December 8, and a choir Candlelight Fes: ,tival with choirs from both con- gregations will take place No- vember 22, Discussion on Sunday School papers and their use was also held and additional help in the teaching staff was recognized, The study for the evening was centred on "Teaching Tech- niques" with special emphasis on the use of audio and visual aids. The new cturiculum for United Church Stinday Schools, to begin in September 1964, was introduced briefly. YFU Meeting • The regular meeting of the Brucefield Young Peoples' Un- ion was held in the Church Hall Sunday. The mission leader, Bob Fotheringham,. conducted the worship and program. A film strip "Angola Awak- es" was introduced by the Rev. H. K. Plant, and a discussion on the subject of the area of the church's mission followed. Singing was led by Phyllis Lobb and recreation by Bob Fotherifigham. President Jim Boughen conducted the busi- ness. The next meeting is to be held December 1 under the leader- ship of Rosemary MacDonald, the citizenship convener, Study Groups Cottage study groups have been started on the Brucefield- Kippen United Church Pastoral Charge for the purpose of adult Christian education. Six couples volunteered to open their homes during the month of. November and small groups of interested people are brought together to talk about their Christian faith and pur- pose.. The study book is "The Ward and the Way" led by the Rev. H. K. Plant. Two groups have .already met with. great success, one at the •home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Kylei Kippers, 'and the other at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. Elliott, Brucefield. Four more are planned for SPECIAL ON FALL PERMANENTS Reg. 12.50 — For 8.50 Reg. 10.00 For 6.15 Helene Curtis Crean') Oil Base Permanents Inalude Cut, Style, Shampoo and Set Every customer having 13 permanent Will be given a FREE CHANCE to Wih a Kodak Movie Camera, Free draw to be Made November 80th, 1965. Charles House of Beauty 74 VICTORIA STREET — CLINTON Phone 481.7065 Neose Phone Today And Make Your Appointment THIS SALE ENDS- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER .0t11- Various...Groups Extremely Active' In N~e~tings,.Projects At ',13rOcelield