HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-14, Page 11Worthy Matron
Fetes Helpers
AUBURN—Mrs. Bert Craig,
Worthy Matron of Regal Chap-
ter 275 of the Blyth Eastern
Star, recently entertained 27
officers and some helpers to a
smorgasbord luncheon. She was
assisted by her daughter, Mrs
Leonard Archambault.
Euchre was played and the
-winners were; high lady, Mrs.
Glen Kechnie; low,. Mrs. Lorie
Scott; high man, Mr. Harvey
Sillib; low (playing as a man)
Mrs. Lundy MacKay.
The Worthy Matron and the
Worthy Patron presented each
officer with an engraved alum-
Mum tray in appreciation for
their services during the year.
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Thurs., Nov. '14, 1963—Clinton News-Record=—Page 11
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1100 Chresosi Armee
Raithby, Mrs. Lloyd Humph-
reys, Mrs, Gordon Dobie and
Mrs. Wes Bradnock attended
the area convention of the Wo-
men's Institute at London last
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John-
ston, Miss Laura Phillips and
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Farrow,
Mitchell, visited last Sunday
with Mr .Farrow's sister, Mrs.
George Lee, Mr. Lee and their
son, Barry, at their farm home
at' Eden Mills.
Flower Group Bid Farewell to Member,
Honor Her With Gift And Song
Supply is limited. Buy NOW!
The former Hanover Transport building
Phone 482•7,011 238 Albert1Street CLINTON
Clinton Legion Supports Bayfield Village At Cairn Re-dedication Ceremony
Headed by Clinton Legion Pipe Band, 75 veterans and all 13ayfield's scouting groups make an impressive
parade at .a remembrance service and re-dedication of the memorial cairn in Clan Gregor Square on Sunday,
At the right are the U wreath bearers. ,See story and pictures on page 8. (News-Record Photos)
AUBURN—The executive of showed a good balance,
the Auburn HOrticultural • So-
ciety met on Monday at the
home of the president, Mrs. Ed
Davies. The minutes were
adopted as read by the secre-
tary, Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys,
and the financial statement
• A nominating committee of
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs.
Frank Raithby and Miss Viola
Thompson was named to bring
in the slate of officers for 1964
at the ,December meeting,
Plans were made for a pot-
luck smorgasbord dinner on
December 2 when members of
the village council and their
families will enjoy a Christ-
mas party. Mrs. Norman Mc-
Dowell, Mrs, Arthur Grange
and Mrs, Robert J. Phillips
were appointed the committee
to set up the dinner and the
program of euchre, and crok-
inole will. be in charge of Mrs.
Wes Bradnock, Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor, Mrs. Frank. Raithby,
Miss Elma Mutch was ap-
pointed to buy the prizes and
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and
Mrs. Gordon R .Taylor will look
after the music. •
Mrs. Davies reported on at-
tending council meeting and
stated that it was hoped to have
the 'colored village lights in by
the first of December. The tax
notice that $1.43 was due from
the Manchester Garden, was
received and this was ordered
to be paid.
Mrs. Gordon R.. Taylor sang
a specially composed song pay-
ing tribute to a former presi-
dent, Mrs. William T. Robison,
who is leaving this community
to make her home in St. Marys.
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips accom-
panied her on the harp.
Mrs-Taylor also spoke a few
words and presented Mrs. Rob-
ison with a gift on behalf of
the society, Mrs. • Robison
thanked the society for their
thoughtfulness and said she
would never forget her happy
recollections and work to help
beautify -Auburn.
`1Walkerburn Club
Stage Bazaar`.o
I Aid Korean Lad
Eastern Star
Stage induction
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Symons
were installed -as Worthy Mat-
ron and Worthy Patron of
Clinton Chapter No, 266 Order
of the Eastern Star on Thurs-
Installing board consisted of:
Installing Matron, Mrs. William
Wells; Installing Patron, Mr.
Harry Williams; those assist-
ing, Mrs. Emma Ruthven, Mrs.
Robert Jervis, Mrs. Gordon
Steepe, Mr. Donald Watson.
The star points were installed
by Mrs. Angus Graham, DDGM,
Other officers installed were :
Associate Matron, Mrs. Alvin
Lobb; Associate Patron, Mr.
Gordon Steepe; secretary, Mrs.
Willard Aiken; treasurer, Mrs.
Alex Haddy; conductress, Mrs.
Donald Watson; associate 'con-
ductress; Mrs. Bert Garrett;
chaplain, Mrs. Harry Williams;
marshal], Mrs. Gerald Holmes.
Organist, Mrs. William Nor-
man; Adah, Mrs, Donald Kay;
Ruth, Mrs. Donald Webster;
Ester, Mrs. William Craig;
Martha, Mrs. Lloyd Carter;
Electa, Mrs. Thomas Ellis; war-
der, Mrs. Frank Cook; sentinel,
Mr. Alvin Lobb,
JewelS and gifts were pre-
sented to the retiring Matted
and patron, Mrs. Gordon Steepe
and Donald Watson.
.AUBURN—T h e Walkerburn
Club held a successful bazaar
on Saturday in the Ai.tburn
Orange Hall with a large at-
tendance. The popular bake
table was in charge of Mrs.
Ted Plunking, Mrs. Jim Mc-
Dougall and Mrs, Roy Daer.
The apron table, which con-
tained many colorful items, was
in charge of Mrs. James Jack-
son and Mrs. Guy Cunning-
ham; farm produce iri charge
of Mrs. Elliott Lapp, assisted
by Mrs. John Snyders who was
kept busy selling apple cider
by the glass.
The knitting and fancy work
was in charge of Mrs. Donald
Sprung and Mrs. Joe Hunking;
the candy table was in charge
of Mrs. Henry Hunking and
Mrs. Ariel Duizer, and the
touch and take table was in
charge of Mrs. Lenard Arch-
A dainty afternoon tea was
served by the president, Mrs.
Lorne Bunking, Mrs. Stanley
Ball, Mrs. Stuart Ament and
Mrs. George Schneider.
Winner of the beautiful
blanket was Mrs. Lenard Arch-
ambault, Mrs. Joe Honking
was in charge ,of the selling of
tickets which will help support
their adopted child in Korea.
This orphan boy, Kim Sung
Ae, was born on March 5; 1957
and is at present at the orph- '
anage at Sung Yook in Korea.
Speaker Outlines Growth of Missions
To Knox Presbyterian Ladies
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox,
Seaforth, visited with Miss
Margaret R. Jackson over the
Anyone wishing to take this
course please contact the lead-
ers, Mrs. Humphreys and Mrs.
Thomas Lawlor.
Mrs. William T. Robison sold
her home on Loftus Street last
week to ' Mr, Garth Walden,
The Lee family reside in To-
ronto but come to their farm
home on weekends. Mrs. Lee
was the former Mary Farrow
of the Westfield district.
The dessert course sponsored
by the senior branches of the
Huron County Women's Insti-
tute will be held on November
21 and November 26 at the
home of Mrs. Lloyd Humph-
Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs. Frank
AUBURN — The November
meeting of the Women's Misr
slonary Society of Knox Pres,
byterian Church was held in the
Sunday school room of the
church with a good attendance.
The president, Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson gave the call to wor-
ship and the meeting was open-
ed by singing a hymn, with
Mrs. John Houston at the piano.
Mrs. Donald. Haines led in
prayer and the devotional per-
iod was taken by Mrs, Major
Youngblut and her theme was,
"The Cost of Discipleship".
This was followed by prayer
by Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson.
A solo, "Softly and Tenderly"
was sung by Mrs. Wes Brad-
noels and Mrs. Alvin .Leather-
land gave a reading, "A Prayer
for Peace".
The roll call was answered
by each member quoting a
Bible verse containing the word
The topic for the meeting
was taken by Mrs. Frank Raith-
by. She gave an interesting
paper on the growth of mis-
sions, starting in the days of
the Apostles and down through
the years.
The minutes of the previous
meeting were accepted as read
by the secretary, Mrs. Donald
Haines. A thank-you letter was
read from Mrs. Edgar Lawson
for flowers when she had been
a patient in Clinton hospital.
Invitations were accepted to
attend the UCW meeting at
Carlow on November 14 and to
attend the WMS meeting at
Hensel]. on November 25 when
Mrs. F. C, Knox, missionary on
furlough from India, will be
the guest speaker.
Plans were made for the
Christmas meeting which will
be in the charge of Mrs. Ed
Davies and Mrs. A, Rollinson.
, Ladies Aid
The Ladies Aid Of Knox
Presbyterian Church met in the
Sunday school room of the
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle
were hosts to a cottage meet-
ing of Kippen congregation
with 15 in attendance on Sun-
day evening.
Mrs. Hank Binnendyk is a
patient in South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter, being admitted for
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. R. Vennema for the gift
of a son, Derrick Peter, born
spelmtable. 1 in South Huron
The annual bazaar will 'be
held Saturday, November 16 at
3:00 p.m. in St., Andrew's Unit-
ed Church.
Messrs, Ed Morton, Dave
Triebner, Allan Tremeer, Wil-
mer Dalrymple, Ted Roberts,
Harold Parker, William Bell,
Jack Bell, Grant McGregor, Jim
McAllister, Ross Richardson,
Campbell Eyre and Emerson
Kyle returned home Sunday
from a hunting trip in the
Parry Sound District.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huss-
table and Bill, Centralia, vis-
ited recently with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Jones and boys. Sunday
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Ashworth and Carol Ann,
Denfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ellison
Whiting and Lloyd, Parkhill,
Albert Doerr
AUBURN—Relatives in this
.district received word that sa
former resident, Albert Doerr,
had recently passed away sUd-
vdriely at his home in Streets-
Born in Hallett Township he
was 72 years of age and was
the son of the late Mr. and
Mrs, William Doerr, of Aubtirti,
He. is survived by his wife,
the former Bessie Crozier and
a sister, Mrs. Mary Heitibuck,
A brother, John Doerr pas-
sed away last year at Elyth.
The funeral was held at Trin-
ity Church, Streettville, with
burial taking place in the
8treetsVille Cernetery,
church with the president, Mrs.
Ed Davies in charge. The min-
utes were accepted as read by
the secretary, Mrs. Roy Deer.
A short business period was
held and a delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. Alvin Leather-
land and Mrs. Carl Goyier.
Reeve E. Snell
Stages Banquet
For Councillors
AUBURN — Reeve Ernest
Snell of East Wawanosh Town-
ship entertained the members
of his council, the clerk, road
'-unerintendent and other town-
ship officials and their wives
e a turkey dinner in the Au-
burn Memorial Hall.
After the dinner euchre and
lost heir were played,
Reeve Snell welcomed the
'nests and Mr. Clarence Hanna
moved a vote of Um/Ike to the
members of the Auburn Wo-
men's Institute who catered to
the banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchis-
on and Mr. Henry Aitchison,
Mooretovvn; Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Aitchison and son Ken-
neth, Wingham, spent t h e
weekend with their sister, Mrs.
Herbert Goyier.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Young-
Mut, Toronto, spent the week-
end With his mother, Mrs.
Ralph D. Munro and Mr, Mun-
Mrs. ,I-lerbert GOVier attended
the funeral of her cousin, Mr.
William Cooney, a veteran of
the first World War, at Mir-
ham last weekend.
Mrs. Minnie Tones and son,
Melvin., Dungannon, visited on
Sunday with her brother, Mr.
Bert Marsh and Mrs, Marsh.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Robert-
Coppereliff, spent 'the
weeend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs.. J. . Robertson and
Mr and Mrs. William Straugh-
MrS, tlizaheth Rill and Miss
Sadie Carter visited last week
With Miss Margaret A. jack-
ry and Mrs. Ronald Paths
well, Michael and Janice, Brant,
ford, Spent the holiday with hat
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cordon
R. Taylor,