HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-14, Page 6Our SATURDAY SPECIAL:. 5rom Our Store Only BOSTONCREAM PIES Regular ,, 66c each Special ,,,,,, 59c each ARTICLES FOR SALE ORDERS TAKEN now" far al« uminium storm. windows up to 65 ineh, •$1.4.00: and from .05 to 105 inches,. $1.54,0 plus ,$? for installing, ,Cer'ipl yen Demme. 482-6685 LOST AND FOUND LOST—TIGER. KITTEN with black markings on back, wears flea collar, .8 months old, pet. phone 4$2-90.1.9 after * Vim,4.0b . — LOST — REWARDI Part Per, *n cat, female, White and grey-'brown, coon ..Ike tail, An- swers to name of "leitehener Jumps into strange cars, Phone 482.-1525. 46x LOST—Strayed from Lot 17, EaYfield Line,' red. Hereford heifer, spotted face, and one born, weighs from 900 to 1000 An 'one knowing of its whereabPnta; gen-tact Frank TherepS9P, phone 482-7171. CARDS OF THANKS -, MY sincere thanks. 'to my friends and neighbours for their help, cards, visits and tests seitt to Me while a patient in the hospital And since rethroMg home, Specie lthariks to Rev, Mills, pf, Oakes and nursing staff,—Q0013.CM. MANN, Classified Ads ATTENTION' FARMERS! CHESTERFIELDS Floor samples to hp cleared, drastic- ally reduced prices: ',Example: bed-chesterfield, heavy tapeetry covering; rubber pPShionS, cellent'matitrees; :regularly $39e, to clear .$215. Five Spites "to -go as low as $150. Bedroom suites included. LODGE Furniture, Goderich, 46-71.3 _ NEW TRAILERS for _sale, all sizes; used trailers, 33x10 with porch1 ( 41x10 with porch; also 28'x8',, Apply Seeker's Trailer Court 'at bailee. 37tfb Nap 6—Clinton News,Rec rd—Thurs., Nov, 14, 1963 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALT, MAGIC MARKERS,---Black and Red only, "The better kind", Only $1.13 (tax. included), At Clinton News-Reeerd. ;34tfb WOOD FOR SALE, Furnace biopics arid stove wood, $5 per cord. phone 4$2-6692. LIVESTOCK FOk SALE 1 JERSEY COW, "about 5 years old, fresh one month, Ken Hul- l-ey, Londeebore, phone 7.57.13 ,Seaforth, 46p 12 $TEERS, Around 700 lbs. each, 10 heifers, around 400 each, Wayne 'Taylor, Var- na. 46h 46b I wish to thank my friends and neighbours who sent me cards while a patient in ,clire, ton Public Hoepitej. Special. thanks to the nurses and staff, Dr. Newland, Dr. Walden and Rev, .Merrison —LLOYD KEYS. 46b We wish to express our -sin- core and heart-felt thanks to all of our friends and neigh, bow's for acts of kindness, syrn, pithy 'cards and floral eributee in the death of our sister, Mrs, Blaricherd, 'Menke also to pr. Oakes, nurses, Rev. Mills and Beattie funeral herpe.IVIP,,S. the Beattie Funeral Home, — MRS. CORNISH and HAROLD PICKETT. '16p To my friends and neighbors who remembered me with visits, cards and Viewers while a pa- tient in the hospital and since returning home, .to the super- visor and nurses of Clinton pirblic Hospital and the doctors at the Medical Centre, for their kindly interest and care, my sincere appreciation and thanks, —MARTHA lVfacDONALD. 46b MRS. N. LONG wishes to take this opportunity in expres- sing thanks to her relatives, friends and neighbors who visit- ed her, sent cards and treats. To the IJCW of Kipper con- gregation; .special thanks to Rev. H. Plant, Dr. Malkus and the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, 4i5x The family of the late Clar- ence Potter wish to express their sincere and heart-felt thanks to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes and donations. Special thanks 'to the staff of Clinton Public Hospital, Dr. W. A. Oakes, Rev. Grant Mills and the Ball and Mutch funeral home.MRS. EDNA POTTER and family., 46b I wish to thank all my friends who sent cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Walden, nur- ses, and staff for their kind at- tention. — NORMAN MAN- NING, 46p I wish to say a sincere thank you to all my neighbors and friends for flowers, cards, treats and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Newland and the nursing staff. —FRED SLAVIN, 46b cOTOM WORK CUSTOM PICKING SNELL- Mg cob corn; also custom Plow- ing. Lyle Montgomery, RR 3, Clinton, phone 482-7231. 45tfb FILL, GRAVEL, delivered by the lead. Reasonable prices. Also elean gravel for lanes, etc, Lyle Montgomery, phone 482-7231. 43tfb SIX ROOM HOUSE with bath in .Brucefield. Oil heated. Im- mediate Possession, Phone Mrs, Ivan Wightman, 357-2568, Wing, ham, 45-61a COWAN'. RANOI.1 NOME, 3. 'bedroom, in Bayfield, Phone 2311. .461a 46-7b LADY'S (REEN WINTER coat, size 14; large Coleman space heater. Phone 482-7043. 46h HOUSE FOR RENT, unfelt.- nieleed, Milee from Clinton. Phone 482,9408, 46b STARTED PIGS FOR SALE. Apply Orville Webber, Varna, phone 482.3267, 46b REGISTERED SHORTHORN Bull, 1 year old. Frank Fal- coner, phone 482-9128. 46p 46h 3 ROOM GROUND FLOOR apartment, with private bath, heated and unfurnished, L, G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High Stn phone 4$2-0092. 45tfb . . . FURNISHED APARTMENTe 3 roams, suitable for couple, frig and stove supplied, vacant now, Hermaife • - Men's' Wear, phone 4.32,9351, 46tfb TRAILER NOME, fully furn- ished, 1 mile from town, High, way 8, large lawn, garden if desired, suitable for ,couple, Phone 482,7291. • ,46tfb 11,0. SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures youe satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store, 20tfb LARGE AND SMALL trailers, fully furnished. Beaker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 37tfh SELF-CONTAINED, two Bed- room, (half a house), phone Seaforth 3. 4ltfb _ FURNISHED APARTMENT, now. Apply 93 Huron Street. 44p-tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD Or DISABLED • ANIMALS , Call Collect VACUUM CLEANERS sales and Service Repairs And bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- Ines of all makes for sale, BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich 'Phone Hensall 352w2 - 29 to 39p tfb BUSINESSMEN: If you use any type of Wore business form, they can be ordered through Clinton News-Record, phone HU 2-3443. 34tfb TRAILER, 18'x8', fully equip- ped, 2 beds, Essotane stove, Duo-Therm space heater; needs redecorating; cheap for quick sale. Phone 482-9317, , 46b EMPLOYMENT WANTED GENTLEMAN desires employ- ment on, a farm, live in. Phone 482-9777, 46p SEWING—Square dancing ap- parel—dresses, skirts, blouses, petticoats and pantalets — and various trimmings available. FQ11 further information phone IVIrs, Marie Bowles, 482-7025. 44-5-6b DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb FOR SALE 1,000 BALES OF GOOD HAY. Phone 482-9957. 46b MODERN, 2-bedroom apart- ment, unfurnished, available now. Phone 482-6677, WEDDING STATIONERY: In- vitation% reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards, place cards; two complete lines to choose from. When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- ment free of charge. Take wed- ding stationery book out over-, night and choose your supplies in private. Clinton News- Record. 34tfb NOW AVAILABLE — BEACH Gas Ranges from $129. Art's Appliance Centre, Brucefield, phone 482-3232. 43tfb LARGE 2 BEDROOM Apart- ment, unfurnished, heated, new- ly decorated, reasonable. Phone 482-9568 evenings or 482-6663. 46tfb R 0 0 M S FOR RENT, with cooking facilities. Phone 482- 9608. 46tfb MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls HU 2-7702 Open Wednesday Afternoon 29tfb QUANTITY OF CHOICE Baled Alfalfa Hay. Phone 482-3253, 4.6b WANTED FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensel! 352w2 29 to 39p tfb FURNISHED APARTMENT, available now. Phone 482-9928. Roy Tyndall. 45tfb LAND WANILD Quantity of land suitable for crop. Lyle Montgomery, phone 482-7231. 45tfb Save THREE WAYS with Bulk Fertilizer When Applying ELMIRA BRAND 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, heated, kitchen, pri- vate bath and private entrance. All utilities paid. Available now. Phone Mr. Fleet at 482-9123 between 2 and 5 p.m. 46p 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219- R. l5tfb WANTED: 100 ton of baled hay monthly; 25 ton of baled straw monthly. We will pick up by our truck at your farm. Please write Newbury Trans- port & Supplies Ltd., Box 9, Newbury, Ontario, or call 693- 4462. , 44tfb ELECTROLUX SALES and SERVICE DON SMITH For Free Demonstration or Service Phone HU 2-7889 13tfb CLOTHES DRYER, Canadian Beauty, apartment size, no special wiring needed, in ex- cellent condition. Best offer ac- cepted. 482-7887. 45tfb SMALL UNFURNISHED House, with frig and stove; Available now. Phone 482-3228 - after 6 p.m. 45-6b MODERN, 5-room house, 1/2 mile north of Clinton on High- way 4. Oil furnace, 3-piece bath. Available now. Phone 482-9889, Joe Corey, Clinton. 4,5p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. `Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 ' FERTILIZER to your pasture and hay fields. e Available in Bag or Bulk at ELMIRA, EXETER or BRUCEFIELD. WE, HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF UREA & AEROPRILLS For Application To Corn Fields * * For Prices, Spreader Rentals, or Soil Sampling Information, Call Your Local Dealer or DUPLEX apartment for rent, gas furnace, 2 bedrooms, newly decorated, available now. Phone 482-3329. 46p BOYS' HOCKEY SETS—Can- adiens colors, while they last, regular $4.50, reduced to $3,65, art Ellwood Epps Sports Shop, King Street, Clinton. 46b 40' AUCTION SALE Of Church Property and Church contents at Taylor's Corner Church on No, 8 Highway, 5 miles east of Goderich, or 8 miles west of Clinton on Saturday, November 23 at 2 p.m., the following: Church Contents 12 church pews, 7 ft. long; 4 church pews ranging from 5 to 8 feet long; Learn reed organ and stool; Duo-Therm oil space heater with twin burners, blower and pipes; 150-gallon oil tank (ap- prox., half full of stove oil); 11 chairs; leather arm chair; two Axminster rugs 9x12; small pine cupboard; 2 desk lamps; church pulpit; mirror; small table; communion set; other miscellaneous articles. Property, as follows: Prop- erty being 81. feet x 90 feet and tapering to 27 feet at the west- erly end of the property. On this property is a cement block church, 38 feet by 24 feet, the building being in good repair. Terms: Contents, cash, Terms: on Property, 10% down on date of sale and bal- ance in 30 days. Property be- ing offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Roy A. Wilson, Austin Sturdy and James Young, members of the Trustee' Board. Edw. W. Elliott, Auctioneer 46-7b 2 TO 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, oil furnace, built-in cupboards, living room, dining room and bath, Available now or Dec. 1. Apply stating full particulars of family to Box 460, Clinton News-Record. 46-7b AUTOS FOR SALE 1951. DODGE x/ -TON Pick-up Truck, needs new battery, $85. Phone 482-3287. 46b DUPLEX FOR RENT, two bedrooms, unfurnished, avail- able now. Phone 482-6675. 43-4b-46tfb CHRISTMAS TREE RETAIL- ers! Now is the time to place your order with Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound. Phone FRanklin 6-6254. 45-6-7-8p 1954 DODGE, in good running order. Only $100. Phone 482- 7504. 46b 4 ROOM APARTMENT, self- contained, gas heating, available now, Phone 482-9090. 46p-tfb COSY, FURNISHED Apart- ment, 67 Rattenbury St. East, self-contained, excellent loca- tion near schools, downtown, etc.; available Nov. 8, Apply Mrs .Percy Atkinson, RR 9 Lon- don, phone 455-2298. 45tfb 1951 PONTIAC or 1953 FORD in good condition. Phone 4e2- 726e. Gerald Hunking. 46p CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A, G. GRIGG & SON, phone 4829411. 23tfb43tfb 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, N. Main St., Seaforth, available Nov. 15, Clarence Montgomery. 45-6p PIANO TUNING 1951 MERCURY TANK Truck with good hose and meter, cheap. Phone 524-7421, Gode- rich. 46-7b LOWER DUPLEX, unfurnish- ed, best central residential lo- cation, 63 Rattenbury St. East, automatic gas heating, one or two bedrooms, near schools, downtown, etc., very reasonable. Apply Mrs. Percy Atkinson, RR 9 London, phone 455-2298. 45tfb 3-PIECE GIRL'S WINTER Outfit, rose coloured, size 3X; 1-piece boy's or girl's red snow- suit, size 4, Both in good con- dition. Phone 74r3 Bayfield. 46-7b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing ,many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. Robert Taylor HOUSE FOR RENT • on Prin- cess Street West, 2 bedrooms, vacant now, immediate posses- sion. Phone 482-7070. 46p BOARD AND ROOM Sales Representative For Read Fertilizers Ltd. Phone HU 2-9144 37tfb THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Clinton, gas furnace, 3-piece bath, available now. Phone 482- 7578. 46p-tfb ACCOMMODATION for male roomers, Call 482-9376. 45tfb NOW IS THE TIME to order your aluminum windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell Jervis, HU 2-9390. 21tfb BOARD and ROOM FOR ONE or two ladies. Phone 482-7387. 44-5-6b vma•••••••••••••11 REAL ESTATE BIRTHS LOBB—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Friday, November 8, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lobb, RR 2 Clinton; a daughter. MAXWELL—In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, No- vember 9, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Maxwell, Hensel', a daughter. SIKKEMA—In Clinton Public Hospital on Mofiday, Novem- ber 11, 1963, to Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Sikkema, Blyth, a son, ACCOMMODATION WANTED NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, with full basement, oil furnace heating. Contact J. Koene, Bay- field 56r5. 46b FRAME BUILDING, 21'x16'. Phone 482-9993, John McGuire. 46b ACCOMMODATION for room or board for elderly couple, or 2 gentlemen. Phone 482-9777. 46p 10 TO 50% REDUCTIOI", on all brand-name blouses, Si down holds any article in the store 'til Christmas without any extra charge. Bayfield Woollen Shop, phone 83, Box 41, Bayfield. 46-7b FURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM house, apartment or trailer. Contact Sgt. D. Dorion, RCAF Station Clinton, or phone local. 316, RCAF Clinton. 46b FURNISHED 3-ROOM Apart- ment, heated, suitable, for couple, private bath. Phone 482- 9500 or 9509. 46b PRIVATE 3 bedroom bungalow, close to schools, Phone 482- 7787. 42tfb CUSTOM WORK 100 ACRE FARM on the 12th Concession, Lot 16, Hullett Township. Mrs. Marie Kobza, RR 1 Blyth. 46-7-8b 3 BEDROOM home in Bruce field, available now. Apply to Norris Sillery, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 482-3368. 46b CUSTOM KILLING and pro- cessing meats. Phone Peter's Meat Market, 482-9731. 45tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE Clinton Community Auction Soles EVERY FRIDAY NEW TRAILERS FOR SALE, all sizes. Used trailer, 32'x10), with porch, clpsed in for win- ter; 48'x1.0' with washer and dryer; 4:3'x10'. All trailers may be seen at any time. Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clin- ton. 46p 1 ADMIRAL FRIG, 1 year old. Phone 482-9581. 46b 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, fireplace in living room, 3-piece bath, oil furnace, corner lot. Phone Hen- sail 263W3. 45-6b 7-ROOM frame house, in Lon- desboro, hydro, bath. Apply Bert Shobbrook, phne Blyth 523-4250. , 45-6p SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guarenteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 41-50p 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished, gas heated, with pri- vate bath, separate entrance. Available now. Phone 482-6634, 46p DUCKS AND GEESE for-sale, dead or alive. Phone 482-9812. 46-7p at M •O o m • $ • Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk NOTICE Rogers Majestic TV STORM DOOR, with screen and window, size 34 x 82, ph- one 482-9219. 45b 4 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, oil furnace, modern conven- iences, $45 a month. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, phone Blyth 523- 4237. 45tfb APPLES—Goad Quality Mac's and Snows, $1,50 per bushel. Bring your own containers; other varieties available; also fresh apple cider. Follow Highway 8 to Hoknesville, turn left, follow the signs. Art Bell, phone Goderich 524-8037. 41tfb KITCHEN cupboards a special- ty. For renovations or repairs, laying floor tile, and cabinets made to your specifications: Call Ken McNairn, HU 2-9962. 31tfb APPLICATIONS for the position of Secretary-Treasurer for the Tuckersmith Muni- cipal Telephone System will be accepted by the Chairman of the Commis- sion, Mr. Lloyd Lovell, RR 2 Kippen, up to Nov. 30, 1963. THE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL TELE- PHONE SYSTEM. 46-7b FULLY- SERVICED LOTS, town approved. L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High St., Clin- ton, phone 482-6692, 45tfb MAN'S WINTER COAT, size 40; men's lined rubber boots, size 9, in good condition. Phone 482-9695. 46p HOUSE FOR RENT, on High St. (115), 1 block from main intersection — contains living room, dining room, kitchen with built-in cupboards; 2 bath- rooms, 4 bedrooms, good gar- age, available Dec. 1. Apply to G. W. Nott, 107 High St., phone 482-9481. 45-6-7-8p FOR RENT ELECTRIC MO D TORS REWOUN or Repaired,.any make, any h.p., auto & household radio repairs. Open all day week days. ART LEVETT & SONS 139 ERIE ST, S., CLINTON Phone• 482-6640 43tfb OIL SPACE HEATERS, in good condition, Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 482-9928, 43tfb HAVE CLIENT interested in purchasing 200-acre farm, must be in Bedford soil district. Lauckner Real Estate, Box 41, Bayfield, phone 83. 46b S T E E L SCAFFOLDING for rent, by day, week or month. Earl Doucette, 168 Queen St., phone HU 2-9741. 14-48p We Specialize In . Furnace Installations Heating Servi6e Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON Phone HU 2-7652 24tfb 5 TV's, 17" to 21", $35 up; 3 wringer type washers, $25 and up; automatic washer; electric dryer; 2-bUrner rangette with oven; 2 kitchen suites; corn- binattion radio and record player; box springs and mat- tresses. •Apply, Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 46p DUNCAN FIFE TABLE; 5-pc. kitchen suite. Phone 482-9372, after 8:00 p.m. 45-6p HOUSE FOR SALE in Village of Varna, to close an estate. Phone Tom Chuter, 482-7050 or Wilfred Chuter, 482-7530. 46b NOTICE SALES & SERVICE TO AVOID TROUBLE, would the person who took a woman's bicycle on the weekend not too far from the railroad bridge, please return it to the same place or contact 482-9067 after 8 p.m. 4,6b Ted Ryder's TV almel~•••••!••••••••0111•001/Mila liaMe•P HELP WANTED NATIONAL ORGANIZATION requires mature man or woman experienced meeting public to train for local interviewing, Suitable for semi-retired per- son, Confidential work needs discreet person with excellent character, Apply P.O. Box 206, Watford, Ont. 45-6-7b JUST LISTED: Lakefront cot: tage, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, inside plumbing; this cottage is equipped with elect- ric lift . to beach. Now' is the time to buy and get the most for your money. 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 0* ea. 60c 6 for 35c doz. 55c doz. 45c Pumpkin Pies Tarts — - Honey Dip Do-Nuts Bran Muffins —" — Assorted Cookies — doz. 25e NOTICES ,HELP WANTED FEMALE SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facies isSued out of. the Supreme Court of Ontario at Goderich, to me directed against the goods and chattels and lands and tene- ments of Howard B, McCul- longh, defendant, at the suit of Goderich Cominunity Credit Union, plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the Said How- ard B. McCullough, in, to and out of the following parcel of land: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and prerreses situate, lying and being in the ToWnship of Goan- rich, in the County of Huron and ProVinee of Ontario and being composed of Lot No. 26, Concession 9, containing 100 acres more or less. On the premises is said to be ri dwelling house and a barn, ALL Of Which said right, title, interest and equity of redemp- tion of the said Hovvard E. Mc- Cullough in the said, lands and tenements, I shall Offer fer sale by Public Auction in thy office at the Court Honte in the ToWn of Gederich TuetdaY, the 10th day of November, at 3:00 o'clock an the afteenoein 'PERMS: 10% latish day of salei talarice in 30 days. INSURE YOUR Merry Christ- mas! Earn Christmas money selling nationally advertised Avon gift sets. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Cr., London or call'eollect 451-0541 FOR THE MEN... ...On Your List Ken and Bob suggest NEW Eleetrohome Organs that satisfy, 4 sizes; available, mod- erately priced, also Sherlotk- Manning pianos, trade-ins ac- cepted on both pianos and or- gans, 2 mantel organs as low as $695. Contact Garnet Far- rier, Whitechurch, phone 357- 2068, Wirigharn, 45-6-7-8p DRAPERY PULL RODS --- Track, curtain rode, Venetian blinds,e bamboo draperies) win- di:we blinds, tree estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goode. 23tfb HELP WANTED MALE Our FRIDAY SPECIAL: RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent op- pertunity, Full time. Write Rawleigh's, Dept: K'-169-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 46b Major Oil Company Flas Establiehed FARM AGENCY Combined With Retail Outlet In Seaforth. this business peeeently grosses $10,000 per year, minimum capital required, $1,800, On the job training provided. Qual- ified person should be aggres= Sive, sales-ininded, between 25 end 45 years of age. Foe Further particulars Write To: Bok 4601 Clinton News-Record 464.8b From OUr Store Only— GOWNS -- SHIRTS -- TIES PYJAMAS -- SWEATERS -- SOCKS JEWELLERY -- HATS -- JACKETS SPORT SHIRTS -- BELTS -- Eft. GIFT CERTIFICATES GIFT BOXES BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Regular SOc doz. Special ,,,,, ,r,„ ,,,,,, 44i doz. SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, king, Snow, Macs, belicious, Tolman Sweets, RuSset, Green- ing and cider apples. Free de- livery in Clinton and ItcAr. hoinea. Phone 482-3214, ?red McClymont and Saris, Verna. 41tfb Broken or Cracked Windows? PLAN YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST NOW , Use Our Lay-Away Plan. ,,titTuuhloDeposi t D ece mber l-s 2n0y, Wood or Aluminum Sash Bartliffs Bakery Bakery and Rastaaraht 482.9/2/ Limited -4-0 CLINTON ALL SIZEittoatrAtb Heett BALL and MUTCH IHA Hatdvieete 66 ALBERT 6.t., cLiNtON Phone- 482.9505 4ltfb Pickett & Campbell Ltd. -,10t111,1\ttYMAN PLIJM8tit for alteration and tepAit work. Sattis, entleYtnent,.. Apply in PerSon to R 'r. McBride Ltd e StratfOrd, Ontario, 46b H L STURDY, Sheriff, County of Huron. 4a.4.5.6 Main Corner CLINTON Dial 4024732