HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-14, Page 3By Anne Ailectni ABASTRAL PARK On Saturday, November 9, at 1.1.:00 a.m., Father R. Bussey officiated at the wedding of Jeanita. Vezina and Jos. M. Bel- liveau at the church of St. Paul, RCAF Clinton. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vezina, was given away by her father and wore a floor-length white gown of satin brocade, with chapel train attached at the waist. The skirt was bell-shaped and the sleeves were three-quarter length. Her veil was held by a "wedding-ring" coronet of same material. She carried pink roses. Raymonde Vezina, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a sheath of gold satin with over skirt. Her hat was in a match- ing shade and she carried shas- ta daisies. Mrs. Vezina, mother of the bride was smart in a turquoise brocade sheath, brown velvet pill-box hat and brown acces- sories. Mrs. Belliveau, mother of the groom, wore a grey ensemble and white hat. The main altar was banked with white and yellow 'mums for this double-ring ceremony. Altar boys were Maurice Vez- ina and Michael Paquette. Dur- ing the mass, Mrs, R., Petersen sang a hymn, "Mother of Christ"; "Panis Angelicus" by Franck and "Ave Maria" by Gounod. The organist was Mr. J. Ric- ard. Bill Wickware and Bob Has- peck were ushers„ The recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents, Toronto Boulevard, For travelling, the bride chose a winter-white boucle suit and black accessories. Out of town guests included: Mr. and Mrs. S. Wise, Miss Pat and Miss Irene Wise, Miss Diane Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Sutter, Mr. Jack Harkness and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gauthier, all of London. From Digby, N.S„ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Belliveau, Guy Bel- liveau and Mr. Fred Comeau; from Ottawa, Miss Madeline Seguin and Miss R, Vezina; from Montreal, Mrs, T. Ques- nel; from Downsview, Mr. and Mrs. George Sauriol; 'Mr. and Mrs, Al Dugas and Norman Therlault from. Toronto; from 1 Business and Professional Directory FARM EQUIPMENT INSURANCE JOHN BACH • FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and ACCESSOR I ES 1H DEALER - PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 20tfb INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance - Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost the C"P way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. D. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; laugh B. Smith, RR. 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham, C. H, Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751. 4.1010•••.0.11 K. W., COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7804 GARY COOPER Life Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. HU 2-7200 Clinton H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones: Office HU 2-9644 Res. HU 2-9787 OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 4824010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. - OPTOMETRIST - For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4-8521 478 A. M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. JA 4-7562 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office 4-44 Main Street SEAFORTH Insureei Town' OWellitigt * All dlaissei of Farm Property Summer' Cottages Churches Schee* Halite Extitided -e o' rage (*Ind, atnolte, water dataage, objeelt, ate.) IS also aVeilable, Attkt4ligt Mites keys, klt t, 8estatth; V, ./. lAne, 5-, Sea. tat ,t14 tOtidestio:M Aelt0Yil taketi titisiseW tilaitold S41111'013, dintoitr aeotgO COyirit, tioxield dr.bitOnt, Seatertit. t t (Photo By Roy Olynick) Exchange Vows At RCAF Church SPECIAL ON FALL PERMANENTS Reg.12.50 - For 8.50 Reg. 10.00 - For 6.75 Helene Curtis Cream Oil Base Permanents Include: Cut, Style, Shampoo and Set Every customer having a permanent will be given a FREE CHANCE to win a Kodak Movie Camera. Free draw to be mode November 30th, 1963. Charles House of Bea* 74 VICTORIA STREET - CLINTON Phone 482-7065 Please Phone Today And Make Your Appointment THIS SALE ENDS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th 45-6-7b BAINTON LIMITED BLYTH, ONT. Phone 523.9373 ANNUAL FACTORY OUTLET SALE Woollen Blankets Leather Gloves November 7 fa November 23 BLANKETS: There is No Substitute for Wool 11118111111111111111S1111.110r VALUE $2.00 .,„,.„.„ . . ... ,„.., ....... . SALE PRICE • [ $1 00 For CH1LDRENLined Snow and Ski Mitt, Deerskin tanned to always dry soft ROPER WORK GLOVES. ,,The lads'` Value $2.95 'CHAMOIS: VaribUS Sizes °"1" 1St to $2.00 45•4411 SALE Ottiot $1,50 Smithville, Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott and from Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bunnet; Mrs. E. Dupuis and daughter, Fernande, and Mrs, L. Leger from Monc- ton, N.B. 0 Goderich Twp. South Mr. Sawcher of Sloancrest Farms, spent a few days re- cently with friends in the Lis- towel area. One of the most beloved sen- ior citizens of the township is a patient in Clinton hospital. Friends wish her a speedy re- covery. Mrs, James Stirling has re- turned to her home after spend- ing 'a week in Bayfield with Mrs. Alfred Scotchmer, Sr. Mrs. Stirling's brother, Jack Tor- rance • and members of his household, called on her Sun- day. Alex Weston was a dinner guest at the home of his cousin, Art Nicholson, in Seaforth on Saturday last. Mrs. Jack Batkin, Clinton, has advised that her sister, Mrs, Sid Bissett formerly Minnie Johnston, of the 6th concession north, is a patient in Parkwood Hospital, London. Mel and Dan Gliddon were Saturday callers on old school churn Colin MacDonald, Mer- rill Switzer and Nelson Wil- liamson also visited the Mac- Donald farm. Jake De Ruyter is convalesc- ing at home following a Hal- lowe'en accident Energetic Bill Townshend and Harry Torrance are keeping ahead of King Winter by doing plowing at night. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Semple, Byron, were Sunday guests at the home of his brother, R. J. Semple. The latter (World War II vet. Signal Corps) joined his comrades in the Bayfield mem- orial parade. Nelson Williamson, after nearly eight years in Amberley, is at his parents' home on the Cut Line. Isis uncle Billy has been discharged from Goderich hospital and is staying with the Tom Warener's in Goderich for the present. Toni Sowerby-following the OPP's recent suggestion - is busy electrifying line fences to solve cattle break-out problems. Good boy Thomas. For Everything In PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TIRES BATTERIES ETC. 0 MIES IIRVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE Office HU 2,9653 After Hours and Holidays Call Residence HU 2-9200 "JOE" POTTER Cities Service 0;1 tLiNtON 38tfb HARRY WILLIAMS 11112-6633 RP2CLINTON HEATING OILS- GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOLOILS WHITE ROSE CLASSIFIED ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS MOO WHEN FOLKS MUST KEEP THEIR BUDGET TIGHT, THEY LW TO DEAL WHERE THE PRICE IS RIGHT Thurs.,. Nay. 14, 1 103-r-Clint011 Newe-:Record Page 3 OTELCLINTON Featuring "Cloud 9" Room SMORGASBORD Every Wednesday &Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM "Chicken in a Basket" Friday-Served from 9:30 p,m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday-Served from 9:30p.M. to Midnight Phone 482-7011 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions ONTARIO Notice of Initial PUBLIC HEARINGS on briefs concerning MEDICAL SE ICES INSU AN E Preliminary public hearings will be held as follows: Windsor-Council Chamber, City Hall 10:00 am. December 3 and 4 Toronto-Galbraith Bldg., University of Toronto 35 St. George St., Room 202-202A 10:00 am, December 11 and 12 10:00 am. January 7 and 8 10:00 am. January 14 and 15 10:00 am. January 21 and 22 10:00 am. January 28 and 29 These are initial, not final, hearings. Briefs will be pre- sented by a responsible officer of the organization con- cerned or the individual wishing to make the submission, or their legal counsel. Participants may have expert wit- nesses appear for them, Participants will be asked to present only the summaries and conclusions of briefs as well as their recommendations. They are free to elaborate orally and offer arguments. Persons appearing before the Enquiry may 'be examined directly by the members of the Enquiry. Persons submitting briefs are permitted to introduce at the hearings supplementary information and material in written form. These, to be known as exhibits, will be filed with the Commission and numbered in order of presentation. REMINDER-Briefs (25 copies) on the proposed Medical Services Insurance programme must be submitted by November 15th to the Secretary. DR. J. GERALD HALEY T. C. CLARKE, Secretary Chairman Room 418, 67 College St. Toronto I Telephone 365-4024 SUTTER-PERDUE DOLLAR SAVERS TV TRAY TABLE SET WESTCLOX FROLIC ELECTRIC CLOCK Cocoa, white, yellow or turquoise. Dollar Saver 4.84 Value. Four King Size Tables, ‘Ivith brass folding legs. 2 patterns. Dollar Saver 7.77 Value. CARD TABLE Folding card table, 30" square. Red & Black or Tan & Brown. Dollar Saver 5.97 Value. BISSELL SWEEPER 8;PIECE GLASS SET 121/2 -oz. Tumblers in attractive "Ribbons" or "Leaf Tracing". Dollar Saver 2.67 Value. TURKEY LIFTER Compact green steel case that sweeps under Mow furniture. Dollar Saver 7.88 Value. Chrome plated roasting rack with lift and handles. Dollar Saver 1.51 Value. RUBBERMAID BOOT TRAY m rb 41Seol 1 as arn dSaatrd 1 r.9E9 Value. We Have Added a Complete Line Of . NEWELL Decorative Drapery Hardware including TRAVERSC, FLAT and SASH RODS, HOOKS and TAPE. All Sizes. Sutter-Perdue Hardware EtiOdri MeAdarri, Proprietor Phone 4824023 Clinton* Ong'. Mrs. Jack Irwin Named As President By 'Unit. Three Of Ontario Street Unit three Met in the parlour of Ontario Street Unit- Ted Qlitireh. with Mrs,. Robert 7Fitinter presiding, The ,meeting opened with worship ,conducted by Mrs, Cecil Elliott, Mrs. .Angus Rob., PIM? ,and Mrs. Roy Wheeler, if You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody Oats a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps notir ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. Thar§ the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to, relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters.You can depend on Dodd's.00 GLEN LAINE--.Satin Bound: 72"x90"-full 4 lb. Sale Price 7 colors. Value $16.00 GLEN LAINE Rainbow: 72"x90"-4 lb. Sale Price 4 colors. $9.00 Value $15.00 Introducing GLEN LAINE-Cottage: Twin Size-64"x84" Sale Price 5 Colors. Value $14.00 . $8.50 Double Size-72"x84" GLEN LAINE-Crib: 36"x50"---Beautifully Satin Bound. Value $8.00 6 Colors. Value $6.00 Vi PRICE-LEATHER GLOVE AND MITT SALE Beautifully styled and tailored dress gloves, For MEN: lined .and unlined in goatskin, capeskin and pigskin. VALUE $3,00 to $6.00. SALE PRICE .... ....•. ONLY $1.50 to $3,00 Leather Gloves for the fashion-wise. Lined For LADIES: and unlined Capeskin & Kid Dress Gloves. VALUES $4.00 to $5.00. $2.00 & $2.50 SALE PRICE VALUE $1.50 tALE PRICE $ .75 LINED DRESS GLOVES-color gray. MEN'S WOOL WORK SOCKS: 2 pairfor $1. 00 1 Heavy weight, nylon reinforced, VALUE $1.25 n pair--,-Sale Prioe WORK GLOVES: Goatsidn for dint bifitYr SALE OfildE $ 55 EDValtie $1.35 UNLM--- SALE PRICE VISO e LINED-Value $2.95 .„.„.„.,„„. Cancer Society ROlect Mrs. Barth% Hear Reports Of Work, :Conferences sings. any patients requiring treat- London.. Park, education convener, men- ount of cancer literature shottkl be in circulation as people seem Westbury Hotel. Mrs. Harry Strang, education convener for cancer society literature at the convener, presented a report of vious meeting. Mrs.. L. Salzman, dressings convener, reported have had an abundance of dres- ment at the Cancer Clinic in to be picking it up from the display stalls, a welcome sign. ed on the Educational Confer- ence held in Toronto at the the 4(11/15044 of displaying patients helped since the pre- that since the "work party" we ed by Miss Ester Jamieson for tention before Christmas. Rev, tioned that a considerable am- the unit, and Mrs. Joe McCon- welcome be provided, Contact the WOre, local church bazaars. on the recently .held unit meet- ing which met at the new On- Mrs. Joe McConnell, Seaforth, riot work of the Cancer Society is elected as their new president, combined regular meeting 'end. the president, Mrs. Douglas tary, Miss B. McQueen at 48?- tario Hospital in Goderich, and capIL0nlicriatonnmIlsraoriotelflo.dtb; nail, president of the ac- BarriTrfre Tilblattl;srit11:eyo4er.‘nvia7.0p, ducted first, .and Initiates and $etu,:erl.: The .president .annottpc-. ed the annual _meeting for dist-• on annual meeting at the home of r50e7ia:S:ir eer 4' syl reports transportationd . w er were pwrie: TheGift Transportation was organiz- Mrs. Douglas Bartliff report- Anyone interested in the Discussion was held as to Mrs. Lorne Salzman reported Mrs. Alex Haddy, welfare N96ivsobme,bi held1a at Clipboard needs at- n jot chpelnner meeting was adjourned and the year were given. The financial plished during 1962-63 were sented two papers, one written by himself, the other by an- annual meeting commenced, and treasurer's report for the campaign held last spring net- ted the local branch $2,112.00 presented by each of the con- veners, officers for their untiring ef- forts of the past year. were elected: past president, Mrs. Harry Ball; president, ary, Miss Bernice McQueen; ray; campaign chairman, L. R. one of the new cancer films man attended the branch meet- other Canadian. The regular Mrs. Douglas Bartliff; secret- Maloney. at one of their meetings. Europe. Especially interesting cer Society Conference and pre- treasurer, Mrs. A, J. McMur- Most rewarding. portance of giving tip smoking, form the filthy habit, and of club requesting that a repre- if the club would like to view ing at Wingham at whiCh Mrs. Maurice Grimes, Executive Director for Ontario gave an illustrated talk on his tour of were pictures of Russia, attended the World Wide Can, companied Mrs, Bartliff 411 ar4. They both stressed the ith- sical cheek-up. M, Society, The letter also asics educating the children not to everyone having an .04111.141 phy- be sent to each local service sentative be named to the Can, Crosby arid Dr. Robert three .foand the -convention Minutes of previous annual Reports of the work accom- Officers for the new term The 'president thanked • the Mr, Grimes, while in Europe, It was moved that a letter. Mrs, Bartliff and. Mrs. Salz- The speakers included Dr. Education convener, Rev. C, Park; welfare, Mrs. Alex Had- dy; dressings, Mrs. L. Salzman; transportation, Miss E. Jamie- son; medical advisor, Dr. F. Newland; press and publicity, Mrs, E. B. Menzies, o The treasurer's report follow- ed, given by KM C, and a. molten to invite fonr , to the December meeting was carried. The new .slate of officers 1964 was presented and the fol, lowing -elected:. Leader, Mrs. .Jack Irwin ; assistant, Mrs, Orville S tarilerYl secretary, Mrs, .dames Mair; treasurer, Mrs, Don Forbes; program convener, Mrs. Cecil Elliottl social, Mrs, Ceriel Van Parnme and. Mrs. Art Aiken; press reporter, Mrs, Roy Wheel, er; pianists, Mrs, Don Forbes and Mrs. Roy Wheeler. Mrs. Willard Aiken .and Mrs. Harry Plurnsteel were appoint- ed auditors, A most interesting and in- formative- study on Okinawa was presented by Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Mrs. Elliott and her group then served lunch. $9.50 Sale Price $5.00 $4.00