HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-11-07, Page 5Vote Recount'. Confirms Win Murray. Gaunt GODEBICH — A recount yesterday of ballots cast in Huron-Bruce riding in the Sep- tenter 25 provincial election, confirmed the election of Lib- eral candidate Murray Gaunt, The recount, held at the Hu- ron County Cottrthonse, gave Mr, Gaunt the same 2$ - vote margin over his Conservative opponent, George McCutcheon, that he held after the official tabulation September 25, Huron - Bruce returning of- ficer William lYfcCool, of Clim. ton, said both men gained eight votes in the recount and both lost five, for a net gain of three each. The official results now give Mr. Gaunt, the mem- ber in the last legislature, 6,362 votes and Mr. McCutcheon, 6,334 votes. Mr. McCool said 60 ballots were rejected, for improper marking, in the recount, con- ducted under the supervision of Judge Frank Fingland, of Cl- inton. a ATTEND FAIR SESSION A meeting of the Huron- P er t h Agricultural Society, District 8, was held in ,Blyth on Wednesday, October 30. Delegates from the Clinton Ag- ricultural Society were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Leiner. Clinton Corporal. Decorated . Corporal Hugh Barber, living on the station at Clinton, was decorated with the CD (Canadian Forces Decoration). by Group Captain K. R, Green- away CD, .Conimanding Officer, Before coming to Clinton, Cpl. Barber was .stationed at Summer- side, (ROAF Photo) Area Nurses At Ontario Conference, Learn Of Plans For Study Groups PLUMBING•HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON SHEET METAL WORK WE LIKE TO DO, AT PRICES FAIR 4 JUST TO YOU FALL BAZAAR. TEA TABLES and BOOTHS Holmesvilie United Church WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 3:00 p.m. Auspices: HOLMESVILLE UCW lef EXPERTS do your lagarkWa tea 441k1r USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. Coin \-2-) Operated LAUNDRY LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1226 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match; take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit. Our staff is fully trained in all phases of modern . laundering and dry- ,. cleaning . . OR, USE OUR . . crx LAUNDRY cc_CLEANERS LIMITED \c",<C,t ace ade Ceet // • CLINTON_ 9e.e. HU -2-70ee:f More than a dozen people made use of this offer last week . . So again this week • SAVE $5.00 On Every CAR COAT Purchased For Cash SKIRTS VALUES TO $8,95 Greys Browns — Blues Special $4.95 each COTTON PRINTSA"wide. Values to 69C yard, Special 49c yd. LINtON figN5ALL. EXETER — WEEKEND SPECIAL -2-- BOYS' NYLON PARKAS Sizes 8-10-12-14 Anniversary Sale Price $131.95 Reg to qa 95 EVER! .50 [FALL TOPCOATS SHOP NOW AND SAVE! toriwcel As s 19.95 Fr this Sale HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values This Week Hospital Ladies "Hear Many Reports Of Own Work, Work Of Others Phone 482.9351 Thurs., Nov. 7, 1963- Clinton News-Record—Page 5 Mrs. C. .Shearing. presided atthe regular meeting of the Clinton Hospital T.xlies! Wary in -the nurses' residence on. Tuesday, with 19 in .atten, dance, more than usual, The meeting opened' with prayer by Mrs, Shearing, and the minutes 'were. read by Mrs, Alec Haddle in the absence of Mrs. D. Rartliff, The treaSnr,. er's report was read by Mrs. Duff Thompson, Mrs, 13,obort Homuth, report- ing for the sewing committee, informed the members that the necessary drapes for the labour room had been completed and hung. Mrs. K. W, Wood made her final report as convener of the Penny Sale, reporting that $900,44 was the net profit . Mrs. Donglas Ball, Mrs. Ro- bert Homuth and Mrs, W, D. Olde, were appointed to the striking committee to fill the necessary vacancies. Mrs. Homuth reported on the regional meeting held in ,Gode- rich at the Ont;nrie Hospital. Eleven members from the local Association attended. Dr. Hag- an was the guest speaker, and stated that 150 patients had been admitted since the opening some eight months ago. Mrs. Frank Fingland, Clin- ton, chaired this meeting, Mrs. Homuth also reported on the provincial conference held in Toronto recently. Mrs. Sheridan was in .charge-of this. event, Representatives from 2Q7 Auxiliaries were prevent, repre- senting 92,Oa7 members across Ontario, Mrs;. Rreiriner, -Sudbury, stressed many interesting ppints in regard to public relations between the local anxiiiari and the, public. Twenty-four life memberships were presented.' One of particular interest was to Madame Vanier, wile was in attendance at the final sessions. Mrs,. Homuth and Mrs. Frank Fingland. were the Clinton dele- gates. 0, WESLEY-WILLIS GROUPS TO .MI ET The Starlight Unit of Wes- ley-Willis UCW will meet in the church on Monday, Novem- ber .11 at 8:30 p.m. The Fidelity Unit will meet in the church on Tuesday, No- vember 12 at 2:30 p.m. Miss Kay McGregor will present the study. Roll call will be some- thing on "Peace". The Wohelo Group will meet in the church on Thursday, No- vember 14 at 2;30 p.m. Mrs. Fred Reid will be in charge. 0 , Many Winners in Attendance At CWL Bazaar A most successful bazaar and tea was held in the St. Joseph's Parish Hall on Saturday, spon- sored by the CWL of Clinton. There were five booths in all, Penny Sale, Candy Booth, Bake and Farm Produce, Sewing and a Fish Pond for the kiddies. There were various draws made throughout 'the day with the following results: Lynne Haines, Wingham, won the first prize in the raf- fle which was a set of dishes; Mrs. Lewis Derhpsey won sec- ond, a set of lamps; P. J. Jan- sen won third, a pen. The lat- ter two are from Clinton. The Door Prize was won by Mrs. Archie Fleet. The Penny Sale results are as follows: Ann Wilson won a baby blanket; Irene Dupee, writing paper; Jill Goldsworthy a bean pot; Shirley Kay, cook- ie jar; Jay Ball, baking pans; Donna Gallon, waste basket; Agnes Carbert, towel and soap set; Mrs. Nelly Van Ninhuys, silver tray; Linda Flynn, silver butter dish; . Carole Sytnick, cake dish; Mrs. John Brand, towel set; Monica Flynn, tea towel set; Marie Dystra, cup and saucer. Legion Women Fast Becoming "Rich TV Stars' On Monday evening, 20 ladies of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 140 travelled to London to take part in the CFPL TV presenta- tion of Ladies' Day. This" show is taped on Mon- day and is shown every Tues- day and Thursday afternoon at 2;30. In the Tuesday show the Auxiliary came out second and won $25,00. Because a team failed to show up,' the local ladies were given a second show to tape. This proved suc- cessful and the women won $50.00 and a chance to com- pete next week. The winning show will appear on TV this afternoon (Thursday) at 2:30. Any Auxiliary member who would like to go on Monday is asked to call the president by Sunday. Car drivers are also needed, The regular meeting of the Auxiliary has been postponed until Tuesday, November 12. A penny sale will be held at this meeting. 0 DESSERT EUCIIRE Another ,very successful dek Sett euchre and bake sale was held Wednesday afternoon in the IOOF hall. The guests were welcomed at the door by Mrs. Abe Orpen and Mrs, El- mer Trick, The hall was tastefully dec- orated with bronze and yellow 'mums, Delicious desserts were enjoyed by all and the remaind- er of the afternoon was spent in progressive euchre. The prize winners were: high, Mrs. Art Rutledge; Egrnond- ' ville; low, Mrs. Art Aiken, Clin- ton; lucky cup, Mrs. Inez Mc- twen, Ilerisall; travelling prize, Mrs, Prank Lobb, Clinton. Several area nurses attended the fall meeting of the District Registered Nurses Association of Ontario held at Simcoe, October 23. Reports were heard from the Mrs. John Durst AUBURN — Funeral service was held on Saturday for Mrs, John Durst who passed away suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Gross, and. Mr. Gross and family, Hul- lett Township. She was in her 74th year and was the former Elizabeth Truemner, daughter of the late William Truemner and Lucen- da Wagner. She resided in Colborne Twp. all her married life until her husband passed away four years ago. Surviving are five sons, Mil- ford, Clinton; Norman and Al- bert, Colborne Township; Em- mersen, Seaforth and Fred, Toronto; also four daughters, Mrs. 'John (Ruth) Lockhart, Auburn; Mrs. Ivan (Laura) Bean, Goderich; Mrs. Harold (Bernice) Gross, Auburn; Mrs. Len (Mary) Durnin, Aylmer, and 30 grandchildren. One br- other, Dr. Norman Truemner, Arthur and two sisters, Mrs. William (Ida) Snyder, Goder- ich Township and Mrs. Alex (Ruby)' 'Matheson, Vancouver. Rev. Charles Lewis was in charge of the service held at the J. Keith Arthur funeral home and burial took place in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Gary Bean, Bob Lockhart, Jack Durst, Fr- ank McMichael, Frank Flick, and Ronald Gross. 0 Friends Shower Bride-Elect With Many Gifts AUBURN—Miss Marie Riley, London, bride-elect of the month was recently honoured at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Henry Ranking, Assisting Mrs. Hunk- ing was Mrs. William Hunking, Mrs. Lorne Hunking and Mrs. Ben Riley. An interesting program of contests was conducted by Mrs. Ben Riley; Mrs, Lorne Hunking read an address and the gifts were presented by Linda Riley, Jannet Riley, Dorine Riley, Donna Riley and Shirley Bunk- ing. MIN111111111111111111111111•1111•11111MILIIIIIMINEMI Flower Group. To-View Filn s . on Friday evening, Noveim her 8 a public meeting ,of the Olinten Citizen's Horticultural: Society will be held, in the council chamber, Mrs. Stewart -1Yilddleten will of fivetb recent an .ill4titsttrgp ec b. , travelogue m v4.elognre. 1410ioton had, to England, .Scotland and ,Ireland, There will also be a horticultural discussion on the winter stpr., age of Clads, Dahlias a n d 'Mums, o.' Ontario Street Ladies Organize December Bazaar Unit 2 of the Ontario Street Church UCW met on Tuesday, November 5, with Mrs. McMur- ray presiding, The devotions were taken by Miss S. Courtice, assisted by Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Mittel'. Prayer by Miss Courtice closed the worship service. The roll call was responded to by a verse on "Peace". Plans were made for the UCW bazaar on Saturday, December 7. Mrs. R. Hunter favoured with two solos and a splendid report was presented by Mrs. Mills and Mrs. C. McPherson who re- presented Ontario Street Ch- urch at Alma College School for Leaders. 'Mrs. McMurray thanked the ladies for the interest and in- formation conveyed. Mrs, R. Fear introduced the study on India. being planned throughout On- tario for, the winter months. Huron County Chapter are hav- ing several study groups. - These will be discussed at the November meeting of the Chapter. Those attending from the area were: Mrs: Ken McRae, Clinton, president of Huron County Chapter; Miss Vivian Adair, • Goderich; Miss Emily Jenner, Goderich. CLINTON GREENHOUSE and GARDEN CENTRE '182 CHURCH STREET 7 Phone 402-7108 • FABERGE DUSTING POWDER Woodhue, Tigress, Straw Hat, and Aphodesia Fragrances, Regular 4.75 .... ,.• . Special 3.50 MACLEANS TOOTH PASTE Reg. 1.39 1.09 Reg. 1.09 94c Reg. 69c 59c LYSOL—with Clinical Thermometer, Reg: Value 1.70 99c IDA STAINLESS RUB 69c IDA STOMACH POWDER 98c & 2.49 QUELLIDA DECONGESTIVE 1.50 IDA MALT & COD LIVER 79c, 1.29, 2.29 BRONCHIDA 95c We Rent . . . PROJECTORS, TAPE RECORDERS and VAPORIZERS A,Full Line of Veterinary Products EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B, ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - - Clinton, Ontario four chapters now organized in the district. Of special interest was the report of Oxford County Chapter on their re- cent two day workshop for nurses. This workshop proved most interesting and successful. The dinner was held at the. Golf and Country Club with about 150 registered nurses at- tending. Guest speaker toi, the even- ing was Miss Laura Barr, ex- ecutive secretary of the RNAO, Toronto, who had as her topic, "You and the Future of Nurs-ing'', Miss Barr pointed out that the voice of 44,000 registered nurses in Ontario, two-thirds of whom belong to their associ- atoll should have no small im- pact on the thinking of nurses in Canada or in fact on the nursing in the world organiza- tion. Study groups of nurses are FITISIMONS FOOD. FAIR WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY Monday, November 11 fn memory of those who hove fallen, ohd in respect to those who come bock, Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep—HU 2-6642 21tfb Our Greatest Suit Sale Men's All Wool 2 PANT SUITS 4) Great Choice of Patterns And Styles . . Canada's Finest Tailors. REG. $79.50 VALUE Reduced To Clear FALL BULBS TULIPS HYACINTHS # DAFFODILS CROCUS 15611111111Nsa SALE 15th November is Anniversary Month at Herman's Men's Wear and We're Celebrating Our 15th Anniversary with Many Money- Saving Specials for All Our Customers. STARTING FRIDAY, NOV. 1st Two Pants Balance of Our Fall Suits .. Anniversay Special ..15% Off (00 en Friday EVerlielg) I A A. I 0 * A Albert St.ii Clintati