Clinton News-Record, 1963-10-24, Page 8LAUNDRY ROOM.L,
.v:V.:11, •
Page News-Record,;Thursq Oct 24, 1901
Beauty Of Rugged Northern. Terrain..
Makes Enjoyable Trip For Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Elliott,
Exeter, were at their oottage
for the weekend.
and Mrs, Clayton Pfile
visited Mr, and Mrs. S. H. Bry-
ant on Wednesday of last week..
Mr, .and Mrs. Andrew Mar,
tin, London, occupied their cot-
tage over the weekend.
George Cantrick and two
boys, Birmingham, Mich„ were
in the, village over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, .George
Detroit, spent the weekend at
their cottage.
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Fisher and
Frank, St, Agathe, were at
their cottage on the weekend.
Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit,
,spent the weekend at her home
in the village.
Mr. and Mrs, George Dewar,
St. Catharines, visited his
grandmother, Mrs. David De-
war on Saturday and Sunday.
Mt. and Mrs, Keith Leonard
and family, Willowdale, were
with her parents, Mr,' and Mrs.
E, A. Featherston for the
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Williams,
Mr, and Mrs.s George Caven,
Sarnia, called at the rectory on
Tuesday of last week en route
to visit friends in. Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerr
returned home on Saturday,
after having spent three days
in Kitchener.
Mrs. George Hopson was in
London on Monday to visit her
husband in Westminster Hospi-
Mrs. William Speed and
• daughter Becky, Dearborn,
Mich.,. called on Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdner on Saturday:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson,
Garcon, were callers at the
Haw home on Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin,
London, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fer-
Fred Scotchmer and his sis-
ter, Mrs. M. Butler, Clinton,
were at' his cottage on Tuyll
Street over the weekend.
Mrs. LeRoy Path visited her
cousin, Miss Edna Jowett, in
Port Huron - on Monday. She
was, accompanied by Mrs.
Charles Bell who also visited
relatives in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. John . Lindsay
enjoyed - a leisurely motor trip
while on holidays last week,
They visited friends in Dur-
ham, went as far as llsrrie
and across to Elora and the
gorge, and also visited In LOn-
don from Tuesday to Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, John Woociham,
London, were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs, S, H. Bryant on
Tuesday evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawn.-
son, Listowel, visited his sister,
Mrs, Nelson Heard over the
Jimmy, Susan and Nancy El-
liott, spent the Thanksgiving
weekend with their grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott
brought the children here be-
fore leaving for Algonquin
Park, Huntsville and tortilla,
and came to take them home to
Kitchener on. Thanksgiving eve-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard,
Lorna and Douglas, Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw,
Proton; Miss Dawna Haw, Tor-
onto; D. Deller, Shelburne; Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Heard and.
William T, Heard were Thanks-
giving dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Don Haw.
F/0 and Mrs. Grant F.
(Ted) Turner were with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant R.
Turner, from Monday to Sat-
urday. En route from Winnipeg
to RCAF Station Greenwood,
N.S., they left on Saturday to
visit St. Ca therines, Niagara
Falls and Ottawa on their mo-
tor trip.
A miscellaneous shower was
held on Friday evening in the
basement of St. Andrew's
Church when over 80 friends
and relatives met to honour
Mrs. Gary Talbot, the former
Lynda Rathwell, a recent bride.
The evening was spent in
contests directed by Mrs. Grant
Stirling and Mrs. Robert Welsh
with readings by Mrs. Fred
Wallis and Mrs. Tom Penhale.
Lynda, her mother, Mrs. Ed-
gar Rathwell, sister, Mrs. Bern-
ard Sturgeon and Mrs. Dewar
Talbot and Brenda Talbot were
called to come forward.
An address was read by Bar-
bara 'Semple and the gifts pre-
sented by Margaret and Bar-
bara Semple and Cathy Wallis.
The bride made a fitting re-
ply, expressing her thanks and
appreciation of all the beauti-
ful gifts.
Mrs. G. Hebert presided,
with Mrs. L. MacNeill as sec-
retary and Mrs. H. Ricard as
Highlights of the' business
meeting were the annual "Used
Toy Drive" being held on No-
vember 1 this 'year.
Residents of Adastral Park
are. requested to have the Itoys
ready for pick-up by the Guides
and Brownies on the afternoon
of November 1 after 4:00 p.m.
These, toys get repaired at
the DVA Hospital and are then
distributed to needy children.
The CWL will have Christ-
mas cards with a religious
theme on sale shortly.
Speaker of the evening was
Mrs. L. Howard, Centralia. Her
talk was most inspirational and
enlightening. She was thanked
by the president and padre
A sumptuous tea terminated
the evening.
Friends Honour
District Couple
On Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mer-
rill, RR 1, Clinton, were guests
of honour at a dance and re-
ception to mark their 25th
wedding anniversary in Lon-
desboro Hall, Friday,
About 200 friends, relatives
and neighbors attended and
music was supplied by Hank
Norris and his orchestra.
The couple were presented
with a purse of money and an
address was read by Mrs.
Goderich Twp. South
• Mrs. Reid Torrance returned.
to Kippen on Thursday after
spending a week with Mrs.
James sthling. Mrs, %Wing's
daughter, Grace (Mrs, Ted .fiar,
rison.) of Toronto is now with
her. Friday and Saturday, the
local granddaughters took over
the situation,.
Mrs, Eve Hardy, Mrs. Tiar,
riot Crutterton and Miss The],
ma Irish, Detroit, spent four
clays last week with Alex Wes,
ton, brother of the first two,
Dan Gliddon, Hohnesville,
called Saturday on his .
friend, Colin, MacDonald, and
onSunday, Mrs...jack Wilson,
Auburn, made a call at the
MacDonald, home,
Miss Priscilla Elliott, Clinton,.
visited on Thursday with her
sister, Mrs. James
Alex Weston is making ship,. •
ment this week of a load of
fine spring lambs,
. . o
Local Groom
Exchanges Vows
At Winnipeg
BAYFIELD — Baskets of
white chrysanthemums a n d
gladioli on the altar in St.
Ignatius Church, Winnipeg, on
Saturday, October 5, was the
setting for a pretty wedding,
Father H. Sissons, S.J., unit-
ed in marriage Miss Roberta
Ann McGuire and Flying Offic-
er Grant F, Turner in a double-
ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGuire,
Winnipeg, and the gram's par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Grant R.
Turner, Bayfield.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a gown
of re-embroidered alencon lace
in afternoon style, topped by a
full-length overskirt of peau-
de-soie. The bodice featured
a scoop neckline and elbow-
'length sleeves. The lace was
hand clipped in a scalloped edge
on neckline and sleeves.
Her shoulder-length veil of
four tiered net was held in
front by a pearl cluster, and
she carried a bouquet of Phal-
aenopsis orchids and ivy.
Miss Louise Thibault, Winni-
peg, maid of honour, Miss
Marilee McGuire, sister of the
bride and Miss Barbara Turner,
sister of the groom, brides-
maids, were identically gowned
in aqua brocade fashioned with
bell-shaped skirts and scoop
They wore matching wedding
band headdresses with circular
veils and carried bouquets of
bronze 'mums and tropical leav-
es with shafts of wheat.
The groomsman was RCMP
Constable Gerald Wallis, Rus-
sell, Manitoba.
Jon McGuire, brother of the
bride and Michael Kirkpatrick,
Winnipeg, ushered.
The organist was Mrs. J. An-
derson and the soloist, Mrs. L.
Organ music was played dur-
ing the reception at the Vis-
count Gort Motel.
Mrs. R. McGuire received her
guests wearing a blue peau de
soie and alencon lace frock
with matching accessories, and
a pink cymbidium orchid cor-
Mrs. Grant Turner chose a
beige silk shantung sheath,
brown accessories and her cor-
sage was a bronze cymbidium
The bride's travelling cos-
tume was a winter-white suit,
chocolate brown accessories and
corsage of talisman roses.
The groom is a navigator
with the RCAF Station at
Greenwood, Nova Scotia, where
they will reside.
The bride was seed analyst
with the Federal Department
of Agriculture in Manitoba.
Plan Service
The service at 11 o'clock in
Trinity Church has been with-
drawn on October 27 only.
Services will be:, Holy Com-
munion, 8 a.m.; Evensong and
Service of Confirmation, 7 p.m,
Eastern Standard Time at
which the Rt. Rev, H. F. G.
Appleyard, M.C., D.D, Bishop of
Georgian Bay will be present
for the Laying on of Hands
Clarence Ball.
Mrs. Carl McClinehey made
the presentation.
Top Apple Salesmen
The top salesmen in. the annual Boy Scout and Cub Apple Day staged in
Clinton, Saturday, were to be awarded knapsacks and compasses, so the lads
went all out in their efforts to gain the honours. When the day was com-
pleted, Peter Black, centre, was the top Scout salesman, while Bruce Craig,
left, won the Cub award in B Pack and David Anstett, right, was .the top man
in A Pack. The boys netted close to $180 for their efforts.
(News-Record Photo)
Earn Prizes For Decorated Baskets
Competition ran keen among the two Cub
Packs to determine who would have the best dec-
orated basket for their annual Apple Day, Satur-
day. Dick Jewson, right, holds his prize-winner
and points to the basket of his counterpart in B
Pack, Brian Edgar. (News-Record Photo)
Install Officers Of Rebekah Lodge,
Ladies Plan Appearance On TV
be held in the lodge rooms on
October 30 at 2:00 p.m.
The Huronic Rebekah Lodge
No. 306 met Monday night for
their regular meeting with
Noble Grand Mrs. Orrin Dow-
son in the chair.
During the meeting the new
officers for the coming year
were installed by District Dep-
uty President Mrs. Amos Os-
baldeston, Goderich, and her in-
stalling team.
Before the installation Sister
Osbaldeston was introduced,
welcomed and presented with
a corsage.
The new officers are: Junior
Past Noble Grand, Mrs. Orrin
Dowson; Noble Grand, Mrs.
Abe Orpen; Vice-Grand, Mrs.
Elmer Trick; financial secre-
tary, Mrs. Frank McCullough;
treasurer, Mrs. R. Beyer; rec-
ording secretary, Mrs. R. B.
Sutter; Warden, Mrs. William
Jenkins; conductor, Mrs. Kurt
Van Riesen; flag bearer, Mrs.
Wes Holland; chaplain, Mrs.
Dan Gliddon;, Out Guard, Mrs.
John Broadfoot.
Inside Guard, Mrs. A. G.
Grigg; Right Supporter Noble
Grand, Mrs. A. E. Shaddick;
Left Supporter Noble Grand,
Mrs. John Hamilton; Right
Supporter Vice-Grand, Mrs.
Harold Tyndall; Left Supporter
Vice-Grand, Mrs. Harold John-
ston; musician, Mrs. Bert Row-
den; Scene Supporters, Mrs.
Jim Mair, Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs.
Harry Cudmore, Mrs. Ed Grigg;
Ruth, Mrs. Alvin Cox; Rebekah,
Dorothy Sterling..
The members of the lodge
have been invited to CKNX-TV
on November 7 to appear on
the "M'Lady" program. Mrs.
Doug Andrews won the draw
for the wall plaques.
Final arrangements were
made for the dessert euchre to
are offering
Come In And Pick Out A Small Appliance
At Bargain Prices
Eugene' McAdam, Proprietor
Phone 48247023
Howard and the Rev, and Mrs..
E. ,Crosby, accompanied
by, Mrs. Robert Blair, took an
interesting trip last week to
visit Mr, Adam Boyd who is
teaching school at Brent,
They motored across country
to Orillia and North Bay, down
NO, 17 Highway to Deux Riv-
iers. They went in through Al-
gonquin Park on. a loggers'
bush trail.
(Usually this trip is made by
jeep, but Rev, Crosby kept on
driving his car. It took two
hours to travel 26 miles.)
It' is desolate- country—hills
of rock and hair pin turns. In
their travels they saw three
moose and two deer,
"Missy", Mrs. Crosby's minia-
ture white poodle chased a deer
back from Cedar Lake, (Mrs.
Boyd's home overlooks Cedar
Lake), The wolves howled all
night, but did no more than
disturb their slumbers.
Amongst other points of hi-
terest were beavers and their
The visitors attended school
and took treats of candy and
apples to the children.
There is a crater made by a
meteor some distance from
Brent which is being examined
by a professor from the Uni-
versity of Toronto.
One of the school trustees
brought him to Mrs. Boyd's
home to meet her guests, and
since they were leaving on Fri-
day morning, he announced
that the board had given her
the day off.
Mrs. Boyd accompanied them
to Rutherglen and they left
the highway below Callander,
travelled around Parry Sound,
enjoying the beautiful scenery.
They spent the night in Col-
Of First Posting Of
NOTICE is hereby given that
I have complied with Section 9
of the Voters List Act, and that
I have posted up at my office
Lot 16, Concession 8, on the
15th day of October, the list of
all persons entitled to vote in
the municipality at municipal
elections, and that such list re-
mains there for inspection.
And I hereby call on all vot-
ers to take immediate proceed-
ings to have any omissions or
errors corrected according to
Jaw, the last day for appeal
being the 9th day of November,
Dated 'this 24th day of Octob-
er, 1963.
Harry F. Tebbutt,
Clerk, Hullett Township
Community Arena
Desjardine Orchestra
Mark Birthdays
Allison Wright celebrated her
second birthday on Saturday,
October 19, jointly with her sis-
ter, , Cathy. Cathy and her
friends went to the station
theatre for the matinee and re-
turned home for games and re-
Nine young ladies attended
the party for this seven-year-
old lass.
David Betts marked his 12th
birthday with a few dinner
guests on Sunday, October 20.
Seek Toys
The Catholic Women's Lea-
gue held its general meeting on
Monday at the Ritchie Build-
Rummage Sale
In the coming event depart-
ment we are reminded of the
WA's rummage sale on Novem-
ber 1 at the Clinton Town
Council Chambers.
Saturday, Oct 26
For Mr. and Mrs. Bob
( Pete) Caldwell
(nee Joan Sharp)
News Editor: Anne Aileron — Phone HU 2-7349
Adastral . Park
Social Notes
10:00 p.m, to 1:00 a.m.
482.7062 CLINTON
BAYFIELD — The Trinity
Branch Women's Auxiliary met
at the home of Mrs. Carl E.
Diehl on Thursday with nine
members present.
Mrs. R. J. Larson, president
chaired the meeting.
Mrs. C. E. Diehl read the
gospel from the Thanksgiving
service and Rev. E. J. B. Har-
rison led in the Litany and
prayers in unison.
Mrs. L. B. Smith filled the
role of secretary for Mrs. J. B.
Higgins who was absent.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner gave
the financial statement' and
read correspondence acknow-
ledging a. donation to the Mo-
hawk Chapel Restoration Fund.
Plans were discussed for the
fall Deanery meeting of Huron
in Trinity Church on Thursday,
October 24 at 2:30 p.m.
Mrs. Larson announced the
semi-annual Diocesan meeting
to be held in St. George's
Church, Sarnia, on October 30.
In the closing prayers, the
rector remembered the sick
within the parish. --
Mrs. Fred Fraser and Mrs.
S. H. Bryant, co-hostesses
served tea.
Trinity Ladies
Consider Plans
For Fall Deanery
Mr. Businessman!
lingwood, .arriving home on Sat-
urday afternoon,
And in all their travels they
did :not see a bear, Mrs. 1Wd
told them that she had taken
her camera :and walked down
the railway' track one Sunday
to a bend where bears bad been
She was disappointed when
one of the residents. told her
that one had followed her at
a good safe distance of ablaut
50 feet. It probably dodged
into the underbrush when she
Clerk's Notice of First Posting
of Voters' List•
County of Huron
' NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with
Seotion 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and-that I have posted
up at my office at' Varna, on the 21st day of October,
1963, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list
remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate
proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected
according to law, the last day for appeal being the 4th
day of November, 1963.
Dated this 21st day of October, 1963.
Clerk of the Township of Stanley.
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Clinton: News-Record
Albert Street CLINTON Phone HU 2-3443