Clinton News-Record, 1963-10-17, Page 10ru3p,19,Plintou iNuw,s,Repprri.,-.4burp, 1.71,, 1.053 k . Auburn and ,District MRS. W. Es :0R.APN.Q0c,c9frg4p9!i.dent,-.40.hon# 5x64749.5_ Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Pent- land, North Bay, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Charles Straughan. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Cham- ney, Windsor, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Chamney. Friends of Mr. George Raith, by will be pleased to know that be has returned to Huronview after being ill in Victoria Hos- pital, London, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Re th- well, Michael and Janice, Brent- ford, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Mr, and Mrs, Wes Bradnock spent the holiday in Detroit with Mr. William Welsh and Mr. and Mrs, Jain Welsh and son Ben. Mr, and Mrs, Darwin Mae- lam, Fergus, and Miss Linda Maclam, Listowel, visit ed friends in the village on Mon- day. Mrs. J. A. Brodie, Toronto, IPPNIEZPIIrqgrPtMgiqtOEOIDSO'PSIItIIEPSPIII; ENOtNiFID WE SAVE FOLKS MONEY AND PUT THEN AT EASE,VUR WORK IS TOPS Amick= PATES PLEASE" h--4 I S E PLUMBING-HEATING !ELECTRIC 4824062 CLINTON 'WM scorns Officer DRIVE IN TODAY . elk Auto lectric and fill up with BLUE C Permanent Type Ethylene Glycol yl HaVe the mechanic check your car's cooling system After installing SUNOCO ANTI-FREEZE, he will issue you a ANT1-FREEZE GUARANTEE. If the temperature test of your anti-freeze does not come up to the roading on your guarantee, Wells Auto Electric will add sufficient anti-freeze to restore strength to original test, This SUNOCO ANTI-FREEZE GUARANTEE is good until May 1,, 1964, providing there is no mechanical defects in cooling system and has been checked by Wells Auto Electric, or any Sunoco dealer. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THIS SUNOCO ANTI- FREEZE GUARANTEE SERVICE. Wells Auto electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone 482-3851 KING STREET CLINTON ORIGINAL SERVICE PARTS Sunoco Products — Goodyear Tire Dealer r0 0 s -4-47-fk of.(4P EASY TO BUY You can buy Canada Savings Bonds for cash Or on instalMents. Buy them on the Payroll Savings Plan at work--or at banks, authorized investment dealers, stockbrokers, trust or loan companies. They come in denominations of $50, $100,$500, $1,000 and $5,000 up to a limit of $10,000 per person. They fit every pocket booki SIMPLE TO CASH You can cash Canada Saving's Bonds anytime at their full face value plus earned interest. When ready money is required all you have to do is complete the redemption form on the Bend, and present it to your Bank. You will receive your money immediately. Canada Savings Bonds aro better than cash! GOOD TO KEEP You get interest on Canada Savings Bonds on November 1st each year —414% for each of the first 2 years; 5% for each of the next 6 years and W. for each of the remaining 4, years—giving an average return of 5.03%a yearwhen held to maturity. lh 12 years with accumulated interest every $100 Bond will be worth $161,00. CANADA :SHIMS BONIISIG3 Classified, Ads Bring Results FARMERS We a re shIPPlag 'cattle every Monday 'for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your Patr91100,. WP will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE cotai-PT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative 5, Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1,1,11,1, •aaaktii. He's building a dream house just like dad's... with the warmth of the Friendly Fuel Children are too busy playing to remember their slippers! But you needn't worry about sniffles ... not if you're heating your home with Natural Gas, the Friendly Fuel. Natural Gas gives you constant, control- lable temperature all through the house, night,and day. With Natural Gas the fresh warm air is circulated throughout your home, and stagnant air is carried away. With Natural Gas equipment, there are fewer moving parts, So operation is quiet and maintenance is low, And Natural Gas service has always been free) Install a Natural Gas furnace now, when top trade-in allowances are available—and you have up to five years to pay. And if he forgets his slippers, so what ? All he needs for his health is an apple a day. Home-owners are happier with Natural Gas COMPANY UNION ' ISE PLUMBING and HEATING Clinton, Ontario 262 Barfield Road Phone HU 24062 Your Local AtsITHES Dealer FINK Plumbing, Heating & Electrical Services Limited — Sales and Service 84 Wellington Street — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-7682 After Hours Phone Bill Fink — HU 2.7682 GAS 'ATU THE FRIENDLY-FUEL [ Chuter Plumbing, Heating & Electric We Specalite in GAS FURNACE INSTALLATIONS — Also Plumbing, Heating and Electrical installations 48 King Street CLINTON ---. phone HU 24652 4 Receive Thank You Note from India At .Meeting Of St .Mark's Guild Mr, and Mrs, Bert Craig sp- ent the holiday with friends. at Detroit, Port Huron and Sarnia, Mrs. Bert Marsh is recover, ing after surgery in Clinton. hospital.. Mr. and . Mrs. Lloyd liumph- reys spent the holiday with tp,, lativeS at Paris, Mr. Dan MacLean, Amberley, visited recently With his neph- ew, Mr. Kenneth Scott, Mrs. Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs, Elwin Ander- son, Brantford, and Mrs. Nel- lie Coleman, Bow Island, Al- berta, visited relatives in this community last Saturday. Mr, 0. Slemin, lay reader of Goderich, was the guest speak- er at St. Mark's Anglican Church last Sunday. And Mr, Douglas Brodie, visited recently with their .consin,. Mrs, I Kenneth Scott, Mr. .Scott Wayne and Eric. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Weston and, MA Murray Atillinson, Tor- onto, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs,. Alfred Rollinsetn Mr, and, Mrs. Clayton Rob.' erts.on arid Miss Karen Robert son, Cliff, .spent .the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J, J. Robertson, and her parents, Mr, and WS, Straugheri„ Congratulations to Mrs. J, C. Stoltz., of Iihronview, who .eele- brated her .89th birthday last Sunday at Huronview. She was able ,to go for a car drive .with. her daughter, Mrs. Margtierite Chapin, 'Winghern, Anniversary service will be held next Sunday, October 20'. at .Knox Presbyterian Church at 2:30 A.m., when Rev, Angus MacKay, missionary on !Ur, lough from India, will be the guest speaker. Warrant Officer G er aid (Gerry) Donaldson is the, new Warrant Officer in charge of accounts at RCAF Station Clinton. WO1 Donaldsen's previous station was St. Jean, Quebec. He is a graduate of the High School of Commerce in Ot- tawa, is married, and the father of two daughters, Geraldine and Betty. He joined the Air Force in February, 1936, and so is able to bring a wealth of practical accountant background to aid him in his trade. AUBURN The Anglican Guild of .,,St..Mark's Church met foorn e pCf. Civtoihrse, meeting at the reys with a good .attencianCe.‘. The hostess opened the meet- ing with a hymn, with .accor- akin .accompaniment played by Mrs, Gordon R; Taylor, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt„ fol- lowed by prayers by Mrs. Ro.- bert J. Phillips, Mrs. 'T-furn- phreys read a poem, 'Thanks- giving to God''.. The study book was taken by Mrs. Orval McPhee and it was. an interesting account. of 4 girl's life for one day at a high ,school in. Uganda. Rev, Robert Meally gave a very inspiring Thanksgiving message, and several birthday hymns were sung, Mrs, Hum, phreys thanked all who had as- sisted her with the meeting. Mrs. George Schneider, -pre- sident, took charge of the busi- ness session and the minutes were approved as read 'by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer, Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor-gave the fin- ancial statement. A letter of thanks for a do- nation sent to St, Mark's Church, India, was read and also an invitation to attend the. UCW at Knox United Church on October 23. Thanksgiving The e Given At Knox W AUBURN --- The annual Thankoffering meeting of Knox Presbyterian Women's Mission- ary Society was held in the Sunday school room of the church with the president, Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson in charge. After the call to worship a hymn was sung with Mrs. John Houston at the piano, The special Thanksgiving ser- vice as printed in the Glad Tid- ings was followed. Miss Minnie Wagner read the scripture les- son; Mrs. Donald Haines sang a solo; Mrs. Herbert Govier read a passage of scripture fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Roy Daer. The minutes were adopted as read by the secretary, Mrs, Donald Haines, and an invite.- -Lion to attend the Knox United. UCW Thankoffering meeting on October 23 was accepted and a letter of congratulations for the 75th anniversary was read from Mrs. Duncan MacKay of Sault Ste. Marie. As this year's nominating committee of Huron Presbytery is to be , in the Auburn Aux- iliary, it was passed that Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Mrs. Don- ald Haines and Mrs, Wes Brad- nock be the committee. The secretary of Glad Tid- ings requested all subscriptions be paid and as this is anniver- sary year it was stressed that all subscribe to this WMS book. It was announced that bou- quets of roses had been sent to Mrs. J. C. Stoltz on her 89th birthday and to Mrs. Edgar Lawson who was ill. Reports of the Council, Sy- nodical and. Presbyterial meet- ings were given by Mrs. W. Bradnock and the highlights given to the Auburn members. Pay For Roof The Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church-met in the Sunday school room of the church with the president, Mrs. Ed. Davies in the chair. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Roy Daer. A letter of thanks for send- ing them to CGIT camp at Kin- tail was read from Misses Mar- garet and Mary Sanderson. It was decided to give a do- nation of money to the church managers to assist in payment of the new roof of the church. Techniques Of Pudding Making Given 4-H Girls AUBURN—The Sixth meet- ing of the Auburn 4-H club was held with a full attendance. The meeting was opened by the president, Marilyn Daer. The minutes were read by Jill Ben- nett and a discussion on milk desserts was led by the assist- ant leader, Marian Hickey. The leader, Janriett Dobie demonstrated how to make blanc mange podding with a whipped cream topping, The roll call was answered by each girl telling the supper dish they made at home. The -home assignment was to make and serve a milk soup and milk dessert and record re- sults, Record books and recipe files Will be brought to the next meeting NOTICE TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP Will be Open Until Farther Notice o» Wednesday and Sat. Afternoons from 1 to 5.30 p.m. No Wire Veneing Old' Con- crete or Car Bodies Pertnitted. 3. I MctNTOSH Clerk Itittb The roll gall was „answered' by a Bible verse containing, 'thanks", The travelling apron' was passed and pennies were placed for double your shoe size, Final arrangements w e r made for the bazaar, bake sale and tea to be belt/ on. October 3-$ in the Auburn Orange Nall from 3 p,m. to 5 p.m, Mr. Meally closed the meeting with. PrAayn."'auction. was held with Mrs, Ed. Davies and Mr, Meally in. charge. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs, I-Iumphreys assisted by Mrs, Robert J. Phil- lips, GMT A BARN CL EA ER SIL UNLOA ER & SUNK FEE E YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER 'NEAR FROM A BADGER "ALES - SERVICE .• INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, ir. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT, TRY ATLANTIC'S ., ...- • CORPORATION MIKE ELAND 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Phone HU 2-3486