Clinton News-Record, 1963-10-10, Page 9FOR SUPERB FOOD IT'S 4 not Tee RESTAURANT CLINTON'S FOREMOST 482.9076 CLINTON DRINKING IS A FUNNY' 71IING: MAKES YOURTONNE r LOOSE.., ANDINE RESTOMII TIGHT..!!! Decorate Clinl'on Personnel Eighteen officers and men were presented with the CD (Canada Forces Decoration) on a formal Commanding Officer's parade recently. G/C K. R. Greenaway, CD, presented the decorations, The recipients from the left are: F/L Gibb, F/S McMichael, Sgt. C. W. Baiden, Sgt, C, W. Bathgate, Sgt. C. G. McDonough, Cpl. L. Moors, Cpl, Allan Bellchambers, Cpl. J, Y. P. Ouellet, Cpl. W. R. Sinclair, Cpl. J. C. Sundstrom, Cpl. J. T. Lavigne, Cpl, R. G. Wright, Cpl. Filial, Cpl. G. A, Balser, Cpl. K. R. Worsfold, LAC B. R. Good- ine, LAC P. J. O'Brien and LAC Bourget. (RCAF Photo) Thurs., Oct. 10, 1953—Clinton News-Record--Page 9 ;;:e0iee;iee,:eeee Buy your Canada,. Savings Bonds (Average Yield to Maturity 5.03% Per Annum) at the Royal Ask for application form at your nearest branch. Buy for cash or by instal- merits. Canada Savings Bonds never fluctuate in value, can be 'cashed any time for full face value, plus interest, Children are too busy playing to remember their slippers! But you needn't worry about sniffles ... not if you're heating your home with Natural Gas, the Friendly Fuel. Natural Gas gives you constant, control- lable temperature all through the house, night and day. With Natural Gas the fresh warm air is circulated throughout your home, and stagnant air is carried away. With Natural Gas equipment, there are fewer moving parts. So operation is quiet and maintenance is low. And Natural Gas service has always been free! Install a Natural Gas furnace now, when top trade-in allowances are available—and you have up to five years to pay. And if he forgets his slippers, so what ? All he needs for his health is an apple a day. .'`Tome-ozeuers are happier with Natural Gat UNION COMPANY FINK Plumbing, Heating & Electrical Services Limited Sale sand Service 84 Wellington Street — CLINTON PhoneHU2-7682 After Hours Phone Bill Fink — HO 2.7682 Chuter Plumbing, Heating & Electric . We Specalize ih GAS FURNACE INSTALLATIONS — Also Plumbing, Heating and Electrical I hsta l latians 48 king Street CLINTON — Phone HO 2-7452 NATURAL TIIE FRIENDLY FUEL ROYAL BAN K .44:Migaa,*,,imottosw •.' Combine your home-grown grains with NATIONAL DAIRY CONCENTRATE the fresh-mix with the balanced protein base! Want sleek-hided health and top milk production from your dairy cattle? Then feed 'ern your oWn home-grown grains fresh-mixed with National Dairy Concentrate. It's the fresh-mix with the balanced protein base. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh-mik you cart buy right here at the mill . using National Coneen, trate, of course, Yottll like using National's fresh-mix Calf Concentrate, tool 4A PRODUCT CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED En) J. H. F. BROEZE VARNA Phone Clinton 4824219 WEITLAOMIS FEED .MILL --CLINTON Mary Street Phone Clinton 482.979/ . • I Farm Union Stages first Meeting, Hear Of Threat Of Automation Huron County Farmets' Up ion held its annual meeting in the Seaforth Town Hall, Thurs.- day. Re-elected were county directors, Edgar Rathweil and Mrs. Torn Govenlock, Carl Govier was appointed secretary; Mrs. Carl Dalton, treasurer and Mrs. Robert Tay- lor, press secretary. Mrs. T. Govenlock gave an account of her trip to Edmon- ton this year where she at- tended the annual convention of the National Farmers' Un- ion. Mrs. George Williams, Hast- ings County, who is serving as Ontario women's president, was guest speaker. She was introduced by Gordon Hill who referred to her as an' active and dedicated 'worker in the Farmer's Union for many years. Mrs, Williams, who retired from school teaching this year, said that to-day's farmers have a fear of losing their indepen- dence and have a desire to at- tain' the independence of their forefathers. "We live in a changed world," she said. "We can no longer be independent. We buy machinery to become independ- ent of our neighbours, but it doesn't work out, We run our- selves ragged trying to pay for this machinery". Mrs. Williams said that Farm Union members are , proud of their grass roots heri- tage. To insure this privilege she advised individual members to actively participate in their or- ganization and support its elect- ed officials'. Mrs. 'Williams, greatly con- cerned over increased automa- tion, related its effect .on the UC Explorers Study Various Types of Worship AUBURN h e Explorer group met in Knox United Church Sunday school room and began with games under the direction of Mrs. Donald Young and songs directed by Mrs, Arthur Grange. The opening ceremony was conducted by Mrs. Maurice Bean with the Exporer hymn. The junior group learned the Purpose and its meaning with Mrs, Bean. The senior members went with ' Mrs. Robert Arthur, on their second expedition of the exploration, worship in my church. Rev. Charles Lewis ex- plained the order of service and the emblems of the United Church. The craft period with the juniors was the making of their Explorer booklet while the sen- iors began constructing their labouring class in the future. Looke At Future "Forty-five thousand persons are being replaced weekly in the U.S.A. by automation," she said, "In the future we will need only the highly skilled and educated people. What • future is there for our children ten years from now?" It was Mrs. William's opinion that the farming industry could absorb a lot more workers and told of farming in England and Holland where shift work is not uncommon. Mrs. Williams briefly outlin- ed the ARDA program where- by unprofitable land could be turned into community pastur- es, -tourist resorts, etc. She re- minded members that initial re- quests for such help must come from the community interested. "The recent wheat sale to Russia will result in higher prices of wheat food products and feed grains," the speaker said. She suggested it would be the bakers, not the farmers, who would benefit from this sale. M r s . Williams reminded everyone to try to attend the annual OFU convention to be held at the Continental Inn, Barrie, on October 28, 29, 30. Guest speakers will include Hon. Harry Hays, George At- kins CBC, Miss Nora Hodgins, Ont. Assc, for Curriculum De- velopment, and. Hon. W. 3. Spooner, Municipal Affairs. erelESVIV -44_14,0WORM AUBURN — Mr. and *S. Gordon R. Taylor were honored with a surprise party on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary in the Auburn Or- ange Hall last Friday evening. To the tune of an old hand- organ, which was over 100 years old and played by Robert 1. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Tay- lor were escorted into the hall by Mr, and Mrs. Thomas John- ston. Mrs, William T. Robison pin- ned a rose corsage on Mrs. Tay- lor and a rose bottonniere on Mr, Taylor. Rev. Robert Meally was the chairman for the even- ing and addressed the bridal couple of 40 years. Mrs. Thomas Johnston pre- sented them with a 'beautiful pole light, two ruby colored cups and saucers and a ruby tie clip. Mr. Taylor thanked his personal worship centre. Mrs. Maurice Bean presided for the election of officers which were as follows: Chief Explorer, Karen East; Keeper of the Log, Shelley Grange; Keeper of the Treasure, Donna Chamney; Chief Counsellor, Mrs, Maurice Bean, assisted by Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs. Ar- thur Grange, Mrs. Donald Young and Mrs. Lloyd Humph- reys. Friends Surprise, Honor Area Couple On Occasion Of 40 Years Wed .friends and relatives for the gift and the narty. A short program was in the charge of Mr. Meally, Stephen Haggitt danced a tap dance number and an appropriate song to the tune of, "Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet", was sung by Mrs. Wes 13radnock ac- companied on the .harp by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Games were played with the winners beinrr• Peter IHellinga, Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mrs. Ken- neth Scott, Mr. Meally, Thom- as Haggitt, Greg. Arthur, Mrs. Peter Hellinga, Mrs. AlfredRol- linson, Stephen Haggitt, D. Cartwright and Mrs. Ed. Davies. Mrs. Kalmer Dawson, Dun- gannon, who had worked for the Taylors for over 11 years brought congratulations and wished them much happiness. The smorgasbord table was centred with a large anniver- sary cake and the bridal table at the front was centred with a pleated tulle tree dotted with small ruby shaded 'mums. It was flanked by 10 lighted tapers' in silver candelabra. The white tulle tree was 'circled by ruby shaded sectional flow- er containers holding white 'mums and two ruby vases! at the back held white 'mums. He's building a dream house just like dad's... with the warmth of the Friendly Fuel Presenting Sholta (Me &HMO and her daughter, Angela May Chterrierm oh theirlirat Modelling assignment togatheil "Vou mean...?" "That's right Ma'am —this time we're going to put down vitrified clay sewer pipe—it lasts!" Avoid costly repairs and replacements at.the start For sanitary sewers, install Plain ffnci Vitrified Clay Pipe for everlastingi ,,trouble-free service PlanEnd Pipe from 4" to 2?" CANADA VITRIFIED PRODUCTS 11.111611TED SAM Onia& RAM 65OURVALI, ROAD St NOMASi MARIO l .1 262 Bayfiel d Road ' Phone HU 2-7062 WISE PLUMBING agdt a -qATING Your Local ANTHES Dealer