HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-09-26, Page 11Mr. Charles Beadle, London, spent last weekend at his home here, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, George Lawlor who quiet- observed their 51st wedding anniversary at their home, hav- ing close friends and neigh- bours calling on them, Welcome To Anglers. And Hunters Huron and Erie (Zone 6) Mayor W. J. "Bill" Miller COMPLIMENTS OF "RED" SCOTT Clinton Bowling Lanes Victoria Street Clinton COMPLIMENTS OF C. J. LIVERMORE Poultry and Eggs • Welcome to Delegates of Anglers and Hunters Convention Compliments of LAPIS CONTRACTING CO., LTD, Asphaltic Pavement -- Construction PhOne HU .-'6694' 'CLINTON, ONTARIO Welcome . Anglers and Hunters Welcome to Clinton From ... BARTLIFFS BAKERY LTD a 11 Visit Our RESTAURANT and BAKERY for FRESH BAKED GOODS and FINE FOOD Welcome to O.F.A.H. (Zone 6) GLIDDON CLEANERS BERT GLIDDON, Proprietor (MEMBER) RUBY & BILL'S RESTAURANT TOM COLQUHOUN • Proprietor COMPLIMENTS OF 'S Bowling and Billiards Welcome to Delegates of Anglers and Hunters Convention • Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion „ WELCOMES Anglers arid Hunters To Their Convention In Clinton 0 HAIIOLO Mc151-15kSON Presido)qt CLINTON LIONS CLUB . . WELCOMES „ Delegates To The Anglers and Hunters Convention - 0 JACK 8Cl2UTON President THE KINSMEN CLUB OF CLINTON WELCOMES — The Convention of Anglers 'mid Hunters To Clinton • 131LL CHOWEN President MERRILL TV SUNK Auphorized Philips Dealer Radio TV and Appliance ''Repoirs.,,t, 1.15 Sireet •Rhope..fiLl "2-71)2) !vim our:ortabreor9. ' Sele-cted-braAulated HUR—GAIN • • • , 'FERTILIZER" FERTILIZERS', 0 o It makes good sense to have your fertilizer spread on fail sown grains . on grasslands—hay and pasture . . . on cash crops—for next spring . . . accurately; easily and economically with the new SHUR-GA1N Fertilizer Spreading Service, Makes good dollars and cents too! It may cost you no more to have SHUR-GAIN delivered and spread than you are presently paying for bagged fertilizer, , The Finest Fertilizers For Your Good Earth Your Local' SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Dealer is CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Two Phones: HU 2-3815 and HU 2-3484 Chevrolet has added 4 new Step Van King Mod- els to its Forward Con- trol line to give you the widest choice ever. With new space-planned in- teriors, work-proved en- gines, transmissions. and suspension, these new Chevies are outstanding I for multi-stop operations! I ow.r.owl.euai N THE GREATEST I E-UP IN CHEVROLET TRUCK HISTORY! 4i,,01.0.fe<g& • • • "4",. •••••.c.,49:•••r • • • • • • • • • • ••, • • m.•••::;:;.•45 • • •• . IRV WIDER CHOKE OF AXLE SIZES IN CHEVROLET 60, • 80 AND M80 SERIES WITH INCREASED LOAD CAPACITY The new 18,500 lb. and 23,000 lb. rear axles for the series 60 and 80 respectively and the new 34,000 lb. Tandem Bogie for the Series M80 Widen Chevrolet's range of extra.heaVy-duty power train options: , 01110,0 10,000 OW* 000. 0001 WWI MOW WOW I T60 TILT CAB TO GIVE I YOU A WIDER CHOICE • OF WHEELBASES Fe" 1964, Chevrolet has added a new 175" wheelbase chassis to broaden its line of 160 Tilt Cab modelt. This modern cab design becomes more popular each year because of its spe- cial advantages: big CA"climensiont on short wheelbases, outstanding en- gine accesSibility and more efficient weight distribution. loads and speeds. :riming eimi Omni mil. WM: WILOW Olt Ill 0.1 Oita fall' isio wN i wl ow it o ..11.0~ WW1WW0 Illoo.Willl . . . . ro. WO, WW1 OWOO WOO MEW maw law Wool OMOO MOW Wow Now. wow.= Wm MY MOW WOE Mow WOW WWW 011=1: WNW *woo womb atwo• EMS AMP am* moo Rom ma 00.10.1010* OWN Owto WM OW WI INN 00111111811111 clutch and a 6V-53 GM I biA Diesel engine (195-gross hp) tb give you full en- gine efficiency a t all NEwitfAEFEcir 4 HUSKY FORWARD Chevrolet's space-saving E80 90" cab model and rugged U80 Tilt-Cab models are now made in Canada, with resultant savings for you. These new Chevrolet Diesels have a 14" heavy-duty •• ••s4i,:::*•••••••-• NEwt CONTROL MODELS WITH MORE • USABLE LOAD SPACE!!!! N Pigs • FEAT U RES r' !CHEVROLET'S built-in with all these engineer, ing improvements are Chev- rolet's job-proved reliability fea,. tures, including Variable-Rate I Front suspension, Independent r Front Suspension on lighter models, work-tested engines, I and extra-rugged chassiS corn- I pone:Its. I :moo ImeO: lion... Wm: am rim Woo Poom Ovolo mos i nw•.+lurpi..r.l rt.irilea 4 CHEVROLET TRUCKS 121112/16 A GtNMAL MOTOR& VALUE SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET rfivex 'DEALER• TODAY I t.'16-44 CHEVROLET $URE TO tEE BONANZA ON THe Cf30TV NETWORK EACH gUNDAY. OHM yOuft LOCAL IATINO FOR CHANNEL AND TIME. LORNE BROWN MOTORS 'LIMITED,' .30 Ontario Street Clinton, Ontario HU Z9321 WI tiosts. ,Grandmothers, Give ?rites For False Teeth And New Hair ,Styles Recent guests with Mn and Mrs„ „Raymond Redmond were Mr, and Mrs, Pat Q'Malley, nee Grace Redmond, Kings- ville; Miss Bridgette O'IVIalley, R.N, of Sarnia; Mrs, Kelly, High River, Alberta; and Mr, John Boyle, LtIcknow, Mrs, William. T, RobisCal vis- ited friends in St. Marys on Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott spent the weekend with rela- tives and friends in Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Red, mond visited on Sunday with Miss 11/fin McFadden, Seaforth. The Craig Trio composed of Mr. William S- Craig, Clinton; Mrs, Harry Worsen, Goderich, and Mrs. George Wilkin, Au- burn, were guest singers at the Westfield United Church An- niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jack- son, Sharon and Murray, Mit- chell, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Doer and Mr. Robert Daer. Honour Newlyweds A large crowd of friends and neighbours gathered last Fri- day evening in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall to honour Mr. and Mrs, Keith Rodger on their recent mar- riage. William Seers read an 'ad- dress of congratulations a n d Fred Armstrong presented them with a purse of money. Music for dancing was pro- vided by Norris' orchestra. Pattoors compote Misses :1:auttett Dobie, Patsy Wilkin And call Seers _compet-ed in the SePttiSh 'claming competition held at Kincardine Fall, Fair,. ,7annett won third place in Highland Fling, a bronze med- al; thiF4 in the sword dance, a bronze medal, Patsy Wilkin received a br, onze medal, third, in the Seal-1h Triubhas; Mary Wilkin, bronze= =medal, third, in the Highland Fling, rersonAl Mr, 0314 Mrs, Carl Wagner, Bedford; Ohio, visited relatives in this district last week, Kenneth Campbell left last weekend by plane to join his wife in England, • Mr, and Mrs, George °ever, inga, Paul and George, Walton and, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Wei- m.arm, Seaforth, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Peter Hank and Elizabeth. Rev. and Mrs. C, E, Taylor, Goderich, visited last- Wednes- day with Mr .and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worsell and Terry visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Allen, Mr. Donald Ross and Mr. John Graham, Oakville, visit- ed friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. M, H,. Martin, Goderich visited last week with her sis- ter, Mrs, Bert Taylor and Mr, Taylor. Mrs. William Straughan left with her son-in-law, Mr. Clay- ton Robertson, to visit h e r daughter and family at Copper Cliff for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weir, London, spent the • weekend with his father, Dr. B C. Weir. Mr, and Mrs. William Hele- sic, Patti and Paul; Mr. and Mrs, Keith Rodger; Miss Chris McClinton and Harold Sharp, all of Goderich, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Emmerson Rod- ger and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson and their, son, Mr, Clayton Robertson, Copper Cliff, visited a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs, Harold Kitchen, Mr. Kitchen and fam- ily. Misses Margaret and Mary Sanderson. attended the CGIT camp at Kintail for the week- end. The Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church sent the girls as delegates. Pitch Shoes Messrs. Ed. Davies and court Kerr, Benmiller, Thomas Haggitt and Harold Carter,- took part in the horse shoe pitching competition at Milver- ton fair last Saturday. In the doubles, Mr. Davies and Mr. Kerr placed second. Mr, and Mrs. Roderich Singh, London; spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. Ar- thur Grange, Jennifer and Sh- elley. Welcome ... O. F. A. H. To Clinton AUl3URN — Grandmothers of the community were guests. at the September meeting of the Auburn. Women's.Tristitute when they met in the CornratM, ity Memorial Hall. The grand- mothers were welcomed by Mrs, Thomas Lawlor who pin- ned an .orchid corsage on each. The president, Mrs, Bert crr aig, was in charge of the meet- ing and she welcomed all the grandmothers, members and v isitors to this annual event, which is one of the main meet, ings of the year, = = Mrs, William J, Craig and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt were ap- panted delegates to the Coun- ty Rally in Goderich on Octo- ber 7 and a letter was read from t h e department stating that the short course, "What's New In Home Furnishings", will be held on December 5 and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys and Mrs. Wes Bradnock were appointed to get the hall ready for the leader. Anyone interest- ed please et Mrs. knoW before l that date.Haggitt The members decided to buy Institute spoons as gifts for AUBURN — Rev. Robert Meally was the speaker at the annual Bible Society meeting held in St. Mark's Anglican Church when representatives of all the churches were pres- ent. The church organist, Miss Carole Brown, presided for this . service, The president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, thanked Mr, Meally Leaves For Toronto Murray Rollinson left on, Monday afternoon for Toronto where he is entering the in- dustrial centre of the Salva- tion Army to learn a trade, He was honoured last Fri- day evening at the Goderich citadel when fellow church members presented him with a gift.= Captain Wombold spoke a few words and presented the gift. Close Auburn neighbours also presented Murray with a farewell gift. Mrs. Rollinson accompanied her son to Toronto and will visit with her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Weston and Mr. West- on, for a week, speakers and to cater to two upcoming banquets. October 25 was set to hold, the Family Night and the directors are to be in charge of this event, Mrs, Andrew KirlcconnelLre- Ported for the _card committee and read the thankr,yott notes received, A piano sole was then Played by Mrs. Robert Phil- lips. The motto; "Men are ers of houses and women are baildeM of homes", was given by Mrs, Thomas Lawior, Clare zonghtirst gave a read, ing and Mrs, Lawlor conduct- ed contests and results were; Grandma with the youngest grandchild, Mrs. Harold Baech.- leri oldest grandma with her own. teeth, Mrs. Mary Johnston; grandma with the newest per- manent, Mrs. William Straugh- an; youngest grandma with false teeth, Mrs. Robert Arth-ur. Seven grandmas entered into the fancy hat competition made out -of garden vegetables and each modeled their crea- tion. The prize went to Mrs. Bert Craig with the runner-up being Mrs, William Straughan, for his inspiring message and the minutes were read by the secretary, Mr. William Strang- ban. Hestated that $255 had been sent to headquarters last year. It was decided to hold the an- nual Carol Service on Decem- ber 22 in St. Mark's Church. The election of officers for the coming year took place and are as follows: president, Har- old Webster; vice-presidents, the local clergy; secretary- treasurer, William Straughan. Canvassers, Donnybrook and Westfield to= be left with their minister, Rev. Charles Lewis; Third Line, East Wawanosh, Mrs. William Empey, Mrs, Jack Wilson; Gravel Road, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Gus Bis- back; 13th Concession Hullett, William Wagner, Elliott Lapp, Baseline, Miss, Minnie Wag- ner, Mrs, Worthy' Young; Col- borne Township, Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor; West Wawanosh, Mrs. Harold Webster, Mrs, John Durnin; Auburn North, Bert Taylor, James Jackson, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; Auburn South, Wil- liam Straughan, The judges were Mrs Lloyd Humphreys and Mrs. Wes 1.r- The rpll oat! was answered by each telling the popular Ong when. they Were in their teens, rs. Donald gables conduc- ted* a sale of home-made •bak.,' ing and lunch was served by. Mrs, Thomas Lawlor, _Mrs. are Longliarst and Mrs. Arnold: Craig, The holder of the ducky cup, Mars, W, Brachleek, receiv- ed a prize from the :committee,' ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN FO BULK SPREADING SERVICE. BY CLINTON FEED MILL, HaroldWebster Heads Bible Societyu Canvassers Ha= red For Auburn Area Thv -1901, !Pillow! Now.p,R9c.pr„ Pgge ,1 ,;:t•a SPRUNG ERVIEE