HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-08-29, Page 3On Complete Lineof KELYINATOR APPLIANCES KELVINATOR is the largest rnanu- factorer of White Goods ,in Canada. MODELS PRICED FROM 189.95 Model KR-360 O Your Easiest Cleaning Oven Ever O Lift-Off Oven Door O Completely Automatic 0 Available in 7-Heat - - or Automatic Top Elements O Visualite Door 0 •Full Width Storage Drawer O Rotisserie and Automatic Meat Probe AND TRADE 1 Ira 111111111 WA 11•11111•111r,t,0 From mommszogiumum KELVINATOR Food Freezer MODEL KC-1850 Lifetime Porcelain Interior - -• - won't scratch - - can't rust 2 Baskets - - - one divided 5-Wall Cold Freeze - - for fast freezing throughout 3-Year Food Spoilage Warranty Searriless Inner Liner — - completely pro- tects insulation against moisture "Ails-Well" Light - - - connected with tem- perature control for fool-proof protection 0 KELVEX TRIM - - - Will not crack. SUGGESTED LIST PRICE 289,95 OUR, INTRODUCTORY OFFER 0 0 0 0 0 0 259.95 KELVINATOR WR1NGER-WAS9ER MODEL K-231 O 12-YEAR GUARANTEE O 11-lb, Porcelain Tub O Clog-Free Pump • 0 Automatic Timer O Aluminum Jet-Action Gyrator O Safety Wringer SUGGESTED LIST PRICE 229,95 Our Introductory Offer 159.95 WITH TRADE Square Model Available To Match Dryer The ChristiOn Reformed urch, Clinton, was filled to nea capacity for the closing pro gram presented by the ehildre who had attended the Bib] School conducted at the ch urch for the past two weeks. Approximately 150 childrer from the community .attende, the interesting sessions anc Several 'toek. Part in the .colour ful play, "The Life of Th LOrd".. In ,authentic looking .cestum 0s, the children portrayed many of the outstanding events and '•stories found in the New Teat ament writings on the life o Jesus, Mrs. H. Kuiper, who was Supervisor at the vacation sch oo1, directed the children with the assistance of her m a n helpers. The parents and friends of the students were also told of the daily scheduleand lessons the children had followed and were able to view the many crafts they had completed. Every morning the children, teachers and helpers gathered in the church where Mr. J. Roorda, would play children's hymns until morning devotions started. A daily practice was saluting the Canadian and Christian flags and repeating a short verse in respect to each: The main study dealt with the Korean mission fields and many pictures were displayed to .show the children' of the conditions, in this war - torn country. Each day the children were asked to 'bring a penny for the Korean orphans and 'children, and they did this faithfully, realizing a collection of $28.17 to be sent to the mission field. Many toys were also brought by the children to be sent to their less privileged friends in Korea: The Bible stories centred ar- ound the course entitled, "We. Meet Jesus", and the daily lessons and quizzes were much enjoyed by all. The craft sessions were an- other of the highlights for the children and the three older classes worked with plaster of paris and candle wax, making beautiful Christian ornaments. Other items made were: wall plaques (made from fence posts), artificial flowers and decorated clothes hangers. The younger children worked with gummed paper, Christmas cards and scrap books, making such items as window boxes, ADASTRAL PARK NEWS CpI. and Mrs. Earle Bowles have returned from a trip to , Amarillo, Texas, where the "Overseas Square Dancers" re- union too kplace. At Almagar- ido in New Mexico, Cpl. Bowles was official "caller" for the square dancing 'program. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bowman, Shawnavon, Saskatchewan, ar- rived last week to visit with Sgt. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman.. While down this way, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman will travel to Battleford, Michigan; Cleve- land, Ohio; as well as visit rel- atives and friends in Port Col- borne and London, Ontario. Sgt. and Mrs. Gordon H. Gra- ham and their family have moved to RCAF Station Moos- enee. WO2 and Mrs. A. H. Cole and their children have return- ed from a trip to Nova Scotia. Congratulations to FMS and Mrs. J. J. R. Brochu on the birth of a son, Vincent Rene, born in Ottawa on July 8. Cpl. and Mrs. Robert Peter- sen spent several weeks in Kingston, Massena, NY, a n d also camped on Lake Ontario. Bob Petersen Jr. spent two weeks at Scofield Boys' Camp. Mt. and Mrs. a C. Hanson and their family are now re- siding in Beauceville, P.Q. F/L Richard Bussey has re- turned from his leave and F/L J. Fortier has returned to Ed- monton to assume other R.C. Chaplain duties. F/L 0. S. Swaren, Protest- ant Padre has arrived on this base. HOLLAND'S .1:64iJ: -SERVICE 't--'/4712640"1 482.6661 CLINTON OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER 41111MIIMMII Kelvinator Refrigerators & Refrigerator-Freezers utomatic Washers and Electric Clothes Dryers KELVINATOR MODEL CDE521V O Solid Porcelain Drum - - 18-lb. Capacity O Safety Door - automatically shuts off O Veriable Heat Control Safe for ALL fabrics O Full Width Opening Door O Roller Drive — - for service-free operation SUESTED LIST GG PRICE 229.95 OUR INTRODUCTORY 1 89 nz DFFER sQN1 KELVINATOR Automatic CLOTHES DRYER 269.95 WITH TRADE AUTOMATIC WASHER MODEL CVV501 Automatic Pre-Scrub O No Gears to Wear Out 0 • 5-Year Guarantee on Main Mechanism O Low Water Consumption - - Uses the least amount of hot and total water O Golden Touch Gyrator - - Safe for ALL fabrics O Will handle 10 or 5-1b, )oads auto- matically. SUGGESTE LIST PRICE D 359.95 Also Available in 12 Cu. Ft. Size 14 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator-Freezer Model K-750 0 104-1b. True Freezer O Automatic Defrost O Twin Porcelain Crispers O Slide-in.. Cold Meat Tray O Imbedded Fluid - - for, true zero-zone freezing O 3-Year Food Spoilage Warranty - - - even for power failure - - - Exclusive with Kelvinator. Suggested List Price 449.95 Our Introductory Offer 299.95 With Working Trade 23" Models Available PRICED FROM 149.95 AND TRADE 9 FEATURES YOU WILL FIND ON EVERY KELVINATOR ELECTRIC RANGE O Hinged, Rod-Type Bake and Broil Elements O Broiler, Roaster Pan and Grill O Removable Oven Side Racks, to facilitate oven cleaning O Removable Surface Element Trim Rings and Drip Pans O Raised Rim on Surface Top to catch spill-overs O Easy to replace fuses, located behind pedestal trim, between range top and backguard O Lifetime Porcelain Finish on the oven and all outer surfaces on the range body. Packed .House Sees Playlet, .Crafts. As Popular Qible School Concludes a er flower egg cartons); neeklaces(from - 011'1100g straws), decorated 1 boxes, Picnic plates, PictlArea wi th clri niOn g. t ram, f rames, • etc., etc. Teachers for the sessions in- I eluded: Mr's, H. Kuiper, Miss i A. Baker, Mrs, C. de Boer, I Mrs, J. Roorda, Mrs. A, Post- ma, Miss Sally Roorda, Mrs. . C, Kuiper and Mrs. T. Bruin- sma, . • Their helpers were: Misses W, Hiiizinga, Susan Roorda, M. 1 Zondervan, D, Gerrits, F, Zon- dervan, C, Baker, J. Roest, J, Wailing-a, F. Maaskant and S. Bururna. who took part in the Friday night performance were Jacqueline Sommerville, Paul Van Demme, Kathy Ross, Judy Tiesma, Gerald Bakelaar, Mary Ann Heyhoop, Stephen Amsing, Danny Peterson, Alice Kuiper, KennedY, Peggy ;Cooper, Mal ilYn puizer. Jimmy Amsing, George go) terra,'Brenda Boyce; Clare Co , quhoun, Janet Klomps, cial once Roorda, Itty Stryke: Henry Demme, Joanne Bak( laar, Lorainne Mercer, Hele Postma, Janet Roorda, Rail) Otten, Rudy 13akelaar, Parbar Little, Louise Lazet, Cath Dykstra, -Doreen Steenstra. Donna Bush, Elizabeth De Vries, Jenny Brommer, Jan Bakela.ar, Bonnie Veensixa, Ev ert Stryker, Peter Idsinga Marilyn Aiken, Nancy Guetter Betty Bertrand, Lynn Boyce Children Anita Wallinga, Leila Horban uik, Sandra Idsinga, Mary Ber trand, June Falconer, Gret: Veenstra, Alice Roorda, Susai w Bakelaar, John Guetter ?Do Bylsma, David Jervis and And rew Amsing. ....... •-.4 A r t Te PARK — * Ar-conditioned Showtime Theatre for Go derich — 7:30 your comfort * NOW Pat Boone, — THUR., MAIN FRI., Nancy Kwan Zetter ling --"THE ATTRACTION" SAT. ---August and Mai 29-30-31 . In Color MON., Todd Armstrong, Present in "JASON TUES., Technicolor quest AND WED. Nancy for the the THE Kovak classic Golden --September and Greek Fleece. Gary ARGONAUTS" myth 2-3-4 Raymond and its THUR., FRI., Guy Williams, Inspired , featuring "CAPTAIN by the SAT.—September Heidi colorful Arabian Bruehl SINBADI special and Nights 5-6-7—A New Hit! Lloyd. Oakes tales and effects 1 — In Color Coming --Laurence Olivier Adult Entertainment in "Term of Trial"' ! SUNSET 8 --Highway East of DRIVE-IN Goderich Now with the widest screen in the territory 'NOW -7- THUR., FRI., SAT. --August 29-30-31 A terrific double feature show! in color! JOAN FONTAINE and WALTER PIDGEON "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" TUESDAY WELD and TERRY THOMAS "Bachelor Flat" Adult Entertainment , --MIDNITE SHOW Sunday, September 1st — Adult Entertainment — "The House On The Haunted Hill" Starring VINCENT PRICE -- PLUS ""The Giant Behemoth" MON., TUES., WED. --September 2-3-4 CHARLTON HESTON and GARY COOPER "The Wreck of the Mary Deare" Special Shorts — All In Tec hnicolor THURS., FRI., SAT. 7- September 5-6-7 "Snow White and the Three Stooges"" Great technicolor ice-snow with Caro! Heiss "GORGO" ---starring William Travers . 1 . . Business and Professional Directory I FARM EQUIPMENT INSURANCE JOHN BACH ' FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and ACCESSORIES K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE PhOnes: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7804 IH DEALER — PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 1 20tfb GARY COOPER INSURANCE Life Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life ASSURANCE CO. HU 2-7200 Clinton Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES INVESTMENTS Phones; Office HU 2-9644 Res. HU 2-9787 Prepaid Health Plans .at Cost OPTOMETRY the CO"OP way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce ClarkR 5, Goderith; Vice-Pres, Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Luckn G oW; Mrs. D. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE Mondays Only HU 2-7010 Seaforth — 791 Taylor, Exeter, MM. Lloyd Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Hodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, FIR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich', Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, BrUcefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham. C. H. Magee G. B. CLANCY, O.D. .-- OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 38.tfb Secretary-Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Assistant Secretary 1'or information, call ybui nearest dire-der or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, TelephOne FILInter 2-9751. ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN7 Goderloh, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4-9521 478 A. 55-57 GODERICH, CHARTERED SOUTH M. HARPER ONT. ST., ACCOUNTANTS & CO. 'TELEPHONE JA 4-7562 (burs., INTRODUCTORY -OFFER 12 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator MODEL K-500 O 52-lb. Frozen Food Chest O Magnetic Door Closure - - on both freezer and refrigerator door O Twin Porcelain Crispers O Complete- Door Shelving O Porcelain Interior Lining - - - for added strength - - - com- pletely rust-proof. Suggesed List Pr ice 349.95 Our Introductory Offer Complete Line of 30" Kelvinator Ranges SUTTER PERDUE HARDWARE Eugene McAdam, Proprietor Your KELVINATOR Dealer n. a e r. .411110mummumumagimommoom 9. With Working Trade Kelvinator Refrigerators Available in Left- or Right-Hand Door, and Color, at No Extra Cost CLINTON int HU 2-7023 196/ Clinton dews-Recerd-r-409e 3 Buy Now and Save