Clinton News-Record, 1963-08-22, Page 10Page 1O --Clinton. News-Recaird--Thars., g. gz 1963 A Matter of Pr incip e (BY J,. CARL BEMINGWAY) .Just recently I was listening to a radio program which was promoting the sale of a certain food product. The punch line in the sales pitch was "Buy X and it will help cut your high food costs." Perhaps it is remarks like this that are responsible for my lack of hair. In the first place it is false. Food costs in Canada are not high. Fewer hours of labour are required in 'Canada to pro- cure a bountiful food, supply than any place in the world. In the second place it was a lousy sales script. Did you ever hear: "Buy Texaco and cut your high gasoline costs," "Buy a Corvair instead of a Buick and cut your high car costs", "Buy a TV and cut your high entertainment costs". I think not.. Any advertising script writer who created such a boo - boo for any of the above mention- ed products would be promptly shot at sun-clown. He might at least take comfort in know- ing that he would not see the sun-rise on his blunder. What do other products ad- vertise? "Travel farther with Texaco". "No carborator icing' with ESSO"; "Octane to match your car with Sunoco"; "Drive a Corvair! the best of the com- pacts"; "Buy a TV for news education and entertainment." Why isn't food advertised in the same way? "Use dairy products for good teeth, strong bones, and a healthy body. Dairy foods are least affected by strontium ninety." "Buy beef-steak for protein"; "Bacon and eggs for break- fast. It is your most important meal", or "apples and tomat- oes or their juices will provide you with minerals and vita- Mins." Perhaps the reason for the poor quality of food advert,is- ing so many times is because producers have nothing to do with the merchandising of their product. Farmers can do little in sel- ling their product since it is not in a form which the con- sumer wants. Most farm pro- ducts must be processed and at this point pass into the hands of a processor who is only interested in the differ- ence between what he pays and what he gets. Consumers have to eat. If nobody bothers to promote top quality they will still buy the product and will be encouraged to buy the type of product that provides the best returns to the handler. How much money is spent on advertising certain types of food because they are easy to prepare? Whether it provides nourish- ing food for your family or not is not mentioned. Oh yes! You must retain your, girlish figure. Fat people eat; therefore, we conclude that eating is the villain. How- ever, •balanced meals plus a sensible amount of exercise will never lead to obesity. There is no need to limit lunch to a "coke" a bag of potato chips and a couple of cigarettes. This• isn't even cheap. This lunch will cost about 23 cents. Yet teenage camps can supply three meals and a snack a day for less than a dollar. We are what we eat! When you build a house you use the best materials possible. Does your body rate anything less? Married hi Varna Church Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ed- win Hunt, who recently exchanged wedding vows in Varna United Church. The bride is the former Carol Ann Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill, Varna and the groom is . the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt, Seaforth. They are residing at RR 1 Seaforth. Lengthy Reach . . , But -He Was Still A Loser Lion Antoine "Red" Garon, left, may have had some feelings of appre, hension when he told this young competitor he could lean over as far as he wished, as long. as his feet stayed on the ground. However, despite the short distance, the rings just wouldn't encircle any of that silver on the table. Despite cold weather, the Lions report a fair scccess with their annual street frolic stag- ed Thursday. (News-Record Photo) Five Airmen Assessed fines *Goderich Court Five airmen from RCAF Clin- ton were fined for offenses un- der the Ontario Liquor Control Act when they appeared be- fore MagiStrate 'Glenn 'Hays, QC, in Goderich last week. Ivan Owen Jamieson, 19, Was fined $25 and costs, or five days in jail, when he pleaded guilty to having liquor in God- erich on July 20, in a place other than his residence. Another 19-year-old, James Arthur Hope, was fined $15 and costs, or three days in jail when he pleaded guilty to con- suming liquor, being under the age of 21 years. The offence eceured in Goderich also, on August 9. Ronald Leroy Hiltz pleaded guilty to having liquor in a place other than his residence and was fined $20 and costs, or five days in jail. Pleading guilty to a charge of consuming liquor while under the age of 21, years resulted in a fine of $15 and costs, or three days in jail, for Robert Ian Reid. The final airman to appear, Robert Gilles Pinault, was fin- ed $20 and costs, or five days in jail, when he pleaded guilty to being intoxicated in a public place in Goderich on August 10. Classified Ads' Bring Quick Results SNOWPLOWING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Sealed tenders addressed to Mr. Andrew Houston, Road Superintendent, RR 3, Seaforth, and designated "Snowplowing Tender" will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 3, 1963. The Township of Tuckersmith requires for snowplowing township roads during the winter of 1963-3964: Two power graders which are to be equipped with V-type hydraulically operated plows of 8' minimum width and a wing. Tenderer to state Equipment Specifications. All equipment and tender prices are subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways. Tenderers are to supply all requirements, carry public liability insurance and Workman's Compensation. The tender must state the flat rate per hour (no stand-by time). All work is to be done under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and the Dept, of Highways. Tenders to be considered on September 3, 1963, at 9:00 p.m. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk,Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith. 34-5b. Classified Ads Bring Results WE ARE BUYING WHEAT - OATS - BARLEY MIXED GRAIN - FLAX at competitive prices CHECK US FOR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL New fast unloading Dump ,Sink and Hoist Facilities. Our New Facilities mean you can Unload Twice as Fast. PITWrar FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORTH ONTARIO LOANS $50 to $5,000 Atlantic Finance CORPORATION LIMITED MIKE ELAND 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Phone HU 2-3486 TF YOUR HOME is not complete with- out a hippo, you'll have to import one. Search as you will, not a hippo can be found from St. John's to Victoria. But almost everything else can, and the wise buyer knows that every dollar spent on Canadian goods keeps Canadians working. To keep our economy strong, to make better job opportunities, to create jobs for those young people coming on to the labour market, we' all must be "label conscious." Before you buy, look at the label. If the price, design and quality are right, buy the product that is made here. If each of-us could divert just $2.00 a week from imported to do• mestie goods, the result could total $600,000,000 in Canada in one year! And that could help create 60,000 new jobs ! Buy a hippo if you must, but for almost everything else, check the label before you buy, It's in your own best interest. You help yourself, your neighbour and the whole province by giving Canadian products the oppor- tuthty to Serve and satisfy you. MORE OProRTUNATV ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TRADE CRUSADE that is currently travelling a- round the world and is present- ly in session in Korea, Japan and New Zealand. T. R. Jones, district super- visor of Jehovah's Witnesses is at present in Goderich making final arrangements for the ga- thering. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. VILLAGE OF HENSALL TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS will be received by the under- signed up to 6 o'clock p.m., Friday, August 30, 1963, for the DIGGING, LAYING and BACKFILLING of the Brock Street Drain, consisting of 325 feet of 8-Inch sewer tile with two catch basins; The York Cresent Drain, .s.onsisting of 300 feet of 8- inch sewer the, 150 feet of 10-inch sewer tile, 1,400 feet of 12-inch field tire, 165 feet of 14- inch field tile, 20 feet of 16-inch galvanized pipe and three catch bating,. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply alit te. 'Clerk'S Office, Town HAIL Eensall. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk. 33.Mb Work Commences On New OPP Offices Hope To Move In Early Next Year ers' Supply Ltd., Zurich, won the contract which was bid for by six other firms. Public Works Minister Ray Connell reported all seven bids were very close. Highways Minister C. S. Mac- Naughton said police officers will operate out of the new division. They are presently operating out of facilities in Goderich. The building will be one- storey with basement, and will contain a large general office, Following are the dates of interrogation rooms, offices for area fall fairs and larger fairs the sergeant, corporal and see- in this section of Western Ont- retaries, vaults, washrooms and ario: a cell block divided into male Bayfield Sept. 25, 26 Blyth Sept. 17, 18 Brussels Sept, 26, 27 Dungannon Oct. 4 'Elmira .... Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 2 Exeter Sept. 18, 19 Gorrie Oct. 4, 5 Harriston Sept. 18, 19 Kincardine Sept. 19, 20 Kirkton Sept. 26, 27 Listowel Sept. 23, 24 London Sept. 6-14 Lucknow Sept. 25, 26 Mildmay Sept. 10, 11 Milverton Sept. 20, 21 Mitchell Sept. 24, 25 Palmerston•.... Sept. 30, Oct. 1 St. Marys Oct. 1, 2 Seaforth Sept. 19, 20 Stratford Sept, 16-18 Teeswater Sept. 27, 28 Walkerton Oct. 23, 24 Local Witnesses Plan To Attend Area Assembly This week's highlight for the Clinton congregation of Jeh- ovah's Witnesses will be a weekend at Goderich, Ontario, reported Mr. Hari McNally, presiding minister. Twenty-five members of the congregation have accepted an invitation to attend the "Right Kind of Min- isters" assembly in the Goder- ich Memorial Arena beginning Friday, August 23. "We will be among several hundred ministers from an ar- ea bordered by Collingwood, Wiarton, Goderich, Wingham, and Mount Forest," he said. Many of the Witnesses have just recently returned from me- eting with others at Milwatikee, Wisconsin, and New York City. This is part of a convention Work has already commen- ced ,on the new $189,000 detach- ment building at Goderich for the Ontario Provincial Police. The structure is being erect- ed on surplus land at the Ont- ario Hospital on Highway 21, south of Goderich. Zurich Hardware and Build- Announce Dates For Fall Fairs and female divisions. A separate four-car garage is included in the project. It is expected that the OPP 0 Adastral Park Mrs. G. L. Marshal will be flying to England on September 7. Linda Marshall and Robert Marshall will accompany their mother. The trie will be going by jet aircraft from Malton air- port, Toronto. Wiarton Sept. 10, 11 Zurich Sept. 21 & 23 International Plowing Match Caledon, Peel County,' Octob- er 8 - 12. Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TIJNE.UP SHOP" Phohe HU 23851 KING STREET CLINTON with exclusive FINGER-TIP START If you can lift a finger you can start the new Lawn-Boy. Starting effort is reduced by an incredible 94% with a new starter and twin-spark ignition. Don't buy any other power mower until you try starting the quiet new Lawn-Boy. We'll show you today. IT WILL 'PAY YOU TO CHECK THESE END-OF- SEASON PRICES detachment will move into the new premises in the spring or early summer. "Canada produces almost everything" Wells Auto Electric are now BIG ofAf ill 6 W A NCES on most models of N B oy