HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-08-22, Page 9fleremereoefeeimeeleeMeieta* Auburn ,and District MO, WES SRAPHOCKT,Coryvvondorst,phonp, A20,7494 'PRICE WISE SPENDERS- WILL ENJOY BUYING HERE Ji 1144,44,44( 46Noiceibr it, SHOPPER'S illt FRIEND 1411-.414r.s. S $WISE c f,1 f TNEM FAIR DEAL/NOS LEAVE NO ROOM FOR FEAR (Photo By. S. E. Vadden) EATING 0113.kGASOINE GREASES-NORNI.Olit CAR and ALUE TRUCK V Swim& Clearance Sale No Reasonable Offer Refused 60 CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS To Choose From — SAVE $ $ $ I DA NCE OLUEWATER DANCELAND FRIDAY 10:0Q p.m. to 130 a.m. TO DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA i9tfb and. .a, pink rose corsage, For a wedding trip to Wes- tern Ontario 444 Border PP.i4ta the britle donned navy hitie two-piece 44 with, red .4QCPS- s'Ortes, ,and, a, red. rose .corsage. -Guests were present from 14stowel, Woro4to,. Parisi Platt's, villa,. London the surround- in district -On. their return they 'Will reside in _GOderier, Prior to the marriage the bride was honored at,a miscel- laneous shower ,given by Mrs. yelyn Million Assisted by Mrs. Wilmer Hardy and also n show- er by Mrs, Henry Brindiey when she was hostess to yelp,- tivee, Mrs. Charles Brindiey enter- tabled in honor of ber daugh- ter at .a trousseau tea and -the groom's parents entertained the bridal party following the re- hearsal. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every AfternoOn PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep—HU 2-6642 21tfb 1 ei?aeeire THE FRIENDLY FUEL Exchange Vows A Benmiller of the bride, wore a. gown of Thurs., Aug. 22f. 1963—Clinton. News-,Record..- -Page 9 Mn. and Mre. Sam Russel, .Se- erboro, visited last week with. Mr, .and Mrs. Ralph D, Munro. Mr. and Mrs, William Seers,, Gail and Faye spent last weak . at a Cottage at Parry Sound, • Miss Shirley Mohring, God7a griele, visited last week with her cousin, Miss Gail Miller. ,atid. Mrs. Ralph .Gravie, ton, Tavistock, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Yilliam Craig, Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Sandy, Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ch. •amilea't Mr. Robert Craig and family, Ilderton, visited on Sunday with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. WO, liam J. Craig. Master Terry Worse% God- erich, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen and other relatives. ' Mrs. Verna Doerr, Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Rola, ert Chamney.. Mrs. Margaret Arthur is vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mr, Wall and family at Langside,, .end Mrs. Rebert liPS, visited on Sunday with Mr..: and. Mrs. •Ptirnin Phillips at their cottage at T4rgon Beach pear AmberleY, Mr, :and Mrs. Jack Rennett, Ridgetown, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, William .Stranghan and Mrs. Charles .Seraughan, Waters, Miss Jeanette Snider and Mr: ROY Clark, all of Toronto, were re- cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ralph D. Munro. Master Jimmy lVfohring, .God- erieh, visited last week with his grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs, Harry Beadle, The annual, memorial services will be held at Hope Chapel cemetery on Sunday September 1 at 3 p.m. Rev Harold Snell, London, will ue the guest .spea- .ker, Mr. and Mrs. William Straug, han accompanied their daught- er, Mrs. Thomas Jardin and son Paul of Wingham, to Cop- per Cliff for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robert- For a wedding trip to Niag- ara Falls the bride donned a three-piece black linen suit, white hat and white accessor- ies and wore a pink carnation corsage. On their return they will re- side at RR 3,Auburn. Guests were present from Toronto, London and the sur- rounding district. The execu- tive of the Auburn WI catered to the wedding dinner. Prior to her marriage she was presented with gifts from the staff of the Listowel Cana- dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce where she was a mem- ber of the staff and was guest. of honor at a shower held at the home of Mrs. William Seers, Auburn. 0 John Clayton Ladd AUBURN — ,John Clayton Ladd, a resident of Goderich for a fe wmonths, passed away in Alexander and Marine hos- pital on August 16, after a short illness. Born at Auburn, he was the only son of the late John Ladd and Elizabeth HolthaUer and was in his 61st year. He attended USS No. 5 Hul- lett' school and went to work to Detreit 'and wOl-ked there for several years. He married Nellie Boothman of Ohio and later moved back to Auburn. He moved to Blyth and was a barber there until retiring to Goderich. The deceased was a member of the Blyth Lodge 303, A.F. & A.M. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by one son, John C. Ladd, Goderich; two grand- children; two sisters, Mrs. Geo= rge (Agnes) Lawlor, Auburn, and Mrs. Thomas (Gertrude) Parks, Dungannon. The funeral service was held at the J, Keith Arthur funer- al home with burial taking pl- ace in Ball's cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Wal- lace, Harold Vodden, Grant Sperling, Reg Shultz, Harry Beadle and Walter McFadden. Rev. Ian McLagan of Blyth and Rev, Cecil Dukelow of Victor- ia Church, Goderich, were in charge of the service. TRAVEL DIRECT TO N. E. by Bus WED.,. AUGUST 21 WED., AUGUST 28 $4.00 Return Fare Leave Vinton at 7:15 a.m. And Leave CNE after Evening Performance For Further Information Contact Your Locai Agent For TRAILWAYS OF CANADA LTD. Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Phone HU 24721 33.346 son ;and family, .Narics SQ. Years Guests on Sunday with Mrs, Qeorge Hamilton were Mr. and Lorne Wilson, ..B.reCefield;. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur gent- Seaforthi 'Mr, and Mre, Howard Goodfellow, Mr. Bor- den .Goodfellow, Mrs. Vickers.. and daughter Miss Batty Vick-. ere, all of Nobleton. Tt was the occasion of Mrs. Hamilton's .89th birthday and her son, Mr. Thomas Hamilton, Goderich,. was also present, .Members. of the Auburn Women's Institute enjoyed a trip last week to .Ciallingweocl where they visited the Georg- ian China shop and went on to • Midland to see the Shrine. Visit Farm Mr. Percy _ Youngblut took seven members of his Sunday school class on a, trip to his 200 acre farm near Perth, Ont- ario on Snow Road. The boys who enjoyed the camping trip were: Allan Mc- Dougall, Eldo Hildebrand, Karl Tieehert Jr., Bill Lapp, Vaug- han Toll, Ross Wilson, Robert Willain, Mr, Karl Tiechert took his car also and assisted Mr. Youngblut with the boys, 0. St. Mark's Guild Hear Details Of Anglican Congress AUBURN—The August meet- ing of the Anglican Guild of St. Mark's Church was held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Cart- wright with a good attendance. The hostess was in charge of the meeting and opened with Mrs. George Hamilton's birth- day hymn, "Unto the Hills". The scripture lesson and prayers were also read by Mrs. Cartwright. MrS. Fordyce Clark spoke on the Congress being held in Toronto which en- lightened all on the purnose of all the Bishops from all the world meeting in Toronto and London. The study book was taken by Mrs, John Daer, adding more information on the World Con- gress meeting. She read inter- esting letters from Bishops which they had written from their homes before they left for this great meeting. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor pre- sided at the piano and Mrs. Cartwight thanked' all who had taken part in the program and the meeting was then taken by the president, Mrs. George Schneider. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer and the treasurer, Mrs. Gordon' R. Taylor gave the fin- AUBURN—Benmiller United Church was the scene of a pret- ty wedding on Saturday, Aug- ust 1.7, when Barbara Joan Brindley, RR 5, Goderich, be- came the bride of Robert Paul Moss, Goderich. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brindley, RR 5, Goderich and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moss, Goderich. The double - ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Cecil A. Dukelow and the organist was Miss Chrystal SLTaughan, who accompanied the soloist, Miss Shirley Fowler, Goderich, eousin. of the bride. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown of white embroid- ancial statement. The roll call was answered by each quoting a Bible verse containing the word "fruit". The travelling apron received three cents for each letter in the word "fruit". Mrs. George Schneider closed the, meeting with prayer. A successful auction was held and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Cartwright assisted by Mrs.' Fordyce Clark. ered organza over bridal tar, feta. The skirt was puffed at the hipline and held in place with tiny hand-made bows. The top featured a tiny sabrina, neckline and lilypoint sleeves. Her four-tiered veil pouffee was held in place by a regal crown of seed pearls and Swiss mohair.. She carried a cr, crescent cascade bouquet of white car- nations and gardenias. The maid of honor, Miss Ruth Brindley, London, sister RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Porter (nee Charlene Scotchmer) Saturday, Aug. 24 ZURICH ARENA Desjardine's Orchestra 33-4b .apricot .$414 pe44 With scooped. .neckline and short sleeves,. The. pontrolted skirts had garlands of rosettes falling at the sides. and little bows at the .back._ Her headdress was rosettes of the same material held in Pine with.. stiff .matching veils. The bridesmaids, Miss Linde Brindley, BR 5, .Goderich, sis- ter of the igloo, and Miss Mary Brindley, RR 4, .0oderich, lousy in of the bride, wore identical styled apricot .W4 pepA gowns to the maid Of 'honor and all carried bouquets of white car- nations and Johanna roses, The little flower-girl, Miss • Betty Brindiey, sister - of the bride, wore .a. dress of white' nylon lace with lace trimmed peter pan collar and sculptured skirt trimmed with self ruffles. Her hat was a miniature rep- lica of the bridesmaids, in white and she carried a straw basket of white carnations and Johan- na roses. The groomsman was James Vint, .Goderich and the' ushers were Fred Moss, Goderich ..and Robert Brindley, RR 4, Gode- rich. For a reception which follow- ed in the Benmiller Church par- lor, the bride's mother receiv- ed the_guests wearing a jacket dress of mauve nylon aver taf- feta with beige accessories and a yellow rose corsage. She . was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a morning glory blue brocaded dress with white accessories Children are too busy playing to remember their slippers! But you needn't worry about sniffles ... not if you're heating your home with Natural Gas, the. Friendly Fuel. Natural Gas gives you constant, control-. Table temperature aff through the house, night and day. With Natural Gas the fresh warm air is circulated throughout your home, and stagnant air is carried away. With Natural Gas equipment, there are fewer moving parts. So operation is quiet and Sugar And Spice (Continued from Page 4) didn't quite bring it off. You're supposed to bawl like a baby as the gallant Cyrano dies at the end, and— the only emotion I felt was impatience that he took so long about it, Sunday afternoon, we "took in" a Schubert concert, feat- uring pianist Rudolph Serkin. He needed a shoeshine, but he could really make the piano sing. He even enjoyed it him- self, so- much that he started, at one point, to sing along with Serkin, booming and hum- ming away. I thought at first that it wa's some clod like me in the audience, carried away by the tune. I could tell the concert was a great success, because a lot of insurance salesmen and tou- riats who had seen too many movies stood up and cried "Bravo!" at the end, something I could not quite bring my self to do should Queen Eliz- abeth and President John Ken- nedy do a surpassing soft-shoe shuffle on stage. AUBURN A pretty, quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday, August 1.7, when Bernadette Leddy of Lucknow became the bride of John Wil- liam Andrews. Rev, D. J. Lane B,A., D,D officiated for the double - ring ceremony which took place at Clinton The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leddy, Lucknow, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Andrews, Auburn. The bride looked lovely in a white floor-length 'gown of silk and nylon organza over taffeta with lace panels extending from waist to hemline. It featured a square neckline and long lily-poinlf sleeves, Her el- bow length veil of silk illusion was held in place, by a sequin trimmed band and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Lynn Cowan, friend of the bride, Lucknow, was the bridesmaid wearing a blue lace over crystallete dress, match- ing hat and gloves and car- ried a bouquet of white 'mums tinted with blue. The best man was Ross An- drews, brother of the grooni, Auburn. Following the ceremony a reception followed in the Au- burn Community. Memorial Hall where the groom's moth- er assisted the bridal party in receiving the guests, wearing a green linen sheath, white hat and white accessories and a white carnation corsage. The hall was attractively decorated with white and pink streamers and white wedding bells and the tables were adorn- ed with florets of pink and white gladioli. The head table was adorned with a three-tiered wedding cake flanked by light- ed tapers in silver holders. Andrewsleddy Marriage License No. A5795 1960 Meteor Rideau tudor Economical 6 cyl. .... Now only $1,095 License No. A2990 1958 Plymouth Savoy Sedan Radio. A snap at only License No. 77907X 1959 Studebaker Ranch Wagon A dandy holiday model. License No. A4619 1959 Opel Sedan, GM import, Late model, transportation for only License No. J82241 1957 Yolks Deluxe Tudor. You can't miss on this one at only $495 License No. J80235 1956 Pontiac Tudor, 6 cyl, To clear at $250 License No. A2413 1956 Ford Custom Fordor. A willing V8, • only ,, , $295 License NO, J81970 1956 Dodge D61 Sedan. Radio, cheap transportation. ,,,,,,, $295 License No. A4226 1955 Ford Custom Tudor. A body man's special at $250 License No. A1552 1961 Ford Fairlane Fordor. In lovely condition at ,,,,,, $1,750 Timothy Seed We are buyers of new crop Timothy Seed. For information on handling and markets contact your local J.M. dealer or representative or • Jones MacHaughton Seeds P HONE 235-0363 EXETER, ONT. 30-33-4-5b memessemea License No. A3114 Ns„ 1961 Renault Dauphine Sedan. $675 Underpriced but to clear at .. . $895 License No. 999-617 1959 Meteor Rideau Tudor $895 8 cyl. Automatic at only:.. • $1,295 License No. A1774 1958 Rambler Classic Fordor. A popular '6 'cyl. at only..:.....$975 $350 License Na. J81-414 7958 Chev: Biscayne Fordor. A good clean car at a price $1,175 License No. A3493 1961 Simca Ariane Fordor. 4 cyl. economy at $950 TRUCKS 1960 Volks. Van „ ....... $795' 1958 Ford 314'ton Bell Tel. Body , $750 1959 Bedford Van „ ... : ,,,,,, „„„, 075 1946 Mercury '3 ton Stake $350. 1946 Fargo 1/2 ton Express •$100 TRACTORS 1959 Fordson Major Diesel $2,295 2—John Deere Several ford 8N and 9$ and Implements to clear. 17 New 1963 Cars and Tracks hi Stock To. Choose From CLINTON REPRESENTATIVES: Orland Johnston HU' 2-9697 George Cutler HU 2-9782 YOUR FORD - FALCON FORD TRUCK DEALER Goderich Motors Ltd. Phone JA 4.7308 35 South Street Goderich, Ont. We Are Open Eloenirigg Monday through Friday until 0 p.m. imidisisideininimi— • ••••• maintenance is low. And Natural Gas service has always been free! Install a Natural Gas furnace now, when top trade-in allowances are available —and you have up to five years to pay. And if he forgets his slippers, so what? All he needs for his health is an apple a day. Home-owners are happier with Natural Gat UNION SCOMPANY He's building a dream house just like dad's... with the warmth of the Friendly Fuel FINK Plumbing, Heating & Electrical Services ted --- Sales and Service 84 Wellington Street CLINTON --- Phone HU 24682 After Hours Phone Bill Fink --- HU 2-7682 chutes Plumbing, Heating & Electric We Specan2e in GAS FURNACE INSTALLATIONS — Also Plutribittg, Heating, and Electrical Installations 48 King Street CLINTON Phone HU 24652 WISE G PLUMBING and HEATING CIinton, Ontario 262 Bayfield Road Phone HU 24062 Your Local ANTHES Dealer