HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-08-15, Page 2PETER'S Meat Market WA$TE, ALL TASTE MINUTE STEAK DRUM. STICKS TURKEY LEGS YQUNP,TENDgR BEEF LIVER FARMER STYLE. SAUSAGE 790 lb. - 49e lb. 350 lb. 3 lb. for s1 .00 List Results of CHSS Cirade 13 MURRAY ADAMS * Eng, Comp. 56, Ens. Lit, 57, Geo, Metry 57, Algebra. 52. ELAINE ALEKANDER- Ellg. pomp. 59, Eng', Lit. 65, Q.Ponletry 62, Algebra 66, Trig. 60, Freneh A, 56, French Q. 56. PAUL BATSMAN - Eng. Camp. 75, Eng. Lit, 83, History 63, Geometry 82, Algebra $1, Trig. 88, Physics 75, Chemistry 72, French A. 70, French C. 66. CORRIE BRAND - Eng, Comp, 63, Eng. Lit, 74, History 54, Botany 50, Zoology 50, Lat- in A. 51, French A, 67,, French C. 54. EDWARD BRIDLE Eng, Comp. 66, Eng. Lit. 70, History 54, Physics 58, Chemistry 67, Latin A, 71, Latin C..85, Frei* A, 62, French C. 80. WILLIAM BROOKS..- Cleo metrY 51. NANCY CALDWELL-Eng. Comp. 75, Eng. Lit. 67, Alge- bra 63, Trig. 66, Botany 63, Zoology 57, Chemistry 5Q, French A, 58, French C. 59, IAN DUDLEY Eng, Ccrop. 75, Eng Lit, 5S, Algebra 50,1 Trig, 53, Physics 65, CheMistry 50, French A, 5Q, French. .C. 51, ALFRED DYKSTRA, - Eng, Lit. 02, Botany 72, Zoology 5T., BRAM EENDENADRG, - Eng, Comp. 60,, Eng, Lit, 62; PEWAYNE ELLICUT--Geo- rnetry 53, Algebra 50, Trig. 80, DONALD FREM.LIN - Eng. COMP, 77, Eng, Lit. 64, Botany 5Q, Zoology 55, French A. 58, French J, 59. MRS, AGNES GLENN..:-*-Eng. Comp, 52, Pig, Lit, 51, History 62, Geometry 63, Algebra 59, l3otany 84, Zoology 86, French A, 61, French C. 65, • • Comp. 58, Eng., Lit, 53, ,Geometry 66, Algebra 55, Trig 73, Botany 54, French C, 55. AUDREY IAARI-AND - Eng. Comp, 53, French A. 62, French C. 65. BRENDA HOMUTH Comp. 65 Eng, Lit, 68, History 64, Geometry 56, Botany 73, Zoology 78, Latin A. 71, Latin C. 73, 'French A. 63,' French C. 68. • . PATRICIA HARLAND - Eng. comp, 92, Eng. 'Lit, 77, History 68, Botany 77, Zoology 78, -Latin A. 66, Latin C, 78, French A. 64, French C. 71. .JOHN JACOB-History 56, JOANNE JOHNSTON-Eng. Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 62, History 52, Geometry 57, Algebra 51, Botany 61, Zoology 55, French A. 50, French C, 50, NANCY JOHNSTON - Eng. Comp. 58, Eng. Lit. 69, History 53, Geometry 58, Botany 75, Zoology 80, Latin A. 55, Latin C. 64, French A. 50, French C. 53. BARBARA KECHNIE-Eng. Lit. 55, Geography 74. RONALD LEVETT - Eng. Comp. 63, Eng. Lit. 72, Geo- metry 84, Algebra 86, Trig. 78, Physics 75, Chemistry 72, French: A. 65, French C. 77. FRED LIVERMORE - Eng. Comp. 64, Eng. Lit, ,50, History 51, Geometry 53,. Algebra 60, Botany 69, Zoology 75, • Chem- istry 50, • RONALD LIVERMORE Geometry 63, Algebra 61, Trig. 70, Botany 58, Zoology 61, French A. 53, French C. 55. MEETA McMICHAEL-Eng. Comp, 50, Eng. Lit, 50, Geo- metry 65, Algebra 67, Trig. 58, Botany 69, Zoology 75, Chem- istry 55. DOUGLAS' MAIR-Geometry 58, Algebra 55, Trig. 52, Phy- sics 53. MAURICE MARSHALL - Eng. Comp. 65, Eng. Lit. 66, History 56, Geography 52, Bet- any 62, Zoology 68, French A. 57, French C. 53. DONALD MILLS - Eng. Comp. 67, Geometry 76, Alge- bra 68, Trig. • 77, Zoology 63, Physics 79; Chemistry 74, French A, 60, French C. 72. DIANE MURPHY - Eng. Comp. 77, Eng. Lit. 72, History 54, Geometry 59, Algebra 54, Botany 61, Zoology 59, Chem, istry 50, French A. 69, French C. 60. MRS, PATRICIA History 51, .Geography MARTHA -PliT.NN4Y-ng, Cow. 55, Eng.. -Lit, 5$, Potany 5S, zoology 59, CAROL PLT,J1VISTL---Eng,. Comp. e% Eng. Lit. 56, History 50, Geometry 62, Algebra 73, 13etany 66, Zoology 80, Chem, istry 52, .cA„THARTN ., POTTE R Comp. 67, Eng. Lit. 51, French A. 50, French C, 57. wAyNg, READ-ng. comp. 53, GeornetrY 51, Algebra 51, Trig. 63, Physics 55, chemistry 60, DONALD. SCRVTON- Eng, Comp, 53.- p.OBERT SEMENIUK-Geo- rnetry 78, Algebra 73, Trig, 60, Physics 51, French A. 69, French C. 63. WILLIAM .S1.qAppIcK Eng. Camp, 50. JOHN Comp. 53; Eng. Lit. 50, -Geometry 67, Algebra 75, Trig. 60, Botany 69, Zoology 66, Chemistry 59. CHARLES STEPHENSON- Eng. Comp. 54. JOHN STRYI<ER - Eng, Comp. 53, Eng, Lit. 61, Geo- metry 61,, Algebra 51, Trig, 58, • Physics 65, Chemistry 63, • French. A. 54. JOHN VANDENASSEM - Eng. Comp. 52, Eng. Lit, 74, History 58, Geometry 60, Alge- • bra 54, Physics 57, Chemistry 54, French A, 61, French C. 52, ANTHONY VERHOEF-Geo- graphy 51. WILLIAM VODDEN -Eng. Comp. 67, Eng. Lit. 75, Geo- metry 80, Algebra 81, Trig: 74, Physics 75, Chemistry 76, Fr- erre A. 70, French C. 79. BETTY YOUNGBLUT-Eng. Comp. 60, Eng. Lit. 81, History 57, Botany 67, Zoology 74, Chemistry 56, Latin A. 57, Lat- in C. '71, French A. 70, French C.' 65. AILEEN SKEGGS Practice 71.• BONNIE HOMUT}f-History 56. RICHARD NICKERSON - Chemistry 55. Stanley Twp. Becoming Well-Drained, Council Approves 3 More Drain Loans construction of bridges in the. township as well as paving streets in Bayfield. Learned that the fireball at Eirticefield had been torn down and that construction on the new facilities was expected to commence in the very near future. The progressive farmers in Stanley Township appear to be taking steps to improve their land with proper drainage. At their regular August meeting, township council gave final approval to three more tile drainage loans and accepted the requests from three other farmers for similar loans. The latter three have to be ratified by government officials and if approved, will be grant- ed by the council. Council also approved work on a municipal drain for the west branch of the Black Creek, which is primarily a Hay Township project. Only Stanley farmer affected by the drain is A. Reichert on the south half of lot 15 on $13 concession, During the paying of ac- counts, council approved a pay- ment of $55 to the engineering firm of C. P. Corbett, Lucan. This was the final payment on the completed Hood municipal drain. In other business, council: Accepted the auditor's report on their 1962 business year. Paid accounts as follows: general, $855.02; roads, $15,- 925.05; Bayfield, $373.94. The large road account is due to and GOOD FOOD `The ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY ... at the druftlyericute ...,,, • 9:Zoom ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON ON T. Standard to SATURDAY every WEEK END 5' - Weekend STEAK KENTUCKY Specials SANDWICHES FRIED In Dining CHICKEN and Room Dining Room Will Remain Open Until 1:00 a.m. on Entertainment Evenings Motor The Phcon Served Every Sundoy pit HU king Pay ELM Room Serves fTc.p. 12 2-3489 for from 5:00 at the Huron Steet Full Noon to HAVEN to 8:30 Reservations Dinners Course Midnight p.m. Meals for Clinton Hotel West Rev. L. W. Herbert, Oshawa, officiated at the double-ring wedding , ceremony of Helen Edith Potter and. Kenneth- Everett Ashton in Holmesville United Church on Saturday, August 23. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter, RR 2 Clinton, while the groom is the 'son of Mr. Harvey Ashton and the late Mrs. Ashton, Clin- ton. Given in marriage S by her father, the bridle wore a floor- length gown of sheer organza over taffeta with an A-line silhouette leading to inverted pleat at waist, with the effect softened by cascade sweep train illusion. Garlands of guipure daisies adorned the skirt and neckline. She wore a Swedish crown of pearls and sequins which held a finger-tip veil of pure French illusion. The bride's bouquet consisted of a crescent of sweetheart roses and 'stephanotis. Catharine Potter was maid of honor and wore a street- length, gown of Berniuda blue organza over taffeta, featuring the .new controlled look with a scoop neckline ,elbow length sleeves and two little bows at the back waist. Her matching headdress feat- ured an open pillbox with tiny veil and she carried ,a bouquet of sweetheart roses and white carnations. Miss Barbara Morrison, Lon- don, was , flower girl and wore ' a dress of white nylon organza, an open pillbox headdress with veil and carried a nosegay of sweetheart roses. Groomsman was Donald Car- ter, Innerkip and the guests from as far away as London, Teeswater, Kincardine an Kitchener were ushered by Kenneth Potter, RR 2 Clinton, and Bert Lyon, RR 1 Auburn. The church was decorated with candelabra and white gla- dioli and the organist, Miss Lois Grasby, Clinton, provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Betty Youngblut, RR 1, Auburn, who sang "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden" and "The Wedding Prayer". A reception followed at Tiger Dunlop Inn and for a wedding trip to Western Canada, the bride donned a suit of blue wool crepe with pink accessories and a corsage of white carnations, On their return they will re- side in London. LADIES. ENJOY PICNIC Wohelo group of Wesley-Wil- lis enjoyed a picnic at the lake- side home of Mr. and Mrs. Les Ball. This, following a floral tea held on the beautiful grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oliver, brings to' an end the holiday activities of this group. Both these events were highly successful and much appreciar tion is felt to the hosts and hostesses in each event. katchewan, he moved into the area as a farmer in 1931 and had continued as such until his death. He was prominent in . Con- stance United Church, being an elder and Sunday School sup- erintendent for some time. The popular official was a member of Mullett Lodge No. 568 and the Independent Order of For- esters, Constance Lodge, He is survived by his wife, daughters, Mrs. William (Joy- ce) Dawson, Varna; Miss Jan- ice Jewitt, at home; sons, John, Hullett Township; Dennis, Sea- forth; Ross, Donald, Larry, Kenneth, Kevin and Stephen, all at home; sisters, Mrs. Alma Banks, Mrs. Clarence McIlroy, Mrs. ElWood Spicer, Mrs. Gor- don Halladay and Mrs. Frank Steel, all of Saskatchewan; bro- thers, Wilbur, Hullett Town- ship; Lloyd, Beaverlodge, Al- berta. The body rested at the D. A. Whitney funeral home, Sea- forth, where the service was conducted on Thursday with burial in Maitland Bank ceme- tery, Seaforth. Reserve Next Weekend-August 23 and 24-for Clinton Legion and Clinton Community Concert Band Second Annual PARADE - MIN& 11101111111r PIPE BANDS BRASS BANDS DRUM & BUGLE BANDS FIFE & DRUM BANDS MAJORETTE TROUPES 'TOP MUSICAL. IS YOUR WASHING SCHEDULETIGHT? DO IT HERE - BY DAY OR NIGHT! Feature Attraction EACH EVENING at 7:15 from Legion Hall to Clinton Community. Park. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24 Kitchener-Waterloo Flying Dutchmen DRUM and BUGLE CORPS ENTERTAINMENT . . plus . Marching & Precision Drills BAND CONCERTS Start at 7:45 p.m. Each Evening Local Cadet Mop. ratqin giVilbrtir Doug Macaulay, centre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Royce Macaulay, Clinton, is shown studying the route he and fellow high school, cadets at Banff will take to climb an adjacent mountain. Dpqg, who was commanding offiCer of the CHSS corps, is attending the camp with pother Clinton youth, Borden McRae, who was second-in-command. The pair are expected back next week froth.the f our- week camp. Letters to their pgents indicato the boys have enjoyed the leadership training course, the woodcraft and instructional. technique as well as side trips to various areas near Banff. One of the favourite trips is to a nearby 0.1-girl art schOol, (D/\f.b Plioto). Pipe Band Friday, August 23 Tattoo Massed Band Concert at 145 p.m. Saturday, August 24 at 7:45 p.m. "Day peopte, ornight people"? We're open round the clods! Your clothes will be clean soft, 'n1 have that "out-doorsy" smell you like when you, launder them here. USE THE Nkel-rt citOes, lT BoX OVA `8TDOte 61 ALtrertt stRett DAYGLEAN'iN4 0k LAUNDRY: .0060` YOUR' BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. 841,. LUCKY NUMBERS THIS WEEK -L/163 NEXT WEEK 1;5,X3 Cheek Your Calendar,. If the numbers Match, take the, calendar' to our office and claim your $3 credit. The First 'Cavalcade of Bands held last year was acclaimed by the tap musicians in Western Ontario as 'one of the finest this side of Waterloo and Toronto. LOTS OP MARTIN BOUNDY, LONDON, REE PARKING brie of the top musical directors in SPACE Ontario, will be d guett at the Soturclay Bond Concert, ADMISSIONS FRIDAY----Adults 50c. ' Children 25d SATURDAY-Adults Ma; Children 50a Central. Huron Secondary Schgoll CLEN'TON - ONTARIO REGISTRATION Any person planning to attend school, in September who has not filed a registration form, should do so as soon as possible', Office hours 8f30-12:30 and 1:30-4:30. Telephone HU 2-3471, TEXTBOOKS Lists of required textbooks and supplies are how tavailable• at the Office, The school bookstore will be open daily from August 19 for the sole of text- books an4 Physical' EducatiOn equipment, Hours 0,t00,12:00 and 1,:30-4:30, 1 810r183 Several Showers Staged By Friends Of Recent Bride Prior to her recent marriage, Mrs. Cam Addison (Beverly Biggin) was guest of honour at several showers and parties held in her honour in London and throughout this area. Twenty classmates of the area teacher met at the home of Miss Carol Anne Howlett, London, to entertain her at a miscellaneous shower. The congregation at Brick Street United Church, London, for which the bride was organ- ist for three years, also pre- sented her with several gifts at a shower. Another miscellaneous show- er was held by a group of her fellow teachers at the .Holmes- vine Public School at the home of Mrs. John. Siertsema, The group enjoyed games and con, tests before presenting her with gifts. The final event was staged by the St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, at which she had played the organ for the past year. She received a silv- er cream pitcher and bowl on a matching tray. The pupils of grades four, five and six also presented Mrs., Addison with a wool blanket and a pair of pillowcases prior to school closing. Following the wedding recep- tion at Little Inn, Bayfield, the guests were invited to the couple's home on Erie Street, Clinton, to view the many fine gifts. Page 2,C1.(inton. (Photo By R, J. Nephew) Couple From Area To Live In London Hullett. Farmer, Former Warde% Dies. Suddenly A former warden of Huron County, William ft.. Jewitt, 52, of Hullett Township, died last week while'doinbining in one of his fields. At the time of his death, Mr. Jewitt was president of the Huron County Children's Aid Society and besides being war- den, he -had served as a ',coun- cillor and reeve of Hullett for 11 years. ' • Born in Swift Current, Sas- LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND SPECIAL ATTRACTION BOBBY CURTOLA Tartan Recording. Star and his Twist Group "THE MARTELLS" Thurs./August 15 Admission $1.25 each (Casual,Dress) "TWIST" WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS "The Crescendos" LION' gt_N-P8iirs1;TON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Every Saturday "Cavalcade. I CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK-FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 and 24 LAUNDRY CLEANERS "cCce 0 -74.CE des,age- MITED CLINTON 9d. HU-2-7064