HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-07-18, Page 11Robinson Hpunioa
The annual Robinson reunion
was held at Xpperwash with 134
present from Sault Ste
Port Huron, Port Lambton,
Sarnia, London, Chatham, God-
eriph„ Wingham. and Auburn.
,Mr, Bert Robinson, Coder-
MI Was elected president and
Mr. Scott Robinson, London,
was Appointed secretary-treas-
urer for the coming year, Mr,
Jlm MaCIntosh, Mr. Douglas
Williams and Mr. Frank Hor-
ley, all of London, were named
as the sports committee,
• Paptist Church
Rev. Arthur Wormold, mis-
sionary on furlough from Bol-
ivia, was the guest speaker last
Sunday at the Auburn, Baptist
Church. He and his wife have
served for the past 10 years
under the Canadian Baptist
Mission Board and as he is a
radio engineer, he operates the
Southern cross radio station.
He told about the country,
their farming methods and how
Christianity is increasing arn-
ong the Indians and also the
great advance in education, Mr,
and Mrs. Wormold are staying
at Camp Hermosa, north of
During the service, Mrs. Dun-
can MacKay and her daughter,
Miss Barbara MacKay, sang a
duet, "Have Thine Own Way,
Lord". Mrs. Robert J. Phillips
was organist.
Bible School Students Study Church,
Present Interesting Final. Program
uburn and Distric#
11112-6633 RN CLINTON
The annual reunion of the
Taylor families was held, due
to Weather conditions, in Staffa
hall, on Sunday, July 14, with
approximately 100 present. The
V.!..46/0.% ..**00
iht SHOPPER'S ilk
Mt FRIEND :' \,
Members From Indiana, Manitoba,
Attend Annual Gathering of Taylors
afternoon was spent in reminis-
cing and recalling of former
At 5:30 everyone sat down to
a bountiful supper. During the
supper hour, the birthdays of
Russell Taylor, Indianapolis, In-
diana and his nephew, Russell
Taylor, Staffa, were appropri-
ately celebrated with decorated
Pictures of the family, the
second generation of Taylor
boys and visitors from a dis-
tance were taken.
A few words of greeting were
brought from Manitoba by
David Johnston, Pilot Mound,
and James Pollock, Killarney,
The most recent married
couple present were Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Taylor, Staffa and
the youngest baby present was
Cheryl Taylor, infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor,
Guests from a distance were
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Taylor,
Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs.
David Johnston, Pilot Mound,
Manitoba, and James Pollock,
Killarney, Manitoba.
Other guests present were
from Listowel, ,Walkerton, Wal-
ton, Zurich, Brucefield, Clinton,
Varna, Staffa.
$5 19 9s Thisweek
•• •• / • •,•••.<0,,,,,,•vox,x+//44,,,,,,•10,,:!•,,woz. ••xam• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
238 Albert St.—CLINTON---'HU 2-7681
• : , n
REG,. $.24 95
Enjoy SS 9 Picnic „,a„,,,M, Joe Hunking; run-
ning rage, Audrey .Puizer, Mrs„
Tom Cunningham,, and. Mrs, Len
.Archambault, Sharon Ball,
Men's dart contest, Len Arch,
mnbault, Tom .Cunningham, Bill
Wagner; rum-dpg race, Tom
Cunningham, Len Archambault,
Henry 1-Tanking; shoe .scramble,
Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Len
Archambault, Brenda. Arehatn,
hault and Brian Pfrimmer, Bey-
nice Hunking and Henry Hunk,
ing;. orange pass relay was won
by Mrs, Len Archambault's
team; second, Len Areharn,
bault's team,
The special feattire was a
race which Mrs, Fred Cook won
when she ran forward and Len
Archambault ran backwards.
Following the ,sports events '
a bountiful supper was served
by the ladies of the section,
Sponsored by
Featuring . . .
DATE . . .
At 8:30 p.m.
SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed gives your pigs the best
start in life.
Introduce them to Creep Feed at 2-3 days of age
and keep it fresh daily . . . encouraging them to
eat early.
Remember, getting your pigs on solid feed early
means better feed conversion and faster gains.
For more and heavier pigs at weaning . • . SHUR-
GAIN Creep Feed in pellets or meal is available
from our mill, . where feeds are always fresh
and formulated with your profit in mind.
Now Two Phones to Serve You
HU 2-3815 and HU 2-3484
Clinton Feed Mill
28 Huron St.
Clinton. Ont.
• • :
Thugs,,, July 18, ].963•x -R.gcqr4,Pagg. „,..„....
4\410, WES BRADNocK„cgr.rpspoudgnt,-,Phon@ 4704494
Intended for last week
Mr. Harvey McGee left last
week to make his home at Galt
with his cousin, Mrs. R. E.
Crawford and Mr. Crawford.
Mrs. Ralph Lubber left last
week for Holland where she
will visit her sick father.
Master John Ziler, Detroit, is
visiting with his uncle, Mr.
Kenneth Scott, Mrs. Scott,
Keith, Wayne and Eric.
Mr. Robert Wilkin was guest
at the missionary SerVice at
Westfield United Church when
he played piano seleclions, He
was later guest of his =Sic
teacher, Mr, A. E. Cook.
Miss Betty Marsh, Brampton,
is holidaying with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh and
her grandmother, Mrb. Herb-
ert Mogridge,
Mr. Sanford Lawlor is a
guest of his son, Mr. Themes
Lawler, Mit. Lawlor and Jim-
my. He has been a patient for
many weeks in the Winghain
Over 100 children registered
on Monday morning for the
Mr .and Mrs, Roy Finnigan.
and Mrs. Laura Fowler, GPI-
ericb, visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott,
Miss Francis,Houston, R,Ne
London, is holidaying with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Houston. Miss Mary Houston
of Hamilton is also spending
her vacation with her parents,
Miss Eleanor Monck, London,
is visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
Ed Davies and Mr. Davies.
Mr. and Mrs, Durnin Phillips
Lurgon Beach, visited relatives
in the village, Mr. and Mrs,
Thomas Johnston, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert J, Phillips a n d Miss
Laura Phillips,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman
Lucknow, left last week for a
visit in -Calgary.
Miss Judy Arthur visited last
week in Blyth with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moss and
Betty and Nancy Anderson are
staying at the lake in Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Craig's cottage at
the summer school site.
Miss Margaret R. Jackson
returned last week from a visit
with her brother, Mr. John
Jackson and Mrs. Jackson, We-
Laskin, Alberta. She attended
the celebration of their golden
wedding day.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Williams, Port Huron,
are enjoying their holidays in
the Canadian West.
Recent guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor were:
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Church,
Mission, Kansas; Mrs. Edwin
Homey, Goderich and Mrs. Ro-
bert McAllister, also of Goder-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp
and family, RR 1, Auburn, vis-
ited recently with friends in
Sarnia, Owen Sound, Tober-
mory, Sauble Beach and Kitch-
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath-
well, Michael and Janice, Owen
Sound, are vacationing with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
R. Taylor. While they have
been vacationing, Mr. Rathvvell
received word that he has been
transferred to the Brantford
Branch of the Canadian Imper-
ial Bank of Commerce. He
has been head accountant at
the Owen Sound branch for
over two years.
Baby Debbie Popp is staying
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Meredith Young, RR 3,
Little Miss Louise Campbell,
Goderich, visited last week with
her grandmother, Mrs. Stanley
Mrs. Stanley Strasser and
Miss Beverley, Sault Ste Marie
are visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig.
Miss Cindy Tait is visiting
this week in Seaforth with her
aunt, Mrs. Ross Nicholson, Mr.
Nicholson, Paul and Louise.
Mrs. F. Bishop, Mount Bryd-
ges, has been engaged as tea-
cher of USS No. 5, Hullett.
Misses Bernice McDougall
and Betty Youngblut are
camp counsellors at the junior
girls camp at the United Ch-
urch Summer school, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cham-
ney and Mr. and Mrs. William
J. Craig attended the Robinson
reunion at Ipperwash last Sat-
Miss Jill Bennett and Master
Jimmy Bennett, Port Albert,
visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Bradnock.
Mr. William Gross and his
daughter, Miss Elva Gross, at-
tended the golden wedding cel-
ebration of his brother, Rev.
and Mrs. G. L. Gross at List-
Many parishoners of St.
Mark's Anglican Church, here
attended the 85th anniversary
services at Trinity Church, 131-
yth. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor
was the guest soloist.
Calgary Honours
Word was received here last
week that Aubrey Toll's Clyd-
esdale horses have walked away
with the honours at the Cal-
gary Stampede.
At the provincial Exhibition
at Manitoba, he took first place
in the four-horse tandem team
to wagon and was awarded the
Prince Edward Hotel trophy,
a special award for four-horse
Mr. Toll also took first place
in the six-horse tandem team,
Another pair of victories
were scored in the agricultural
team in harness to wagon class
and in the draft horses in har-
ness to wagon class Mr, Toll
walked off with the Turner
Memorial plaque presented to
the heavy horse champion.
annual daily vacation Bible
school with the following teach-
ers in charge: kindergarten,
Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson; pri-
mary, Mrs, Carmen Gross; jun-
ior, Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys,
Rev. Robert Meally; senior, Mr,
Craig Peters and Mrs; Lloyd
Rev. R. U. IVIacLean of Knox
Presbyterian Church is on vac-
ation in the Maritime Provinces
and joint services are being
held for the Month of AO in
the Baptist Church, at 9:00
a.m. with Mr. Craig Peters of-
AUBURN — The Christian
Church was the theme of the
27th annual vacation Bible sch-
ool held in Auburn and the
closing service was held on Sat-
urday morning when parents
and friends attended in Knox
United Church.
The service of worship was
led by the senior group which
had been under the direction of
Craig Peters and Mrs. Lloyd
Walden. Eddie Haines presided
for the morning service and
Robert Wilkin accompanied on
the piano.
Patsy Millian read the scrip-
ture lesson, Brenda East led in
prayer and the offering was
received by Allan McDougall,
Billy Sproul, Glen Rice and
Keith Scott and was dedicated
by prayer by Jennifer Grange.
The remaining members of
the senior class formed the
choir and sang a selection.
Rev, Robert Meally spoke on
the purpose of the school and
told about the study which they
had been taking.
The pre-school children under
the direction of Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson sang a welcome
song directed by Margaret Hai-
nes and accompanied on the
piano by Margaret Sanderson.
Verses were read by Yvonne
Bean, Ronnie Hunking, Greg
Arthur, Loraine Chamney,
Wayne Powell and Larry Plaet-
Several other songs were
sung by this class.
Mrs. Sanderson was assisted
by Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs.
Gordon Chamney, Mrs. Thom-
as Haggitt, Marie Leatherland,
Margaret Sanderson, Mary
Sanderson, Margaret Haines,
Klaske Koopmans, Gail Miller.
The primary class, under the
direction of Mrs. Carman Gross
and Bernice McDougall at the
piano, sang some of their songs
and repeated Bible verses per-
taining to the Church.
Mrs. Gross was assisted in
this department by Mrs. Maur-
ice Bean, Mrs. Lawrence Plaet-
zer, Betty Youngblut, Marsha
Koopmans, Rose Marie Haggitt,
Lynda Andrews, Barbara San-
derson and Bernice McDougall.
The junior class under the
direction of the leader, Mrs.
.Lloyd Humphreys and Rev.
Robert Meally sang one of their
songs with Carole Brown at
the piano. Others helping here
were Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs,
Orville McPhee, Mrs. George
Schneider and Ruth Schneider.
Mr. Meally thanked all who
had assisted in the school and
special thanks was extended to
those who had sent in treats
daily to the younger classes.
Certificates were presented
to all the children who had
attended regularly.
Pre-school children: Cindy
Tait, Cathy McClinchey, Gail
Patterson, Sylvia Rutkowski,
Kathy Hunking, Donna Jean
Hunking, Joan Hunking, Faye
Seers, Margaret Wilkin, Lor-
aine Chamney, Carol Gross,
Marilyn Wightman, Janice
Rathwell, Jayne Arthur, Edith
Snell, Yvonne Bean, Maureen
Longhurst, Wayne Powell, Bob-
by Powell, Ronnie Hunking,
Douglas. Chamney, Larry Plaet-
zer, David Glousher, Mark
Lockhart, Eldon Chamney,
Ronnie Plunkett, Glen Wight-
man, Ricky Baechler, Greg Ar-
thur, John Verewey.
Primary: Paul Chamney, Mi-
chael Rathwell, Douglas Durn-
in, Keith Lapp, Dana Bean,
Eric Scott, Lynn Turner, Mar-
ie Plunkett, Trudy Machan,
Louise Campbell, Wanda Plaet-
zer, Sherry Plaetzer, Doreen
McClinchey, Louise Hunking,
Shirley Ament, Vaughan Hun-
king, Mary Lou Vincent, Tom-
my Raithby, Nancy Brown and
Rickey Archambault.
Juniors: Steven Haggitt,
Joyce Leatherland, Linda Long-
hurst, Bobby Schneider, Linda
Reed, Petra Tiechert, Jackie
Vincent, Ronnie McPhee,
Wayne Arthur, Gary Ament,
Ronnie Brown, Donna Baechler,
Karen East, John Koopmans,
Randy Machan, Billie Snell,
Kathy Schneider, Lynda Sproul,
Patsy Wilkin, Margaret Young-
blut, Jimmy Bennett, Sharon
Cook, Larry Chamney, Paul
Gross, Shelly Grange, Jack de
Groot, Neil Lockhart, George
Lubbers, Gail Seers, Wayne
Scott, Linda Walden, Mary Wil-
kin, Murray Wightman, Peter
Tiechert, Barbara Glousher.
Seniors presented with cer-
tificates were: Robert Wilkin,
Eddie Haines, Bill Sproul, Allan
McDougall, Keith Scott, Glen
Rice, Kathy Hallam, Jennifer
Grange, Brenda East, Dianne
Kirkconnell, Eleanor Monck,
Marian Youngblut, Jill Bennett,
Mary Snell, Brenda Archam-
bault, Wendy Schneider, Nancy
Lapp, Phyllis Biggerstaff,.Patsy
Millian, Linda Baechler, Shir-
ley Hunking, Karl Tiechert,
Patsy Reed.
The crafts which had been
done during the week were on
display including a large card-
board church, 'covered with lay-
ers of shreddies for the roof,
stained glass windows, and in-
side furnishings including the
minister and gowned choir.
Pictures were also painted,
fancy pillows made, and many
small articles made by junior
Parents, Students
The' annual ,echoel, picnic of
SS -9, Hnliett W4$ held recently
with parents joining in the
sports and social .events The
program was planned by the
teacher; Miss Irene Pfrimmer:
The results of the races are
as. follows;
Grades one and two, Louise
Honking, Arva Ball, Rickey
Archambault; three and four,
Joyce Hallam, Kathy Schneider,
Keith Lapp; six, Daryl Ball,
Brenda. Archambault, Daryk
Ball; seven and eight, Bill
Lapp, Brenda Ball, Douglas
Running broad, grades one
and two, Rickey Archambault,
Louise Hunking, Ronnie Siva-
er;, three and four, Ralph Hal,
lam, Kathy Schneider, Joyce
Hallam; six, Daryl Ball, Brenda
Archambault, Bob Schneider;
seven and eight, Betty Hallam,
Brenda Ball, Doug Archam-
bault, •
Standing broad: one and two,
Louise Hunking, Rickey Arch-
ambault, Ronnie Snyder; three
and four, Joyce Hallarn, Keith
Lapp, Ralph Hallam; six, Brian
Pfrimmer, Nancy Lapp, Daryl
Ball; seven and eight, sill
Lapp, Brenda Ball, Wendy
High jump: one and two,
Louise Hunking, Rickey Arch-
ambault, Ernie Pfrimmer; three
and four, Joyce Hallam, Kathy
Schneider, Ralph Hallam; six,
Brenda Archambault, Daryl
Ball, Nancy Lapp; seven and
eight, Douglas Archambault,
Betty Hallam, Bill Lapp.
Pre-schoolers running race,
Ronnie Hunking, Johnny Ver-
wey, Kathy Hunking; three-
legged race, Joyce Hallam and
Kathy Schneider, Ralph Hal-
lam and Rickey Archambault,
Arva Ball and Louise Hunking;
grades six, seven and eight,
Wendy Schneider and Nancy
Lapp, Daryl Ball and Bob
Schneider, Doug Archambault
and Brian Pfrimmer.
Softball throw: grades one
and two, Ernie Pfrimmer,
Louise Hunking, Arva Ball;
three and four, Joyce Hallam,
Ralph Hallam, Keith Lapp; six,
Brian Pfrimmer, Bob Schneid-
er, Daryl Ball; seven and eight,
Doug Archambault, Bill Lapp,
Wendy Schneider.
Softball throw, pre-schoolers,
Johnny Verwey, Ronnie Hunk-
ing, Kathy Hunking; wheel-
barrow race, juniors, Rickey
Archambault and Keith Lapp,
Joyce Hallam and Kathy Sch-
neider, Harry Franken and
Ralph Hallam; seniors, Nancy
Lapp and Wendy Schneider,
Sharon Ball and Bob Schneider,
Brian Pfrimmer and Doug
Archambault; ladies' kick-the-
slipper, Mts. Len ArChambault,
Mrs, John Snyder and Sharon
School Closed With Bazaar and Bake Sale
The students at .ss 9 Hullett, finished the year off with a large bazaar
and bake sale and netted $70 for their efforts. Three of the boys in the school
are shown here with the assorted waste-baskets made for sale. They are
from the left: Rickey Archambault, Daryl Ball and Daryk Ball. Teacher at
the school is Miss Irene Pfrimmer. (Photo by Brachlock)
Over 70 Attend
Mad Picnic,
Enjoy Games
AUBURN—Over 70 relatives
attended the McNall reunion
held last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Archam-
bault, RR 1, Auburn. Guests
were present from Welland, St.
Marys, Windsor, Strathroy,
Goderich, Blyth, Londesboro
and Auburn.
The day's program was in
the charge of the presidents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley McNeil, Wel-
land, and the secretaries, Mr.
and . Mrs. Len Archambault.
Races were run by the sports
committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Results of the races were: 3
and under, Bruce McNeil; 5 and
under, Terry McNeil, Gail Mc-
Neil; 7 and under, Debbie Tur-
ner, Judy Howatt; 8 and under,
Kenny Johnston, Rickey Arch-
ambault; 9 and under, John Mc-
Joan Howatt; 11 and
under, Brenda Archarribault,
Doug McNeil; 14 and under,
Connie, Howatt, Billy Vanstone.
Men's race, Wellington Mc-
Neil, Elgin McNeil; minute
race, Mrs. Jim Howatt; mar-
ried ladies' race, Mrs. Jim
Pierce; grandmothers' race,
Mrs. Pearl McNall, Mrs. Bert
Craig, Mrs. Mary McNeil;
wheelbarrow race, Connie How-
att and Doug McNeil, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Turner; girls' kick-
the-slipper, Connie Howatt, Mrs.
Len Archambault; men's kick-
the-slipper, Wellington McNeil,
Elgin McNeil, shoe scramble,
Mrs. Elgin McNeil; men's shoe
scramble,. Douglas Archam-
bault; anniversary of wedding
day closest to reunion, Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington McNeil, Wel-
land; birthday closest date,
Doug Archambault.
Most buttons on. dress, Mrs.
Jim Howatt; men's most but-
tons, Billy Vanstone; mother of
the year, Mrs. Elgin McNeil.
The election ,of officers took
place for the coming year and
are as follows: presidents, Mr.
and Mrs. Verdun. Vanstone,
Benmiller ;secretaries, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Howatt, Londesboro;
sports, Mr. and Mrs. Welling-
ton McNeil, Welland and Mrs.
Elgin McNeil, St. Marys.
A delicious buffet style sup-
per was served ,• on the lawn
and following the singing of the
grace, happy birthday was sung
to Douglas Archambault who
that day was celebrating his
Twilight Meeting
7:30 Orville Ribey's Farm
Colborne Township—Road between Nile and
Carlow and 1 1/4 miles west.
8:15 Doug. McNeil's Farm
Colborne Township—Road between Nile and
Oat and Barley Varieties — New Alfalfa
Seeding with nurse crop in 1963 for
hay in 1963 — others items
of interest.
President Secretary-Treasurer