HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-07-18, Page 8age —Clinton8 News-Record Thurs., July )8, 1963
Workmen Busy On
One of the few rooms at CHSS not expected
to be completed for September opening is the new
gymnasium, but judging from the maze of steel
School's Gymnasium
being used in its construction, the facility will be
very sturdy when it is completed, "shortly after"
September 1. . (News-Record Photo)
Henry J. ejc.keitt.
Funeral services were held on'
Wednesday for Renry Jahn
Pickett, who. WWI away kr
.Clinton Public liog4tal Mon-
day, after .an, ailment
five weeks,
He was born .in t a 4.1P. r
T.Qvaxthip and was a life-long
resident. of the Clinton .drea,
passing away at the age of 71,
The deceased was a member
of the .Clinton Baptist Church
and the funeral was conducted
by Mr. Craig Peters from the
Bell and 'Mitch funeral home,
Kr: Pickett is survived by
his wife, the former Clara Wal,
ker; one sop, Roy, RR 3, ,.Ctin-
ton; two daughters, Mrs. Roger
(Edna) Andrews, Seaforth;
Mrs. Bruce (Irene) Pupee,
inton; one brother, William,
Clinton; two. sisters, Mrs. Or-
pha 'McMichael and Miss Ethel,
both of Clinton; and 10 grand,
Pallbearers. included Harry
Cochrane, Ed Grealis, Jay Hol-•
mes, Lloyd Holland, James
Murray and Hartley Managhan.
Wayne Dupee, John Andrews'
and Ivan Pickett were flow-
• Burial was made in Clinton:
it's the Deluxe Volkswagen.
And it's got everything a luxurious car
should have, except a high price tag.
There are ash-trays front and back;
windshield washers; automatic courtesy
lights; passenger armrest; and door pockets.
• It has six heater Vents; fully adjustable
bucket seats; pleated upholstery; and a
Vinyl headlining on the ceiling.
And enough chrome trim to make it
look elegant.
Come in for a test drive; (We'll ap-
praise your trade-in while you drive ours).
We'll show you how to sit in the lap of
luxury without flattening your pocketbook.
Phan 5144261
Serving Clinton - Clinton RCAF and Godericii
By reading and using News-Record Want Ads]
Do you know of an easier
our Want Ads your marketplace,
for the phone to ring (and ring it
the Want Ads.
Want Ads do the work
way to shop or sell? When you make
allyou do is place your ad and wait
will), or sit back and enjoy reading
— and quickly! ,
Linton Mews -Record
56 Albert Street — Clinton
Two Veterans or First World War
Mark Golden Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scoteh-
reer were in Halibin'ton from
Friday to Sunday visiting their
youngest daughter, Mrs. Ken
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur R. Ford,
London, came on Friday to
occupy Miss G. Woolfenden's
cottage on Howard Street for
the season.
Mrs. Roy Sellery and Miss
Anse Lee, Toronto, spent a few,
days this week at Miss Hod-
gin's cottage.
Norma Williams spent last
week with her grandmother,
Mrs. Charles Upshall. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbert Williams, Strat-
ford, acCompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Jacques, Hensall,
came for Norma on Sunday.
Mrs. J. l3arrau and two chil-
dren returned to London last
week with her husband who
joined them at the cottage from
Wednesday to Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Little,
Brantford, accompanied by her
aunt, Mrs., Bill Clark, Union,
visited the latter's brother-in-
law, Charles Toms .on Wednes-
day of last week.
Mr: and Mrs. Sam Lawrason,
Listowel, and her sister, Mrs.
D. McClenahan, Ottawa, visited
Mrs. Nelson Heard over the
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather-
ston spent a few days last
week with their daughter, Mrs.
Keith Leonard and family, Wil-
Mrs. W. H. Helps, Miss Verna
Gunn and Miss Phyllis Duck-
worth were with Miss Kathleen
Reid at "Enfield" cottage from
Saturday to Wednesday. Mrs.
Helps is now the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Bryant while
the others returned to Windsor
on Wednesday evening.
Bill Johnston and son Kevin,
Windsor, spent the weekend
with his aunt, Mrs. Malcolm
Mrs. Walter Erickson, San-
dra, Robbie and baby Andrew,
Ramore, are visiting her father,
Willard Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms,
Detroit, 'spent the Fourth -of
July and weekend with his bro-
thers, Charles and Malcolm
Miss Luella Burke, London,
Will be Open Until
Further Notice on
Wednesday and.
Sat. Afternoons
from 1 to 5.30 p.m.
No Wire Fencing, Old Con-
crete or Car Bodies
14tfb 0
is spending the s'unimer. with
Mrs. F. W. McEwen..
Dr, and Mrs. J, Downie and
two children, Christine and
jocelYn, haVe returned to King-
ston and Dr. R. G, Hunter to
Toronto after vacationing here.
Cecil Cooper and Mrs. John
Mrs. F. W. Potter and Miss
Betty Ann Potter are at their
cottage. They spent seven
months at Santa Monica, Cali-
fornia, and travelled in Mexico
before returning to their home
in London,
Visitors last week with Miss
M. Hodgins at her cottage,
"Stonehaven", were Mr. and
Mrs. Otton, Woodstock, and
Mrs. N. Orme Catt, Vancouv-
er, B.C., and the Misses Laid-
law, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Lloyd
and Mrs. G. E. MacDonald,
Toronto, spent the weekend
with Miss Hodgins.
LOL No. 24 attended the
"walk" in Exeter on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard
went on to London for the cele-
bration of the Glorious Twelfth
in that city on Saturday.
Returns Home
After Journey
To West Coast
kelt, who accompanied her son,
Kenneth and family, to Dawson
Creek, B.C., returned home on
Friday after having been away
three weeks.
At Dryden, Ontario, she was
struck by the appearance of
trees which looked as if they
were coming into blossom. She
discovered that caterpillars had
riddled the foliage.
And near her daughter-in-
law's home at Grand Prairie,
Alberta, they had stripped the
trees completely.
The Arkells travelled Trans-
Canada highway going north to
The crops in Manitoba and
Saskatchewan all looked fine,
where they had plenty of rain,
but at Edmonton, soil was par-
After visiting her son and
Friends Shower
At Trinity Church
BAYFIELD—A miscellaneous
shower for Miss Elaine Wes-
ton, former Sunday school
scholar and teacher, Trinity
Anglican Church, was held in
the parish hall on Friday even-
ing, July 12.
The hall was tastefully dec-
orated with white daisies.
When the bride-elect entered,
Mrs. R. J. Larson, Superinten-
dent, pinned a corsage on her.
The curtains on the stage
were opened, revealing decora-
tions in white bells, garlands
of pink and white and chairs
draped in pink with pink rib-
bons, Piled high on a table
were the many gifts which had
been received at the • door by
Mrs, Merton Merner and her
daughter Janice.
The bride-to-be was asked to
sit in a large chair and her
sisters, Jackie and Cathy, on
either side of her.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, who
recently retired after being ,a
Sunday school teacher for many
years, read an appropriate ad-
dress expressing best ,wishes
from all.
Elaine was assisted by her
sisters in opening the gifts and
thanked each one as she open-
ed them,
Teachers of the Sunday
school helping were: Mrs. R. J.
Larson, Mrs. Merton Merner,
Mrs. Barbara Matthews and
Janice Merrier.
After the gifts had been ac-
knowledged, Miss Jacqueline
Cluff and Mrs. Howard Arm-
strong, were impromptu millin-
ers of considerable artistic abil-
ity in fashioning a hat with the
Assisting in serving lunch at
this happy affair were: Mrs,
L. B. Smith, Mrs. H. K. King,
Mrs. J. Cluff, Mrs. R. Roy Fitz-
simons and daughter Karen,
Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, Mrs. A.
M. Bassett, Mrs. Betty Lou
family and sister, Mrs. R.
Heath and family, Mrs. Arkell
returned to Melton by jet
She was a bit disappointed in
the latter, preferring the Vis-
count. Mr. Arkell met her in
BAYFIELD — Mr. and Mrs.
George Miles, Toronto, came
on Friday to visit her cousin,
Mrs. Fred McEwen.
On Sunday, Mrs. McEwen
was hostess with her cousin's
children, Clarke Miles and
wife, Kitchener, and Mary with
her husband, Eric Latimer, To-
ronto, in a golden wedding an-
niversary celebration for Mr.
and Mrs. G. Miles.
Guides Enjoy
Busy Week At
Seaforth Camp
BAYFIELD — Mrs. Maynard
Corrie, captain, First Company
Bayfield Girl Guides, and pro-
vincial cadet, Shirley Pierson,
were on the staff of the pioneer
Girl Guide camp at Seaforth
from July 7-13 inclusive.
Mrs. T. Lavender, Hensall,
who is camp advisor for Hur-
onia was commandant of the
camp at which there were 40
Mrs. J. Stano, RCAF Station
Clinton, was a member of the
staff and Mrs. Ted Southgate,
Seaforth, camp nurse.
It was held at the Glen Mac
Boy Scout camp, Seaforth.
The girls all worked very
hard but they enjoyed it and
went swimming each day at the
Lions Park in Seaforth.
First year campers from Bay-
field were Penny Howlett and
Martha Corrie.
Candidates from Bayfield
trying for their pioneer's badge
were successful. They were
Mary E. Ervine, Lynnda Scot-
chmer and Linda Pierson.
Girls trying for it had to
pitch their tents, make tables,
light the fires and do most of
the cooking.
Mrs. M. Corrie was quarter-
master so the supervision of
cooking and planning 'of meals
fell on her shoulders. "But the
girls worked hard," she said,
"and the weather was idea]."
One night they slept under
the stars.
Fred McClymont
Over 80 children registered
for the Vacation Bible School
which opened on Monday morn-
ing of this week in the United
Church with the pastor, Rev.
Murdock Morrison in charge.
The United Church Sunday
School anniversary will be held
next Sunday, July 21 at 101.5
The annual Coleman reunion
will beheld at the Lions Park,
Seaforth, on Saturday, July 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson of De-
troit are visiting friends in this
Mr. Pollock, Pilot Mound,
Man., is renewing acquaint-
ances in the community.
The • local softball team de-
feated the Brucefield team in a
good game on Monday evening
of this week.
The members of LOL 1035
and their families and friends
attended the annual "walk" at
Exeter on Friday last.
Mrs. George Reid is at pres-
ent a patient in Clinton Public
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Taylor,
Indianapolis, Indiana; Mr, and
Mrs. Dave Johnston, Pilot
Mound, Manitoba and James •
Pollock, Killarney, Manitoba,
are visiting in the area this
In the 1945 .1962 period lab-
our income in Canada rose from
$4,9 billion to, $20.4 billion,
While the numer of persons
With IOW rose from 3,411,000
tt, 451 00t
Meota Beach, Saskatchewan,
after which they took up house
keeping in Saskatoon. The bride
had gone west to visit her sis-
ter, Mrs .Herbert Duncan, who
now resides in Sarnia and was
present for this anniversary.
George Miles served in both
world wars .in the Royal Canad-
ian Army Medical Corps, over-
seas in World War I, and was
attached to the Tank Brigade
overseas in World War II.
Mre, .Miles went overseas in
1915 and served as a secretary
to a prominent Canadian mili-
tary official until after the war.
After the First World War
they moved east to Toronto in
1919 where they still reside.
Coming from a farhily.noted
for their fine voices, Mrs. Miles
still sings in the contralto sec-
tion of Runnymede United
Church, Toronto.
Congratulations a n d best
wishes .for many more happy
years together go to Mr. and
Mrs. Miles.
The affair was planned for
the garden but owing to the
inclement weather, large and
small tables were set in the
Decorations were carried out
with golden bells, gold and
white streamers.
The bride's table was centred
with yellow 'mums and there
was a beautifully decorated
cake and the traditional cut-
The bride of 50 years wore a
mauve orchid on her dress of
green and gold print silk.
Included in the 25 guests
from Toronto, Wyoming, Sar-
nia, Port Huron, London, An-
caster and Bayfield were' the
couple's grandchildren, Michael
and Jacqueline Miles, Kitchen-
er. All enjoyed a turkey din-
ner with all the trimmings.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles were the
recipients of, gifts arid many
cards and congratulatory mes-
sages. It was on July 14, 1913, that
Miss Clara Richardson, daugh-
ter of the late Joseph Richard-
son and Rachael Clarke, Bay-
field Concession Road, Stanley
Township, became the bride 'of
George Miles, formerly of To-
ronto, in Saskatoon..
The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. Dr. Dix of Knox
Presbyterian Church, in the
Later they left on a honey-
moon trip by train and bus to
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mustard
and family, Port Credit, are
holidaying at the Mustard fam-
ily cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. William E, Par-
ker returned home on Monday
after a week's holiday. They
went north to Cochrane and
visited Moosonee and Moose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert John-
ston, Robbie and David, Port
Credit, spent the weekend with
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. R. Willock
and family.
The Rev, Canon and Mrs. F.
H. Paull, Listowel, were the
guests of Mrs. R. H. F. Gaird-
ner on Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Percy Elliott and dau-
ghter, Gail, of Port Colborne,
are vacationing with Mrs. El- It was arranged by the Sun-
liott's mother and sister, Mrs. day School teachers for Elaine's
many friends.
(N4s. 11X, F, BERRY)
Col reseendent)
Mrs. Reg Grieves, Fort Erie,
spent a few days with. Mrs.
William Detigles,
Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre
attended the funeral of the
late Mr. Harry Eyre in Sarnia
On Monday.
Miss PurothY Farquhar, To-
ronto, and Mrs. Charles Far-
quhar, Hensall, visited with
Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Douglas
Mr, and Mrs. Ray McNall
and, family have moved to their
new home in Fergus and Mr.
and Mrs, Alex Mustard are re-
siding in London.