HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-07-18, Page 6The Freshest, Tastiest Bread In Town . Serve. . . BARTLIFFS ENRICHED BREAD Our Friday Special 9 From Our Store Only-- MILK CHOCOLATE LAYER Regular 55c each Special 49c each Our Saturday Special . . . From Our Store Only— BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Regular .„, .„,.„ 50c doz. Special „ 43c doz. Bartliffs Bakery HU 2.9727 Limited CLINTON Bakery and Restaurant rim II. Buy Now and Save During Our Annual Mid-Summer Clearance of Quality Men's Wear .. . 9 Big Days . . . Sale Starts Thursday, July 18 . .. Ends Saturday; July 27. PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD. MAIN CORNER CLINTON ARTICLES FOR SALE ELE.CTROLUX s Acti Ed N. riyAcE For Free DerapagratiOn or Service Ph011e HU 2-7089 1.3tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED PART TIME WORK wanted, phone HU 2-7,514„ 29p GIRL desires typewriting in my ,own home, Phone HU 2-7324, 29,30P S • MISCELLANEOUS REAL. ESTATE REAL ESTATE .„. MODERN' 1V7 .STOREV,..SeveA. r9O111 hQ149.9,11 a 7.9.4100 ft. lot, located in a quiet ,area,. Hard-- wood .floors new oil ,furnace and bath. Immediate possession. Phone 369J, :Seaforth, W. A.. .1.-fodgert, Box 419, Seaforth, 28,9b • 2 BEDROOM' .COTTAGE, "Cnc Orig. Terrace, Clinton, Apply Chapman':, , IdTT 2-3463 or HU 2,7082, „,. MopPONAt.P E LECTRIC Metal' Repairs', and Rewinding 419!-Ise Wiring ServiPe Calls - HU 2, „7702 29tfb Page 6—Clinton NPws-Record—Yhurs., July 18, 1963 ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW THREE-BEPRQQM Euri, galOW,. conveniences, PlOdern. ,red-wood finish, gas heated, lo- gated. at Brucefield, four miles from RCAF Station or .six miles. f;eocira, Is,h1olnOtPlin.p.027.75n7e0r 9trrall,ocafAeri. Station, local 285. 27-8-9b HURRY TO RAY'S Shoe Re- pair. Shoes will be going up 5 percent in September, so save, shop now, 29b ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT .ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENf TEWIDERS WANTED Town pf Clinton. T E ND E RS' .FOR. STREET RE-CONS. RUCTION. Separate sealed tenders will be received by the town clerk, Mr. John Livermore, until '5:00 Pall., Friday, July .26, 1963, for the following work .on, streets in the Town of Clinton; 1—Approximately 3,117 cubic yards earth excavation; 1,778 cubic yards granular hgemt and construction of approx- imately 440 lineal feet of sidewalk, 2—Paving with approximately 403 tons of spreader laid HL 8 binder course, 27 tons of hand laid HL '8 and 63 tons of hand laid HL 4 asph- altic concrete. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications available from the office of the undersigned. 131, BOSS, F.Eng., Consulting Engineer, Box 699, Goderich, Ont. 79b Mechanical and Body Re;:, pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace, merits, RaOiater Repairs. Prptect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson': Texaco Service N, o. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo siraPeries, win dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry ds. 23tfb MODERN 3 ROOM '4,11Inriliati- ed suite, priVate, entrance and bath, Rhone HU 24476- 29b HOUSE on George Street, Sea- forth, corner lot nicely decorat- ed; 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, gas furnace, garage, Pessession August 1: Phone 348-$541. Mitchell. 29b LARGE BRICK. HOUSE with modern conveniences on • main highway, close to public school between Varna and Hayfield. Available August 1, Ron Taylor phone HU 2-3251. 29b ASTRAL refrigerator, small size, in good running Order. one HU 2-7375, Harry Way- mouth. 29p $r T ent, SCAFFOLDING bE;',d'ay,1V eek o mo nft9hr. Earl Doucette, 168 Queen St, phone HO 2-9741. 14-48p 2-BEDROOM apartment, 144- furnished, available now. Phone HU 2-9644. 29b 12 FT, PLYWOOD BOAT, with 71/2 .Scott,Attwater motor and trailer; 3 life jackets; set of oars, complete $200. Phone HU 2-7634. 29p „ . NEW POTATOES, 6 qt. bask- et,(L.) cents; need 6 qt, baskets, will pay five cents , each. Clin- ton Greenhouse and Garden Centre,' 182 Church Street, 29p SALESMAN WANTED HELP WANTED WOULD LIKE my 3 children, ages 3, 7 and 8, to spend one er ,two weeks on a farm, near Clinton, Phone HU 2-7626, 29b VACUUM CLEANERS. Sales, and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum, cleaners and polisher& ReconclitiOnecl mach-ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb 2-BEDROOM` apartment, un- furnished, School Apts. Apply Ceriel Van Daninae, phone HU 2-6685. 29b YOU'RE , WORTH MORE THAN YOU THINK Don't worry about past history, Your ambition and ability are more important to us than preyious work. We can prove this with earnings from $8,000 to $12,000 in a tear paid to our salesmen in 36 other cities who started without previous sales experience in pur field. If you are over 30 and interested, please get in touch with S. M. Swallow, pres„ Southwestern Petroleum co., Box TA?, Fort Worth I, Texas, NOTICE THREE ROOM FURNISHED apartment, private entrance and bath, close to .CHS School. Ph- one HU 2-3837. 28tfb, CLINTON District C011egiate Institute Board requires a clerk- typist part time (12;30-4:30 p.m.) Daily duties to commence 1,9 Aug., 1963. Also full time secretary, duties to commence 3 September 1963. Salary schedule being established, Ap- plications stating experience to be in the hands of the Busi- ness Administrator by 31 July 1963, 29b LARGE, 4-BEDROOM, frame house, near RCAF Station. Close to a church and a public school, available August 1. Long term preferred. Phone HU 2-7567, 29tfb I will no longer be respons- ible for any debts incurred by, my wife. — (Signed) Eldred Emmerson, Maple Street, Clin- ton. 29-30-1p CHERRIES: Truck Load con.i.. ing Soon, Cheapest way, to buy, Picked, washed, pitted with sug- ar added. From trees to you in 24 hours, Under refrigeration to ensure quality. Order now, Hayfield Cold Storage, phone 77r5. 28-9b LARGE SIE Westinghouse re- frigerator, in first class. run, ping condition, $35; Norge oil space heater; several feet of used copper drain pipe. Apply after 5:00 p,m. and weekends to Mrs. M. Seeley, 110 Huron Street, 29b FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apartment, upstairs. Ceriel Van- Demme, phone HU 2-6685, 28tfb PIANO TUNING NEARLY NEW 3-BEDROOM house, unfurnished near school, must. have references, $100 per month. Write to Box 295, Clin- ton News-Record. 29b 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT — unfurnished, laundry tubs, avail- able July 15. Apply 74 Victoria Street, Phone HU 2-7065. 27tfb TENDERS WANTED YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the , continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. SINGER SUMMER SALE Last week to take advantage of Free $69.95 Vacuum Cleaner with purchase of Slant-O-Matic Sewing Machine. Sale ends July 20th. Will Whidden, Representative Phone Goderich JA 4-8431 Res.: Clinton HU 2-9103 29b SEALED TENDERS will be received by the CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD For the painting of eight rooms at Central Huron Secondary School before 1 September 1963. Interested participants will be shown rooms on request. Tend- ers so marked •must be in the hands of the Business Adminis- trator Mr. L. R. Maloney by 31 July 1963. Lowest or any tend- er not necessarily accepted, 29b We Specialize in . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance. Service Plumbing Installations ' Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric. SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON Phone HU 2-7652 24tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE FARM HOUSE, unfurnished, 3 to 4 bedrooms, located 1,4 mile west of Brucefield, close to school, available now. D'Arcy Ratlivvell, phone HU 2-3384. .29b BAYFIELD lakefront cottage, furnished, 3 bedrooms, avail- able July 27 to. September 3. Phone London GE 4-9323, 8 Bond Street. 29b WOMEN WANTED to work in knitting factory. Apply in per- son Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd., Clinton . 29b PET STOCK 1-BEDROOM apartment un- furnished, heated, with kitchen, living room, 3-pc. bath and large hall, separate entrance, centrally located, newly decor- ated. Bruce Holland, phone HU 2-7079. ' 27b-29-30b GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, five weeks old, price $5 and $3, Phone HU 2-9231, 29p TOY POMERANIANS, one fe- male, one male, 6 weeks old. Phone Goderich JA 4-7592. 29b REAL ESTATE 4-BEDROOM house with bath and hot water. Nicely located 2 miles north west. of Seaforth, close to school. Apply Harold Agar, 836r2, Seaforth. 29-30-1p LADIES HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELLING AVON? It costs nothing to find out the details. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 960 Wellington Rd. S., London or call collect 432-9019 between 7 and 9 p.m. 23-6-9-32-5b 29b TRANSISTOR RADIOS: Choice of models, from $19.95 up, at ANSTETT Jewellers Ltd., ph- one HU 2-9525. 29b SIX ROOMED HOUSE on Pr- incess Street West. Vacant July 15. Phone HU 2-3209 (between 12 and 7 p.m. phone HU 2- 9035) 26tfb 50-PIECE SET DINNERWARE assorted patterns. SPECIAL: $29.95 per set, at ANSTETT Jewellers Ltd., phone HU 2- 9525. 29b LARGE BRICK HOME, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, oil heat, in immaculate condition; also ap- artments and smaller homes in Seaforth and district. Joseph McConnell, phone Seaforth 266, realtor. 29b 9 LOTS for sale, approx. 72x160, $500 each, located in town. Phone HU 2-7302. 15tfb ATTENTION iFARMERS! MOTOROLA 6 volt car radio with built-in speaker. Phone HU 2-3259 after 6 p.m. 29p APARTMENT FOR RENT in the town of Seaforth. Available August 1 Apply to Harold Jack- son, Seaforth, phone 474. 28-9b HELP WANTED MALE USED GRADE 9 and 10 books. Phone Blyth 44r1,5. 29p BUILDING LOT, 72'x175', with sewage service, situated on Raglan Street, Clinton, Ont. 11/2 STOREY, 10-room dwelling. Could be used as 2 apts., or single dwelling, 3-pc. bath, stoker furnace (Herco), large corner lot, double garage. Early possession. NEW 11/2 STOREY with living room, dining room, 1 bed- room, modern kitchen, 4-pc. bath down; 2 bedrooms, 2-pc. bath up. Hardwood floors in living room and dining; gas furnace; full basement; aluminum storms and screens Early possession. 11/2 STOREY, 4 bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room, kit- chen, 3-pc. bath, car port. Price $7,500; down. payment $2,000, balance on mortgage. DOWNSTAIRS, comfortable 3 room apartment, furnished and heated, suitable for couple, available August 1. Apply in person after 5:00 p.m. and weekends to Mrs. M. Seeley, 110 Huron Street. 29b SMALL FRIGIDAIRE refrig- erator, excellent condition, $50.• Apply 127 John Street, Clinton. 29p HOUSE TRAILER, winterized, complete bathroom facilities; 33'x8', completely furnished, can be towed easily by car. Phone HU 2-7165. 29-30b 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, central location, suitable for couple; frig. and stove. Her- man's Men's' Wear, HU 2-9351. 6tfb Male Help Wanted For Better Than Average Position LIVE STOCK FOR SALE CUSTOM WORK ONE SET OF GRADE 11 gen- eral course text books. Wanted one set of Grade 12 general course text books. Phone HU 2-3380 after 6:00 p.m. 29b 25 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply Aaron Fisher, RR 2, Clinton, phone JA 4-9864. 29p CUSTOM COMBINING, 12 ft. combine. A. R. Davidson, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 667W3. 28-9b AUTOS FOR SALE THREE-ROOM .)FURNISHED apartment. Available now. Phone HU 2.3807. lltfb HEATED APARTMENT not furnished, 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bath; suitable for couple. Apply McEwan's Store, Clinton. 20tfb 1955 FORD Fairlane, V8 stand- ard. Phone 773, Seaforth. 29p HOLSTEIN HEWER, due in July or August. Apply Harold Erb, phone Zurich 79r1. 28-9p COMBINING: 2 Self-Propelled machines to serve you, cartage arranged for. Phone Lyle Montgomery, RR 3, Clinton, HU 2-7231. 27tfb ' FOR SALE CHERRIES—Montmorency pie cherries, also sweet cherries. Bring your containers and pick your own cherries, or we have some already picked. Elmer Wells Fruit Farm, 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash on the Gravel Road. 29p FARM HOME, one mile from RCAF Clinton, on Highway 4. Oil heated. Available in middle of July. Apply David *Triebner, RR 3, Kippen or phone Hensall 264J3. 28-9b 1954 METEOR. Excellent run- ning order. Phone HU 2-9378. 28-9p 8 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Ford Johnston, phone Bayfield 55R11. 29b 1 BEDROOM' .HEATED Fur- nished apartment (older lady preferred, or quiet couple. Ap- ply Chapman's, 38 Ontario St., HU 2-7082 or HU 2-3463. 28-9p Union Gas Company is look- ing for a man who has Grade XI education or better. He is able to pass mechanical aptitude test and is looking for better than average 'position. Present duties will consist of meter reading and maintenance work. The future possibilities are un- limited. THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road. Phone JA 4-9461. 15tfb 12 YORK PIGS, 12 weeks old. Apply Lloyd Medd, HU 2-9836. 29b 1 HORSE DRAWN MOWER with'new tractor draw bar, $25. Phone HU 2-7463. 29b ACCOMMODATION WANTED — 17 FOOT USED HOLIDAY trailer, also unfinished Holiday trailer; one large European tent; 24 foot by 8 foot tent; one 20" electric stove; Mar- coni combination radio and rec- ord player, 4 speed; babys high chair; one tour-piece sec- tional chesterfield suite; five- piece dinette set; mantel fire place; 17" TV. floor model; a wringer type washing machine, and other household articles. Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton, Ont. 28p-9b APARTMENT for rent in Sea- forth, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, liv- ing room, 3-piece bath, complet ely modern. Phone Seaforth 101 or Exeter 235-1510. 27tfb ONE REGISTERED Hereford bull, 16 months old. Apply .to Joseph Hoggart, Con. 13, Hul- lett Township. 29p BOARD AND ROOM 14 MILK CANS for sale; 12" Gehl hammermill, both in good condition. Leen Rehorst, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2-9965. 29b H. C. LAWSON ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM for mother and daughter. Pre- ferably on ground floor. Phone HU 2-3329. 29p ACCOMMODATION for MALE roomers. Phone HU 2-9376. 27tfb INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE 5 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton • Dial HU 2-9644—business HU 2-9787—residence 29b REGISTERED Yorkshire boars, ready for service. Some are eligible for the $25 government . premium. They are from an 83 score sow and are sired by Sunny Lodge Duke 77S, whose sire has a 91 score in 167 days. 'Ron Lobb, RR 2, Clinton. 29x Starting Salary will be $1.82 per hour 40-hour Week Fringe Benefits include: Group Insurance, Medical and Pension Plan. 6-CAN MILK COOLER. R. Middel, RR 3, Listowel, Ont. Phone Moorefield 3213. 29-30p ROOMERS or boarders wanted. Apply Mrs. C. McClinchey, ph- one HU 2-3844. 29p BAYFIELD APARTMENTS and COTTAGES; Furnished or unfurnished Heated. Modern facilities. Water included in rent. Ideal for commuters. 10 miles from RCAF Station Clinton. Phone Bayfield 803 or Stratford 271-6641 25-tfb 1 BEDROOM , APARTMENT or small house, furnished, wanted by August 15. Write to, Mr. McFadden, 1767 Jef- ferson Blvd., Windsor, phone 948-2810: 19tfb BARN FOR SALE, 50x30 ft., steel roof, excellent condition. M. F. Corrie, Bayfield, phone HU 2-9313. 29b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2 YEAR OLD, 1 storey, brick veneer house; 3 bedrooms, 4- piece bath, fire place, oil heat- ed, full basement. Phone HU 2-7197. 28-9b 1951 GMC 11/2 TON TRUCK, 4 speed transmission, steel plat- form, 3/4 " plywood racks, will sell for cash or exchange for yearling cattle. Phone HU 2- 9972. 29p SERVICES ARTICLES FOR SALE NOW IS THE TIME to order your aluminum windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell Jervis, HU 2-9390. 21tfb AUTOMATIC DRY-CLEANING business for sale, two units, a going concern; financing avail- able. Apply by letter only to Box 265 Clinton News-Record, 28-9b Apply in writing to: UNION GAS CO., Box I269,, GODERICH, Ont. 29b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect RASPBERRIES for sale: Ord- ers taken. Phone Dick Jacob, HU 2-7574, or Harry Cochrane, HU 2-9509. 28-9p FOR SALE IN HOLMESVILLE 3 bedroom house, 3-piece bath, attached garage, full basement, automatic gas heat and hot water, $800 down, $68.00 per month. Full price, $7,800, See R. J. Carter, Fernhurst Glen. 28tfb WALNUT DINING ROOM Suite. 9 pieces, blue seats, made by McLagan, excellent condi- tion, reasonable. Phone Sea- forth 24. 28-9p 12-FT. MASSEY-HARRIS No. 4 pull type PTO swather; 2-row mounted Oliver corn . picker, mounted on row crop Oliver 70 tractor, in good condition; grain augers, manure spreaders, etc. Haugh Bros.,Brucefield, phone Seaforth 6091. 29p REFRIGERATOR, medium size Frigidaire, good condition, 192 Alb,ert Street, HU 2-9596. 28-9p CUSTOM WORK DARLING 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, 4-piece bath, breezeway, full basement, garage and large garden; avail- able September 15. Phone HU 2-9522. 29p FILLED GRAVEL. Phone Lyle Montgomery, HU 2-7231, Clin- ton. 17tfb & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 Phone Seaforth 863w1 Licence 240-C-63 7-tfb, MISCELLANEOUS 2 Year Old, 3-Bedroom, full basement, recreation room, own- er moving, low down payment, mortgage arranged on monthly payments. 2 storey insul brick, 3 bed- rooms and bath up; large double living room, 1-car gar- age, on Ontario St., possession in six weeks. Priced for early sale. 3 bedroom cottage on Orange St., large lot, 132' frontage and 82' depth, 3-piece bath, coal fur- nace, large living room with fireplace, one-car garage. 8 room house, 4 bedrooms and bath up, double living room, kit- chen and dining room, sun por- ch, garage oil H/A heat, near schools, early possession. Good business property, for- merly used as tire repair and service, one storey cement block building, area approx. 45'x30', ample parking space, close to main intersection. CHERRIES — 1VIontmorencys ready July 12. Bring containers and pick your own at Murray Bros. Orchard, four miles south west of Thedford on Ridge Road, Bosanquet. 28-9b McGUINESS TRAILER for sale, 40'x8'; 2 bedroom, never been on the road. Apply HU 2- 7095. 28-9-30p WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 14-40p 1953 METEOR PICKUP, in good condition; 7-ft. Massey- Harris binder; farm wagon, 14" tires, all new material; 1956 Plymouth sedan, just like new; 1953 Meteor coach. Apply Maitland River Auto Wreckers, Walter Debold, Auburn phone 526-7730. 29b Modern 2-Bedroom APARTMENT 2' BEDROOM SUITES; also a General Electric washing mach- ine, wringer type. Phone HU 2-9330. 29b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings' and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb CAN INVISIBLY REWEAVE any woven fabric—suits, dreg- ses, chesterfields, etc. Contact Mrs. Spurrill, Brucefield, HU 2-9189. 4tfb Marlatt's Dead Stock Removal Highest cash prices paid for disabled or dead cows and horses over 500 lbs. Please call collect: BRUCE MARLATT Brussels,-Ontario Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No. 95163B 46tfla * Unfurnished "' Kitchen, * Living Room * Dining Room * Bath. AVAILABLE NOW Clinton Apartments: Phone HU 2-7, 740b DRESSED ROASTERS, be- tween 5 to 6 pounds, 40 cents per pound. Phone Blyth 21r11, between Londesboro and Blyth, Highway 4. 29b To Control MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art , Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. 40tfb SLEEPING BAGS: Summer weight, approx. 36".X72", 1 side rubberized; priced from $7.95 to $25.00 at ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King St., Clin- ton. 29b CANADIAN CEMENT. Apply A. G. Grigg & Son, HU 2- 9411. 23tfb Dolt-Yourself Mexican Bean Beetle and Leaf Hopper BOAT, 21' long, 92" width, 32" depth, with trailer and all other extras, 75 h.p. Johnson motor; 1 year old, used 100 miles. ,Ap- ply Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 28p-9b RENT These Machines NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE on Carpentry work, Whether you are building the new or remodelling the old. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Call: Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 4tfb Use . . SEVIN 3 Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tf13 Available From AGAIN THIS YEAR: Outside White Paint, still only $2.99 a gallon. Phone orders accepted, Art's Appliance Centre, Bruce- field, open evenings till 9 p.m. 19tfb Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Malcolm Davidson K. W. Colquhoun LADIES — Have your rugs cleaned and shampooed by your Electrolux dealer, Don Smith. For free estimate phone HU 2- 7889. 29-30-1-2b Brucefield, Ont. Your CHIPMAN Dealer 26tfb INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Phone HU 2-9747 A-1 TOP SOIL Delivery at any time L. G. WINTER, REAL ESTATE 200 High Street Clinton Phone HU 2-6692 16tfb DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to one- third. Pay cash and save. Terms if preferred, Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's • Jewellery. 18tfb COME AND BROWSE AROUND OUR WAREHOUSE See the New Appliances on Display HOME FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES WASHERS, etc. Open in the Evenings Art's Appliance Centre BRUCEFIELD