HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-07-18, Page 2Clinton Electric Shop "Your Westinghouse Dealer" Have Made A Special Purchase of WESTINGHOUSE SCRUBBER. POLISHERS Which They Are Passing On To You At Only $29.95 Regular List Price Is $49.95 The Westi nghouse Scrubher-Polisher' Features The Exclusive "Orbital Action" •,,,,:4•0•4x.••• s•s•S•S:•s:esso• SCRUBS-e-Cleans thoroughly‘Without splattering. WAXES--Spreads thin, even coat, waxes to perfection. POLISHES—Loaves no swirl marks--creates lustrous satin finish. BUFFS—Makes floors shine. Attachments available for cleaning carpets and rugs. ONLY A LIMITEb NUMBER ON SALE COME IN POO A DEMONSTRATION( Clintolf Electric Shop D. W: COMM' Proprietor "Your Wesfinahouse Dectler" HU 2.6646 Clinton Page 2—Clinton News-Record—Thurs, July ,18, 1963 Shopping Begins In The Pages Of This Newspaper 411111111111I Ofkiltheetaggit GODERICH ONT. Dancing Every Saturday Night For the Young Crowd `The Revols' 9:00 p.m. to Midnight Admission — 75 cents per person ss.....smsomosssmwssrossssmossP. , Catering to Weddings -- Luncheons -- Banquets Kinsmen Lions Rotary Meetings. Phone JA 4-9371 or JA 4-9264 ' 26tfb Costume Jewellery CLEARANCE VALUES UP TO $2.00 NOW ON9 th LY AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. HU 2-9525 CLINTON Students Will Have This photo of the equipment in the sheet metal shop shows just a small portion of the modern lathes and other equipment students at CHSS will have to work with next year. Most of the shops Modern Equipment are nearing completion and the equipment will soon be hooked up, as workmen put on a sustained drive to complete the facilities for opening in September. (News-Record Photo) fifteen yeprs frero /new yee will be fifteen years older woi Yee 1)9 wqPIthier and visor or just wiper? Investors IP PANADA. stIssysso (lead Of rco; Winnipeg • Qf (kat In principal Odes W. .P, P4ropt)en. OOK 659 5eafPrth, Ontario Phone 400 Mrs, Shirley Servos.. enter- tained at tea on Wednesday, July 10, for Mrs, Edna Hum- side. Fifteen ladies had bean invited and the guest of bon- our was presented with ;a. loys ply "la?,y-susan". F/Sgt, and Mrs. l),,TrenihlaY have returned 'from. a motor Foster-Priestap KIPFHN — A pretty double ring ceremony was held at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, June 29 at Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, Which was decorated with ferns, Peonies and roses for Joyce Agnes Priestap, Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Priestap arid Theodore Franklin Foster, Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Foster, Kingston. Rev. Allan Ross officiated. The organist was Tom Waugh, Guelph, and the soloist, Miss Kathryn Simmons, Tillsonburg, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Wedding Benediction". The bride wore a full-length gown of white French peau de sore. The bodice was styled with a shallow scoop neckline silhouetted with appliques of guipure lace, long filly point sleeves. The princess bouffant skirt featured a tailored bow extend- ing from floor-length bell- shaped overskirt, appliqued lace and flowers were on skirt. Her scalloped silk illusion veil was caught in a 'crown of pearls and she carried a bou- quet of pink sweetheart roses and myrtle. The bride's sister, Mrs. Aud- rey E. Vorstenbosch was maid of honor. She was dressed in yellow cocktail length dress with full skirt of chiffon over 'taffeta. The bodice yoke was softly gathered as were the puffed sleeves. Froth the waist hung a corsage of roses made of mat- ching material. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and carnations with green streamers to match the fli3wer girls' dresses. Her headpiece was of pink roses and carna- tions. She wore white gloves and shoes. The bridesmaid, Gloria Pries- tap, Sebringville, cousin of the bride, was dressed indentically except her dress was lilac in colors. They wore cultured pearl necklaces, a gift from the bride. There were three junior at- tendants. Patricia Foster, Kingston, niece of the groom '''and Gayle Schneider, cousin of the bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schneider, Strat- ford, were flower girls, dressed in identical full flounced pale green over taffeta dresses with a ,band of yellow and pink rose buds for headdresses. Dale Schneider, twin brother of Gayle was ring-bearer in black coat and light trousers and carried white pillow. The groomsman was Dennis Orser, Kingston, and the ush- ers were Brute Foster, King- ston, brother of the groom and Bert Vorstenbosch, Mitchell. The bride's mother wore pink lace over satin with mauve or- chid corsage and white acces- sories. The groom's mother chose a beige dress with match- ing accessories and mauve or- chid corsage. The wedding dinner took place in Knox Sunday School room, Mitchell, which was gaily decorated with roses and lunch was served by Ladies Aid. For a honeymoon the couple left for Cleveland, Ohio. The bride's travelling costume was a pink and white ensemble. They will reside at 1992 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto. Guests attended the wedding from Kingston, Belleville, Parry Sound, London, Goderich, Strat- ford, Hensall, Kippen, Tillson- burg, Guelph, Orangeville, Bur- lington, Ottawa, Sebringville, Mitchell and Clinton. learance Discounts on r . Summer Dresses Skirts Blouses and Other Articles W ATCH "Salute to CLINTON" CKNX TELEVISION CHANNEL 8 IS YOUR WASHING SCHEDULE TIGHT? DO IT HERE — BY DAY OR NIGHT! "Day people," or "night people"? We're open round the clock! Your clothes will be clean 'n' soft, 'n' have that "out-doorsy" smell you like — when you launder them here. USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 03 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1205 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit., • $100 or more authorized for trust funds Guaranteed Investment Certificates on the money you invest- at British Mortgage from 4 to 10 years. Since 1$77 BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Pelephone JA 4-7381 E'. P. Poudands, Manager At the Stoplight,. CodePich Wood-Stertz Wedding Adestral Park Social Notes News Editor; Arno Aileron Phone 1-14 2-7349 A pretty summer wedding took place on Saturday, July 13, when a double ring cere- mony was solemnized at St. Andrew's Anglican- Church, Scarborough, between Margaret Jean Stertz and Terrence Rus- sel Wood. Rev. Duncan Abraham per- formed the ceremony, The bride is the only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stertz, Don Mills, and the groom the only son of Mrs. Florence Wood, Clinton. Escorted down the aisle and given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was lovely in an original designed gown of gar- dinia white silk cord bengaline. The bodice featured a round neckline, short sleeves, princess lined to the waist. The full skirt was floor- length; a crushed cummer- bund sash farmed a large bustle bow which came over a detach- able chapel train; white alen- con lace appliques of roses and leaves formed a pattern from the shoulder line down the bo- dice and cascading down the skirt. Her finger-tip veil of silk illusion was held in place by a crown of roses and leaves made of the same material. She car- ried a cascade of white baby carnations, yellow rose buds and orange blossoms. A strand of cultured pearls on a baby fine gold chain and matching earrings completed her outfit. Mrs. Anglene Mildenberger, the matron of honor, wore a candy pink silk shantung tunic dress, featuring a rounded neckline and short leeves. The tunic's edge embroidered in white seed beads formed a Iscalopped edge, with small (flowers and leaves in each seal- op. She wore a matching open pillbox circlet of flowers and veiling- and carried a cascade of yellow shasta 'mums and talisman roses. Gerry Lowden, Scarborough, attended as groomsman. Both he and the groom wore Identic- al black dress trousers, white pleated shirts, white tie, white dinner jacket and a carnation. George Byers was the usher. Mrs. Stertz chose for her daughter's wedding a turqoise lace over taffeta sheath dress, a soft draping crossing over the front. Her hat was a small pillbox in turquoise straw and chiffon and she wore soft beige accessories, with a corsage of baby pink rose buds. Mrs. Wood, mother of the groom, chose a silver lame sheath with blue and silver accessories. Her corsage was baby white carnations and red rose buds:. The wedding dinner and re- ception were held in the ban- quet room of Watts Restaurant where 65 people were received. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wood left by TCA for Miami, Florida, where they will take a two- week cruise through the Ba- hama Islands. Upon their return they will reside at No. 2 Biggers Court, Apt. 210, Toronto 13. MIDDLETON The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Anglican Church, Mid- dleton, held a very successful sale of baking and farm pro- duce in Bayfield on Saturday last. This sale was held by kind permission of Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner in her spacious home and was very well patronized by both village folk and sum- mer visitors, Mr. and Mrs. David Middle- ton holidayed last week at Tor- onto, Wasaga Beach and points north. In Midland, they called on former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper. T h e Middletons returned home on Sunday. trip in the State. .of Xiehigan, They also visited in Trenton and • Toronto, Mrs, C. A. M. Wright is leav- ing Thursday for .a trip to. llg- land and Scotland. She ' will also Our on the- continent while overseas, Mrs, Wright is travel- ling by jet aircraft, from:Mal- ton, • , Congratulations to. LAC and W, E. Vansteelandt on the birth of a son at' Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, Congratulations also to Sgt. and Mrs. Frank Illy on the birth of a% .son in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, and to F/L and "Mr's. F. C. Hrittain on the birth of a daughter at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Loildon, farewell party took place on Thursday, July 11 in honour of Mrs. Beryl Westhaver. CO- hostesses were Mrs, Foote and Mrs, Kelly. Fourteen gueSts were present and Mrs. West- haver was given a crystal candy dish. Sgt. and Mrs, Maurice West- haver and their fainily left the camp for Goose Bay, on Mon- day, July 15. - HOLMESVILLE MRS. F. McCULLOUGH Phone HU 2-7418 Mrs. Bert Clifford is a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, following an operation last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris and Patricia and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ladd, Clinton, have re- turned from a trip to the Thou- sand Islands district. Guests over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCul- lough were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunted, New Toronto; Mr. Ted McCullough, Beamsville and Private Jim McCullough, Ipper- wash. UCW Meets The regular meeting of the United Church Women of Hol- mesville United Church was held in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday, July 9, with Mrs. John Grigg's group in charge. Mrs. Grigg was in the chair. Mrs, Ben Whitely led in prayer and the scripture les- son was read by Mrs. E. A. Yeo. The Bible study on the Parable of the Rich Fool was reviewed by Mrs. John Grigg. The roll call was answered by using a verse with the word "Prepare" in it. Mrs. Carman Tebbutt read an article on stewardship and Mrs. Jim Lobb played a piano solo "Chopin's Nocturne". The vice-president, M r s . Lloyd Bond, conducted the bus- iness. The minutes of the June meeting were read by Mrs. Frank McCullough and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt gave the trea- surer's report. Mrs. Barrie Walter reported from the Board of Stewards meeting. Mrs. Stewart Farquhar read "A Flower Grower's Psalm", and a Chinese version of the 23rd Psalm. The mission study on India was taken by Mrs. Frank McCullough. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. John Grigg. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Barrie Walter, Mrs. Ben Whitely, Mrs. Eldon Yeo and Mrs. Wm. Yeo. A REMINDER The office of Herbert B. Such, D.C., in Goderich will be closed from August 1st to August 17, 1963. Please arrange your appointments with these dates in mind. Your Huron County Co-op Health insurance now includes chiropractic care. Please bring your card number for our records. Thank You, HERBERT B. SUCH. D.C. AT HOUSE of BARGAINS Ltd. Isaac Street CLINTON Phone HU 24735 "Where Your buying bcillor 'Gets The Most" Clinton Representative: Harold C. Lawsop. Phone HU 29644 Itatteni:oury Street Clinton Ont.'