HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-07-11, Page 6AUTOS FOR SALE 19$4 METEOR, Excellent run- ning order. Phone Fax 2-9378, 28-9p T1gNKINO OF RAMT3I.-0ER? Visit the EineWater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay. fielei Road, Phone JA 4-9461. 1.5tfb REAL ESTATE CARDS OF THANKS CARDS OF -THANKS Thank ye% . friends. and neighbours for .earda and treats. while a patient in Clinton Pub- lic. Rospital, Special thanks ,to Dr.. Oakes, nurses and helpers, SLOMAK, . BIRTHS FERGUSON---In Clinton Pieblic Hospital on Frid.ay, July 5, I." ,9.41".L.Stnon, M Br'ay4filictel'OM, 'QTROI3sIoNigi —STo al JtiPel5, 1963 to Mr. and Mrs, W. P. loci; bxbAinivIgsF, —c.Ilinntocol.,14.4tc.,.017;141b7e'. °?9P.818t4, ittiol& Tahnr 141, RjEtuiplyh. lca o oZatopt RR 3 ,Clinton„ VANSTEELANDT--4a .Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, July 9,01E963,,:s AniteLAC .and W, Mrs. E, Vansteelandt, Clinton, a son, P-IPK4TT---,In Clinton .Pablie Hospital on Monday, July 1983, Henry John Pickett, 81, life-long resident of Clinten. He is survived by hie wife, the former Clara Walker; dau- ghters, Mrs. Roger (Edna) Andrews, Seaforth; Mrs, Bruce (Irene) Dupee, Clinton; son, Roy, Clinton; sisters, Mrs. Or- pha McMichael and Miss Ethel, both -of Clinton; brother, Wil- liam, Clinton, Funeral service was held from Ball and lefliitoh funeral home op Wednesday, July 10, with burial in Clinton cemetery, THOMPSON Clinton Public Hospital on 'Friday, July 5, 1963,Mrs. Clarissa Thomp- son, 8, of Clinton, Born in Goderich Township, she was the former Clarissa Elliott. Pre- deceased by her haeband, Ro- bert G., she is survived by one son, Robert E., Goderich Town- ship; daughters, Mrs. Orval (Ruth) Workman, Kippen; Mrs. Robert (Meryl Aldwinckle, Ottawa; brother, 5, Benson El- liott, Brewster, Washington; sister, Mrs. Isadore Harrison, Clinton. Service was held on Sunday from Beattie funeral home with burial in Clinton cemetery. 2 BEDROOM CO'r'rACiE, Vic- toria Terrace, Clinton. Apply ChaPmEtres, HU 2-3463 or RU -2-7082. 28-9p I would like thank all Kny friends and relatives who re-- membered ,me with flowers, cards, 'Os, and visits while a patient, in Clinton Public NOS,. Special thanks ta Dr, Oakes, and the nursing staff of ! main floor west,---MRS, MARC- ARET MacDONALP. 23p .Notice Tc Creditors le. the Estate of .4AmEs HOWARP $HELL, late of the 'lawn of Clinton.in the County of Huron, .Gentleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above. named who died on the 21et.day' of April, A.D. 1963, are required to file particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be- fore .the 15th day of July, A.D, 1963, after which date the assets. Will be distributed having re, gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 25th day of ...Tune, A.D. 1963. E. B. maNz.tas, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Eptate 26,7-8b Page 6—Clinton )dews-Regard--eTharedey, jab? 1 1, 1963 ARTICLES. FOR SALE .,...,., . . „......., CANADIAN CEMENT. Apply A, 0, Grigg .4 ,Sin, HU 2- 9411. ,23tfb ....... ..... HEILITE. CAMPING TEN T Trailer, single Wheel, nylon' screen door, Excellent eondi- Von. $400, R. N. Irwin, 38 Raglan Street 28b ...„ S . ARGUS Speciallide Projeetor , for 35inan, elides. In perfect condition, Also 10 holders 'for slides, Apply gu. 2,9673. YEAR OLD, 1 storey, brick Veneer house; 3 bodrOorns, 4- piece bath, fire place, oil heat- ed, basement. Phone 2 7197. 28-9b Fop, SALE IN' I-101.:MEsviLLE 3 bedreorn house, 3-piece bath, attached garage, full basement, automatic gas heat and hot water, $800 down, $68,00 per Full price, -$7,800. See Carter, Fernhurst Glen, 28tfb MODERN 11/2 STOREY, seven-room house on a 70x150 ft. lot. located in a quiet area, Hard- Wood floore, new oil foroacc and bath, Immediate possession. Phone 369J, Seaforth, W, A. Hodgert, lox 4.79, Seaforth. 28-9b ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ACCOMMODATION. FOR RENT eveuld like to thank all those who sent cards, flowers And treats and visited me while I was patiPlit in Clinton.. Hospital,. also Dr -Oakes, the nursing staff and their helpers who. werr so very kind to me, --ALEX WELLS. 28p I would like to thank my friends, relatives and sieters of Huronie Rebekah Lodge and • everyone who remembered me with kind thoughts, flowers, cards and gifts while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital,' Special thanks to the doctors and .ntirses,--MARY TRICK, 28b 1960 CHEV. STANDARD 6 two-door, white, radio, heater, windshield washers, new brale. es, One owner ear in excellent condition. Inquire at 200 Op- tario Street or HI./ 2-7693. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THREE•ROOM, FURNISHED apartment. Available now, Phone HT-1 2.3807, litfb FARM HOME, one mile from RCAF Clinton, on Highway 4. Oil heated. Available in middle of July. Apply David Trianier, RR 3, Kippen or phone Hensel] 264J3. 28-9h ONE - BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, heated, d o w n stairs. Commercial Apart- ments, Victoria Street, Clinton. Ceriel Vert, Demme, HU 2-6685. -22tfb TI-TREE ROOM, FURNIST-TEp OPartinelat, Private entrance and bath, close to CH$ School. Ph- one HU 2-3837. gstfb FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apartment, upstairs, Ceriel Van- Damme, phone HU 2-6685, 28tfb FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Suitable for couples, 130 King St., Clinton. Phone Segforth 21.911: 20-tfb BOAT, 21' long, 92" width, 32" depth, with trailer and all other extras, 75 h,p, Johnson motor 1 year old, Used 100 miles. Ap,! plyBecker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 28p CHERRIES: We have a good crop of Montmorency, ready about July 12. Price same as last year. Bring containers and pick your own. Raspberries to follow. Leslie Watson, Forest, Ont., phone 639r11; 1 mile north on Highway 21, 27-813 AGAIN THIS YEAR: Outside White Paint, still only $2.99 a gallon.,Phone orders accepted. Art's .ppliance Centre, Bruce- field, open evenings till 9 p.m. 19tfb AUTOMATIC DRY-CLEANING business for sale, two units, a going concern; financing avail- able, Apply by letter only to Box 265 Clinton News-Record. 2$-9b IitriattiAND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT — iinfurnisned, heated, upstairs. Phone EU 2-7058, 102 Huron Street, after 3 p.m. 115tfb *W. ACCOMMODATION WANTED NEW THREE-BEDROOM Bun- galow. all conveniences, modern red-wood finish, gas heated, lo-cated at Brucefield, four miles from RCAF' Station or six miles from Clinton, Owner transfer- red, Phone HU 2-7570 or RCAF Station, local 285. 27-8-9h ANY PERSON INTERESTED in Mrs. Axon's Apartment, va- cated by Niles Skeggs, kindly interview IVIr, David Kay, ACCOMMODATION for MALE roomers, Phone lip 2-9376. 27tfb I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all friends, relatives and neighbors who sent cards, flowers and messages of cheer which helped so much toward my recovery during my Stay in Clinton Pub- lie Hospital. Special thanks to the nursing staff, also Dr. New- lands and Dr. Walden and Mr. and Mrn. Amy. — CHARLIE TOMS, Hayfield. 28b 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT or small house, furnished, wanted by August 15, Write to Mr. 1VIeFaddeti, 1767 Jef- ferson Blvd., Windsor, phone 948-2810, 19tfb 28b 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT — unfurnished, laundry tubs, avail- able July 15. Apply 74 Victoria Street, Phi:me HU 2-.7065. 27tfb CUSTOM WORK Notice To Creditors In the Estate of LAWRENCE JAMIESON, late of the Town- ship of Huliett in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named, who died on the 31st day of March, A,D. 1963, are required to file full particulare thereof with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of July, A.D. 1963, after which date the ing regard only to the claims of assets will be distributed, hav- which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, 'this 27th day of June, A.D. 1963. • E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 27-8-9b FILLED GRAVEL. Phone Lyle Montgomery, HU 2-7231, Clin- ton. 17tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 14.40p WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN buy, Good cottage, 4 miles , from Clinton, at Fernhurst Glen, newly decorated inside and out, 3-piece bath, 2 bedrooms, large living room, screened porch, til- ed floors full price $3,500. HU 2-7168, or Box 212, Clinton, 28b ARTICLES FOR T SALT MOFFATT 4-BURNER Elect- Ile range in good condition, Phone Seaforth 855r12. 28b BLUE BABY STROLLER in good condition. Phone HU 2- 9559. 28b SIX ROOMED HOUSE on Pr- incess Street West. 'Vacant July 15. Phone HU 2-3209 (between 12 and 7 p.m. phone HU 2- 9035) 26tfb ELECTROLUX SALES and SERVICE DON SMITH For Free Demonstration or Service Phone HU 2-7889 We wish to extend our sincere thanks and 'appreciation for the beautiful floral tributes and other expressions of sympathy received during our recent be- reavement of wife and moth- er). Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, the nurses and staff at Clinton Public Hospital; soloist and organist of Wesley-Willis Church; Rev. Park and Dr. Ern- est Clarke, pallbearers and those who helped in any way. — ERNEST EPPS and FAMILY. 28b CAN INVISIBLY REWEAVE any woven fabric—suits, dres- ses, chesterfields, etc. Contact Mrs. Spurrill, Brucefield, HU 2-9189. . 4tfb APARTMENT FOR RENT in the town of Seaforth. Available August 1 Apply to Harold Jack- son, Seaforth, phone 474. 28-9b 2 Year Old, 3-Bedroom, full basement, recreation room, own- er moving, low down payment, mortgage arranged on monthly payments. 2 bedroom cottage with at- tached garage, large lot, in good residenttial district. 2 years old. All plaster walls, very modern kitchen, separate laundry room, immediate possession. Owner moving, 2 storey insul brick, 3 bed- rooms and bath up; large double living room, 1-car gar- age, on Ontario St., possession m six weeks. Priced for early sale. 3 bedroom cottage on Orange St., large lot, 132' frontage and 82' depth, 3-piece bath, coal fur- nace, large living room with fireplace, one-car garage. 8 room house, 4 bedrooms and bath up, double living room, kit- chen and dining room, sun por- ch, garage, oil I-I/A heat, near schools, early possession. Good business property, for- merly used as tire repair and service, one storey cement block building, area approx, 45'x30', ample parking space, close to main intersection. 1959 GENERAL Mobile Home, 33'x10'. Al. condition. M, Cole, Blyth, Ont. 28p 13tfb MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. 40tfb SET OF 4 GOLF CLUBS, wooden shafts, and golf bag; manual mahogany Victrola; lady's hockey skates with shoes size 5; some Community silver; also genuine Haviland china. Phone HU 2-7518. 28b 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, central location, suitable for couple; frig. and stove. Her- man's Alen's Wear, HU 2-9351. 6tfb• RASPBERRIES for sale: Ord- ers taken. Phone Dick Jacob, HU 2-7574, or Harry Cochrane, HU 2-9509. 28-9p NINE - PIECE MAHOGANY dining room suit, in good con- dition, Phone HU 2-9625. HEATED APARTMENT — not furnished, 1, bedroom, living room, kitchen, bath; suitable for couple. Apply McEwan's Store, Clinton. 20tfb NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE on Carpentry work. Whether you are building the new or remodelling the old. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Call; Ken MeNairn, HU 2-7726. 4tfb FREE $69.95 Vacuum Cleaner With Each Singer Slant-O-Matic Sewing Machine Sold Before July 20th. Also Brand New Featherweight reg. $159.90 Special $99.95 Contact WILL WHIDDEN Phone Goderich JA 4-8431 Residence, Clinton, HU 2-9103 27-8b 28p ATTENTION FARMERS! AUCTION SALE REFRIGERATOR ,medium Frigidaire, good condition, Albert Street, HU 2-9596, size 192 4 ROOMED COTTAGE with screened-in nation, for rent by the week: 3 miles north of Bay- field. William A. Jervis, phone HU 2-9664. 28b Of Household Effects from the home of Mr. Arthur E. Parry Broadview Farm, No. 4 High- way, V4 mite south of Clinton 28p McGUINESS TRAILER for salea 40'x8'; 2 bedroom, never been on the road. Apply HU 2- 7095. 28-9-30p --EMPLOYMENT WANTED WORK WANTED BY DAY or hourly rate. Student. Phone HU 2-3863. 28p 1 BEDROOM HEATED Fur- nished apartment (older lady preferred, or quiet couple. Ap- ply Chapman's, 38 Ontario St, HU 2-7082 or HU 2-3463. 28-9p CUSTOM WORK SERVICES ELECTRIC CHORD ORGAN, with foot pedals, used only one month. Phone HU 2-7703 after 6 p.m. • , 28p on Saturday, July 20 at 1,30 pare -the following: Victorian walnut love seat; iron hanging lamp; oak lamp table; oval dining room table; 3 dining room chairs; walnut sideboard; walnut dresser; up- holstered arm chair; 2 chester- field chairs; library table; wick- er round table; Morris chair; upholstered rocki n g chair; Jenny Lynn bed springs and mattress, dresser and wash stand; single bed, dresser and wash stand; oak hall rack; Quebec heater; Quebec cook stove; kitchen table; bath tub; quantity of sealers; 2-part toilet sets; iron fence 'posts; 20 rod roll of chicken wire; 20 rod roll of fence wire; numerous books; picture frames, etc. Terms—Cash No reserve as the property is sold. CUSTOM COMBINING, 12 ft. combine. A, R. Davidson, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 667W3. 28-9b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL. For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Cali Collect BABY CARRIAGE In good con- dition, $30; Phaff Portable 332 Sewing Machine, fully automat- ic, does fancy stitching and embroidery, $100. Enquire 200 Ontario St., or HU 2-7693. FOR RENT COMBINING; 2 Self-Propelled machines to serve you, cartage arranged for. Phone Lyle Montgomery, RR 3, Clinton, HU 2-7231, 27tfb LIVE STOCK FOR SALE APARTMENT for rent in Sea- forth, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, liv- ing room, 3-piece bath, complet- ely modern. Phone Seaforth 101 or Exeter 235-1510. 27tfb GE CLOTHES DRYER; West- inghouse automatic washer chrome kitchen set Apply 57 Gibbings Street (at Princess). 28p STEEL SCAFFOLDING for rent, by day, week or month. Earl Doucette, 168 Queen St., phone HU 2-9741. 14-48p DARLING FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service SOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 Phone. Seaforth 863w1 Licence 240-C-63 7-tfb NOW IS THE TIME to order your aluminum windows and doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell Jervis, HU 2-9390. 21tfb K. W. Colquhoun BAYFIELD APARTMENTS and . COTTAGES Furnished or unfurnished Heated. Modern facilities. Water included in rent. Ideal for commuters, 10 miles from RCAF Station Clinton. Phone Bayfield .803 or Stratford 271-6641 25-tfb HELP WANTED HOLSTEIN HEIFER, due in July or August. Apply Harold Erb, phone Zurich 79r1. 28-9p INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Phone RU 2-974'7 MAIL DELIVERY Central Huron Secondary School requires for approxi- mately August 28, reliable per- son to pick up mail at Clinton Post Office, for delivery to CHSS, daily between 1 and 1:30 p.m., except Saturday and Sunday. Applicants must state daily fee expected, provide ref- erences and submit applications to: Mr. L. R. Maloney, Business Administrator, CDCI Board, by July 30, 1963. 28b FOR SALE WALNUT DINING ROOM Suite. 9 pieces, blue seats, made by MeLagan, excellent condi- tion, reasonable. Phone Sea- forth 24. 28-9p PLUG-IN RANGETTE, ideal for beach, cottage or small apartment: like new condition; complete with oven thermomet- er, $25. Apply. at 150 Gordon St., Clinton. 28p BALES OF STRAW. Phone JA 4-7005. 28b SALESMAN WANTED STANDING HAY FOR SALE, 41/2 to 5 acres, timothy, alfalfa and clover. Phone HU 2-7231. Marlaft's Dead Stock Removal Highest cash prices paid for disabled or dead cows and horses over 500 lbs. Please call collect: BRUCE MARLATT Brussels, Ontario Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No. 95163B 46tfh $12,500 in a YEAR for the RIGHT MAN We don't want to mislead you into think- i ng that making $15,000 in a year is as easy as falling off a log , . but we do pay our men from $8,000 to $15,000 in a year and we want the same kind of a man in the Clinton area. Here are our req uirements: Age 40 willin g to accept responsibility . . able to make auto trips to surrounding terri- tory to call on our customers, This is a full-time job...it pays mig hty well, It is stimulating and filled with big rewards for honest effort, 11 interest- ed write 1, M. Garner, Vice-Pres., Teens Refinery Corp., Box 711, Fort Worth 1, Texas. SPECIAL: One Used Self-Pro- pelled Rotary Mower; also other good used mowers, all priced reasonably. WELLS Auto El- ectric. King St., Clinton, phone HU 2-3851. 28b BALE ELEVATORS for sale, 24-40 feet, Ernst Bros, Co. Ltd. Mount Forest, phone 7. 26-7-8b Al TOP SOIL Delivery at any time L. G. WINTER. REAL ESTATE 200 High Street Clinton Phone HU 2-6692 16tfb NICE HOME, 3 bedrooms. Av- ailable July 15, 4 miles from RCAF Station, Highway 8. Half way between Clinton and Sea- forth. House furnished. No ob- jection to children under school age. Phone HU 2-9822. 26-7-8b 8-FOOT JOHN DEERE Bind- er on rubber. Good condition. John Peckitt, HU 2-7567. CHERRIES — Montmorencys ready July 12. Bring containers and pick your own at Murray Bros, Orchard, four miles south west of Thedford on Ridge Road, Bosa,nquet, 28-9b HELP WANTED FEMALE ARTHUR E. PARRY, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 28-9b 1955 21/2 -TON CHEV. TRUCK, with 12' steel box, 3' sides. Good running condition; all good tires. Would make good grain truck. Phone 863W1, Sea- forth. 28b WOMAN TO HELP with work with lady who lives alone. Write to Box 275, Clinton News- Record. 27-Sb We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing -CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON Phone HU 2-7652 Modern 2-Bedroom APARTMENT TENDERS WANTED DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to one- third. Pay cash and save. Terms if preferred. Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's Jewellery. 18tfb Robert Huard EXPENSE PAID VACATION! EARN expenses without neglect- ing your family representing Avon Cosmetics. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 960 Wellington Rd. S., London, or call collect 432-9019 between 7 and 9 pen. 25-28-31-34-37b To Control TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until July. 17, 1963, for the •laying of a maple floor in the Summerhill School; size being approx. 25'x32'. Per- sons desiring further informa- tion are to contact William Gibbings, RR 1, Clinton, phone HU 2-9935, 28b * Unfurnished. * Kitchen, * Living Room * Dining Room '' Bath. AVAILABLE NOW Clinton Apartments Phone HU 2-9403 Late of RCAF Station Clinton and former drum-major of Clinton Community Concert Band, invites Clinton and district persons to visit his Cities Service Station , at Seaforth, Mexican Bean Beetle and Leaf Hopper COME AND BROWSE AROUND OUR WAREHOUSE See the New Appliances on Display HOME FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES WASHERS, etc. Open in the Evenings MINIMMINP nriEs, „sERvic Use SEVIN MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb Available From HUARD SERVICE STATION 24tfb 26-7-tfb Malcolm Davidson GODERICH ST. — SEAFORTH PHONE 8 The Freshest, Tastiest Bread In Town . Brucefield, Ont. Your CHIPMAN Dealer 26tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured--don't take chances, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb COOL COMFORT Short Sleeve White Shirts TURNKEY — WANTED TO BUY WOULD LIKE TO BUY 10 to 12 Acres of Standing Hay. James East, phone HU 2-7578. • FOR HURON COUNTY JAIL Applications for the position or Turnkey must be submitted on forms provided and may be secured from the Governor of the Jail or the undersigned. Applications to close at 5:00 p.m..DST, Wednesday, July 24, 1963, Salary range; $2,600 - $3,400 per annum. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. John 0. Berry, Clerk-Treasurer, JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. Art's Do-it-Yourself Appliance Centre BRUCEFIELD For The Well Dressed Look! Priced For You From . . . RENT These Machines V Floor Polisher V Floor. Sander and Edger a/ Belt Sender 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry Vacuum V Hand Electric Sander 'V Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb Serve . BARTLIFFS ENRICHED BREAD 17 FOOT USED HOLIDAY trailer, also unfinished Holiday trailer; one large European tent; 24 foot by 8 foot tent; one 20" electric stove; Mar- coni combination radio and rec- ord player, 4 speed; babys high chair; one four-piece sec- tional chesterfield suite; five- piece dinette set; mantel fire place; 17" TV floor model; a wringer type washing machine, and other household articles. Apply teeker's Trailer Court, Clinton, Ont. 28p DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given. Trwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all Mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. ReeonditiOned math- tries of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurieh Phone Hensall 352Vs4 29 to 39p- tfb CHERtilEt: Truck Load Lean- ing Sohn. Cheapest way to buy. Picked, washed, pitted With sug- ar added. From trees to you in 24 heart 'Under refrigeratiert to' ensure quality. Order hew, IlaYfield Cold Storage, phone 77r5, 28-9b 2795 to 6.00 each Our Friday Special . • • Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE CORBY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W, COLQUHOUN, Clerk Front Our Store Only— TEA BISCUITS Regular Pkg. of 8 — 28c Special Pkg. of 8 25c Medhanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- Ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust= with U ncla- S pray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4.7231 28b CLASSIFIED ADS BRING QUIbIli RESULTS Sport Shirts Our Saturday Special . * From Our Store Ohly— FRUITED ORANGE BREAD Regular 43c each Special 39c each Checks, Stripes, Plains, Fancies---Button-Down Collars — Snap Tabs or Regular — SEALED TENDERS PIANO TUrtiiird 2,95 to L95 each PIAXO should be tuned and ehecked for Moth damage and other defects regularly, I appreciate the teritinued peiv- liege of servicing' many bf the instruments in this area. George 2e3870., itta— ESTATE WILL ilceiveo By Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board For Provision of Bunker Vuel 5A or 6C for CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL, CLINTON, commencing 1 Sept. 1963. storage Capacity 10,000 gals, IVIaxiMUni esti, mated daily consumption 500-600 gals, Tenders to Marked to be in the hands. Of the Business Administrator, R, Maloney1 by 31 attly 1963. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ,accepted, 28b Bartliffs Bakery NU 2-9727 Limited CLINTON Bakery and Restaurant 9 LOTS sale, approx. 72x160, $500 each, Located in town, 1hene HU 2-7302, 15tfb Clinton Phone HU I-9732