HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-07-11, Page 5HERB'S Food Market SPECIALS effective July 11.12-13 CALLA LILY PASTRY FLOUR 24 Lb Bag $1.55 lial3AAGS 100's pkg. 69c ARROW EERT PEARS 20 Oz ,,,s5 for $1.00 GIA 11ET llik G. ETERGENT 20c OFF 69c Pil IN itAR74AwRE DGARINE 4 lbs. 89c POTATO" CHIPS Giant 14 oz. pkg. ..., 59c CHOICE ' PINEAPPLE 20 Oz. Tins . 2 for 49c (Sliced, Crushed or Tit-Bits) We Sell — BULK CANADA VINEGAR Gal 65c (In Your Container) Booking Orders Now for 20 Lb. Pails BLACK SWEET & MONTMORENCY PITTED CHERRIES Delivery in About 10 Days—Phone Now! FREE DELIVERY - - HU 2.3445 ENTERTAINMENT and GOOD FOOD Zisniyeriapte 9Zoom every WEEK- END ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON ONT. friday and Saturday — This Week Tim Eaton Quartet' from Brantford Wednesday to Saturday--July 17 to 20 The Standard 5' Dining Room Will Remain Open Until 1:00 a.m. on Entertainment Evenings The Dining Room Serves Full Course Meals Every Day from 12 Noon to Midnight Phone HU 24489 for Reservations for Sunday Dinners Served from 3:00 to 830 p.m. at the ELM HAVEN Motor Hotel—J.-Huron Steet West Clinton 1101111Mtle Edward Fuels ...1 Cannel Coal. FOR FIREPLACES Goderich, Ontario NOW IN STOCK Clinton Memorial Shop T, ,PIRYOE, and SON CLINTON EXETER ..SEAFORTI1 Open .Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times. :contact Local Representotiye,A, W. $teep,110 34043. ,oppopmemoloopeopeoninepiomproompo i. dastral Park Social Notes. News Editor Anne Aileron Phone H114 2-7349 411.1111111111INIMMII 11.111111116. Clinton Electric Shop "Your Westinghouse Dealer" Have Made A Special Purchase of WESTINGHOUSE SCRUBBER- POLISHERS Which They Are Passing On To You At Only 532.95 Regular List Price Is $49.95 The Westinghouse Scrubber-Polisher Features The Exclusive "Orbital Action" SCRUBS-6Cleans thoroughly Without splattering* WAXES—Spreadt thin, even coat, Waxes to perfection. POLISHES—Leavet no swirl marks--creates lustrous satin finish. BUFFS--Makes floors shine. Attachments available for cleaning carpet and rugs. ONLY A LIMITEb NUMBER ON SALE come IN P'OR A DEMONSTRATION • Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor "Your Westinghouse DeOler" HU 2.6646 Clinton Competitive Prices Pius Personal Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders This Week Have You Received Your Television FREE TICKETS On a RCA 19" Portable p<igia,,C\ \.‘100 pv,p1/4\14 ‘131,6 Poi0eisittri Ikoroo Scre e_t 16‘vIs\ - IkSS6\\t S114.6 ‘tiC‘ -`0.0k ke\es 0,0104, ,..,muose..x59-6, • ....t,,c,c,ess so low ° $7,, 00 Gas 431%**1 ‘s;Se prog.isi:iti,i c7teTisayssi es ovt:lf ouv 0,000 One Free Ticket With Every $2.00 Gas Purchase TV Supplied by Galbraith Radio & TV Draw to be made on Wednesday, July 31, 1963 HOLLAND'S BLUE SUNOCO uNaco STATION Huron St. West CLiN T 0 N L, R. Pierce and their children have now taken up residence in gsquimait, B.C. Sgt, and Mrs. L. A. Ludwig are moving to Goose Bay this week, Sgt. and. Mrs. X. Lipscombe and Cpl. and Mrs. L. Newport ant their families are going overseas in a few days, Mrs. P. Gagne from Fort Frances is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Cpl. and Mrs. Jack. Scott. The Seat lean)), and Mrs. Gagne spent a few days at. Ridgeway, Ont. Cpl. and Mrs. George Robert- son are spending a month's holiday in Port Arthur, •Ont. Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Con- nolly, Ottawa, spent a few days at Cpl. and Mrs. R. Haspeck's. F/L and Mrs. Montague Bingham and their family are leaving the Park this week. They will take up residence close by in the rural area. Friends and neighbours of F./Sgt. and Mrs. R. Burnside gathered together for an infor- mal lawn party on June 30, Joint hosts were Cpl. and Mrs. G, Robertson and Cpl. and Mrs, Haspeck. Guests were 18 in number. Mr. and Mrs. Burn- side will leave July 26 to visit relatives in Barrie, Coiling- wood, Toronto and Ottawa be- fore flying to France. Honor• Members A huge farewell tea was held last month for several ladies who were active in the Women's Auxiliary. Co-hostes- ses were Mrs. Charlotte Mc- Kenzie, Mrs. Marg. Bush, Mrs. Helen Davies and Mrs. Betty Ellis. The guests, of honor were Mrs. June Marshall, Mrs. Ada Koch, Mrs. Jean Barnett, Mrs. Freda Morrow, Mrs. Flo. Boys, Mrs. Velma Johnston. Thirty-nine ladies attended and tea, coffee and sweets were served. Three-tiered cake plat- es were presented to Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Koch and Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Barnett and Mrs. Boys each received lazy susans. In addition to these, each of the ladies receiv- ed boxes of coffee spoons. Teacher Leaves On June 12 at Air Marshall Hugh Campbell school, mem- bers of the CWL held a tea in honor of Miss Agnes Mulroon- ey, a popular teacher for a number of years. She was pre- sented with a white leather- bound missal by the CWL president, Mrs. J. Hebert. F/L Richard Bussey was master of ceremonies and he gave Miss Mulrooney the gift from the chapel committee. Mrs. M. Ireland poured tea. Guests included G/C and Mrs, Mathieson, W/C and Mrs. Vinnicombe, S/L and Mrs. Robertson, F/ and Mrs. Saund- ers, F/L and Mrs. Bally, F/S and Mrs. Tremblay, W/O and Mrs. Wickware, all the teach- ers and the principal of the school, Miss Mulrooney leaves for Europe in August. Cochrane: Reunion T-CIPPgN—The,coobrane.clan tnet for their annual picnic at On Saturday, June 29, with Glen .Qregor• Square, Bayfield„ about 40 present. After. Slipper, sports directed by Mr. anti Mrs, Robert Madge, W/O and Mrs. W, 13, Saheur, were enjoyed by all. in and their daughter, Shari, Rage "Winners were: children's are spending two weeks in races, -Steven Hillier, Jeff Fuss, Ottawa. CathY FUSS, David Elliott, Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Linda Fuss,. Darlene Madge, Mr. and Mrs. 4amps Fuss, Camp Grant Jones, Bill Huxtable; marrieo Mar gat !Tones,. Borden; single person coming Marjorie Love; married men, the farthest, Mrs. Alice Miller, Robert Madge; bunny hop, 10 Seattle, Wash,; oldest married and wider, ,Thhnny . Dav- couple, Mr. aad MrS. Jelin id Elliott; over 10, Grant Jones, Cochrane; closest wedding an- )3111. Huxtable. niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheelbarrow race, Bill Figs; lucky number winners, table and Grant Jones; Darlene Mrs. H. Fuss, James McAllis- Madge and Johnny Hillier; ter; most letters in name, Mrs. three-legged race, Grant Jones James McAllister, Bessie El- and Bill Huxtable; Kenneth liott, Bill Nuxtable, David El- Jones and John Hillier; back-up liott. race, Margaret Jones, EthelMe- Guessing games, Ethel Mc- IVAirtrie; ladies walk-g-minute, Murtrie, Darlene Madge, Jam- Margaret Jones, Bessie Elliott; es McAllister; throwing the blind-fold race, Robert Madge egg, Kenneth and Grant Jones. and Darlene Madge; Bill Hux- The 1964 picnic is to be held table and David at Bayfield on the last Satur- Ladies kick-the-slipper, Bes- day in June, sie Elliott, Mary McMurtrie; Officers for 1964 are: presi- boys, Bill Huxtable, Johnny dent, William Elliott; secretary, Hillier; closest birthday, under Mrs. Harold Jones; treasurer, 15, Elaine Love, Bill Huxtable; Ian McAllister; table convener, lady, Marjorie Love; gentleman, Mrs. James McAllister; sports Alex McMurtrie; youngest per- committee, Mr. and Mrs, Rob- sons, Karen and Kathy Fuss; ert Madge, Mr, and Mrs. A. oldest person, John Cochrane, McMurtrie, Mr. and Mrs, H. Couple coming the farthest, Jones. Goderich Twp. Man Attacks Reeve For Not Providing Beach Accesses The Editor, Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario DEAR SIR: I would appreciate space in your columns to refute charges made against me by Reeve Waiter Forbes at last week's Goderich Township Council meeting. An extract from your paper of July 4th reads: "Reeve Wal- ter Forbes stated that Hind- marsh had admitted to him that he had , been responsible for shoving some of the existing steps built by Bluewater Beach Assoc. down the side of the bank." This is a complete and de- liberate lie. The steps at Blue- water Beach are intact, have never been tampered with by myself or anyone else since they were built last summer. In the conversation I had with Reeve Forbes re Bluewater Beach I informed him that I had, under advisement, removed two unlawful signs from the public road allowance. I stated that I would replace them only if ordered to do so by a court. (ED NOTE—Mr. Hindmarsh is correct in these statements, but the "lie" was the News- Records in that it misquoted Reeve Walter Forbes. In hear- ing the reeve's report to coun- cil that Mr. Hindmarsh had ad- mitted to removing the signs at the steps, the newspaper erron- eously assumed the signs were part of the steps.. We regret this error.) For years our township coun- cil has looked the other way while Bluewater Beach cottag- ers maintained a barracade of steel posts and chains across the public access to the beach. Threats of arrest and all sorts of rudeness and abuse were heaped upon anyone thick-skin-' ned enough to try for the beach. Two years ago concentrated efforts by a group of area resi- dents forced the removal of these chains. Township officials reluctantly agreed to order them down. Last summer a set of steps was erected on the only pas- sable portion of the right-of- way. A sign, set in concrete on a steel pole, stated that they were for the exclusive use of members of the Bluevvater Beach Cottagers Assoc. A similar sign was erected in the middle of the township road stating that the road itself was private, and the property of the same assoc,, In other words, if you wished to use the road or steps, you must join the Bluewater Beach Cottagers Assoc. To area residents, 'this was a simple case of township toler- ated blackmail. Letters and complaints to Reeve Forbes brought no results. His argu- mmirimmimmosiveereennoom 7/6r INWOOD PROPER HEATING W115 A GREAT INVtNnwro Jana IS OUR INTENnew" iS E PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON BAR • B e CUE CHICKEN Clinton Meat Market GRANT IRWIN and ART COLSON, Proprietors KING STREET HU 2-3834 Costume Jewellery CLEARANCE UP TO $2.00 NOW ON 99 C VALUES LY AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. HU 2-9525 CLINTON IDA SPECIALS - " July 11 to 19 BEACH BAG Draw String, Rubberized $1.29 BRYLCREEM Larg e Tube 79c DESENEX POWDER 0, $1.50 BLACK c1AAI3DI116[-M 127' 620 3 roils 99c ENO FRUIT SALTS 8 oz. $1.19 GILLETTE SPRAY 'i2E:Q:tzi;DGUAliA D N T 89c MILK MAGNESIA Mint Flavoured 59c PHILLIPS C p MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 100 TABLETS 89c 200 TABLETS $1.39 RESDAN DANDRUFF TREATMENT, 6 oz. $1.50 VACATION NEEDS CAMERAS— FILMS— SUNTAN LOTIONS — Etc. F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2.6626 Clinton Ontario Nethery Reunion The pleasant farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Potter, RR 3 Clinton, with its spacious grounds, was the meeting place of the annual Nethery reunion on Saturday, June 29. There were 115 members present. A, E. Nethery, Wingham, was in charge of the sports and races, which were enjoyed by the younger people as well as by many of their seniors. Guests were present from Houston, Texas; Burlington, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Caro, Michigan; Chatham, Detroit. The prize for coming the longest distance went to Mr. Kenneth Anderson, Houston, Texas. After the supper hour, the president, Mrs. Bert Garniss, took charge of the meeting in- cluding business items, speech- es and readings. Officials elected for next year were: Mrs. Grant Bearrs, Niagara Falls, president; Mary Isabel Nethery, Belgrave, sec- retary. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND TWIST! Wednesdays & Fridays FOLLOW THE CROWD! The Fabulous "CRESCENDOS" DANCE EVERY SATURDAY LiOnel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra ment was that as the cottagers paid a lot of taxes, they should be able to control the public road. By the same bean-brained reasoning, every other public access in the county could be closed by selfish groups of cot- tagers, We admit taht a small per- centage of people abuse their, right to use public land. But we do not need Reeve Forbes to set himself up as a dictator and say who can and who can- not use the beaches. I doubt ii there is any other area in North America flanked by as many superb beaches as Goderich, and most of them completely inaccessible. Why not mark al] township right-of- ways leading to the beach as such, and make them at least passable? Instead of the usual "Private, Keep OW i" signs we find, why not post official signs warning of heavy fines for those caught breaking bottles, spreading lit- ter, and So on? Anyone who has seen what the jagged heel of a beer bottle can do to a child's foot, should, not hesitate to report bottle-breakers to our O.P.P. With the rest of the county— indeed the rest of .the province —clamoring for more and more public parks and accesses to the beaches, Reeve Forbes' muddled thinking is simply set- ting the clock back. One of the current drives in Huron County appears to be for a Provincial Park. Of equal importance, I suggest, should be one for a new reeve. Thanking you for the use of your columns, J. C. HINDMARSH, RR 2, Goderich. Bolrd Can Picnic Ibuts Sixty-six friends. and relgtiv, e$ atenclecl the Baird reunion at jowett's. Grove,.Bayfield, pa. June 30. Persona front. Detroit, 5arni4,. Thomas, )31yth, Belt grave, Goderich, Clinton and Brecefield were pre4oht, Winners in the sports events were as: follows: yonngest baby, Randy Greenaway, seven weeks;i 'baby one .yepr, Timothy Proc, tor, Danny Lee, Raee$: two to three years, Ma r McKenzie, :Billy Lee, Patti Stanley, Penny Progtor and Patsy_ Poctori four to Six Dianne Baird, Lonnie Stanley, Jeanne McKenzie; seven to 12„ Angus McKenzie, Betty pal, rymple, Jimmy Ross; 12 to 16, Dorothy .Ross, Sharon Beira. Sack race, Bonny Dalrymple, Angus McKenzie, LOTITO* Stan., ley; throw the ball, Jimmy Ross, Betty Dalrymple; adult sack race, Arnold Tayler, Doug Jones, Sharon Baird; paper plate race, Mr. and Mrs, Arn- old Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Char- le$ Proctor. \, The most recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Greenaway; couple coming the farthest distance, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Klinkhamer, Detroit; the longest• married couple, Me, and Mrs. T. B, Baird. Ladies' kick-the-slipper, Mrs, Stewart Baird, Mrs. Bill Lee; men, Seldon Ross, Doug Jones, George A. Klinkbarner; guess- ing article, Mrs. Allan Klink- hamer; nearest birthday, Mrs,' Vic Taylor; oldest woman, Mrs, Maud Baird; oldest man, Mr, T, B. Baird. Guessing jelly beans in jar, Mrs. Stewart Baird; water in balloon race, Mr. and Mrs, George A, Klinkhamer, Mr, and Mrs. Seldon Ross, A peanut scramble was en- joyed by all children and lucky plates at supper time were won by Arnold Taylor and Jimmy Ross. Sports were convened by Mr. and Mrs. Doug Jones and Mr. and Mrs. George Klinkhamer. 0 READY TO EAT SMOKED PICNICS lb• .450 • BOLOGNA — 3 lbs. 1100 (By The Piece) ay, July 11, 163-- 11.09n-N.,,w.s,.gercgo,eqge TOP QUALITY 5