HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-07-11, Page 2Shobbrooh.Reunlon Oyer ;80 persons were in at, tendanee at the annual .Sheb.-• Shob,- brook family reunion held in BeafOrth. Lions Park ,ort Sun- day, Amp 30, The afternoon was spent in races for the children and var., jogs interesting sports and contests for young and old. The sports: program was un- der the direction of Myrtle and Gordon Swan and Muriel and Ross Millson, while the social committee was comprised of Mr. and Mr$, Cliff Saunder- cock and Mn.. and Mrs. Pere McBride. President, Bert Shobbrook; conducted the business session, :following the pienic lunch and the following officers as pre- sented by the nominating com- mittee of Mr, and Mrs. Clar- ence Crawford and Charlie and Shirley Shobbrook, were ac- cepted for the coming year: President, Len Shobbrook; vice-president, Ross Radford;, secretary treasurer, Mary Shobbrook; sports, Melvin Knox, John Saundercock and Bob Gibbings; social, Bob and Pat Saundercock and Gordon and Darlene Shobbreok; nom- inating committee, Clarence and Mamie •Crawford a n d Perc and Vera Gibbings. The results of the races and contests were as follows: under three, Darrell Shobbrook; un- der five, Paul Gibbings, Nancy Watling; girls under eight, Shelley Radford; boys, Donald Watling; girls under U, Con- nie Gibbings; boys, John Gib- bings; girls under 1,6, Margaret Saundercock; • boys, Ronnie Vodden; ladies, Dorothy Hunk- ing; men, Bob .Saundercock. Ladies kick-the-slipper, Dor- othy, Hunking; men, Charlie Shobbrook; youngest person, Dean Shobbrook; oldest, Mr, John Gibbings; loudest husband caller, Mrs. Norman Radford; biggest slip show, Mrs. Clar- ence Crawford; person coming longest distance, Gord. Sprung, Manitoba; hammering nail, Cliff Saundercock; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunking. Time race, John Gibbings; most articles in purse, Verna Gibbings (63); loudest hog cal- ler, Cliff Saundercock; gues- sing peanuts in jar, Gordon Shobbrook; ladies throwing ball backwards, Mrs. Ross Rad- ford. 0 Charter Member Moves To Gait AUBURN— Eleven members of the Senior Men's Euchre Club met in the Auburn Public Library. to honor their organiz- er, Mr. Harvey McGee, who left this week to make his home in Galt. One of his old-time friends, Dr. B. C. Weir, spoke briefly to Mr. McGee and Mr. William Straughan presented him with a pipe and pen and pencil set on behalf of the members. This club which met biweek- ly since it was organized last December, has had n steady members but quite often friends drop in for a friendly game of cards. 0 Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. Robert Varley, Marian and Jimmy, St. Cath- arines, visited at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Nor- man Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson and family, Toronto, visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Marjorie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McDon- aid ,Susan and Billie, Detroit, visited this week at the home of Norman Baird. will conduct a clink at EATON'S Catalogue Sales Office„ Clinton ®- on Wednesday, July 11th, 1963 Phone EATON'S TODAY at HU 2-3424 for an appointment between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mr. Diab will be happy to demonstrate the VIKING Hearing Aids, one of the newest, most lines in Canada, that now makes it possible to fit virtually any person who needs hearing help. He is an expert in the Hearing Aid field, and will give you an Audiometric Hearing Test and Analysis at NO CHARGE or OBLIGATION. Mr. Diab is fully trained, experienced and highly qualified to give you his professional advice on any type of hearing problem, :..,,,,,,..„.,.„„:„.,.„.::,...„..,,.,. s.: „. MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN. NOW WITH THIS Superior' Automagic GAS RANGE by Moffat For newest automagic features, smarter. styling and superb cooking results, modernize your kitchen with a Superior Range. EverytIzingis automatic on today's Propane Ranges. 1001 instant heat settings ... atitomagic controls that cook, bake or broil food perfectly! ....Clean, cool, fast, economical! I'M STI1,1, - PIOGIN for buOrles. investors, M17.11D 40oo:tis PO CAMAJNA 1, /11 1111 111 Head Of ices WirripikcfOftkti In Prinepol Ohs W, P, Campbell Bo'c 659 .Scatrarth, Ontario Phone 486 CHERRIES — By The 22 Lb. Pail Place Your Order Today FOR SALE: 15 Foot Awning in Good Condition PETER'S, Meat Market SMOKED or FRESH PICNIC HAM — lb. 39e WIENERS lb. 396 PURE LARD lb. 150 PLAIN MARGARINE01DLI 5 lbs. SI SPORK and SPAM 2 cans Get Your FREE DRAW TICKETS on a 171/2 Cu. Ft. Freezer at Our Meat Counter Styled for CONVENIENCE, SAVINGS and LONG LIFE! WOODS family-size FREEZERS 5 Year Warranty on Units . . . Plus Many Other Features 17 1/2 Cu. Ft. $219.50 23 Cu. Ft. • $247.50 NOW ON SALE AT PETER'S Meat Market HiiiiEEFPliEFIEWRSAILAIES 11081.11181•1.111W ,.4MOMWZMY.,0.1.*Mr*te, fx.4 Foit tobl(iNd.“ ORYI tla TOO } SUPERIOR Is .. Ault -MAGICALLY . :gtst FOR vow .10/PenbiifrPROPANE LTD. MAPLE, ONtAltIO Visit your Superiot Modernization Specia- list. Hen show you host, this new, exciting Moffat Range can make your new kitchen "a dream come true”. ROTISSERIE plus installation and automatic delivery set- vice for less than PER WEEK 82 NORFOLK St, GUELPH Rat, 8, °Weil SOUND 189 MONTEITH ST., STRATFbkD ' STRATHROV, orir, WAIktirrON, Out. TA2.126f 1,1W/A 291.0810 245.t161, 'SSW* 481181•1111111018•11111111111111111111.1.11MINNIMINIMIIMMINISINE11.11111V YOUR LAST CHANCE Iq SALE ENDS SATURDAY STOREWIDE Summer Sale Ends Saturday, July 13 at Closing Time, 6 p.m. 20% DISCOUNT ON EVERYTHING IN THE STORE Many Items Reduced More Than 20% SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE Eugene McAdam, Proprietor Albert Street CLINTC1N Phone NO 24021 Weekend Specials At Herman's MEN'S WOOL & TERYLENE TROPICAL SLACKS Sizes 30 to 42 — 3 DAYS ONLY Reg. $16.95 — - $12.99 MEN'S HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS Grey or White — S-M-L — Ideal for Holiday or Camp Reg. $3.95 $2.99 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS "in SHIRTS All Sizes — SAVE ON THESE ONLY Reg. $5.95 $2.95 MEWS SHIRTS and SHOOS Our Summer Special - 590 ea,. HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HU 2-9351 CLINTON Family Surprises Bayfield Celebrants, By Parties, Gifts on -eh Anniversary KIPPEM — A trousseau tea Was held at the home Of Mrs. Clarence Priestap (daughter of Robert Thomson of this vill- age).for her daughter Joyce, whose marriage took place June 29. The house was decorated in yellow, lilac and pink to match the bridal attendants' costumes. In the afternoon pouring tea Were: Mrs, Joe French, Mrs, Redvers Baxter and Miss Myra Stoneman. Serving sandwiches, cookies and other dainties were Kathy Eidt, Joyce Mielke, Mrs. John Schneider, Mrs. Ivan Nor- rie, Helen Anne Heckman, Liz Simpson and Fanny Murray. In the evening were the bride's aunts: Mrs. Robert Stokes, London and Mrs. Bert Thomson, Kippen, also Mrs, George Schutt, Mitchell. Sew- ing sandwiches and dainties were; Rosemary Steinbach, Patricia Reaney, Mrs. Gordon. Clarke, Mrs, Arnold Roney and Mrs. Anne Simpson. Mrs. Priestap and Joyce re- ceived the guests at the door, They were escorted to the wed- -ding gift room Which was in the charge •-of Beryl Priestap, -12,Y Eleanor Marshall and -Yvonne Barnstaple •(r O. o M a t e S. of Joyce).. From the gift room. they went into the room containing kitchen and bathroom .eqwp, meat. This was in the Pharge. of the bridesmaid, Gloria Pries- tap, From - here they were, escort, ed to the room containing bed, room accessories, silver and wedding clothes. This was in the charge of Audrey Elaine Vorstenboseh, maid of honor and sister of the groom. Following this they went to the room containing Joyce's bedroom suite and gifts receiv- ed that day and was in the charge of Elizabeth Simpson (another roomate of Joyce) and Dorothy Schutt. A lunch of sandwiches . and dainties was served from a lace covered table centred by pink and yellow roses ADDITIONAL BAYFIELD ON PAGES 7 and S tad Breaks Arm In =fall- from Tree • -(Sayfiald -cgrreS.P900?kt) Arian. Brandon, son of. Keith Brandon, who was. playing in a tree on Friday had the -mis- fortune to fall and fracture an arm,. He was a patient in. Clinton Hospital over night, returning home on. Saturday, Visit'Irorontp. Mrs, Lloyd Scotchruor aorn.pa,nied her daughter a a d family, Mr, and Mrs, J.. Pound.. •en Johnny, Catherine and Mary Beth to Toronto „to spend the day with relatives on July 2. On Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs,. Pounder entertained Mr, a n Mrs. „Ron Jackson and three children, Chatham, at the B. Pounder cottage until Saturday, Mr. and Kr*, Karol Pound- er and Earl Pounder; Stratford joined the J, Pounders at the cottage for the weekend, before they returned to Chatham, V0W Meets St. Andrew's UCW, unit one, met at the home of Mrs. Leroy Poth on Thtirsday, evening. Mrs. Lloyd Makins opened the meeting with a reading from Romans, chapter 13, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Ivan Steckle read the secretary's report and Mrs. giAYFIg,LP. and Mrs, William. E, Parker were sur, prised in .celebrations of their 30th wedding anniversary over, the weekend, Their two sons, William C. and Hobart Parker with their respective „families were home. The boys and their wives took Mr, and Mrs.. Parker to 'The Little Inn" for gri ygrsary dinner and then went down to -watch the .sunset, While they were down at Pioneer Park, Mrs, J, Fraser Senior; and Mrs. Hobert Parker set up a refreshment table com- plete with calve, candies, Poth, treasurer, reported a very successful supper on .July She also gave a most interest- ing, talk on the study book. Mrs. Charles Bell presided for the business session and the final plans were arranged for a chicken barbecue on July 13, Mrs, Makins closed the meet- ing with the benediction and expressed thanks to Mrs, Poth, The refreshment committee was Mrs. Arthur Peck, Mrs. Charles Scotchmer, Mrs. Roy Scotehmer, Mrs, Robert Scotch men and Mrs. Ivan Steeltle, social hour was enjoyed. etc, in. the Parker home, and sisters and brothersrin,laws. of the growl of 30 years enjoyed a social hour, Attending were Mr. and Mrs. 5.. J. Larson,, Mrs Betty Lou McLeod and Lea Ann. Mr, and. Mrs. L. B. Smith; Mr, and, Mrs. E. A, Featherston, Mrs. K. K. King;, Mrs, _George Reid, Var- na; also Mr, and Mrs. J. Fras- er; Sr,, Mr. and Mrs, J, Fraser, Jr, -On Sunday members of the Herbert family (Mrs. Parker was form,erly Miss 4,44Vet14 Tier- bert, Mitchell) held a picnic at Jowett's Grove. Mrs, William C. Parker had baked and decorated an anni, versary cake and cookies, and Mrs, Robert Parker made sand- Wiehes for the festivities on Saturday evening and Sunday, REDUCES TIRE' i/VEAR ,,;. IMPROVES krEERING 7 . INCREASE"- S,AFETY restont FRONT END'S ALIGNMENT 111 cam !.PRECISION,W9A1.0 EXPEOS ON #1.11e. JOHN BEAN Vf5oACNE vac„FG:c X 5 4,- Here's what we do- 1. Correct caster 2. Correct camber 3. Correct toe-in and toe- out—the main cause of tire wear 4. Inspect steering A regular $9 to $12 value (This offer good for 10 days only) for only — $8.50 ANY CAR Drive In Or Call HU 2-7681 For Appointment We Have Some . . . GOOD USED TIRES In Stock 670x15 — 750x14 600x13 And Others SOME HAVE LESS THAN 10 MILES OF DRIVING SEE THESE AT — SC RUTO N'S FIRESTONE 238 ALBERT STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-7681 morirmaminummonamomm P9.9P..2,r,,'r""c11.0011 N.cWS-.RecOrfiT69149..4.11y 11,.190 Visitors 'Vie* Sits ..At Trousseau, Decorations .Match Attendants' 'Dress Hearing Aid Consultant MR. MORAY NAB PgRVZ' 1963 INRIIDE AR' 1,2 MOTORS The following Models in Stock for Immediate Delivery "THE FISHERMAN" "THE SPORTWIN" 51/2 h.p. 10 h.p. ..oxt ....... $299.00 S595.00 e/ $510.00 $399.0 "THE SPEEDITWIN" 28 h.p. Manual "THE FASTWIN" 18 h.p. NOW ON DISPLAY AT ELLWOOD EPPS SPORTS SHOP KING STREET CLINTON