HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-06-13, Page 10Six Brownies of the Bayfield Pack were invited to join the First Bayfield Girl Guide troop at an impressive fly-up ceremony in Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield last Friday night. The Brownies A Matter of Principle (By J. CARL HEMINGWAY) NEWS of PORTER'S HILL experiences while operating the school At Capreol. - Miss T...,orna Miller sang a solo, "I Would e True" and down the aisle to. the ,choir loft the choir anthem was, (`Saylotir. singing, "I Love 'To Tell The Lilce a Shepherd Lead Us", Story",, with Cox. The United Church Women at the organ. will meet on Wednesday after- Mr. Fred Slornan, Clinton, noon, June 19 at the home .of was. .gtiept Speaker for the oc- Mrs.. John McGowan. (Fti.m .Pon .Harris, PorrPPP9nOot,. phone Clinton. HU, ?-3364) The Sunday school ,of .Grace 'aqion.. He told of some of his Vniterl. Church held their 4.444.7. Yersary service on Sunday last, Pupils of the ,school marched Grain Farmers! Plan now for your grain storage for this year's crop in a . . . ROSCO GRANARY . Ask Us About Prices Before June 15 SEE US ABOUT WEED CONTROL CLINTON FARM SUPPLY Phone HU 2-9631 — Bayfield Road, Clinton IT'LL TAKE-) CARE OF US. r WHAT DO WE USE TO BUY GROCERIES,THEN? A PAY CHEQUE PROTECTOR PLAN 77.1ftetS THE SUBSTITUTE BREAEPLIPMER WITH POP LAID UP, DOC, I'LL HAVE TO GETOUT AND RUSTLE UP A JOB. Install a new SuperiOr Automaglc Water Heater, complete with installation and auto- matic delivery service just. Trust Investment Certificates 5% 5 YEAR TERM 200 Queens Avenue LONDON Try Black Label... and you'll know why it's Canada's best-selling beer INTRODUCING . . . The Fully-Experienced, Competent Staff At LOCKWOOD'S AUTO BODY RON UNTINEN KEITH RODGERS Our Two Men Have the Know-How and Equipment for All Types of • BODY WORK, PAINTING and REFINISHING "Large Or Small — We Fix Them All" FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL WORK PHONE HU 267852 CLINTON On London Highway at Hap's Esso Service YOu too, can fix it so yOu have a "substitute breadwinner' to step in when your income is cut off on account of prolonged sickness or accident. With Mutual of Omaha's low-mA iNtuRANCE cost Pay Cheque Pit-Adair Plan, you tan COMPANY supply your verda needs. ..food, HEA D °mei FOR CANADA: TORONTO. ONTARIO rent, ..for a clothing. lifetime, if necessary, MAXIMUM BENEFITS AT M,CrINIMUM COST MUTUAL OF Bayfield Brownies' Fly Up to Guide Company are shown in the foreground, while the Guides (with white cords on uniforms) who introduced the Brownies to the Guide Captain are in the in the rear. (News-Record Photo) QQ)2g13,IcH — The ..death rate frOra accidents is higher, in proportion to population„ in Huron; county than in Metro- politan Toronto, and the same is• true to depths from motor vehicle accidents .alone. In a health unit report to county council at its Jun e meeting, Dr. 11r,. MOH,' cites the statistics to erriplia, size the jmportance of certain safety measures. The summer season, he • points out, "has more threats to human life than even the past winter." Greatest is right around hoine, for 36 per, cent, of fetal accidents occur there, The roads account for 'n percent, the farms for 15 per- cent, recreation 14 percent and industry only '9 percent. AG, cidenta are the No, 1 cause of death from ages one .to 40. Country life is not the haven it is reputed to be. Analysis of Ontario statistics for the five-year period 1957-61 reveals the following contrasts (rates computed on basis of 100,000 persons): Huron Met, Tor. Rate for all accidental deaths ..„ 72 44 Motor fatal. 29 16 In other words, the death rate from all accidents is ap, proximately 63 percent - higher here than in a large ..metropol- / • - • NOTICE TUCKERSMITIT MUNICIPAL DUMP Will be Open Until Further Notice on • Wednesday'and - Sat. Afternoons from 'I to 5.30 p.m. No Wire Fencing, Old Con- crete or Car Bodies Permitted. J. I. Mcl NTOSH Clerk 14tfb itan area, and mortality from Motor vehicle accidents is ab- out, $0 percent greater. The figures are not of much help, but can provide a basis for action, "Has your community a saf- ety council?" the MOH asks. ''Is the traffic officer welcom- ed in your school? Are classes for first aid and home nursing available, in your community? Do You have any supervised swimming areas, and is instruc- tion available for non - swim- mers. "About six percent of the deaths each year in our county are due to accidents. Six per', cent is cosidered a good re- turn on investments, but it is shocking in terms of human lives lost. "Immunization against lock- jaw is particularly valuable fer our rural` residents, who risk exposure to the spores of the tetanus germ with every wound be it from a rose thorn or a manure fork. A double benefit is available for persons seeking protection against lockjaw, since this toxoid is available in combinations with polio vac- cine. There is another desirable feature in that everybody pro- tected with this toxoid can es- cape the unpleasant' reactions so often associated with the horse serum that comprises conventional tetanus antitoxin. Tetanus antitoxin is the serum that has to, be given to indiv- iduals who have not had the course of toxoid previously. "No matter where they live, all citizens should obtain im- munization for lockjaw arid polio, from either their pers- onal physician or at one of the Health Unit's clinics." BACKACHE When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleep Netter, work better. 80 I have been waiting to write this article for quite some time. I happened to come in for supper about three weeks ago just in time to hear the farm commentator give a re- port of a meat packers' council meeting. I was intrigued by the ex- planation' given for the drop in hog and cattle prices earlier this year. At some length the increase in cattle and hog marketings was given, both for Canada and United States. In closing, however, the num- bers were translated into per- centage of increase and it seemed to me that this figure, particularly when related to beef, was slightly less than our population increase. now have the latest letter on Canadian Livestock Pro- ducts published by the Meat Packers Council before me but unforunately it doesn't contain the items in the previous radio broadcast. Instead it deals at consider- able length with the imports and exports of pork and beef It points out the relationship between Canadian and United States prices for livestock. The surcharge which was in effect from June 25 to November 15, 1962 is mentioned and a chart is given showing the relation- ship between imports and the price spread between Canadian and U.S. prices. All this is quite understand- able and sounds quite logical but a statement that appears a couple of items and is implied all through the article is that Canadian livestock producers are dependent on a North American economy and we must adapt ourselves to this idea. This may be true at the moment but can it continue? Even in the last decade there has been a tremendous change in communications and trans- portation. How can we confine our economy to North America? Again on a radio commercial it was stated that somewhere a child was crying itself to sleep because it was hungry, or sick or abandoned. In the light of this can we draw a curtain around North America and prosper with a North American economy? Why a North American eco- nomy for livestock products? DAD'S QUITE A GUY! FIXED IT SO,WHILE HE'S SICK, I CAN. STAY IN SCHOOL AND `WE'LL STILL EAT. nothing but surplus ever since. And children cry themselves to sleep from hunger! When do we get over this idea of living in our own back yard. We must live in a world economy. 0 Sugar and Spice (Continued from pagee 4) brought it on ourselves. Just an example of the awe in wh- ich the ex-head of the house is held these days: This week I suggested to the Old Girl, very subtly that some new fishing tackle would be highly accept- able on Father's Day. She look- ed at me coldly. "You're not my father," she said. * 0 Anyone care to join me in a movement to convert dither- ing Dad back into firm Father? * 'K Grow beards, get rid of the blubber: take away the wife's set of car keys, cut the kids down to size, do some bellowing around the house? * * What's that Mac? You're sorry, but you have to go out and bring in the clothes? * 4. Well, I'm a little busy my- self. I have to take the kids for a swim, the dog for a walk, and the storm windows off. 0 Classified Ads Bring Quick Results KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Wierren and family visited friends in Auburn on Sunday. Mrs, Dowson is at present residing with her daughter, Mrs. Eldin Kerr, Winthrop. Mr. Nelson Hood is reported as being in fair condition 'in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Bessie Howe, Wood- stock, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Margaret and brother, Oliver MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries- tap, of near Mitchell, visited Saturday evening with the lat- ter's father, Mr. Robert Thom- son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Getty, Moose Jaw, Sask., visited dur- ing the week with their cous- ins, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mc- Lean, Mr. and Mrs. John Doig and Mr. and Mrs. C Coomb, Grand Rapids, Mich., visited during the weekend with Miss Janet Doig, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs, N. Long. Page: 10,0091! News-Record- .Thugs.{ 141fle 14f 1904 MOH Outlines ..Huron's Accident Rate, Urges. Farmers To Get 'Toxold. Shots Why not a North American economy for sugar? Why not a North American economy for wheat? When are we going to grow up and realize that we must develop a world economy? When will we make use of the knowledge we have, to do a. little planning to prevent both scarcity and wasteful surplus- es? T h e recent sugar fiasco seems rediculous. It now is re- vealed that statistics show a steady decline in sugar produc- tion over the past several years. Consumption surpassed produc- tion at the expense of reserves yet nothing was done. During these same years the sugar beet industry all but dis- appeared in Ontario. Imposition of import quotas on sugar, which would have held the price at less than $9,00 per cwt, would have retained the sugar beet industry. Why wasn't it done? In 1957 the same situation was developing in butter and milk powder. Steps were tak- en. The price of both butter and powder was raised to the point where no scarcity appear- ed. In fact the price was so attractive that we have heard luperiorPROPANE LTD. MAPLE, ONTARIO 82 NORFOLK ST., GUELPH TA2-3261 R.R. 5, OWEN SOUND FR6.6735 159 MONTEITH ST., STRATFORD 271.0810 STRATHROY, ONT. 215-1161 WALKERTON, ONT. 881.1270 A Superfor Propane Water Heater gives your family all the hot. water you want . .. for all household needs without waiting. With a Superior Automagic Water Heater there is no work .. . no worry . the water is thermostatically con- trolled to the exact temperature you want. And Superior Propane costs less too! ' FOR HEATING... COOKING... ' DRYING TOO! SUPERIOR IS AUTOMAGICALLY REST FOR YOU! 75 PER MONTH 3 BEL, BLACK LABEL!"