HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-06-13, Page 5at Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor "Your Westinghouse Dealer" HU 2-6646 Clinton POWER TOOLS Made by the Canadian Firm of BLACK & DECKER Make a Perfect Gif t Day Get For For the Handyman Father or the • Home Workshop 3/8-INCH DRILL 36.75 1/4 -INCH DRILL 12.95 SANDER 21.95 JIG SAW - 17.95 6 1/2 -INCH POWER SAW - 61.75 Anstett Jewellers Your TIMEX Watch See the New Models Headquarters Now on Display ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. EXPERT ,WATCH REPAIRS HU 2-9525 CLINTON .eeeeeeeeeee'ee 41§,imminimiionitkomtiim# HE'LL ENJOY THE YEAR 'ROUND Many More .Fathers Day Gifts at Beattie Furniture Mr. and Mrs Fred Middle, tall and Mr. And Mrs. Stewart Middleton were guests on Sun- -daY at the Nine of Mr. and Mrs, James Shearer, r4right, Wginen'A Auxiliary The Women's Auxiliary of .St, ,James Anglican Church, Mid- dleton met Wednesday evening June 5, at the bome of the president, Mrs, Ray Wise, with 16 preseti.t. The meeting .opened with the, singing of the WA hymn with MrS, dwartl. Wise at the Pi, eno, Following regular prayers, the scripture reading was, given by Mrs. Fred Middleton. Mrs, John Grigg gave the secretary's report. and Mrs, Dutot the financial statement. An invitation was received from the WA of Trinity -Ow- eh, Bayfield, to meet with them on June 20 at 2:30 p.m. This LONDESBORO Also, Let Us Do ALL Your Laundry or US* Our Modern Uptown Laundry USE THE NIGHT DEP,OS IT BOX AT OUR STORE O ALBERT STREET FOR • CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN '8 A.M. AND 1 P, M. LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 2214 Check YOur CalendaM it the numbers Match, take the Calendar to OUP offlee and claim your $3 oredlt tit LAUNDRY TCLEANERS L IMITED "Vat' (PAZ atee age—, _s CLINTON HU-2-70ZA Competition Kegn At Field Med For Hunett School Kids • wise NnriXing, ,noitiPating in tile Plass for girie seven and wider, emerged .4$ 'the grand AM:OPP, at the annual Hullet Township field day held in Lontlesbero, Friday, The little miss Seared a win in each of the bell throw, high. jump, running broad jump, dash, and gem: in second in the standing broad jump. Her PerforMance earned 114 48 points, three more than her closest rival in the ether seven categories, Marlene Dolmage, enamPien. in, the 11-year-old coPped 45 points, while Doug Bylsma had 41 in the same class tor boys, Finishing with 40 . pointe were Elaine Dale in the girls' 32-year-old division and Ricky deJong in the boys' seven-year- old class. -Other Chempione in the clas- ses were: Leonard Jamieson, 12-year-old boys; Donna Brom- ley, nine-year-old girls; Bert Vandendool and Herbert Bra, Who tied for the championship in the boys'• Blass for nine- year-olds. The complete results of the field day are as follows; - GirN Seven and Lou- Jae Honking, Karen Janet East; ball throw, .Louise Honking, Karen Tyndall,Judy Haverkarop; standing .broad, Ruth Ann MecOreger, -Lottise Karen Tyndall; high jump, Louise flunking, Karen Tyndall, ,Lynda Anderson; run- ning broad, Louise Huttleing, Karen -Tyndall and Jo Anne Snell, Nine and under—race, Donna Bromley, Lorna McDougal, sine Carter; ball throw,' Donna Bromley, Joyce Hallam, Betty. MacGregor; standing broad, Betty MacGregor, Donna. Br, omley, Joyce Hallam; high u m p, Joyce Hallam, Betty MacGregor, 'Marilyn Holland; running broad, Donna 13rotrileY, Betty MacGregor, Joyce Hal- lam. • Eleven and under — race Marlene Dolmage, Marie Tre- wartha, Kathy Dale; ball throw Marlene Dolrnage, Marlene Crich, Vicky W.ellbenke; stand- ing broad, Pauline Aisdrie, Kathleen McEwing, Marlene Dolmage; high jump, Marlene Dolmage ' Brenda. Archambault, Marie Tr ewartba; running br- oad, Marlene Dolmage, Kathy Dale, Marie Trewartba • Twelve and under =race, El- aine Dale, Joyce Dolmage, 'Car- ol Dolmage; ball throw, Lea deJong, Joyce Rae, Betty Sal- verde; standing broad, Elaine Dale, Gail Millet, Johanna Wal- inga,; high jump, Elaine Dale, Betty Salvercla, Linda Radford; running broad, Elaine Dale, Gail Miller and Brenda Ball,- Carol Dolmage (tied). Junior relay, USS 5, SS 3, and S'S 2. Senior relay, SS 1, SS 3, S52. Boys Seven and under—race,Ricky Twelve and under — race, David Preszcator, Leonard Jamieson, Jeff Tyndall; ball throw, Robert Wilkin, Keith Holland, John MacKay; stand- leg broad, Jeff Tyndall, David Riley, Leonard Jamieson; high jump, Leonard Jamieson, Dav- id Riley and Douglas Ball, Bill Lapp (tied); running broad, Leonard Jamieson, Jeff Tynd- all, John MacKay. 0 BAYFIELD Mrs. John Pearson, London, was home Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mackie and two children spent Sunday in London with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackie. They also visited Story Book Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirk- ham, London, visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ninian Heard, Jimmy and Mary, Holmesville, visited his brother Emerson and Mrs Heard on Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. Charles R, Will are at their cottage "Dingle- ton". Mrs. James P. Ferguson, London, came on Thursday last to spend a few days at her cottage, • Mr. and Mrs. William Wat- son, Detroit, were at their home on Clan Gregor Square for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mat- thews, Port Dover, visited friends in the village on Mon- day and Tuesday. Mrs. Malcolm Toms left on Saturday with her son-in-law, Cpl. Lloyd Westlake, OPP, Kit- chener, to spend this week with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Smith accompanied by Mrs. H. K. King, motored to Galion, Ohio, on June 2 to visit the latter's son, Harold Atwood and fam- ily. They returned home on Thursday night. A. Charlton, daughter Eliza- beth and her friend, Carlene Thrasher, Stratford, were at the Metcalf large house over the weekend. a CLASSU LED ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS le WISE Wr BUYS You're always WISE when you shop the FULLER way Fuller Brush Co. Ltd. Phones HU 2-9619 HU 2-9111 Mit Auxiliary Learn Of Life In Scotland On Wednesday evening, JUee 5, 24 members of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of SteAndreW's Presbyterian.Church sPent very enjoyable evening at the summer cottage of Mrs, Royce Macaulay. After a delicious pot-luck supper, a short business meet- ing was cendueted with Mrs, William Cook presiding, Final plans were made con- eerning the strawberry social and hake sale to be held at the church this Saturday, June 15, 2:30 to 4:3Q p.m. All the members were asked to bring donations for the home baking table, A short reading was then given by Mrs. Robert Hornuth concerning the customs and way of life in Scotland 50 years ago, Before departing for home, a vote of thanks was ex- tended tq the hostess, Mrs, Macaulay, for her gracious hos- pitality, o RCAF Dancers To Conclude Year To conclude a very success- ful first year operation the RCAF Clinton Cross-Trailer square dance club will hold an "Open House" on Wednesday, June 19, in the Recreation Centre commencing at 8 p.m. This dance is open to all square dancers in the immediate area and to all couples 18 years of age and over who are curious to find out what modern square dancing has to offer. From 8":00-9:00 p.m. a few basic square dance movements will be taught to introduce the beginner to square dancing, At 9:00 p.m. experienced dancers will be able to dance under the direction of F/L Art Shep- herd, School of Instructional Techniques, the RCAF Clinton Cross-Trailer club caller. During the past season, mem- bers of the Cross-Trailer execu- tive have been: Howie Loch- head, president; Bill Edgson, vice-president; Vern Boys, trea- surer; Gordy Duguid, publicity; Al Hayward, social convener; Len Ludwig, accommodation and Bill Thomson, secretary. Under the guidance of this executive, dances were held from January to April with well known professional callers from Canada and the U.S.A. Plans for the 1963-64 season which commences in September includes two dances in October plus dances in February, March, April and' May with top professional callers again coming from California, Rhode Island, Texas and Saskatchew- an. During the past season the RCAF Clinton Cross-Trailers became well known by South- western Ontario square dance clubs for the high calibre of callers provided and for the sumptous smorgasbord served at each function. Square dancers in the area can look forward to many happy hours in the 1963-64 sea- son. 0 Orange Lodge Plans 'March' South Huron County Loyal Orange Lodge met in Woodham recently when plans were made to celebrate the "Glorious 12th" in Exeter on Friday, July 12. After the parade, a good pro- gram is planeed to take place at the agricultural grounds. Also, a county church service will be held on, Sunday, June 23 in Exeter United Church at 11:00 a.m. NEWS OF MIDIKETON: hind invitation was accepted:. It was decided to clean the church on Attie 12, Mrs, Joseph 'Storey favoured with a lovely Plano instrument- ,Sweet -Hour of Prayer,. with 'variations and Mrs, Arn, old Miller- ,.Rave the Dorcas re, port, Mrs, Fred Middleton outlined the highlights ,of the recent • Deanery meeting held in God- erieh and lYfrs..)Ohn Grigg gave two readings. The :highlight of the even, was The honouring ,of o Valued member, . Mrs. Gordon Rathwell, who has recently moved. to Clinton, The, address was read by Mrs. Stewart Middleton and two beautiful Well PlatlUes were presented. to Mrs. Rathwell by Mrs, Alvin Dutot, In thanking her friends, lyirs. Rathwell stated that the AS- sociatiori with the WA of :St. James' Church "has been a most happy and advantageous one for me also," and invited those present to visit her in her new home. Mrs. Fred Middleton read a long and interesting letter compiled re the experiences of Miss Claire Taylor, cnrrently, in KenYae This letter pointed out what can be accomplished by blacks and whites working together on building projects, with the wh- ites also actually participating in the manual labour, Mrs. John Cole. conducted a "trees" contest, which was won by Mrs. Storey and Mrs. Stew- art Middleton, St. Andrew's Ladies Plan Summer Supper BAYFIELD — The United Church Women of St. Andrew's, unit one, met at the home of Mrs. John Lindsay on. Thursday last. Mrs. Lloyd Makins, president, was in charge: Her theme was "Faith". Mrs. LeRoy Poth, in charge of the study book, "The Way and the Word", gave a most in- spiring talk. Mrs. Bell took the chair for the business meeting. Arrange- ments were made for the ham and turkey supper on July 1. Reference was also made to the recently decorated church. Mrs. Lloyd Makins closed the meeting with the benediction. Mrs. John Lindsay, hostess, was assisted by the lunch com- mittee, Mrs. J. Scotchmer, Mrs. Gordon G. Scotchmer, Mrs. Lloyd Makins, in serving re- freshments. 0 View Graduation Of Kippen Nurse Among those attending the graduation ceremony at Kitch- ener-Waterloo school of nurs- ing as guests of Miss Dorothy Helen Jackson, Kippen, were: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jackson, Wilma and Lois, Kippen; Brian Traviss, Walton; Mr. and Mrs Henry Anderson, Chippewa Lake, USA; Mr. and Mrs. Stu- art Ball and David, Cooksville; Mr.• and Mrs. M. Bali, Coder- ich; Mr„ and Mrs. Hugh Ball, Clinton; Mr and Mrs. Harold Smalldon, Walton; Miss Judy Crich and Bob Reith, Seaforth; Miss Dorothy L. Meinke, Ham- ilton. Friends, neighbours and rel- atives were entertained at the Jackson home in Kippen dur- ing the evening of the cere- mony. T hu ts..f Diane. Y . 1,64-,Clint9n Dresses Snits Weekend $ We have of suite Blouses t SClIti NESSE Values to $pEcIAL, SUITS Values to SPECIAL .,, BLOUSE Reg. $2:95 SPECIAL ., LADIES' WEAR ow? D Outside Whi Super One-Coat 160 Non-Chalking White ' Ideal for Clapboard Si wood and masonry house masonry below ctapboar white paint that protects Super One-Coat 170 Fast-Dri Trim White Enamel-like paint, ideal frames and sash; doors Beautifies and protects D. A. KAY PAINT SHOP H CLINTON — Phone Open Friday Eve 1121,..4 alai IT ALL ADDS UP.. When-the cost of purchases comes t like to spend no a perfect case for the Family Finance what major items y their total cost...the for all of them monthly payment wi life-insured Family ,.,aommtRomkteeMNOWOMMeiffi,b5:000:*, ( BANK CIF 1V10 N moonsmnumeram aril . Li flan Clinton brenett: K. G. 11.6tuhsbotbugli (Sub-Agency): Opel VaMeeeteeMentalnielneateaMititMe DANCE AT Bayfield Pavilion WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. TO THE MUSIC OF "THE DEL REVS" dejeng, Rendy Bev. .Bromley; ball throw, Ricky de- Jong, Nevin Dewitt, Keith Ifni, ley; standing broad, ,NelcY de- Jong, Randy Miller; Kevin' aew,, itt; high jump, Bev Willis, Randy Miller and 'Keith Rtil, ipyt Kevin jewitt (tied); rem, ,ring broad Jump, Ricky dejong, Nevin Dewitt, Rem, Schneider, Nine and under--trace, ,john Gibbings, George Lubbers, John Bylsma; ball throw, Billy de, Jong, Deng MeIntyre, Bert Vandendool; standing broad, Herbert Brall, Bert 'Vandeo, John Gibbings; high jump, Bert 'Vandendool; Nelsen Dale, and Herbert Brall,, Billy deJong (tied)t running bread, Ken Anderson, Herbert Brell, Billy deJong. Eleven and under—race, Al. bell Bran, Keith Tosezek, Doug Bylsma; ball throw, Bruce .13F- OirileY, Doug Bylsma, Albert Brall; standing broad, Doug Bylsma, Keith Tosczak, Donny Jewitt; high jutnp, .Brupe Br- omley, Doug Bylsma, Daryl Ball;. running broad, Doug Bed, srne,. Doug Ball, Bruce Brom- ley(tied) and Keith Tosezek. (Correspondent _Mrs. Bert Allan phone BIsth r 5} The Junior choir will be in charge of the music on Sunday which is Father's Day. Mrs. Mary Reid, Willowdale, is at present visiting with Mrs. Bert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngblut spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams, Clinton. On Saturday evening three carloads of members of Hullett Masonic Lodge visited with Bernard Lodge, Listowel. Mr. Nelson Radford, London, is a patient in Victoria Hospi- tal, having undergone an opera- tion on his knee recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt attended the Shute and Hum- phries wedding at Kirkton on- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howatt and family spent the weekend with the latter's sister in Am- herstburg. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erring- ton, Dungannon, visited with Mrs, Bert Allen on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lily Webster spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ham, Kitchener; Mr. Will Govier went on Thursday and both re- turned home on Sunday. Mrs. L. Walkom, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walkone and fam- ily, Munro, and Mr. and Mrs. William Reed and family, Ful- lerton, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Moon and family in the loss of their large barn and stock which was struck and destroyed by lightning on Sunday night. The Londesboro senior and junior choirs are sponsoring a concert presented by the Blyth choirs in the community ball on the evening of June 17 at 8.15 in aid of the choir fund. A bake sale will also be featur- ed at the close of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hesk celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary which was on June 6. On Sunday evening the family and close relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hesk, Code- rich, for supper and spent a pleasant evening. The, couple was presented with a gossip bench by the brothers and sis- ters, The Women's Institute met for their June meeting on Wed- nesday evening with a good attendance. Mrs. Tom Allen gave a splendid report of the district annual held in Dun- gannon recently.. The losing side of the attendance contest entertained the winners with a few games of bingo. Lunch was also served by them. An interesting service will be held in Londesboro United Church this Sunday evening, June 16, when Mervin Pen- found, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Penfound, who has de- cided to enter the ministry, will be dedicated to this ser- vice. The respect and prayer- ful wishes of the community go with the young couple in this life work which he has chosen. • 'MY BANK' 70 AVIIION (ANA