HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-30, Page 11Auburn and District- MRS. WES BRADNOCIC.-Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 View Conservation Exhibit While attending 'an information meeting for residents in the Bayfield River watershed in Zurich, Thursday, area officials viewed several displaYa set up in the hall -depicting the many worthwhile facets of conservation. Shown lOok- ing over this display are, from the leftt: R.. E.. Thompson, Goderich Township - clerk; Mel Graham, Stanley Township clerk; Elgin ThOmpsori, reeve of Tucker- smith and Ken Musclow, recently appointed field officer for the Maitland Val- ley Conservation. Authority. (News-Record Ph,otot.) Thurs.r MOY 30r 1W chow+ News,Recor4 P9e 11 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRIME and SON ci,u4ToN EXETER 5EAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact en Local RoprostatiVe--A. W. Steep—HU .2-6642 21.tfb important hews for you, the grower Sate. EFFECTIVE WEED CONTROL CHEN FOR EVERY WEEP PROB1E Your Lo'cal Niagara Dealer . Crop spraying for weed control has been proven to be the eas- iest and least expen- sive way to control weeds and thus gain extra yield and pro- fits. Drop in for free authoritative guide on how you can profitab- ly use weed killers in all crops to increase your profits, CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street CLINTON — Phone HU 2.3815 Carries a full line of Niagara Weed and Brush Killers and is in a position to help and advise you in all your weed killing problems. OU'LL THIS TRY BLACK LABEL... AND YOU'LL KNOW WHY ITV CANADA'S BEST-SELLING BEER Auburn Institute Posts Two 6roups, ame elegates for District Meeting 1961 1960 1959 1959 Mrs. Arthur Ferguson, Wat- erloo, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph D. Munro: Many friends in this district of Miss Betty Sturdy, Goderich attended the trousseau tea held by her mother last Saturday, , Mr. Dan MacLean, Amberley, is visiting with his nephew, Mr. Kenneth Scott, Mrs. Scott, Keith ,Wayne and Eric, Mr. and Mrs,. Ralph Jack- son and family, Mitchell, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Daer and Mr. Ro- bert Deer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R; Tay- Festival Winners Put On Concert For UCH' Groups AUBURN — The theme for the general meeting of the United Church Women was Christian Stewardship and was held in the Sunday school room of Knox United Church with a good attendance. Unit 2 was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Charles Millian presid- ed with Mrs. Norman McClin- chey at the piano. The meet- ing was opened by singing a hymn and the scripture lesson was read" by Mrs. Millian fol- lowed by meditation. Mrs. Oliver Anderson led in prayer. \ Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, music supervisor for various schools, accompanied several of her pupils. Solos were sung by Neil Lockhart, Avon Toll and Nancy Anderson; a double trio by Laura Daer, Judy Ar- thur, Betty Moss, Jennifer Grange and Brenda East and a duet by Betty Moss 'and Laura Daer. These musical numbers were winners in the neighboring music festivals and were en- joyed by all. Mrs. Thomas Lawlor expressed thanks to Mrs. Rodger and her pupils, The hymn, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee", Was sung after which Rev. Charles Lewis took the third chapter of the study book, "The Word and The Way". The offering was re- ceived by Mrs. Harry Arm- strong and Mrs. Nelson. Patter- son and the dedicatory hymn was sung, Mr. Arthur Grange gave an address on Christian Steward- ship and gave a very descrip- tive talk on the ways and life of the Indians and ' Eskimos around Moose Factory. Mrs, Kenneth McDougall presided for a short business period in which various reports were giveli by the conveners and an invitation was accepted to attend. the St. Mark's Angli- can Guild on June 25. Mr's. McDougall Closed the meeting with prayer end the members of Unit 2 serVed wene ktALLY sArisrfed' AND SAVING muNgYiVolerr,Ati. t $0 HOLLA D'S SERVICE for visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Michael and Janice at Owen Sound. Knox Presbyterian Church will begin their morning ser- vices at 9 a.m. and will con- tinue for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Mun- ro and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lansing attended the Young- blut-Russel wedding at Scar- boro last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morris and Mr. and Mrs, Rod Singh, all of London, visited over the weekend with the ladies' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grange and family. Miss Lauta Wagner, Reg.N., Syracuse, N.Y., spent the weekend With Miss Minnie Wagner, Miss Ella Wagner, Mr. Walter Wagner, Mr. Wil- liam Wagner and other mem- bers of the, family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Law- lor and Jimmy entertained Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed Davies, Auburn, and Mr,.. and Mrs. Roy Finni- gan, Goderich, in honor of Mr. Lawlor, Mr. Davies and Jim- my's birthday. Friends• of Mrs. Lena Plaet- zer are pleased that she was able to return to her son's, Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs. Plaetzer and family, last Sat- urday after being in London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pent- land, North Bay, visited over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Charles Straughan a n attended the graduation cere- mony of their niece, Miss Pat- ricia Pentland at Stratford hospital. Nearly 25 neighbours a n d former neighbours of Mr, Percy Walden and his niece Miss Viola Thorripsen, gather- ed at their home last Friday night to say farewell to them before moving to their n e w home in Auburn. 'The evening's program was convened by Mrs. Roy Easom and Mrs. Bert Daer and con- sisted of card games and a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Bert Deer read an address to Mr. Walden and Miss Thomp- son and Mrs. Roy Easom pr- esented them with an electric living-room clock and a dres- ser lamp. Mr. Walden and Miss Thom- pson thanked their neighbours for the gifts and thoughtful- ness of those who planned this farewell party for them. A delicious lunch was served by the neighbours. Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr ,and Mrs. John Seers on the birth of their daughter last Sunday in Goderich hosp- ital, To Aid Baseball Plans are being made by the Auburn Athletic Association 'to sponsor ball teams of the vale ous age groups of the com- munity. The finance commit- tee composed of George Hag- gitt, Lenar d Archambault, Thomas Cunningham and Gor- don Daer have planned to hold a dance on Friday, May 31, in the Memorial Hall with the Western Gentlemen to supply the music, - It is hoped that this district will co-operate with the AAA to help the youth of this com- munity to play ball. Mr. and Mrs. William Strau- ghan attended the silver wed- ding anniversary of their dau- ghter, Mrs. Thomas Jardin and Mr. Jardin at their home in Wingham last week. Their family were all home for the occasion; Donald, Lyman, Paule Harold and Miss Bonnie. Pass Dance, Tests Congratulations are extend- ed to Misses Jannett Dobie, Patsy and Mary Wilkin, who successfully passed their Scot- tish dancing examinations. The tests, sponsored by the Areateur Highland Medal Test, had as examiner Miss C, M. Robertson who represented as a member of the Scottish Dance Teachers' Alliance. ' Miss Dobie obtained her bronze and silver medals; Miss Patsy Wilkin her silver medal and Miss Mary Wilkin her pri- mary exam and her bronze medal. These three girls are all pup- ils of Miss Mary Lynn Leonard, Goderich. Mr. Robert Wilkin accomp- anied his sisters, Misset Patsy and Mary when they did High- land dancing at a concert held last week in Blyth sponsored by the Blyth United Church choir. KIPPEN Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Hensall 278 W 1 Mrs. William McLachlan, RR 3, Kippen, is holding a trous- seau tea at her home in boner of her daughter Marlene on June 8, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Coming To Goderich Sat., June 22 Ronnie Hawkins and THE HAWKS J. The lunch,.committee for the event will be Mrs, Ed Davies, Mrs. Frank •Raittiby and. Mrs. Andrew Niritconnell. The delegates to go to-the district annual at Dungannon An May 30 will he Mrs, Thomas 'P'agga and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- Donnell.. It was decided to hold An executive meeting to make out the prograrn5 for the new year, Mrs, Andrew nirkconnell, .convener of the card comma, tee, " gave a detailed report and read several thank-you notes for cards received, The prograM consisted of a piano instrunientaI played by. Mrs. -Donald Hai, Oakville;, reading, Mrs, Clare .Lenghurst; sole,. Mrs, Gordon..Taylor; reading, Mrs, .Bert Mills and Mrs. Gostonyi; and the motto, mNo one is rich -enough to he without a neighbor,"' .was giv- en by Mrs. Ed Davies. The. door prize which was drawn by little Miss Lorraine plained what the Explorer em- blem meant, 'The Hensall lead- ers in charge of these groups were Mrs. Rachel Schwalm and for the COG, Mrs. Gordon Troyer, The Bayfield group with their leader, Mrs. Gladys Talbot sang the action song and recited in unison the story of the foolish man and the wise man who built their homes on sand and on rock respectively. An interesting Bible quiz on the first three chapters of the Gospel of St. John was held between Bayfield and Hensel]. groups. They had challenged each other and the Bayfield group won by one point. Rev. Ross MacDonald asked the questions of the teams with six• members each. The speaker of the afternoon was Rev. R, U. MacLean who told the story of John Geddie, the first missionary of the Presbyterian Church to serve away from Canada in New Hebrides in 1848. An interesting Bible play, the story of baby Moses, was given by the Blyth group. Janet Ad- ams introduced the players who took the various parts: Linda Caldwell, the princess; Mavis Bailey, first maid; Sharon Mas- on, second maid; Valerie Bai- ley, Moses' mother and Mariam, Helen Adams. The meeting was brought to a close by singing, "Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me", and the benediction was pro- neefeced by Mrs. Wes Brad- nock. 0 CLASSIFIED ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS CheMeleY WAS won by Mrs, Charles Ruffel and the .elimina, lion contest which was on, 'ducted by Mrs. F. rank faith by Wee Won by Mrs. Pnrialci, Hai, A successful penny auc- tion Was' heicl- with Mrs,. Ed,. Davies, Mrs. Bert Craig and Mrs. Thomas gaggitt. in ,oharge, A delicious lunch was served by Mrs, Roy Daer, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Thomas ..T-Taggittt Mrs, George liaggitt, Mrs. -Gorr. don Taylor and Mrs, Sam Paer. Thanks to the..Auhurn Branch was expressed by Mrs,. Wilbur grown, Dungannon, and Mrs, ..Andrew 5traughan, .Oode- AUBURN—One hundred and thirty children and their lead- ers ,,attended the annual Mis- sion Band Rally of the Huron Presbyterial of the Presbyter- ian Church held at Blyth last Saturday, Mrs, Wellington Good, secretary for children's work in the Presbyterial, pre- sided for the peogram. The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn, with Mrs, William Dalyrumple at the piano. The devotional per- iod was in charge of Auburn, and Margaret Youngblut read the scripture lesson from Mat- thew, followed by meditation and prayer. The Clinton group with their leader, Mrs. D. Webster, sang two selections and a piano solo was played by Faye Farquhar. The Seaforth COC and Ex- plorer groups with their lead- ers, Mrs, E. Rivers and Mrs. Bill Flood sang a song. The offering was received by Ar- chie Mason, Blyth; David Faw- cett and Michael Graham, both of Clinton. The Goderich group, under the leadership of Miss Marian Moore, deaconess, presented the mission study on Korea with a box movie to illustrate and al- so showed the handwork that the children had made during the year. The leader of the Goderich group, Mrs. Olive Lumby, was unable to be present. The Hensall COC group gave- a reading and a duet was sung by Beatrice and Mary Thomp- son. The Explorers sang an action song, "She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain," with Rev. Ross MacDonald at the piano, John Timmermans, of Hens. all Explorers, showed and ex- Al3,,KIRN—The Women's .In- stitute entertained members of the. Goderich Branch and the Dungannon. Branch at Its May meeting held.. In the. Auburn Community Memorial The meeting was ,opened. by he. president, Mrs. Rprt Craig, with the ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and -0, Canada with Mre. Robert J. Phillips at the Piano, Mrs. Craig welcomed the guests and expressed her Measure at so many being pre- sent at their first meeting. The minutes. were approved as read by Mrs. Thomas T5a-g-- gett and she also gave the fin, enciel statement, The mem- hers voted to apply for the short course, "What's New in Home Furnishings", - as their fall project. An invitation to visit Huron-- view and present the monthly birthday party was accepted and it will be .held on June 19, The committee to be in charge of the party will be Mrs. Robert J, Phillips, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and Mrs, BULLFIGHT ANYONE? Ever been to a bullfight? Not likely, because not many bullfights are held in Canada. A bullfight is not advertised in advance. It usually comes quite unexpectedly, and instead of a matador who always wins, it involves d farmer who nearly always loses. An encounter with a boar can be quite painful and costly, toO. Artificial insemination offers you the oppor- tunity to eliminate these risks on your farm. por further information call— Clinton HU 2.3441 Zenith 95650 Seaforth 96 . : :()-9:30 a.m. weekdays (Pot' Sunday service phone Saturday -6:0043:60- p,m,) WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Band: .Rally Attracts 130, Children Take .Part In Program. BEAN SEED We Have Available Seed Beans for Your Needs: Ontario Registered Sanilac, Seaway Michigan Certified Sanilac This Seed is Excellent Quality Carefully Machined with High Germination. Bean Contracts Available HARRISTON FERTILIZER E. L. Mickle & Son Ltd. HENSALL Phone 103 CHRYSLER 4-Dr. Sedan with power steer- ing, power brakes, push-button radio. A low mileage, one-owner car. CHEV. 6-cyl., Automatic, 4-Dr. Sedan, real sharp, one-owner car, MERCURY 4-Dr. Sedan with power steering, power brakes and radio, This car is real sharp and is a one-owner., . VOLKSWAGEN—Far cheap transportation, or for a second car, this is it, 1967 for ybranE0kodyStation. Wagon in good condition who needs a little more' room. The Above ears are all Trade-ins on Nov Cars OUR SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 1958 2,ttpgo4o-dptireSs7rina,t) g/irist11 $995 good shape. ....... ..... Special Price I ocA CHEV. 2-Dr., good motor„ good the year, ,.. ....... ....... Special Price 19 1 71 tires„ body in very good shape' for We , have Many Other Models ia our stock, so come in and look them over. i 0 anon ,10, J. Ot 1. munr 1 ltd. H PHONE HU 2-0475 134 Hinton Street Clinton,- Oct, say:WIANZ, BLACK LAM")