HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-30, Page 9FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1 Combine your home-grown grains • with NATIONAL POULTRY DEVELOPER CONCENTRATE the fresh mix' with the meat meal hate! Want to start each young egg-factory off on the right road in life? Then feed 'em your own home-grown grains fresh- mixed with National Developer Concentrate. It's rich in meat meal protein, so it forms a perfect balancevith the vegetable nutrients in the grains you. supply! Whether you have your own grains or we Supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix you can buy right here at the mill " using. National Concentratef of course. ,Ask about National Poultry Grower, a complete fee Wain or medicated!, J. H. F. BROEZE HU 2.9219 VARNA WETTLAUFER S FEED MILL Mary St'e'el — CLINTON — Phone NU 24192 OR6CILIC.1* 00 CAitt.:;AIIAN tiOUSIRIES. LIMIttb 411ZDI Wells Auto Electric "tHE oRiaiNiAt, TuNE=Up Ai-tOpr, Phone HU 2,3851 KING .STREET CLINTON Ttie LOW-PRICe, TOP-QUaLiTY Clinton Farm Supply Why pow? What's the rush? Well, we just wantyou to have your Chevy II for the summer. for doing all the picnicking, swimming and ' travelling you've been looking forward to all winter. Sure, you say, a new car would be nice, "but ...Well, there are no "buts" about Chevy II. The ride and room are strictly big league. The handling is sure and easy. And when you'ie on the open road,• you'll wonder where all those, horses came from, (There's 90 horsepower in The Super-Thrift Four; 120 in The Hi-Thrift Six.) Thinking about the Money? So is Chevy H. That's why you get self-adjusting brakes, long-life exhaust system, extensive rust-proofing, water-flushed and air-dried rocker panels and a battery-saving Delcotron generator as standard equipment at Chevy H's remarkably law price. And don't forget, you can • also take your pick from a dozen different models—from the snappy Nova 400 Super Sport Convertible to the oh-so-practical 100 Series sedans and station wagon. As we said "Now's the best time to buy the low-price, top-quality Chevy and your local Chevrolet dealer's the one to convince you! . • ••••• a.... •1•••[.11....1a, Jere is little verse Z ran across. in One of the farm maga-tines 4 `It's rather confusing to age my fields Ay government .bureau in- struction, One day, I am shown how to double my Yields, The nest, how 'to limit pro- auction," I think it suits the situation very nicely in Canadian agri- culture, We, who have WO*Pd with farmer -organizations, have been. for years faced with a surplus :Problem and are continually re- minded of the -"mountain" :of Witter that is likely to slip at Any moment and bury us.. I wonder what became of the mountain of sugar that was supposed to be towering over the world? I would like very much to know if it ever was a ineuntain, and if so, how could it disap- pear so suddenly that nothing could be done about it. Our Ontario sugar beet in- dustry almost disappeared be- cause the price was below $9.00 per cwt. retail. Stirely .,p.00 per mt.' is pot too high a price for . sugar and if it had been held at this price we wouldn't have had 'the present panic. I'll be most interested to find out just how much $19,00 sug- ar.increases the returns to the producer,Or will there sudden- ly be abundance of sugar by the time of the sugar beet crop is harvested' there is so much grain arkflInd. that you can't sell it at profit so you are told to sell it through pigs, dairy cows Or beef steers and then we have butter runninFr, out our ears, Pattie and hogs tramping all ,over us, Sorry!' the Market dropped but nothing can be done about it. There is over supply,. Tf you farmers would just .accept production control , . and so the Merry-V-rogrid runs on. Production control of food products has never been Op- Plar with: the vast majority of Canadian farmers because seemed morally wrong to re- strict food .supply when so. many in the world go hungry, Apparently the majority of 'United -States farmers now feel the same obligation to the leas fortunate. Perhaps something construc- tive will now be done to de- velop effective methods of food distribution throughout t h world. Local farmers were common in days gone by because the means of transportation was lacking to move necessities even short distances. Transpor- tation is no longer the i-eason for hunger anywhere in the world but we haVen't been will- ing to make use of it, Fortunately there are a couple of farm organizations that have seen the light—the white bean growers who for .'years have been able to sell all the beans produced and .even more important, the price has always been relatively satisfac- tory. The Ontarki• Wheat Produc- ers have been marketing their product for just a few years but in that time have had to face the problems of abundant and short supplies. This past year the European Common Market controversy presented special difficulties. In spite of all this the Wheat Producers Marketing Board have sold the last of the 1962 crop recently and are ready to handle the 1963 har- vest. Prices have been quite satisfactory to the producer. Both these • crops are pro- duced in surplus quantities for the domestic market but where there's a will there's a way and these farmers have taken the trouble to do the job, I wonder when other pro- ducers will realize that produc- tion is not the problem but rather the selling. But the sell- ing can be done if it is attacked with the same tenacity. ' Blyth Council Appoints Clerk BLYTH — Irvine Wallace was appointed village clerk-tr- easprer at last week's council meeting, Mr. Wallace was a member of town council for several years and was secre- tary-treasurer of the Public Utilities Commission for 20 years. 4, TUC7CAITH MUNICIPAL DUMP Will be Open Until Further Notice on Wednesday and Sat. Afternoons from 1 to 5.30 p.m. No Wire Fencing, Old Con- crete or Car Bodies Permitted. J. 1, Mc1NTOSH Clerk I.4tfb VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT With exclusive• clog-proof grasscatcher To Centralia Flight Lieutenant W, H. "Bill" Farrell, DFC, CD, of- ficer in charge of Training Standard's and Development. at Radar & Communications. School, RCAF Clinton, has been transferred to Central -Officers' School, Centralia.' The transfer will take ef- fect in August. F/L Farrell is well known in the Clinton-London dist- rict as a capable guest speak- er at service- clubs: He was the first RCAF officer to carry out active experiments in programmed learning at Clinton. The popular word for programmed instruction is "teaching machine". During World War II F/L Farrell served overseas as a navigator, winning the. Dist- inguished Flying Cross for gallantry in action. FINGER-TIP START New starter reduces starting effort 94%. *Lightweight Magnesium Construction *Quietest PoWer Mower of all ORIGINAL AUT3IITE .A Matter Priocipie (By dTe 0414o OPIWINtGWAY) Baytield tadjes. fete Brideitiect PAYFIgl,Q 'The Willing Workers, wider the leadership of the PreSUIPtit, AIrS, Percy.,, Aenners sponsored PliScenanr POW shower byL the ladies of the community tor . Miss RPM- ono Telfor4,, on.Fritiny -PY,g111r1g. last, ft was held in St, Andrews Vnited hurui . basement which. Wa$ _appropriately -decorated with Streamers • .aud hells, After ,an4 two games worePnjOyeil ,/Miss Jo Anne. Burrows, ..Stratford, read .4n dress asking the bride-044 to Accept the gifts on the table with Ali good wishes.. Brenda: INIAlcins. and Icereo Thursday, May 30, ''N96 Naws,Rucur4,-,-Pagu Brandon handed Ramona the many beautiful And .14.sefol gifts, After opening. them .A14.- the bride-elect e x press P.4 her thanks. And appreciation Ltinite.' -charmingly to, the. :00. persons present.. The ladies served refresh- ments at the close of a most enjoyable ..evening. har- vest. Again, is a surplus of agri- culture products such a terrible calamity? If it is, why then are farmers bombarded con- tinuously with information of all kinds telling them how to increase their yields? Get your soil analysed, sow the right amount of, fertilizer, use registered seed of the lat- est variety. Then when this wonderful Priced as low as $89.50 for 19" Mower $60,56 with oi'asotehet. LAWN- 60NSWO ..40),;•; IN 190 MARE CLINTON FARM SUPPLY YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR Adastral Park Ladies Go Hawaiian The Women's Auxiliary at RCAF Clinton were hostesses for an Hawaiian tea and bake sale at the 'Ritchie building, Saturday, and the decorations and colorful. costumes undoubtedly had most visitors thinking they had stepped into the surroundings of the tropical island. Grass sidrts, Wawaiian sheaths and floral, decorations were the order of the day for the servers. Shown above the servers standing from the left are; Lynn Lesnick, Beryl Westhover, Lillian Ronnie, Judy Boys and Charlotte IVIcKenXie. The guests seated from the left are: Vivian Pawn, Freda lYlorrovv,,Doris Cole and Laura Powell. It is difficult to tell whether young Richard Powell is camera shy, or whether he thought the daring grass skirts were just a bit too much for his youthf01 eyes, (News-Record Photo) Weed ,:prays • MANE for corn • DOW 2,4-D • CYTROL for Twitch Grass 10:00 p.m. to 1:30 MAY 24 - TO DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA 19tfb - 00,0w/ft/ea' family car going!: sure to see Beha0a On the CeiC network, Check ycjur IOW listing for channel and Ifine. t 04 your lag authorized Chevrolet dealer. DANCE AT BLUEWATER DANCELAND FRIDAY Nova 400 4 Door Sedan Phone HU 2.9613 BAYFIELD ROAD, CLINTON ICAL OF CANA -Nog Wk4Ngt. 'hero A° EG SARNIA. 'TORO— '•• thustitIm. ,G''ALL.644:4 A General Motats Value • EMBUTOX TROPOTOX for Grain Seeded Down ti-963C '046 36 Ontario Stteet 2-9311 LORNE BROWN MOTO R LTD dUNTON,„ ONTARIO