HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-30, Page 7GERANIUMS BEGONIAS -- PANSIES PETUNIAS -- ALYSSUM SALVIA SNAPS ZINNIAS VERBENA ASTERS TOMATOES CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER --SPANISH ONIONS ETC. C. COOKE FLORIST 41 orange- Street- CLINTON. DIM 'HO 24012 S 1' Notice To Creditors- In the Estate of FRANCIS ALBERT LAYTON, also known as Frank Layton, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named, who died on the 6th day of March, A.D. 1963, are re- quired to l par thereof with file the iifulndersigned ticulars on or before the 11th day of ,Tune, A.D. 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. •Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of May, A.D. 1963., E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 21-2-3b REAL ESTATE TWO-BEDROOM brick cottage between Goderich and Bayfield. Three-piece bath, fully insulat- ed, plastered, built-in cup- boards, full basement and Gar- wood furnace. Cale L. Doucette Clinton. = 22p 3-bedrOom, brick, fireplace, large lot, close to stores, 3- years old. 4-bedroom summer home, close to lake. 2-bedroom lake front cot- tage. Lake front lots, $2,100-$2,300. Second row lots, $90041,200. The above lots are all serviced with drilled wells. Town' lots, from $600 up. LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE Adam Flowers Box 41, Hayfield, Ontario Phone 83 22b WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT Man or Woman, for Clinton and District Experience preferred, but, not necessary. Ambitious per- son can make better than average income. Apply: Wilfred Mcintee REALTOR WALKERTON Write Box 549 or Phone 881-2270 Puitch allurclies REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister iii WESLEY-WILLIS PENTECOST and HOLY COMMUNION Subject: "The Divine Contemporary" 9.45 la.m.--Sunday School • 11.00 a.m.—Communion Service HOLMESVILLE 9.45 am-L—Church Service 10.45 a.m,—Sunday 'School ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, P. L. Dymond, LTh., Rector Charles Merrill, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 2 THE DAY Of PENTECOST WHITSUNDAY 8.30 Ant —Italy Communion 11.00 a.M.—Holy Communion 2.00 p.m.—junior Confirmation Class 7,00 p.m.---Evensong Tiles., June 4---Ladies Guild Will Meet at the home of Mrs. Bert Premlin at 2.45 p,rn, Turner's, Church Sunday School ANNIVERSARY (FLOWER. SUNDAY) Sunday, ;June 2, 2 p.m. ONTARIO STREET JUNIOR CHOIR 40 VOICES Guest Speaker MR, WILLIAM BATTEN Editor OF Clinton Ntwt,Record Attend Your Church This Sunday All Services'on, Daylight Saving Time CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Paitor: Craig Peters, B.A. SUNDAY, JUNE 2 ' 10,00 a.m.,—Sunday School 11.15 ,a.m.—Family Worship All Are Welcome Here BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 2 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Hour Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service, Revival Notes You Are Cordially Invited To All Of These Services CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank my re- latives, friends and neighbors for helping with fencing and chores during my recent acci- dent. Special thanks to Dr, Walden and nurses at the hos- pital. —BILL BATKIN, 22p I wish to thank my friends neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Clin- ton hospital. Special thanks to Father McGuire, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Walden, Dr. Addison and nurses. —MRS. OSCAR PRIE- sTAp. 22b I wish to thank my friends And relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Also sincere thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Walden, Rev. Park, special nurses, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. Livermore and the hospital staff. —BERNICE HAUGHTON. 22p I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, neigh- bors and relatives for flowers, cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and nurses, Rev. Mills and REP, Varna and LOL No. 24, Bayfield.—LLOYD MILLAR. 22p I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all who sent me flowers, cards, letters,, gifts, and to all who visited me while I was a patient in Clinton and Victoria Hospitals, also the doctors and nurses who were all so kind to me. —MRS. LENA PLAETZER 22b We wish to thank friends and neighbors who were kind and thoughtful to the late Thomas Patton. Special thanks to Sup- erintendent Harvey Johnston and staff at Huronview, Dr. D. J. Lane, Ball and Mutch funeral home, pallbearers and flower-bearers, and those who loaned cars. —GEORGE PAT- TON. 22p The family of the late Mrs. Verna M. Carter wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neigh- bors and relatives for all the kindness shown during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving mother; also for the beautiful floral tributes and other expressions of sym- pathy. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, the nursing staff of Clinton hospital, Rev. G. L. Mills, pallbearers, flower-bear- ers and the Beattie funeral home. —HILES CARTER and JOYCE EVANS. 22p Blanket House of Canada NEW BLANKETS FOR YOUR OLD WOOLLENS *FREE BONUS PREMIUMS NUNN COMMISSIONS UP TO tog as a group shipper by canvassing your neighbours, church and social groups. Lovely, warm woollen or blend blankets can be bought at much reduced prices with out Trade-in Plan. Just turn in your old woollens Or cottons in part trade and save art additional 10.20% Send coupon below for free colour catalogue listing our many household items, 1.11M 011111101•1011, 1 THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA 489 Ent. St. N., Preston, Ont Dept.HT.io AUPProlOTQN. 11410g$ MEET WVIOTP$PAY The WA of St. James Church, Middleton, will Meet On Wed' nesday evening, June 5, at the home of Mrs. IUW Wise at 8:30 p.m Roll call word is, "Faith- ful", CONSEIWAPON CLUB HOLDS MPETINO The Ladies Conservation Club held their meeting on Monday, MaY 27, with, 23 members Pre- sent. Miss Dorothy Mitch, con- ducted the meeting in the ab- sence of the president, Mrs. H, glazier. The club's project for the year is to put in a back stop and bleachers for the ball dia- mond, Bingo was played and, lunch was served. 0 NEIGHBORS HONOR DEPARTING COUPLE A farewell party for Bern- ard and Eileen 'Tighe who re- cently moved to Clinton from Hullett Township, was held at Lloyd Medd on Friday, May 17 with about 70 former neigh- bors and friends present, Progressive euchre was en- joyed and winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Pearl McFarlane; ladies low, Mrs. Joe Flynn; men's high, Sam Spencer; men's low, Frank Flynn. An address was read by Sam Spencer expressing best wishes in their future home on High Street. Gifts were presented by Frank Flynn. , HURONVIEW LADIES AUXILIARY ANNUAL BAZAAR and TEA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. TOURS OF THE HOME ALL AFTERNOON Service RELIEVE PAINFUL SUNBURN & BUSTERS with $1.49 NEW ECONOMY SIZE SAVE SO% MINOR BURNS CHAPPED LIPS fEVER BLISTERS COLD SORES IL OTHER SKIN PROBLEMS AUCTION SALE Of Household. Effects from Cedar Grove (Shell Gas Sta- tion). Hayfield, south, No. 21 Highway, on SATURDAY, JUNE 8 at 1:30 p.m. the following 2 chaise lounges; 5 antique chairs (125-years-old); numer- ous upholstered and kitchen chairs; chrome suite; double sink (new); water fountain; end table; small tables; numer- ous beds including full size, % size and single; mattresses; roll-a-way bed; electric stove; space heater; hot plate; Astrol refrigerator; washing machine; silex coffee maker; 2 lamps; TV lamp; oil painting; numer- ous pictures; bathroom scale; dishes; 2-wheel trailer; set of steps; numerous other articles. Terms Cash George and Irene Mavor Proprietors, Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 22-3b AUCTION SALE Of tionsehold gffeotS, from, 72 RatteniNry -.§t, Wost.,,-Plintonven *VkIVRDAY, JUNE 1 at 1;14 p,0,11., the f9119Wing; 1s/fareoni 17-in. AndAerial;i A heSteSS chairs; 3 Walnut Vic, torian—q lta i r s ; • Chesterfield; magazine table; 2 *la ..tolea; dining. room table, buffet and chairs,. china cabinet;. Paven Port; chrome kitchen suite; kitchen step stool; tri,light;' table lamp; 'floor lamp; Walnut table; walnut desk; walnut bed springs and mattress; 2 cherry chests of Arawers; Singer .drep, head sewing machine; C910.-spot refrigerator; Beatty wash- ing machine; laundry small portable radio;" electric hair dryer; electric POokerrfry,• Pr; electric iron; lawn 0100; roll-a-way bed; 'table and chairs; doll - carriage; doll cradle; 2 sleeping bags; pletur,.. es; 6-piece toilet set; dishes, cooking utensils, linens, bedding, booked Mats, some antiques, Terms; Cash Numerous articles have been added to this sale, - Miss Minnie Proctor, Proprietress Edward W, Auctioneer 21-2h Sunday, June 2 10.00 a.m.—Service in English 2.30 p.m.—Service in English Every Sunday 6.15 p.m„ Dial 680 CHLO, London. Listen to "Back to God Hour" EVERYONE WELCOME St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M: J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 10.30 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVER- SARY—Rev. Clifford Britton, Seaforth, guest speaker. Ontario Street Junior Choir will sing at both services. 7.30 p.m.—Reception Service for Confirmation Classes. TURNER'S CHURCH 2,00 p.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVER- SARY—William Batten, guest speaker. Kinettes Plan Pe.i$onals Mr,. and Mrs. 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, A silver collection will be taken. to help buy .a duplicator, at the home of mrs. Pat Hat-, die, 96 Victoria :Street on Tues- day, June IA. 'coffee party in 4ip council Liam CheWen and Mrs, Brian chambers on June 14 from '9:30. to. 11:00 in the, morning And sent A report of the Llunsinen 4°YP convention held. in 1,4.4den.. this Year. was given by Mrs, May 2 .FAndy 't The meeting at the in of 1W,$,,' The next meeting will beheld Plans were made to hold .Kinette, .Club held their, • • ;91.1%,:nt),Toursesdpamy,, day this week with her friend, cousin, Mrs. Frank Layton, of the Royal -cana4.144 .$0001 Mrs, James Boyce, Godericb. Of the RCS of Signals is spend- a few clays last we.* with her Clinton, Mrs. Layton visited -end. Mr. and Mrs, D. MeLean, Carl ,IVIcClinchey„ William St, the Weekend with his parents, :ShOhbrook during the Week- N.Y., has recently' '.spent a week of vacation with Mr- and Mrs, of Signals in Kingston, spent latter's mother, Mrs, Wes Clinton, Buffalo, were the „guests of the Officer Cadet Roy McLean, Mrs. F. Bean, Hensall, spent Sig/apprentice Torn McLean; Mrs. Lucille Shea, Rochester,, ing two weeks leave from, King- ston with -his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLean.. Bev Ewes, Clinton, and pep: nis Tascona, Barrie, left Man- day far Montreal where they flew by jet to Europe. They are on vacation touring the European countries until Sep- tember 9. Miss I. M. Walkinshaw has returned this week from Tor- onto where she had joined Mr. and Mrs, A. Livermore on a motor trip to Ottawa, Upper Canada Village and a boat cruise through the Thousand Islands, Mrs. W. S. R. Holnies was in London last Friday after, noon attending the graduation of her grandddaughter, Karoo- VII Carnegie. Karolyn took honors in modern languages and literatures at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario. -Mr, Nelson McClinchey, who attended school at Lima, N.Y., spent the week with his par- eats, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Mc- Clinchey, William 'Street, He will spend the summer in Can- ton, Ohio, as organist, choir director and youth counsellor. Mrs. Del McGinnes and daughter, Calarney, Manitoba, visited Mr: and Mrs. W. Coch- rane, 115 Mary Street, and other friends in Clinton for a couple of days. Mrs.' McGuines (formerly Miss Del Carter) daughter of the late David Car- ter, hasn't been back here for 45 years. The "Pilgrim Singers" were guests at. the home of Dr. and Mrs. Haig, Lebanon, N,J., over the Victoria Day weekend. As- sisting Dr. Haig in his Sunday morning service, they sang five numbers, then in the afternoon, at Second Reformed Church, Somerville, N.J„ they presented 11 of their selections in ,a ser- vice of sacred music. 8111•04110111M WON NI IN Era THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA Is now op. crating the Mait Order business formerly owned by Fairfield & Sons Limited of this address.. THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA has no es. Winters or Agents. Alt correspondence end ship. meats must be sent to: THE BLANKET HOUSE OF CANADA, 498 Eagle Street N., Preston, Ontario. -.MM.. Drive .41:3=.- on your V~r -..-.... a SAFE CAR Prepare Your NOW for your Summer Holidays roViii• Millimai Complete Car k311,--t.--'4 211T717* *:, -,,,,7„, ;,--* „,0- ir \--.*----- (0 ,-,-1 -- „,-, ,.. Tune-up AI, e ,.4..4, 5,"VW A ''' Take Advantage A Of Coil'. . . . •k ',-, -,,- : ADJUSTMENT , This Offer Good Only for the Month at With Every Grease Job and Oil Change of June Wells "'HE KING ORIGINAL Phone Mr' Ado HU 2-3851 . TUNE-UP Electric SHOP"' CLINTON, "mum AUTRITE t=73 TbursdaY, May 30, 1963,— C finton -,N-004.1kgpt4,,Page,'7 Air Forge Officers visited RAW' Station. Clinton Nay 27, QMPIC10-. CLINTON The officers were;. Lt, Col. A .group .of five Rival Paalah. PA11-I$4 POPPI1. Weng, Major J., An, dersen, Mr, F. Kierlceg44r0, Mr, Fel MeenOlci and Mr. P.,: 4, Nielsen, All serve with Air Materiel Command, RPAP- _Denmark is .one Of .several NATO countries that sends students. to .Canatia, -to,complete PortiOns of their training. Dan- ish students are presently tr, aining on Chipmunk aircraft at Centralia, Wing Commander I a n lean cp, And M. E. Trax- ler, CD, conducted the officers on a tour of Radar Com municatioris Sehgel,, After luncheon in the Of- ficers' Mess the liaison party departed for RCAF Station. Camp Borden. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETS ON TUESDAY The June meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Clinton. Public Hospital will be held in the nurses' residence on Tues- day. June 4 at 8:00 p.m, M-L AUXILIARY All members of the Made- leine Lane Auxiliary of St, An- drew's Presbyterian Church are asked to attend a pot luck sup, per at the summer cottage of Mrs. Royce Macaulay on Wed- nesday, June 5. Cars will leave the church at 6:30 p.m. Weekly Specials Macleans Tooth Paste Giant Size 67c Adorn Hair Spray 15 1/4 -oz. .... $2.95 Brylcreem Giant Size Tube 98c Listerine Antiseptic 14-oz 98c NEW--Bobbi Roller Perm Includes 30 special rollers .... $2.49 Refills $1.89 CAMERAS PRINTING and FILMS DEVELOPING N WORE Pharmacy ZBONE HU 2:9 5l1 CL T" MARTI S DEPt STORE clef/ring AUCTION SALE of 11.:00foimo Effeets the Village of Ainnen, on No. .4 IngWAY, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 at 1:Q0 Chesterfield and chair (new); rPek chairs; occasional chairs.; nest of tables; radii); magazine rack; Ottoman; elec- tric flenr lamps; electric table lamps; Pair drapes; iihrarY table; books; pictures; cush- ions; mirrors; hall tree; Studio couch; oil stove; china cabinet; diningrooin table; 6 chairS; antigne bureau, cupboard, 2 bedroom suites; bedding; lows; blankets; dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; kitchen table and 6 chairs; Washing mach- ine; Westinghouse fr ig, trunks; electric stove; electric washing machine; vacuum cleaner; electric toaster; iron- ing board, electric iron; laun- dry tubs; step ladder; wheel barrow; garden tools; 1 cord wood, Other articles too numerous to mention, Terms Cash Prop., Mrs. Clara Howson Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell 22b Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W, COLQUHOUN, Clerk AUCTION SALE. Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items, on Lot 23, Co*. 4, East Wawanosh, 2nd corner north of ,Blyth, then 3 corners west to Westfield Unit- ed Church, then south I/2 mile. SATURDAY, JUNE 1 at 1:30 p.m. The Estate of Win. S. Walden 4-burner electric stove; .2 cook stoves; organ; china cab- inet; 3-piece chesterfield; 4 beds; dressers, wash stands; tables;, round cherry table; chairs; rocking chairs; lawn chairs; Westinghouse radio.; sewing machine; magazine rack; lamps; clock; S-day clock; large cupboards; baking cabin- et; hall rack, sideboard; bed- ding; cushions; dishes; cut glass; toilet set; rain shelter; McCullough chain saw, 20" cut; and numerous other articles. Terms Cash Executors Mrs. Elva MeClinclicy Lloyd Walden Auctioneer, Ed Corbett 22b Sunday, June 2 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a.m.—Church Service ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister ENAEMENT ANNQUNCED Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Kennedy, Clinton, Wish to announce the engagernent of their daughter, Kather, Inc Ann, to Mr. Leslie Char lea Turner, son of Mr, and Mrs. Q. Turner. The marriage to take place on June AP, 1,963. 22p Clearing AUCTION SALE clearing Auction Bolo of Farm. Stock, Machinery & HOLISehold Effects at Lot 88, Con. 9, Mo-kiiloP Township, 6 miles north And 134 Miles west of Seaforth, SATURDAY JUNE 1st at 1 P.m. Cattle; Durham cow with calf; .3 HerefOrd cows with ealves; Holstein cow With calf; 2 Here- ford cows due time of sale; 2 Holstein heifers 1 yr, old; 2 cross-bred holstein-Angus heif- ers, 1 yr. old; Hereford heifer, 1 yr. old; 1 goat; 1 Border col- lie dog. Pigs: 7 purebred Landrace sows; 10 pigs 8 weeks old; 8 pigs 6 weeks old; feed trough; water trough; 3 chicken crates; cream separator; garden trac- tor; work bench; tool box on wheels; 2 heat lamps; water heater; quantity hay and grain. Household Effects: Chester- field, with spring and mattress; antique rocking chair; antique sofa and chair; small tables; antique china cabinet; antique desk; radio; 2 dressers; 1 bed; roll-away bed; table; buffet; number of flowers. Other art- icles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash.,. No reserve, farm sold. MARIUS CHRISTENSEN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. George Powell, Clerk 21-2b Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. Thursday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, June 2 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.--Evening Service Guest Speaker: Mr. John Aitken, Shelburne Tues., — Prayer and Bible Study, All Welcome BIRTHS ',KSON Tiemore, y• 5, 1963, to :Sergeant .arid • KS. g. i:lekseri, SOP, Andrew Walter),. FInu—kt -St. Joseph's NOS', PitaL -1,400011, on Monday, 20, 1963, to Mr. and mrs, William g, Finley (ElI, zabeth Roclges) London, n• son (Jonathan ROOM, ClintonFQR>iEST In hospital on Saturday, May 25, -1963, to Mr .and Mrs, Don Forrest, RR 2, Hensel', a son. Ql-gPlifT44,--In Clinton Public~ Hospital On Thursday, May 23, 1963, `to Cpl, and Mrs. J. Clinton,E, .Gledhill,, a 44141- ter, MANN — In Clinton voile Hospital on Friday, may 24, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs., Poug- las Mann, Hensall, a claugh, ter, MCKAY • In Clinton ,Public• Hospital on Friday, May 24, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. -Ken- neth. McKay, Kippen, a daughter, Sandra Anne, MOSSBL,MAN. — In Clinton Public Hospital en Tuesday, May 28, 1963, to Cpl. and Mrs. John Mosselman, RR 3, Clinton, a .daughter, • VAN BIESEN—In, Clinton Pub- lic Hospital on. Thursday, May 23, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Iobert Van Weser), son. WALKER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, May PT, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker, RR 3, Clinton, a son. H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones: Office HU 2-9644 Res. Hy 2-9787 DEATHS CARTER, — In Clinton. Public .Hospital on Friday, May 24, 1983, Verna M, Carter es), 77, Clinton, Survived by one son, Aabrey; Teronto,; one daughter, Mrs. Leonard (Marion Joyce). Evans, Kit, ehener, Funeral was held fr- om Beattie funeral home, Sunday, with burial in Clin- ton cemetery. PATTON — In Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Thursday, May 23, 1963, Thomas James , Patton, 72, resident of Hu- ronview and a retired area fanner, Survived by one br- other, George, RR 3, Clin- ikm. Funeral was held from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Saturday, with inter- ment in Baird's cemetery. OSend Free FuThColour Catalogue. Please full particularsen bow I on etxe :lot ;tip g. Maine Mires, e LADIES' Slims Sizes 10 to 20 and 38 to 44 LARGE SLECTION $2.98 -$7.98 Including Stretchies . . Also . LADIES SLEEVELESS BLOUSES Sizes 12.20 $2.98 $3.98