HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-23, Page 12CHSS Cadet Band On Parade at Inspection RCAF Crew Lose At Woodstock, Open At Home Sunday Afternoon Woodstock Pearson. Fuels spoiled RCAF Clinton's opening tilt in the Memorial Softball League, Tuesday, posting a 4-0 win over the area squad in Woodstock. Jim Watt held the Clinton crew to only two hits in the contest. One was a double by Miscovitch and the other a single by Matthews. By Lalonde started on the mound for Clinton and gave up five of the six hits picked up by the winners. Charron finished up from the seventh and allowed only one, safety. Willie Rogers paced the vic- tors with a single and a double and drove in his squad's first two runs. Woodstock took a 1-0 lead in the first and built it up to 2-0 in the third and added their final pair with a two-run spree the sixth. The Clinton lineup for the opening tilt was as follows; Miscovitch, if; Garrigan, 2b; Mathews, ss; Borden, c; Cun- ningham, 3b; Young, rf; Ward, 'of; Smith lb; Lalonde, p; Char- ron, p (7th); Robertson, rf (6th). Clinton play their first home game this Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. when they host the COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 23 — BINGO En Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street at• 8.30 p.m. 15 regular games for $5; 1 game for $25; 3 Share - the - Wealth games . Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers. No door prize. Admission 50r Tuesday, May 28 — BINGO in Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $57 in 57 numbers. 15 regular games; 3 share-the-wealth gam- es; 1 $25 special game. Six door prizes, 8.30 p.m. ltfb Saturday, May 25—Hawaiian tea and bake sale, Ritchie Bldg. RCAF Station Clinton, 2:00- 4:00 p.m. Sponsors, Women's Auxiliary. Adults, 50 cents; children, 25 cents. 20h-21x Saturday, June 1—Rummage and bake sale, Council Cham- ber, 12:30 p.m. New articles table on display. Sponsors: Unit 1, Brucefield United Church. 21-2b Friday, June 14—Bazaar and bake sale, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Hot supper 5:30-7:00 p.m. Advance tickets only 75c. Ontario St. UCW, Unit 2. 21b powerful Stratford club. On Wednesday they face RCAF Centralia on the Clinton diamond at 8:30 and on Thurs- day they mbtor to Goderich for another 8:30 p.m. fixture. Teams in the league include: RCAF Clinton, RCAF Centra- lia, Wingham, Goderich, Strat- ford and Woodstock. Coach of the Clinton team is F/L Sandy Saunders and the manager is F/0 Jim Law- lor. A complete schedule will ap- pear in next week's edition. BROWNIE'S Clinton THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 23-24 —DOUBLE •BILL— "MERRILL'S MARAUDERS" JEFF CHANDLER (Colour -- Scope) "SAMAR" GEORGE MONTGOMERY GILBERT ROLAND (Colour) CARTOON SATURDAY and MONDAY May 25-27 —DOUBLE BILL— "THE WILD WESTERNERS" . JAY PHILBROOK (Colour) "THE HELLIONS" RICHARD TODD '(Colour) CARTOON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 28-29 "TENDER IS THE NIGHT" JENNIFER JONES JASON ROBARTS Adult Entertainment (Colour -- Scope) CARTOON Next — "1-2-3" First Show at Dusk TWO COMPLETE SHOWS Children Under 12 In Cars Free HAIR DRYER (Valued at $29.95) When You Purchase An DMIRAL REFRIGEERAE R TOR GROVES & Son Electric 10 Huron Street -CLINTON Phone HU 2,9414 Authorized ADMIRAL Dealer • During Hydro's Refrigerator-Freezer Promotion 21 Cu. Ft. Deep Freeze WITH 10/Warning Light 40 Interior Light in Lid 9 5-Year Warranty on Unit 'BELOW ZERO PRICES, OFFER GOOD UNTIL JUNE 291 1963 7:.'eft±:4WW371,`",""07,77 • .. c Ewan's CLINTON ONTARIO RECO ' DS LONG PLAY AT ISCOUNT ICES 11. STEREO HI-FI Regular 1.98 Records ,, For Only 1.60 Regular 2.98 Records For Only 2.39 Regular 4.20 Records For Only 339 Regular 5.00 Records For Only 3.99 Regular 5.98 Records .„, For Only 4.79 Regular 6.98 Records,.... For Only 5.59 NOW AT Galbr aith's "Your TV Service Man" HU 23841 Clinton English Bone China Dinnerware "OLD COUNTRY ROSES" In Montrose shape by Royal Albert. Rose pattern in deep, red shading to pink and yel- low roses. 5-PIECE PLACE SETTING: Dinner Plate—Tea PI t Bread and Butter Plate $11.95 set Cup and Saucer Cup and Saucer $2.50 MORE FOR'VOUR1AVINGS IN SHARES AT Clinton Community Credit Union Limited Life Insurance and Dividends--,--Current Rate 4% Can be withdrawn any time unless minmaiimmmnsit held as Joan security. at 82 Albert Street In the ForMer Williams Bakery Store REPAIRS TO ALL KINDS OF SHOES U a a We've Got Quality We've Got Quantity Our Prices Are Fair Look over this selection of Quality Used Cars. Compare our priies with others. You'll agree you don't have to go out of town to buy. Smart brown and white two tone. $1,295 Automatic transmission. Radio. ,,,,,,, '58 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop Clean bronze finish. Whitewalls. $1,300. '57 Pontiac 4-Door Hardtop V-8 power. '60 Chevrolet 2-Door $595 Automatic prey metalic finish. Has radio, Whitewalls '59 Chevrolet '6 Sedan A careful local owner. Standard transmission. Spotless throughout .„ ..... '58 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan '59 Pontiac Sedan Wheel Discs $1,650 $1,450 'THE Timberlane ROOM' ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HURON STREET WEST CLINTON Entertainment This Weekend "Tim Eaton Quartet" from Brantford THEY'RE THE GREATEST - COME HERE THEM! DINING ROOM SPECIALS On Entertainment Evenings CHICKEN 'IN A BASKET SHRIMP EGG ROLLS Pius Our Regular Menu Appearing Next Week from Wednesday to Saturday "The Buddy Grant Quartet" OUR DINING ROOM IS SERVINO FULL COURSE MEALS EVERY DAY FROM 12 NOON -To MIDNIGHT Phone HU 2.3489 for Reservations for SundayDinners Served from 3:00 p.m. to 8I30 Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra Captain Brown presented the award for the best cadet on parade to the snappy Cadet Sgt. Major, Mike Burns, However, Captain Brown not- ed he had considerable difficul- ty in making the choice, finally giving Burns the nod for his efforts in the precision drill team. Cadet Drum Major DeWayne Elliott was judged top bands- man on parade and the best platoon was given to No. 1 and was accepted by Platoon. Com- mander, Lt. AleX, Hyde. The final award was present- ed to Cadet Lt. Dennis Shipp, who earned the distinction of being the best shot in the vari- ous shooting tests conducted throughout the year. The entire program was supervised by the cadets them- selves, under the direction of the Commanding Officer, Cadet Major Doug Macaulay, with as- sistance from second-in-com- mand, Cadet Captain Borden McRae and Cadet Sgt. Major. Mike Burns. Chief Instructor of the corps, Captain Aub Langdon com- mended the members of the corps for their efforts and also paid tribute to the work of his assistants in training t h e youths. The other instructors of the CHSS cadets include: Lt. Don Webster, band and range of- ficer; Lt. Mait Edgar, Lt. Cathy Haig, Captain G. McGee, Quar- termaster; and cadet instruc- tors, Ian Fraser, • Ken Clynick and R. Mann. Platoon officers and NCO's include: Platoon officers: Lieutenants Alex Hyde, Dennis Shipp, Steve Cooke, Cam McAlpine, Cord Moodie and Ian Blake. Platoon Sergeants: Philip White, Fred Gregory, Keith Ashton, Eric Gahwiller, Doug Fremlin and Norman Amy: Platoon Corporals: Jim Pol- lard, Jim Francis, Clare Magee, Dave Lang, Charles Whitting- ham and Fred Jewson. Platoon Lance Corporals: Bill Blacker, Larry Pearson, Gord Logan, David DePutter, David Scanlon and Charles Zonder- van. Majorettes: Nancy Stirling, Margar•et Trewartha, Margaret Addison and Gwen Jones. ,111,o9c.012,01nton ,News-Record,-,-Thurs., .May. 43.1904 ..$0ftball-Squad.opens Friday Night, Still Seeking Player Assistance 4Play Belli" Welsh, two -MSS. teachers.. This is the cry that 1011 Another CHSS teacher, Aub. once again echo from. the Cl- Langdon, is, expected to handle inton ball park when the local the coaching duties. WOAA SI:4'03411 entry OpenS the Members of the squad ex-. „season this Friday night. pected to see action in the Although they have had Only opening -tilt this Friday at 7 three workouts to .dete„ the P,M, are; Bill Craig, Bob Maim, locals, who are sponsored by Bob MacDenald, Bob WelSh, the Clinton Recreation Corn- Mait Edgar, Ron MacKay, Bill mittee, will tackle Beigrave in • Batten, Bob. Livermore, Ron Livermore,. Don Freeman, John Hartley, Andy Peterson a n Dave liallmari. However, Positions are still Wide open for spots on the club and any players interested are invited to attend a brief work- out on Thursday night. The club management is especially looking for a couple of hurlers for the team, G. Cullen, M. Paul, B. Liver- more, K. Engelstad, P. Bate- man, J. Hamilton, B. Dalryrn- (Continued from Page One) pie, G. McAdam, L. Osborne, and the visiting army officers, H. Livermore, M. Turner, M. McCullough, 3. Vestrurn, J. Ar- Three squads of youths then senault, G. Johnston, B. Turner, displayed some physical educe- J. 'Werner, N. Paquette, M. For- tibn exercises which consisted . rest, J. Johnston, J. McNall, L. a tumbling, calesthenics and Dales. a make-shift basketball game B. MacDonald, H. Corran, L. in which the goals were two Cooke, F. Carter, R. Warwick, large cans placed on the beads R. Carter, T. DeBoer, C. f of a ield.boy at either end of the Thompson, S. Middleton, J. VanLammeren, A. Haspeck, L. G The displays concluded with'emeinhardt and C. Barnes. the first aid, signals and map Boys' drill team: S. Cooke, Greg- reading exhibits. B. Lavis, B. McRae, F. ory, L. Thompson, T. Rutledge, The band, with four major- S, Maguire, J. Pollard, D. ettes leading, went through Shipp, N. Amy, G. Moody, R. their intricate paces and drew Carter, D. Pugh, B. Graham, a well-deserved round of ap- A. Hyde, J. Turner, M. Burns, plause from the spectators. S. Smith, C. Collier and E. Kingswell. Present Awards Map readers: Jim Collins, After the displays, the cad- eMrurray Grigg and Barrie Mill- ets reassembled for the re- Signals: John Powell, Adrian marks of the inspecting and Gil- reviewing officials and prizes deCoo, Doug McCann,'Ray Mari, Jim Cole, Jim Pollard, were awarded to the leading Louis VanLammeren and Den- corps members. Opening Monday, May 27 t • HENICS n WI" Shoe Repair lismismosionimossi 11.1111.11g1111111101111./W Beautiful bronze finish. Smart seat $1 p250covers. Radio. Standard transmission This one is exceptional '56 Chevrolet 6 Sedan $750 , Automatic '56 Chevrolet V-8 2-Door Automatic. Radio, Whitewalls, Rear Seat $695 Speaker, etc. ECONOMY SPECIALS '57 Volkswagen Coach $595 '59 Vauxhall Cresta 6 Sedan One owner. Fresh paint. Leatherette t7 go Interior. 411 '59 Vauxhall , Velox 6 Sedan Eye-catching new paint job. Motor good. $895 See this one. , '61 Envoy 4-cyl. Station Wagon red interior. Clean as a pork chop bone. One local owner. Finished in white with $1 ./O ,'59 Volkswagen Coach Clean eggshell blue. $950 Whitewall tires. IT TAKES VERY LITTLE DOWN TO BUY EITHER ONE. TALK TERMS IN COMPLETE • PRIVACY. USED TRUCKS We didn't sell the '61 Chev« 3/4 ton with dump body 8( hoist. WANT IT? '58 Chevrolet 1/2 ton Pickup item. A scarce $1050 '59 GMC ton Pickup Has been fully gone over, Ready foe work. $1250 We are still open evenings from, 7:10 p.m. Come in and browse around. Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. YOUR FRIENDLY OHEVROLET) OLDSMOWILE AND ENVOY DEALER HU 2-9321 CLINTON through intricate marching routines. Cadet Drum Major DeWayne Elliott led the group and was judged the best bandsman on parade. the opener. Other teams included in the league are Whitechurch, Luck- now, Blyth and Seafortb. Wing- ham will also play a few ex- hibition games during the sch- edule. Bob MacDonald has been ap- pointed manager of the local squad and will, receive assist- ance from Bob Mann and Bob The CHSS. Cadet band brought the annual in- spection to a resounding and, colorful completion, Friday, performing several numbers as well as going Cadets Put On Flag party: Cadet captain Laurie Colquhoun, Lt. Jim Mc- Cullough, Lt. Doug Scrimgeour, Sparkling Displ John Cooper. Sgt. Don Freeman arid Sgt. ay Girls drill team: L. Shaer, At Inspection nis Shipp. First aid: Borden McRae, Mike Burns, Philip 'Burns, Steve Cooke, Mike Scotchmer and Ken Smith. Band: Drum Major DeWayne Elliott, Lieutenants Tony de- Coo, Adrian deCoo, Bill Ham- ilton, Doug McCann, John Pow- ell, Neil Trewartha, Doug Wells, Louis Vanlammeren and Carol Taylor. Cadets Charles Andrews, Marvin Brubacker, Doug Currie, Peter deCoo;Jeff Dixon, Robert Farquhar, Paul Booth, Jim Collins, Paul Dixon, Bill Cox, John Cullen, Ken Hamilton. John Irwin, Bill Robinson, Jeff Shaddick, Harry Cum- mings, Dick Shaddick, Ed Mar- tin, Bonnie Snell, Gayle Turn- er, Beverley Sparks, Gertie VanLammeren, John Vander- hear, Doug McBeath, Wayne Sprung, Fred Ludwig, Fred Tyndall, Ron Plumsteel, Larry O'Connell, David Medd, Ed Grant, Case Buffinga. Leo Medd John Talbot, Nancy Olde, Sylvia Fitzsimons, Lynn Sherwood, Pat Fletcher, Monique Haspeck. Included in the inspecting party were: D. J. Cochrane, CHSS, principal; Ken McRae, and Flt. Sgt. Frank Burns, members of CHSS board; Clin- ton Mayor W. J. Miller; Har- old McPherson, Legion presi- dent. Cadet Instructor Ken Cly- nick gave a commentary throughout the proceedings at the inspection.