HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-23, Page 8Rev, and Mrs, LeS, HObbina
MVO into the BaPtist
age next to the church kW week..
Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Steckle
attended a banquet at • the
HOW London on Thursday
Miss Phyllis Adams and
Miss Minnie Robinson, London,
Were at Mrs. Walter Westlake's
over the weekend,
Miss Elaine Weston and Bob
Marshall, London, .spent the
long weekend with her parents;
and Mrs. Fred 'Weston.
Mr, and Mrs. 3, Pottilder and
three children, Toronto, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Scptchmer,
John Mackenzie, Toronto,
spent the weekend with his
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac-
Mrs, Viola Warn and Nesbitt
Woods, Toronto, spent the
weekend with their nephew,
Rev. Lorne Sparks and family.
Mrs. F. Hendrick returned to
Birmingham, Mich., on Friday
after having spent several days
at her cottage, "West Wind,"
Dr. and Mrs. William A,
Tillman and family, London,
Were at their cottage over the
Mr. and. Mrs. Eric Cleave,
Kitchener, spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr, and. Mrs.
Paul Cleave.
Stuart Sturgeon and son .
Kenneth, Hespeler, spent the
weekend with' his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed: Sturgeon.
Mr, .and Mrs. Cecil Harris
and Alex Menzies, St. Marys,
visited Mrs. George . Lindsay
and Brown Lindsay on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Law-
rason, Listowel, visited his sis-
ter, Mrs. Nelson Heard from
Friday to Sunday.
Mrs. J. Fulton, Edmonton, is
visiting her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and. Mrs. Percy
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Willock and family over the
holiday weekend were Mr. and
Mrs. W. Southwell, Bridg-
north, England, and Miss Judy
Garrett, Brampton.
Mr. and Mrs: Howard Burt
And family, London, were • at
their cottage on Sarnia Street
for the weekend.
Miss Mary lylarka and Victor
Pickard, Toronto, spent the
weekend with her mother and
brother, Mrs. Charles 'Marks
and John,
Misses Ethel 'Blair, London,
and Brenda Blair, St. Thomas,
Were with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. Bla,/' over the
weekend. ' • •1. Misses M. Hodgms and M.
Macdonald returned to Toron-
to on Tuesday after having
been guests at The Little Inn
over the webkend. • •
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Par-
ker, Charlie and Kim, London,
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fras-
Ma. and Mrs, Robert T. Par-
ker, Pam, Jackie and David,
Pogo 8,Clintan News-Itecor4—,Thurs,, May 23, 1903
Lands A Whopper
While casting in the Bayfield River, Sunday,
Gordon Neville, Bayfield, accidently hooked this
large carp by the tail and before he managed to
'haul it into his boat, the fish actually towed him.
The large carp weighed 24 lbs. (Photo by Jervis)
Township of Stanley
APPLICATIONS will be received by the Town-
ship of Stanley for the position of FULL-TIME
Applicarits must state qualifications and ex-
perience if any. Successful applicant must be able
to commence work immediately, Applications to be
clearly marked as such and in the hands of the
clerk by June y y Oa
Briftefield, Ontario.
Rambling With Lucy
(Lucy R. Woods)
The Battle of the Birds is going on merrily at "The
Hut", The current unrest in the world even seems manifest
amongst our feathered friends.
To be mourned are the vast numbers of various species
of birds caught in a terrific windstorm recently, and drown-
ed when they fell exhausted into the lakes. They have been
coming up in fishermen's nets and washing up on shore.
` Right outside her bedroom window, "Mrs." beheld a
robin with its "dander" up attacking a house wren, The
little bird got away.
Next day, both a robin and sparrow chased "Jenny"
Wren. She took refuge in the house erected for her last
year by "Mr:"
The male sparrow which has scratched the old paint
off that box trying to get in all winter, sat on the perch
outside and looked in, But as usual the hole was too small
to permit his entrance.
In a few minutes the sparrow flew off, and, after a
short interval, Jenny peeked out. All one could see were
her beak And eyes. They were both sharp, though, so she
decided it was safe to come out. •
With neither enemy in sight, she sat up on the top
of the box and trilled merrily.
When "Mr." came into the house, Lucy told him of.
the incident.
"Why are the robins after the wren? Don't they like
them nesting near theirs"--up on the bend of the gutter
under the eave? she asked.
"The wrens' pick holes in the robins' eggs," he stated,
in answer to her query.
Now isn't that just like some people? They cannot
be big and colourful like the robin.- They are jealous,
mean and spiteful. And yet to the world they appear to
be such merry individuals that no one ever suspects their
inmost thoughts and cruel underhand tricks,
There is no doubt that the robins had every right to
be angry and try to chase the marauder from their vicinity.
Out on the lawn at Bells a pretty blue robin's egg was
found with a tiny hole in it.
This spring "Mr." erected a bird box near the kitchen
window, hoping that black capped chickadees would occupy
it. However, they never noticed it.
A pair of House Wrens arrived early and were busy
filling it up with sticks, grass, etc. Apparently, they ignored
the house on the post opposite Lucy's window. But they've
been busy filling it up, too recently.
Lucy has been told upon good authority that House
Wrens will even fill up nearby boxes to prevent another
pair of their own kith and kin nesting there—regular little
"Mrs." hopes that it is another pair of wrens because
she likes to watch them, but on 'the other hand, she isn't
very happy for the robins.
One evening just after sunset, two strange birds came
to the feeding station. In the peculiar light, they were not
Great was the excitement. "Mr." and "Mrs." and a
guest scanned the coloured plates in the Field Guide to
the Birds. They even telephoned Mrs, J. E. Howard, an
authority on birds. But their description was slightly
When Lucy Brat saw them, she exclaimed, "Look! are
those chimney swifts?" The answer was "No." "They fly
a bit like them," she remarked.
Next morning they came back again and took another
look at the feeding station. But it was too low and too
open to take up housekeeping, they decided.
In the meantime, "Mr." had recognized their descrip-
tion as that of the Purple Martin.. Evidently, Martin houses
are at a premium!
Lucy had not seen Martins at such close range before.
According to all reports, they are quite garrulous, so she's
just as well pleased that there was no apartment here in
which they could set up opposition to "Mrs," .
10;0h p.m. to 1:30 a.ro.
MAY 24
Edger Handling Quicker' Application
• Substantial
Attention Bean Growers . . .
We are now mixing Thimet with triple 10
fertilizer for beans. This powerful new chemical is
the only known "sure kill' of Mexican Bean Beetle
and Leaf Hopper that can be applied with your
fertilizer. • Orders for this mixture must be pre-
ordered and signed by purchaser.
For further information on this chemical;
Elmira Birdhd Sprays and Fertilizers, contact your
local dealer:
Res. HU 2-7435 R.R. 3, Clinton
HU 2.7241 HU 2-9144
hayfield Rol., Clinton—Phone HU 2-0613
Annual Meeting
Huron County Tuberculosis
Community Hall, Cranbrook
Thursday, May 30, at 6:45 pm.
Superintendent of Freeport Sanatorium
Kitchener, Ont.
J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich
Mrs. J. a. RUSSEI I, Seaforth
Executive Secretary
Exterior White Paint
ONLY 5.95 GAL.
Exterior White Undercoating-535
Limited Quantity of C-1-L Paints
Available at the Above Sale Prices
Sutter-Perdue Ltd.
Wishes to announce that he
has recently sold his
Mr. Potter also wishes to thank his
many customers in Goderich
Township for their patronage, and
hopes they will continue
with Mr. Gelling.
For Weed
1—CEREAL GRAIN—not seeded
2—CEREAL GRAIN--seeded
3—Couch Grass Control—DALAPON
4—ATRAZINE—for weeds in Corn
5--Special Sprays for Legumes
R. N. Alexander
Blyth 26 R 33 — PHONES — Clinton HU 2-7475
Lawn-Boy's new engine has 3 full hp, plus low
speed setting for economical normal cutting
high speed setting for tough cutting»
The new Lawn-Boy is the world's
easiest starting power mower. It's
as easy at lifting a finger.
Priced as low as
Drop in for a demonstration today oon ra
$99.50 with
king Street Clinton Phone HU 2.3851
Trinity NA Hears. Of Importance.
.1)0coming Anglican .Congriss
Dorchester, visited his Parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William E, Rare
ker over the weekend.
Mrs, E, J. Bauer, Mr. and
Mrs. Eggene Bauer and ram,
ily, Kitchener, - and Mrs. M,
Kroger were at the former's
cottage Over the weekend.
Mrs. W, Helps and Miss'
Kathleen Reid, Windsor, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Diehl over Sunday night and
Janis Galbraith and Beth
Armstrong, Clinton,.spent the
weekend with the former's
grandparents, .Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Bell.
Rev. and Mrs, H. G. E. Cros-
by returned to their home at
Mooretown on Friday after
having been with her sister,
Mrs. J. E, • Howard for the
Mr, and Mrs. Reg. York and
daughters Peggy, Patsy and
Lorraine, London, were' at
their cottage on. Victoria Place
over the weekend.
Rev. Canon F. H. Paull and
Mrs. Paull returned to List-
owel on Tuesday afternoon af-
ter having been the guests of
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner from
Sunday evening.
William Gmeiner, Grasse
Pointe, Mich., was at his cot-
tage for the weekend. Also
occupying their cottage in the
Jowett area for the weekend
were Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hugh-
es, Detroit.
Chief Leslie McCue of,Georg-
ina Island visited Mr, and Mrs.
George Simons, Goshen Line,
Stanley Township over Thurs-
day night, May 16. He was
one of 40 Indians taking a
leadership , training course at
UWO, London, for •one week.
Mrs. L. Sprague was 'at her
cottage "Holly Lodge" for sev-
eral days last week. Her hus-
band and daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim and
Verne joined her for the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss,
Janice and Charlie, spent the
weekend with Mrs, Pruss' mo-
ther, Mrs, J. H. Parker. She
accompanied them to London
on their return for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac-
Leod and daughter, Cathy,
London, and Mrs. MacLeod's
nephew, Harry Macdonald,
spent Sunday with Mrs. L. H.
D. MacLeod when they cele-
brated Cathy's eleventh birth-
Misses Adele Fernette and
Alice Drouin, Detroit, came to
their respective cottages last
week. Miss Anne Drouin, De-
troit, joined her sister on Sun-
Mrs. R. G. Hunter and Mrs.
Charles Rogers returned to
Taionto on Wednesday after
a few days here. Dr. R. G.
Hunter and Miss Sally Beth
were also here for the week-
Mrs. F. B. Relyea and Mrs.
Rance Bricker ,Kitchener, were
luncheon guests of Mrs. R. H.
F. Gairdner on Friday. They
motored to the village with the
latter's father, the Rev. Canon
H. M. Lang-Ford, DD, who is
spending a few days at the
home of Mrs. Gairdner.
Miss Anne MacLeod, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
MacLeod, Kingsville, accompan-
ied by Miss Rosemarie Debuis,
visited Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod
on Thursday and Friday last
week. The girls have almost
completed their second year of
training at the Hotel Dieu
School of Nursing, Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather-
ston, Mrs. P. Weston, Mrs. R.
H, F. Gairdner, Mrs. J. B. Hig-
gins, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ste-
wart, Mrs. R. J. Larson, Mrs.
H. K. King and Mrs. W. R.
Elliott attended the spring
deanery meeting of Huron in
St. George's Church, Goderich,
on Tuesday, May 21. Miss. Judi Cluff returned to
Victoria Hospital, London, on
Tuesday evening of last week
after being home for four days,
Her guest was Guy Faller, De-
troit. Misses Jacqueline and
Vicki Cluff, London, were
home last weekend; also Bob
CIuff, who left on Monday
morning for the Forest Rang-
Pea School at Dorset, Fletcher
McLaughlin, Toronto, was
guest at the. borne of Mrs.
John Cluff over the weekend..
Mr Fro. ..eotehmer, Olin-
fon, was, at his ,cottage here AV
the weekend. With him were
his daughter and family, Mr,
and Mrs. Herbert peatty and
five Children, Cornwallis, New
BrIMSWICk, Miss Patsy Beatty,
is doing practical Wait as
dietician in Victoria 'Hospital,.
London, for the 'summer,. -Mrs,
3, Butler, who accompanied
them yisited relatives here
from .Saturday until Monday,.
Present Phi
The First Bayfield Company
GirlGuides, with their leaders,
Mrs. R. MacVean, Captain,. and
Mrs. M, Corti% Lieutenant,
tended St. Peter's ,.Lutheran
Church, Zurich, in a body on
Sunday morning for the Relig,
ion and Life -Emblem presen,
tation to Miss Cheryl Johnston,
pastor Paul Fischer handed
the badge to the Captain, Mrs,
MacVean, who had the honour
of pinning it on Cheryl, Mr.
and; Mrs, R. Fitzsimons,. Mrs.
Don Warner and Mrs, Maynard
Corrie drove the guides to Zuta
Dedicate Bowl
At Trinity Church on Sunday
morning, the Rev. E, J. B. Har-
rison dedicated the bowl of the
font which had recently been
re-silvered by Mrs. H. K. King
in memory of her husband.
The rector then conducted,
the service of holy baptism for
David Allan, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs, Robert T. Parker,
Dorchester. Baby David, is a
great nephew of Mrs. King.
Attending the service were
the baby's grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. William E. Parker
and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reid;
uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Reid, Lucknow and Mr.
and Mrs. William C. Parker,
Mrs. William E. Parker ent-
ertained at a christening dinner
following the church service.
Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Reid and
Mr, and Mrs. Don Reid spent
the day with them.
House Scorched
By Firecrackers
BAYFIELD — It seems that
no amount of warning is ever
sufficient in the matter of fire-
crackers. Sure it is heaps of
fun to throw them but the end
result may not be so amusing
as was the case on Friday
Three boys were playing
with Randy McClinchey out-
side their residence about sev-
en o'clock. They had fire-
crackers and evidently threw
them up on the roof of . the
IVIcClinchey house.
Suddenly there was a differ-
ent crackle and a flame.
* Randy ran screaming to his
father and uncle, Beverly Mc-
Clinchey and Merton Merner,
They were adjusting a power
mower at the side of the gar-
age and did not hear Randy at
A hose was attached a n d
Mrs. Mcainchey turned on the
water, The men had it under
control in a few minutes and
Merton Merner ripped off the
burned cedar shingles just to
be sure that no spark lingered
There was not a great deal
of damage done but the Mc-
Clincheys could easily have lost
their home if they had not been
on the spot. It looks as if fire-
crackers will have to be ban-
ned in Bayfield as well as in
the cities since children 'heed
neither the admonition of the
school teachers nor their el-
ders in setting them off.
Trinity,134.Y.FMLP Ch
urah Branch Woman's Auxil-
iary met at the borne of Mrs,
Carl Diehl on Thursday last..
Following the singing of
"Lead us Heavenly Father",
Mrs,. A.. J, Larson, president, led in the Litany and prayers,
Mrs. J. M, Stewart read the
scripture and 1.0 members an-
swered the roll .call
Mrs, J. H. Higgins filled her
role as secretary and .announc-
0 the Spring Deanery .rneett
ing at St. George's Church,
Goderich on May n,
In her financial statement,
Mrs, R. H. F. Gairdner report-
ed that the total Thanitoffering
sento t 'the annual' meeting was
Adi matspiElyo made and. donated by •
Mrs. J. H. Parker for sale, was
Mrs. P. Weston, Dorcas sec-
rotary, turned M from quilt
tops, •
The June meeting is, to be
held in the parish hall to which
St. James Church branch is to
be invited, and also the ladies
of St, John's Church, Varna.
Mrs, R. H. F. Gairdner, in
speaking ..(;,f the Anglican Con-
gress, stated that there would
be 1,000 delegates from 330
Diocese, all over the world, and
that the Royal York Hotel, To-
ronto, had been put at the dis-
posal of the delegates during.
the congress 'in August.
Quoting from the MoSt Rev.
Howard. 'Clark's foreword to
"The Anglican Congress and
"To be baits to Anglicans
from every corner of the world
is a tremendous privilege."
"The Anglican Congress will
not meet merely to magnify
our Anglican Church. It will
not meet in opposition to the
Ecumenical Movement. It will
meet because Anglicans, who
Summerhill Club
Plans Journey
To Hamilton
The May meeting of Sum-
merhill Ladies Club was held
at the home of Mrs. Fred Vod
den with 17 members and five
visitors present. Mrs. Ross
Lovett opened the meeting
with a poem, "Ma's Tools".
Mrs. N. Wright read t it e
minutes of the last meeting
and Mrs, J. Snell gave t h e
treasurer's report
Letters of thanks were re-
ceived from Mrs. Ellis, the El-
lis family and Mrs. C. Merrill.
Mrs. George Colclough gave
the Hospital Auxiliary report.
Mrs. C, Farquhar and Mrs. N.
Forbes were named to go to
the next meeting.
The bus trip will be to Ham-
ilton on June 13. Members are
asked to bring money for same
to next meeting. The June
meeting will be at Mrs. Harry
Watkins' on June 5 at 8.30 pm.
(Please note change of time
and date).
Those on program will be:
Mrs. N. Wright, Mrs. G, Wright,
Mrs. C. Ball, Those on lunch
will be Mrs. Don McLean, Mrs.
A. Neal, Mrs. W. Penfound and
Mrs. 'J. Snell, •
The program consisted of a
piano solo by Barbara Ball and
contests conducted by Mrs.
Westerhout and Mrs. G. Wright.
rejoice to. be part of the great
fellowsllip of the World .Conn,
Pil of Churches, are concerned
for this. world .and for its need.
of Christ, and want to make.
sure that our Anglican response
to this need is sure And strong,
'The Church's Mission to the
Werld,' That will be our
Mrs. Carl Diehl led in the.
prayer partner's prayer and
the Rev, E, J. 13. Harrison said
the closing prayers, .
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, host-
ess, was assisted in serving tea
by Mrs. William R. 'Elliott,