HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-23, Page 2On •TlinrsdaY, May 3-51. an- proximately 115 mothers and daughters enjoyed the Girl Huron Lodge Plans Meeting To Mark Birthday Huron Lodge No, 377 of the • Ladies Orange Benevolent As- sociatian held their regular meeting on Tuesday,. May 14. After opening lodge, final plans were made for the 41st birthday which is to be held on Tuesday, May 28 in the form of a banquet at the Pres- byterian Church followed by a scarlet meeting at which time Mrs. Jan Koene will be initi- ated into the scarlet by the Woodham. Lodge. Guest speaker for the even- ing will be the Most Worship- ful Bertha'Addy, Hamilton. Any member wishing to go to the banquet contact Mrs. Ninian Heard or Mrs, Wilfred •Colclough for tickets, 9 Happy Doubles Enjoy Outing At Bowling Lanes The Ontario Street Happy Doubles Club went bowling at the Clinton Automatic Bowling Lanes on Wednesday, May 15. The committee in charge of the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Brock Olde, Mr. and Mrs. Al Jewson and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gray. Mr. Al Jewson was in charge of the bowling and four teams were chosen with Ross Merrill's team winning with a score of 2449; Bert Garrett's team, 2190; Jack Merrill's, 2064, and Bert Gray's, 2032. The club 'returned to, the church for the devotional per- iod in charge of Mrs. Bert Grey. The hymn, "Blest be the Tie That Binds", was sung. The scripture was read by Mr. Bert Gray and Mrs. Gray gave a reading entitled "Take the Flowers Now" followed by prayer. The president, Ross Trewar- tha, conducted the business. The minutes and treasurer's re- ports were given and two bills preSented by the treasurer were moved to be paid. Roy Wheeler expressed thanks to the group for flowers receiv- ed while in hospital. Ladies Celebrate Anniversary At Ontario St. Ontario Street United Church Women met on Wednesday, May 8 for their first anniver- sary dinner. One . hundred wo- men were served a turkey din- ner by the men of the official board. Following the dinner a lively sing-song led by Mrs. Willis VanEgmond and accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Jack VanEgmond was enjoyed. The president, Mrs. M Bat- kin, expressed the ladies' ap- preciation to the men who had catered. The group proceeded to the chapel for ,their general meet- ing, which the president open- ed with prayer, Members 'of unit 4, Mrs. John Lavis, Mrs. Elgin Dale and Mrs. Ross Tre- wartha conducted the worship service. After the roll call of units, the minutes were read by Miss Olive Johnson. Mrs. G. Potter gave the treasurer's report, fol- lowed by the report of the cor- responding secretary, Mrs. W, Parker. An invitation to Burns Ch- urch UCW on Friday, May 31 at 2.30 was accepted,, with Mrs. B, Olde in charge of transportation. During the business session it was decided to have the next general meeting in. September: Mrs. A. J. McMurray an- nounced that unit 2 would be having a supper, bake sale and sewing table on Friday, June 14. Mrs. Milton Wiltse reported on the home and hospital calls. Seventy-five calls on the sick and shut-ins were made by members of the units. Mrs. Roy Wheeler reported sending a bale to the Fred Victor Mission and the supply allocation to Mrs: Riehle, Brus- gels, the district social and welfare convener. The Meeting concluded' with two, readings appropriate for Mother's Day, by Mrs, Art Col- Precision Squad Peforms Routine One of 'the highlights of the CHSS .cadet in- spection was the display put on by members of the precision drill team. Shown going through one of the intricate routines are: S. Cooke, B., Lavis, B. McRae, F. Gregory, L. Thompson, T. Rutledge, S. Maguire, J. Pollard, D. Shipp, N. Amy, G. Moody, R. Carter, D. Pugh, B. Graham, A. Hyde, J. Turner, M. Burns, S.- Smith, C. Collier, E. Kingswell. A group of girls, under the direction of Miss Cathy Haig, also put on a sparkling demonstration of precision marching. (News-Record Photo) Huron WMS Executive Plans Rally, Hears Reports On Committee Work Despite the fact they had little time or proper facilities for practice. CHSS athletes showed well at the Huron- Perthex (rack meet held in Mitchell on Thursday, May 9. The local contingent finish- ed in fifth place in the nine- school event, but their 78 point total was only seven behind Stratford's second place show- ing. St. Marys copped the event with an overwhelming. total of 164 points. Harry Bakker, who copped the boys senior crown in the local meet a week earlier, came up with one of the better in- dividual showings for the local group, finishing with 14 points, only two less than the champ- ion of the day. The local youth copped the 880-yard run with a time of 2:13.1 and then came back with a second place showing in each of the broad jump, 440-yard dash and hop-step-jump. Maurice Marshall picked up a pair of seconds in the senior class as well in the pole vault and the discus. Ernie Brubacher copped a first in the discus with a heave of 115' and also had a third in the shot put competition. Sets Record In the intermediate boys class, Bryan Lavis scampered over the 440-yard distance in the fast time of 56.6 seconds, finishing first and also estab- lishing a meet record. Borden McRae placed second in the shot put, while Clare Trinity Guild Seeks Material For Bazaar BAYFIELD—Trinity Church Guild met at the home of Mrs. William E. Parker on Tuesday evening, May 14 with 11 mem- bers present. Mrs. Percy Weston, presi- dent, led in the opening ex- ercises. Mrs, Parker acted as secre- tary for Mrs. A. M. Bassett and read a thank-you note from Mrs. Brian Grime. Mrs. L. B. Smith gave the financial statement and a re- port of the Father' and Son banquet. Appeals were made for do- nations of aprons, material for aprons and "touch and take" parcels for sale at the dinner in July. Mrs, Parker said the closing prayers after which she Wes assisted by Mrs. J. Hammond in serving refreshments. FOR. SUPERB FOOD IT'S 74 Rio" RESTAURANT CLINTON'S FOREMOST 482.9076 CLINTON A. M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST. TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. JA 4-7562 THE McKILLOP' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: . Town Dwellings . All Classes of Farm Property . Summer Cottages . Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V, J. Lane, RR 5, Sea./ Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, forth; Wm, Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Seaforth. Classified Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Bring Quick Results $,r6 NAV OS A RUM MU MALY MAKE YOU A WAIF Y01/ CAW MOW 116M: 4211 mv-frairri PAYING BILLS Royal Bank services can help you manage your chequing, borrowing and other personal finances in a btrtitraslike 'way at lowest root. our Two-AccoONT PLAN keeps you from "eating into" your savings; simplifies bill-paying with special Personal Chequmg Account, (Only 100 cheque.) And a Royal "rEamPLAN WAN can ("1 often save you big money in interest, Be money., E3ra nch—O. Enge stadi manager Wise-- bank at your nearby Royal Bank Brandi. Goderich Branch H. G, Spring,. Manager ROYAL BAN K Magee was second in the hop- step-jump and Ken Osborne finished third in the same event. The junior boys didn't fare quite as well, Elwin Kingswell being the only ribbon winner with a third in the pole vault. The senior girls had the same luck, with Cleo Langdon pick- ing up a third place finish in the softball distance throw. However, the CHSS relay squad finished first in the 440- yard event. Jean Christian was the lone The executive of the Huron Presbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Society of • the Pres- byterian Church met in St. Andrew's Church, Clinton, with representatives present from Goderich, Bayfield, Clinton, Seaforth, McKillop, Belgrave, Blyth, Hensel' and Auburn. The president, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Auburn, opened the session of this spring meeting with the call to worship and a hymn with Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew at the piano. The de- votional period was taken by Mrs. R. U. MacLean who read the scripture and gave medita- tion. The minutes were approved as, read by the secretary; Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. A letter of resignation was. read from Mrs. Sherman Blake, Goderich, who has been literature and library secretary of the Presbyterial. This was accepted with regret and was placed in the hands of the nominating committee to fill. It was announced that Miss Marian Moore would attend the Belleville Training School this summer as delegate of the Hu- prize winner in the intermed- iate girls section, placing sec- ond in both the 220 and 100- yard dashes. The best record for the girls was set by Bonnie Boyes, the local junior champion, who finished the meet with 13 points, only three behind the champion. •The. local sprinter copped both the broad jump and high jump and placed second in the 220-yard clash. She also helped the local team place second in the relay. don's Catholic Central. The only other CHSS ath- letes to finish among the top competitors were Harry Bak- ker, who, placed third in the senior 880-yard dash and Bev- erley Beck who copped a four- th in the senior girls' running broad jump. The senior girls 440-yearcl relay team placed first in their event, easily out-distanc- ing their competitors in a sp- eedy time 'of 55.8 seconds. Members of the .outfit were Cleo Langdon, Karen Schefter, Lloy Ann Rutherford and Jean Christian. . . . . Breaks Record BONNIE BOYES ron. Presbyterial. The treasur- er, Mrs. Arnold McConnell pre- sented the financial statement showing a marked increase in all departments of the WMS, CGIT, Explorers and COC Popular 'Aunt' Marks 89 Years At Porter's Hill PORTER'S HILL — One of the oldest residents of this district, Catherine Harriet Wil- liams, quietly observed her 89th birthday Friday, May 17. She is known as "Aunt Kate" by relatives and neighbors alike. Miss Williams lived on the family homestead, Maitland Concession until 1936. Since then she has made her home with. her sister, Mrs. John A. Torrance. She has three brothers liv- ing, William D. of Clinton; Ed- ward G. of Goderich and How- ard of St. Catharines. Her grandparents all pur- chased land near Holmesville in 1'832, but her parents were edu- cated in Goderich: Charles White Williams at the gram- mar school of the 1850's, and Mary Eleanor Proctor at the private school of the Misses Lizars. Miss Williams was tutored at home until she was ten by a grandfather who thought Latin derivations m or e important than simple arithmetic prob- lems. After his death his grandchildren attended Holmes- vine school. Schooldays for "Kate" were of short duration; there were eight younger bro- thers and sisters at home. Miss Williams recalls many incidents and characters of her youth. -Her favorite mare was sold as an officer's mount in the Boer War. A great-uncle made crocks from the special clay on a neighboring farm; each year he took a load of his wares to Bolton to sell to Tim- othy Eaton. Captain Marlton hunted for gold on the river bank. French neighbors cured their own to- bacco and made their own straw hats. A poor Irish neigh- bor washed the Williams' blan- kets by tramping them bare- foot in .a big tub. When snow blocked the roads the frozen Maitland provided a good sub- stitute. Until a serious illness four years ago Miss Williams enjoy- ed excellent health. Now she is less active, but still quilts for the local church. The com- munity extends best wishes and congratulations. 0 groups. Plans were made for the fall rally to be held in Au- burn on September 10 which is also the 75th anniversary of the Auburn society. Reports were given by the various secretaries: Mrs. Wal- ter Shortreed for the After- noon and Evening Auxiliaries; Mrs. Ross MacDonald far the CGIT and Young Women's groups. Mrs. MacDonald spoke of the camp for CGIT girls to he held August 24-September 2 at Camp Goforth and urged all to send delegates. Mrs. Wellington Good re- ported for the Explorers and COC groups and invited every- one to the rally to' be held at Blyth on May 25. The report of the Home Help- ers was given by Mrs. Ed. Davies; welcome and welfare, Mrs. E. Wightman; Glad Tid- ings, Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, who also spoke of the short term subscriptions that are available for three months. Supply secretary, Mrs. B. Edwards, reported on her de- partment; life membership sec- retary, Miss Jessie Fraser spoke of work so far this year. Mrs. Albert Taylor, historian, reported that Huron Presby- terial had 89 names placed In Remembrance and .122 names had been placed on the anni- versary pages and had been presented at the Synodical meeting held in Wingham in April. A detailed report of the Hamilton and London Synodi- cal meeting was given by Mrs. Cal Straughan who had been the delegate of the Presbyter- ial. Mrs. Ross MacDonald spoke on the weekend camp for ladies at Kintail and also gave a short summary of the skit on hospi- tal work in Canada for the past 100 years. This 15-minute skit will have a dress rehearsal at the Jan- uary meeting and will be pre- sented to the 1964 Synodical meeting in connection with the celebration of 100 years WMS work in Canada. HAWAIIAN TEA AND BAKE SALE Saturday, May 25 2:00-4:00 p.m. Ritchie Building RCAF Station Clinton Sponsors: WOMEN'S AUXILIARY . Adults 50c Children 25c Bars ,and. 'Hand' Presented At. Bayfield 'Fete' BAYPIEL,P, — zn St. And- rew's United. Church basement on Tuesday, May 14, the First Bayfield Brownie Pack held ,A special 9ex'eprphy for six Br- Ownies receiving their Golden Hand and. one receiving her Golden Bar. The Golden Hand Brownies were: Sharon. Heard, Delores Telford ,. Monica Oeineinhardt, Lynn Branodn, Vicki Gallant, Martha Corrie. Patricia payne, was the one Brownie to receive her Golden Bar. , ,Skaters badges also were presented to Brenda IVIakins, Lynn Brandon, Monica Ge.meiti, NNImaleMINI.111.1midn_ 'FARM EQUIPMENT FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and ACCESSORIES JOHN BACH IH DEALER — PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 20tfb INSURANCE GARY COOPER Life Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. HU 2-7200 Clinton H. E. 'HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost the way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. D. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham, C. H. Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director °or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751. hardt, Delores, Telfor0, And Martha Corrie, This was t h.e. first Oolden Hand ceremony the Bay field group had ever held, It Was. the custom in the past to have these presented at . the TIV-VP ceremony in June, The program Tor the evening Was prepaped by the Brownies themselves and was enjoyed by everyone including the leaders, Mrs, Ken Brandon, Brown Owl; and Mrs John Lindsay, Tawny Owl. At the close, Mrs, M, Merrier, Mrs, A, M.alrins and Mrs;' W, Castle, members of the Local Aseociattion to Guides and Brownies, very kindly served lunch, The tea table was .centred with tulips and narcissi flanked, with brown and' yellow tapers,. A delectable, specially decOrat, ed cake, made by Brown Owl, delighted ;the girls, mothers and leaders. INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Br ow n Smyth, Dungannon; Vice-Pres., Herson Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul ..7aesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feaga.n, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R, 3, Goderich; Allan MacIntyre, R. 5, Lucknow; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an' agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thompson, Dungannon. 27-tfb OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE Mondays Only HU 2-7010 Seaforth — 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone JA .4-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4-9521 478' p,99 .2„clint99 News-4;90,1'111411,f May 23, 1.90 Guides And Mothers .•See .Pictures .Of International Girl Guide Camp Bonnie Boyes, competing against the top athletes in the WOSSA track and field meet in London, Saturday, placed second in the junior girls divi- sion and ended. up being the only female competitor to break a record. • The agile CHSS student cleared the bar at 4'81/2 " in the high jump to add a quar- ter of an inch to the previous mark. Her jump was higher than senior and intermediate divi- sions of the meet, which was concluded in a heavy rain. The local track star also placed first in the broad jump with ' a leap of 15'91/2 " and completed the afternoon with a fifth place showing in the standing broad jump. Bonnie finished with 22 points in the meet, only two less than the junior girls' cham- pion, Betty Rusbridge, of Lon- 0 Huron County Farming Report . Because of cold wet weather, there is concern over the grow- th of corn . already planted and there is also concern over the corn to be planted as to length of . growing season. Hay and pastutes are making slow growth &lie to cool 1,vea- tiler. A lot of animals are kon pasture and they are clipping pastutes rather closely. Spring grains are making good growth. Guide, and Brownie banquet, The evening began with Mrs,, J. Nicholson, Madam .Chairman, welcoming all, and calling upon Rev- P, .Dymond for grace, A toast to the Queen was pro- posed by Barbara Rudd, To appease everyone's appe- tite, a delicious turkey dinner was served. by the Ladies Aux- iliary 'to the Legion, Ruth Murphy toasted the Guide mothers and Mrs. Murphy replied to the toast, The Guide Promise was .,••ehew, ed. Judy Finnie toasted the Brownie mothers and Mrs, Douglas Bartliff replied to the toast. The Brownie Promise was renewed. A short singsong was led by Brown Owl Stevens, Lieu- tenant Cain gaVe thanks to the, Legion Auxiliary for the lovely meal, Greetings were brotight - by Clinton Mayor Miller and the president of the Legion, Mr. H. McPherson. The Division Commissioner, Miss Mary McMillen, Goderich, was introduced by ,Brown Owl Wonch, who addressed the mo- thers, daughters and visitors. She outlined guiding and the purpose of a good supporting ladies auxiliary. Captain Irwin called upon Miss Catherine Anderson, God- erich, who showed slides which pointed out to the Guides and Brownies what they canach- ieve in guiding. Miss Anderson was chosen one of 24 to attend "International Girl Guide Camp" held in Britain in' 1960. She was a Gold Cord Guide. The slides depicted the inter- esting parts of her camping ex- perience in. Great Britain. She met Lady Baden Powell at a tea. The evening closed with Girl Guide and Brownie taps and the Queen. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep—HU 2-6642 21.tth CHSS Athletes Do Well at Mitchell, Bakker and Boyes Second to Top . Bonnie Boyes Sets Jump Record At WOSSA Track Meet, Saturday CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBER Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton Effective May 22 Number Changed to HU 2-3471 11 Business and Professional Directory